FB: Liberty League

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Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on May 10, 2007, 04:49:36 PM
REG: Is everything always peachy with you and Mrs. Reg?

TDT, Are you serious?  Ever seen felony fights on youtube?  Take away the felony part and that is our once or twice a week ritual minus the knees to the face.

Recently MR has been lashing out regarding not putting my clothes away, not putting dishes in the dishwasher and leaving lights on......"Dude, they aren't going anywhere.....RELAX!!!"

MR is about the only chick Reg has ever dated that doesn't take Regs crap.  I know LD11 will tell you all about Regs former femal companions.

EDIT- TDT, I don't think the LLPP has EVER heard a story from TDT......What's up with that?


Quote from: regulator on May 10, 2007, 04:59:24 PM
Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on May 10, 2007, 04:49:36 PM
REG: Is everything always peachy with you and Mrs. Reg?

TDT, Are you serious?  Ever seen felony fights on youtube?  Take away the felony part and that is our once or twice a week ritual minus the knees to the face.

Recently MR has been lashing out regarding not putting my clothes away, not putting dishes in the dishwasher and leaving lights on......"Dude, they aren't going anywhere.....RELAX!!!"

MR is about the only chick Reg has ever dated that doesn't take Regs crap.  I know LD11 will tell you all about Regs former femal companions.

Of course they weren't actually girls.  THey were finely trained robots.  'Yes Regulator'.  No Regulator'.  'Anywhere you want Regulator'.

RT...SHould you replace 'dating' with...????



YESSS!!!  Who the he!! smited me?  Between here and the Empire 8 today, I'm on fire and people are smiting me?  Did you guys see the picture I made?


I thought it was funny anyway...

All I want...BANG BANG BANG!!!

Touchdown Tommy

REG: TDT could use the LD11 Mackin' Hoes Tutorial.  Kilted Rat will attest to the fact that TDT has less game with the ladies than most retarded monkeys. 
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on May 10, 2007, 05:21:27 PM
REG: TDT could use the LD11 Mackin' Hoes Tutorial.  Kilted Rat will attest to the fact that TDT has less game with the ladies than most retarded monkeys. 

You gotta get your swagger back man.  You gotta start somewhere.  Either go ugly early, or go fat late.  Do that a couple times, and you'll be walking around like you're a pimp.  And dude, they will notice...

Jonny Utah

JU is back from Vegas and is sweating out dangerous toxins as we speak.  In fact, my body is filled like one of those trucks that goes around and empties out porto-potties.  Its that bad.

Anyway, there were these two Mexicans on the strip passing out the cards, wearing the red and yellow t-shirts that LLPP wants so bad.  So I asked one of them if I could buy the shirt.  The first guy goes "sorry I can't sell this".  Then the second one interrupts him bad and yells out "wait wait!  Ill sell mine for $40!"  So I tell them I would give them $10 for the "GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS" one.  The two dudes looked at each other and decided that they could simply not part with the shirts for $10 and JU was sent on his way....

More to come later......


Quote from: Senor RedTackle on May 10, 2007, 04:03:45 PM
Quote from: regulator on May 09, 2007, 09:34:39 PM
Quote from: Senor RedTackle on May 09, 2007, 09:21:41 PM
Yes...Redtackle is still alive......

Details Please

RT may need to seek the counsel of LLPP, INC. RT has become 'unengaged' from his fiance...or ex-fiance...or whatever she's called. However, she still cohabitates with RT and RT and FF (former fiance) are still dating. RT is not sure of the long term effect of this on RT's mental health...

Senor RT -

If TGP may.......

Regardless of your religious affliation or spirituality, TGP would recommend you two spend a weekend at an "Engagement Encounter" if you have not done so already.  TGP and Mrs. TGP did so as part of our pre-cana "preparation" and TGP will vouch that it is a good thing.  Eventhough it has a "catholic spin" to it, there were also jewish, agnostic, muslim, others, etc who were in attendance b/c they valued the opportunity to hunker down and go thru the rigor and insight this exercise provides.

If you've not heard of this kind of thing, basically the focus of the weekend is on hashing through all the stuff like:  planning for kids, managing household finances, who's career takes priority and why, etc etc.

