FB: Liberty League

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7+ minutes to go.


Quote from: Rt Rev J.H. Hobart on October 06, 2007, 09:24:44 PM
Yep, end they just scored again, so the score is now 34-7.

The Rev is glad that Hobart is winning, but feels badly for Susquehanna.  The Rev prefers close games and dislikes blow-outs, even when it is his favorite team blowing out the other.

To The Rev, the 2004 Hobart-Union game and the 2007 Hobart-RPI games are ideal.  In those games, two perfectly matched and able teams fought a real battle and no one knew who would win throughout the whole game.  There is mystery, excitement, and emotional involvement in such games.

A blow out like this is just silly.  The Rev really wishes that the other LL schools would turn it up a notch or two and make it so that our league is more than just a three-way between Hobart-Union-RPI.  This really is not intended to disparage the other schools, but rather The Rev supports those schools who want to commit to improving their programs and applauds the kids who want to be a part of history when they rebuild their teams.

By the way, The Rev predicts Hobart will go 6-4 this season.  Even though Bart has held its own against Alfred in the past, Alfred is the real deal this year.  Also, The Rev--with deep sadness--predicts a loss to Union.

U89 hates blowouts too Rev.........but, if the Quakers competed this year in the LL, the MAC would be yappin' like my old girlfriend....


Quote from: Union89 on October 06, 2007, 10:53:24 PM........but, if the Quakers competed this year in the LL, the MAC would be yappin' like my old girlfriend....

Too true.


Attention LLPPSCFJFFL Owners... 15min left to set your lineups!!

lots of players out this week!

Reno Hightower

Quote from: LewDogg11 on October 06, 2007, 03:33:09 PM
RPI picks on St Lawrence, long return to the 5.  Touchdown.  14-10 RPI. 


Dude, in the last 4 years, RPI is 2-2 against St Lawrence, dont be so surprised. For 1 reason or another, the Larries seem to play RPI close. Every team has a team like that. For Union, it is Rochester. For Hobart, it is WPI.


Quote from: Regulator on October 06, 2007, 03:38:30 PM
Quote from: Stlarry on October 06, 2007, 03:36:29 PM
Quote from: LewDogg11 on October 06, 2007, 03:33:09 PM
RPI picks on St Lawrence, long return to the 5.  Touchdown.  14-10 RPI. 


I'd resent that if, well, I hadn't gone to SLU and didn't know any better.  At least we've become semi-competitive over the past few years.

Yeah.....compared to Utica.

Hey, wait a minute...


Quote from: Union89 on October 05, 2007, 12:44:31 PM
U89 must admit, after a long night of drinking, when he awakes at 3:30 am and needing to whizzzzzzz like a horse, he sits to whizzzzzz.

If U89 stood to whizzzzz in these situations, whizzzzz would be all over the floor and walls

Maybe a bit too much info for LLPP, Inc.

When it comes to late night or early morning emptying of the night before's libations, JT lines it up like a kicker. Left big toe touches side of bowl stem, adjust for drunken shinkage or morning um growth... close eyes... nothing but water everytime.  JT never even bothers to turn on the light.


Quote from: Stlarry on October 06, 2007, 02:38:29 PM
Quote from: LewDogg11 on October 06, 2007, 02:36:33 PM
That's a negative.  It was 'Erica Sherman' on the women's tennis team...Damn!!!

She is kinda cute though...
Cute as in actually cute, or cute in a "yeah, it's a girl from RPI who may not actually be a friend-o-saurus" kind of way?

At RPI this is probably a 10.


Attention fellow tailgaters.  As of 2007 Rowan is officially a dry tailgate for the first time since... since... well JT's never seen it.  Now JT never drinks on a Friday night game when he's doing 120 miles one way, but he like a couple of cold ones after a Saturday day game with other fans.  And if he's not "working" or driving, he'll have more than a couple.

Aparently it has nothing to do with athletics and tailgating.  Too many fights and police calls and other trouble in the Spring and Summer.  So as usual the admistration overreacts.  Totally going to kill tailgating.  Everyone was late to the game.  Student got a buzz on at their apartments and TCNJ didn't bother showing up until after game time.

JT thinks that since Rowan has become a top academic institution that these amateurs don't know how to party.  When JT went Glassboro State came as advertised "A party school".  We were professionals.  We knew how to party.  Fights were ended quickly.  Known mean drunks were plied with weed to keep em mellow. 

Take a page from TCNJ... now there are some "smart" drunks tailgating there.

