FB: Liberty League

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Quote from: Knightstalker on September 18, 2007, 10:44:58 PM
KS thinks that kid that has been taking playing time from Drew is going to be a good one, can't think of his name.



"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Ya, he's going to be good.

They better ditch Drew and pay their young guys the money --- Pedroia, Papelbon, Lester, and those guys aren't making anything at all (relatively speaking).


Good evening gents - talk tomorrow.

Touchdown Tommy

Yea REG,  they are rediculasly comfortable, stylish, handmade, and great customer service outside of Milwaukee.  Allen-Edmonds are one of those products that rarely if ever go on sale.  Similiar to Bose, Apple, BMWs, etc.  This is usually the sign of a top-notch product.  Only time I've ever seen them marked down was at Nordstrom's once.  

The LLPP knows and obviously follows the old adage "You get what you pay for"
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: Tags on September 18, 2007, 10:53:05 PM
Ya, he's going to be good.

They better ditch Drew and pay their young guys the money --- Pedroia, Papelbon, Lester, and those guys aren't making anything at all (relatively speaking).

Sox have to do what the Yanks have done, start building around the core vets that are leaders and give the kids their shot.  In a couple of years the payroll should start going down for both teams and they will be better teams.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Quote from: Jonny Utah on September 18, 2007, 09:38:28 PM
Rev are you kidding?  This kid resisted an arrest after several attempts to escort him from the building.  If they didnt tazer him and they broke his wrist instead while trying to handcuff him, guess who is getting sued for the broken wrist?  The kid is fine now.

You cant just start yelling and screaming wherever you want.  Its called disorderly conduct.  
He was well-behaved until the police grabbed him.  He basically pinned a tough one on John Kerry, the police moved in, and the police created the scene.  What was he being arrested for, asking John Kerry a question he didn't want asked?  I thought this was America?  We're supposed to be allowed to say whatever we want, even if--especially if!--it makes politicians squirm.  This was a "Town Hall" meeting, meaning that is was an open forum.  He had the right to pin a tough one on John Kerry.

And seriously, what threat did this kid pose, and what crime did he commit until he resisted being arrested for an unspecified crime?

Obviously, the Rev has no connection to the kid or his politics.  The Rev just thinks it is an egregious offense against justice.  Maybe it was legal, but it sure as hell wasn't moral.  The Rev is sure that someone like Ann Coulter on FOX News will say that we have to suppress dissenters because of 9/11.  
QuoteSeconded - Tags thinks Americans need a little lesson reminding them to have a little class & respect.  This dink deserved a good taser or two!

Maybe police need to learn how to show a little class and respect the citizens that pay their salary.  That goes for politicians, too.  Perhaps Kerry could have shown some class and told the police to back of and then answer the question.  That's class and respect, not ganging up six or seven cops on one stupid college kid.

Police think they are gods with badge and a gun, but take away their badge and gun and they are p*ssies.  Politicians think they are hot sh!t because they have the ability to destroy lives using the law as thier weapon.  Again, legal, but immoral.

The Rev wears a uniform regularly, and anyone who thinks a uniform gives him special privileges is a massive d-bag.  The Rev doesn't need his uniform to do what he does, or to be what he is.  The Rev could have used his TSA uniform to abuse and walk roughshod over people daily.  The Rev never did.  Even the pieces of crap who gave The Rev a hard time, swore at him, threatened him, The Rev let it go, even though the Phoenix PD was right there to back him up if necessary.  The uniform, by law, gave The Rev some special rights, but morally...nothing.  I was nothing but a swinging dick in polyester and a badge.  Nothing special.  The Rev could use his Coast Guard uniform and the silver bars on his collar to boss people around.  But he doesn't.  Bossing people around is not leadership.  Using a uniform to get special treatment or to justify aggression against another American is not American.  The Rev was there to help people get on a plane safely.  The Rev does his weekend duties to help people boat more safely.  In neither role can aggression help anyone.  

Since The Rev is on a full-tilt rant...

When The Rev was in the Soviet Union as a high school student (1988) we had a joke:

An American and Russian were arguing about which country was better.  The American said, "America is better than Russia because we are free to go up to the White House and scream, 'The president of the United States is an a**hole!' " and nothing will happen to me.
To which the Russian replied, "That's no big deal.  The Soviet Union is better than America because I am free to go up to the Kremlin and scream, 'The president of the United States in an a**hole!' " and nothing will happen to me.

The Rev guarantees if you walked up to the White House gates and started screaming that the president (regardless if he is GWB, or who ever comes next) is an a**hole you will get your guts stomped out by a god with a badge and a gun.

That's not freedom.  The Rev doesn't care how you try to parse it out, that just isn't freedom.

What ever happened to defending freedom of speech even for someone we disagree with?


tags two words for ya

Aaron Boone
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.


every time I try to get away... the LLPP pulls me back in!

You may be able to scream at Putin's gate, but you won't ever find a job there the rest of your life if he finds out who you are.

Tags thinks people who feel the way The Rev feels should not hesitate to move to Russia, or the aforementioned North Korea.

Tags' brother is a Commander in the US Navy - there are some bars on that collar that would disagree with much of that.

Ok, that was my late night rant.


Quote from: Jonny Utah on September 18, 2007, 09:26:13 PMWell let me throw this out there to LLPP......