The weekend was intense and exhausting, but TGP honestly feels the reason our marriage got off to such a great start and is still going strong after almost 6 years and 2 kids was b/c we were forced to talk about all the BS and baggage that comes with getting hitched up front, get on the same page and put it behind us before we were married.

That's not to say that stuff doesn't boil over from time to time, but TGP will say that he still uses info and lessons learned from that weekend even today.

Not sure if this helps or not, but it's TGP's .02

Good luck to you either way.  The situation you've described is not fun to say the least.


Quote from: LewDogg11 on May 10, 2007, 05:23:43 PM
Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on May 10, 2007, 05:21:27 PM
REG: TDT could use the LD11 Mackin' Hoes Tutorial.  Kilted Rat will attest to the fact that TDT has less game with the ladies than most retarded monkeys. 

You gotta get your swagger back man.  You gotta start somewhere.  Either go ugly early, or go fat late.  Do that a couple times, and you'll be walking around like you're a pimp.  And dude, they will notice...

BOL!!! well said LD....as mark "the rat" ratner  in fast times at ridgemont high said..."you dont care if she comes, lay's, stays, or prays as long as your toes are still tappin...thats the attitude".....seriously RT it sounds like your in a bad place and really does hope things work out however you wish them to and pbr wishes you the best of luck....
now pbr has to go back to washing the dishes and folding the laundry before the old lady kicks my arse....15+ years of marriage and when she gets ticked pbr just yells at the kids "incoming!!" and look out....


Quote from: LewDogg11 on May 10, 2007, 05:17:08 PM
YESSS!!!  Who the he!! smited me?  Between here and the Empire 8 today, I'm on fire and people are smiting me?  Did you guys see the picture I made?


I thought it was funny anyway...

All I want...BANG BANG BANG!!!

BOL +K for pics, funny very funny.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Quote from: Senor RedTackle on May 10, 2007, 04:03:45 PM
Quote from: regulator on May 09, 2007, 09:34:39 PM
Quote from: Senor RedTackle on May 09, 2007, 09:21:41 PM
Yes...Redtackle is still alive......

Details Please

RT may need to seek the counsel of LLPP, INC. RT has become 'unengaged' from his fiance...or ex-fiance...or whatever she's called. However, she still cohabitates with RT and RT and FF (former fiance) are still dating. RT is not sure of the long term effect of this on RT's mental health...

As someone who has been married almost 9 (KS is turning into Al Bundy) years KS recommends running far, running fast and don't stop running. 

KS would suggest playing the field until you are 36 and then going back to college for your masters, doctorate or to teach and then have a serious relationship with someone half your age, when it's legal.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on May 10, 2007, 05:21:27 PM
REG: TDT could use the LD11 Mackin' Hoes Tutorial.  Kilted Rat will attest to the fact that TDT has less game with the ladies than most retarded monkeys. 

TDT- Reg is officially done taking any more ish from you.  Online you seem funny, witty, and quite frankly someone that Reg would hang out with.

If you have zero game, Reg is sorry, your word is moot.....I only got love for the haters.


Quote from: Knightstalker on May 10, 2007, 09:33:07 PM
KS would suggest playing the field until you are 36 and then going back to college for your masters, doctorate or to teach and then have a serious relationship with someone half your age, when it's legal.

The Rev tried this by going out with the big teated girl from San Diego last weekend, but she told the Rev that he reminded her too much of her dad.  It's not a problem.  The Rev was just about brain dead after spending a few hours with her.

Sometimes half-your-age doesn't work out so sweetly.  Back to the 20 year old Mexican stand-by for The Rev.


Dr. Phil McGro Speaks....

Gro knows that RT is a stand up guy, so he wonders about the merits of ex-fiance-but-currently-dating-girl.  Gro remembers a girl he worked with a few years ago who had pulled the unengagement act twice (2 different guys) before finally getting married to guy #3.. and getting divorced a few years later.  Ex-F might be THAT girl.

Applying the AGASAP (All girls are sneaky and psycho) theorum one would say just cut bait and run... once she's out of RT's palace you're one hot summer day at the track from some new trim.  But, if the Ex-F has some redeeming qualities that are worth working things out, give it a shot but don't go overboard.

Jonny Utah