JT will see if the ban is lifted on Saturday afternoon, but the rent-a-cops say its for All Athletic Events.  Man Friday night was like they were looking for terrorists.  Annoucements handed out.  Campus police all over the place, town police all over the place.  Big dood campus cop with no neck rolled up on JT and started yelling, "No alcohol.  Can't you read?"

JT:  "Its a Sprite... Kojak."

JT proposes to the LLPP that Rowan University hence forth be know here as.... Rowan Baptist University.


Lewwwdooogg, are you a little worried about your fantasy team?


The Rev doesn't like the way Yahoo does the Pick 'em.  The Rev chose some winning teams, but had his selections marked "incorrect" because the winners did not make the point spread.  Had the teams made the pread, the Rev would be on-track to have mostly correct picks.  In one case, the point spread actually worked in The Rev's favor, so it almost balances out.

The Rev's FF team, "Yellow Fever" got owned today.  The scores haven't even been tallied, but The Rev knows that he had his ssa handed to him on a silver platter.  To give you an idea of how poorly Yellow Fever performed today, Matt Hassleback was the Rev's QB.  Yeah...it is that ugly.


Quote from: JT on October 07, 2007, 04:46:04 PM
Attention fellow tailgaters.  As of 2007 Rowan is officially a dry tailgate for the first time since... since... well JT's never seen it.  Now JT never drinks on a Friday night game when he's doing 120 miles one way, but he like a couple of cold ones after a Saturday day game with other fans.  And if he's not "working" or driving, he'll have more than a couple.

Aparently it has nothing to do with athletics and tailgating.  Too many fights and police calls and other trouble in the Spring and Summer.  So as usual the admistration overreacts.  Totally going to kill tailgating.  Everyone was late to the game.  Student got a buzz on at their apartments and TCNJ didn't bother showing up until after game time.

JT thinks that since Rowan has become a top academic institution that these amateurs don't know how to party.  When JT went Glassboro State came as advertised "A party school".  We were professionals.  We knew how to party.  Fights were ended quickly.  Known mean drunks were plied with weed to keep em mellow. 

Take a page from TCNJ... now there are some "smart" drunks tailgating there.

JT will see if the ban is lifted on Saturday afternoon, but the rent-a-cops say its for All Athletic Events.  Man Friday night was like they were looking for terrorists.  Annoucements handed out.  Campus police all over the place, town police all over the place.  Big dood campus cop with no neck rolled up on JT and started yelling, "No alcohol.  Can't you read?"

JT:  "Its a Sprite... Kojak."

JT proposes to the LLPP that Rowan University hence forth be know here as.... Rowan Baptist University.

JT- +1K for the Kojak line.
What the heck is Rowan thinking banning tailgating? If RPI did that, Reg would literally set up shop right on Burdett ave (the road that runs right next to the parking lot) and enjoy his festivities there.  If the real popo runs up on Reg he is brown baggin it, no problem sir, enjoy your day.

That seriously sucks.  

U89- did they ban tailgating at Union, too?  Make sure you find out before shooes '07


Quote from: JT on October 07, 2007, 04:46:04 PMJT proposes to the LLPP that Rowan University hence forth be know here as.... Rowan Baptist University.

This why a school must be careful from whom they take money.  He who controlleth the purse, controlleth the school.  This is what a lot of born-agains don't understand when they argue for government vouchers to help kids pay tuition at their schools: once they take the leaf from Uncle Sugey, he will dictate their curriculum.  The more they smoke Uncle's leaf, the more they want it, and the more control Uncle Sugey takes...until eventually the school they founded to avoid the disastrous public schools have turned into nothing but a public school with a religious name.

In the caseof Rowan it happened in reverse.  State school took the leaf from a holy roller, and now they don't allow tailgating.

Just look what happened to all of the Catholic schools in New York state.  NYS offered them the "Bundy Fund" which gave Catholic colleges money for science only if they would remove the crucifixes from the walls.  Every school except Niagara took it, and then seeing the money they lost Niagara fired the president and took the money.  Catholic colleges in NYS are indistinguishable from secular colleges.  Except they might have less religion on campus, as the Irish try to out-pagan the pagans.

But at least Catholics drink.  Tailgating allowed, if not encouraged.


Gotta love it, Clemens knocked out in the 3rd inning...priceless.  Seems like the Yanks really got a big return on all that investment.
St. Lawrence University - 2010 LL Champs


Speaking of Catholics and the Irish, did anyone catch the ND win this weekend!
Figures the one week they win, Reg doesn't get the game at his house.