So JU and his GF (JUGF) have been living together for a while now.  Now we get along pretty well and everything BUT....JU pays 100% of the mortgage/bills/utilities/everything.  Now I make 2-3X as much as her (3rd year teacher) so I dont really mind that too much.  But my question is this....

Do I have the right to do a little less housework (cooking/cleaning/laundry) because I contribute more (all) of the money?  And its not just the money really.  I work sometimes 10-40 extra hours a week (50-80 total hours including nights and weekends) to almost double my salary just to even be able to do that extra stuff.

Every time she yells at me to pick up a dish or plate that I leave out, I feel like saying "ok toots......We will start splitting the bills, and Im going to be able to afford a butler that will take care of that stuff ok?" (that would not go well by the way)

But seriously...how do I win here?


You know that you are going to 'lose' no matter what, so what you do depends on how you roll.

1.  JUGF should be paying 1/2 of all household expenses.  Her income in relation to yours doesn't matter.  In this post-Feminist JUGF has NO excuse for not fronting 50% of mortgage, food and utilities/services.  

JU should be paying 100% of his own credit cards and JUGF 100% of her own credit cards.  Same goes for student loans, car loans, etc.  JU could be a good guy and pay for all of the beer.  JUGF pays for wine coolers.

2. You paying for everything amounts to thinly vield prostitution.

3.  You, being the paying customer, don't need to do squat.  Sit on your azzizza, drink beer, belch, leave dirty plates all over the place, scratch your balls and receive sex at your request.  That's what you're paying her for.

If not, then she needs to pitch in.

JU, put your pimp hand down.  50%, put up or shut up.

This is a good test.  Does JUGF love JU for JU? or does she love living with JU because it's free?


Quote from: Tags on September 18, 2007, 11:23:48 PM
every time I try to get away... the LLPP pulls me back in!
There is no escape from the LLPP.  Sometimes The Rev wakes up to pee at 3 am and is compelled to check LLPP.

QuoteYou may be able to scream at Putin's gate, but you won't ever find a job there the rest of your life if he finds out who you are.

And the kid who was arrested in the video will have a criminal record that could prevent him from certain jobs just because he stuck it to that phony, communist son of a b*tch, John Kerry.

QuoteTags thinks people who feel the way The Rev feels should not hesitate to move to Russia, or the aforementioned North Korea.

The Rev wasn't interrogated by DPRK agents for being their buddy.  The Rev was in deep doo-doo and sometimes still has nightmares.  The Rev is not in a gulag because the agent qustioning him was dazzled by The Rev's wit and charm.  The statement that set The Rev free: "This book is of no harm to your nation."

Tags and his brother are free to disagree with The Rev.  The Rev hopes that he is free to disagree with Tag's & bro without having a group of police beat the crap out of The Rev for disagreeing.

Feel the way I feel?  That Americans should be able to put tough questions to politicians without being beaten up by police? The Rev doesn't think he is the one who needs to move to Russia or North Korea.

QuoteTags' brother is a Commander in the US Navy - there are some bars on that collar that would disagree with much of that.

Tag's bro's collar has silver oak leaves, not silver bars.  ;)  Give The Rev one more year and he should have a gold oak leaf (one step down from silver).  That is, if by then, The Rev hasn't been arrested and sent to Gitmo for tonight's posts.


The Rev has impeccable anti-communist credentials.  This is why The Rev refuses to say that the police, politicians and government are always right.  Sad thing is, The Rev actually was freer in 1988 Soviet Russia than he is in the USA now.  Maybe it's because no one wanted to bother a kid--much less an American kid who, all things considered, was harmless (except for the time The Rev wissed on the KGB building.) Now THAT'S street cred.


Quote from: Tags on September 18, 2007, 11:23:48 PM
every time I try to get away... the LLPP pulls me back in!

You may be able to scream at Putin's gate, but you won't ever find a job there the rest of your life if he finds out who you are.

That would probably happen here, too...


Quote from: Rt Rev J.H. Hobart on September 18, 2007, 11:37:22 PM
P.S.  Tag's bro's collar has silver oak leaves, not silver bars.  (Give The Rev one more year and he should have a gold oak leaf (one step down from silver).  That is, if by then, The Rev hasn't been arrested and sent to Gitmo for tonight's posts.)

there isn't anything on the collar - the shoulders have 3 gold bars i believe


Quote from: Tags on September 18, 2007, 11:55:00 PM
there isn't anything on the collar - the shoulders have 3 gold bars i believe
Depends on the uniform.  Day-to-day, silver oak leaves.  Formal, shoulder board with three full gold stripes.


Quote from: Jonny Utah on September 18, 2007, 10:37:21 PM
Quote from: Superman57 on September 18, 2007, 10:30:00 PM
ehh...maybe, but then your just picking your poison...honestly if you get the basesloaded with Ortiz at bat you  need to win the game....sorry...Ortiz choked...is anyone else amazed with Melky's arm...even if you hate the yankees...which most of you do...the kid has an incredible arm...

Ortiz (like Jeter) is one of the most clutch hitters in the game.......


And after seeing this clip I can only use the phrase that only a Cortland Grad could come up with..........

Taste it.

U89 hates, "Taste It", but that about sums up that clip!!!!