FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Jose, that is probably true, but also the two trainers spilling their guts to stay out of jail also worked for the Yankees.  The same as most of the Balco names are the west coast guys.

I think baseball really can't honestly go after the players for anything that happened before 2003.  While against the law to purchase or use without a prescription in the US it was not against MLB rules.  

Now Selig and the Union need to negotiate a tougher testing policy.  I think the punitive side of their policy is strict enough.  They need to be able to knock on the players door without the player knowing or walk into the clubhouse without warning and randomly select players for testing.  When KS was in the Navy, they would announce over the 1MC (PA) that all personal (enlisted and commisioned) whose SSN's ended in say 1, 3, 5 and 7 report to the head immediately for pee testing.

Also add in blood testing for HGH, it could be taken as part of a players physical.

U89, Just don't scuff your balls, that would be wrong.

They got information from only a few sources.  KS wonders how many suppliers are still out there that haven't been caught yet.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Quote from: Knightstalker on December 14, 2007, 11:05:48 AM
Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on December 14, 2007, 09:33:47 AM
Quote from: LewDogg11 on December 14, 2007, 09:21:17 AM
My big issue with steroids is that I don't think they make you a better baseball player, but they potentially allow you to be able to perform for a much longer period of time.  That is why I have an issue with Bonds' and Clemens' records.  Are they Hall of Famers?  Absolutely.  But they wouldn't have broken all of these records and played into their 40's at such a high level without some help.  McGuire mashed when he was a skinny little kid.  He had a couple BIG seasons towards the end.  But his body broke down on him and he had a typical length career.  Bonds and Clemens have defied the odds with the length of their careers and level of performance they have been able to play at.

spot on LD...most people have speculated and imho correctly that bonds looked around at mcgwire/sosa et al were pounding baseballs and getting huge endorsements and bonds was doing things the "right" way and getting no where so if you cant beat them join them...so he started juicin since he knew many others were juicin to keep up. this is how it all started to spin out of control as the players knew others were doing it so to keep up they had to do it and it just snowballed from there. the owners knew what was going on but w/ attendance way up especially during the hr. chase between mcgwire/sosa they werent going to say anything...just keep the payola rollin in and everyone kept their mouths shut and heads stuck in the sand

KS was just reading the list on ESPN.COM, they have a summary on what is in the report for each player.  Many of the players started because of injury.  KS is thinking that since the two people they got most of the information from were around or employed by the Yankees that is why they are so prevelant in the report.  KS figures that probably a similiar percentage or even greater used on every team over the same time span.

What KS really wants to know is how can all these players be so stupid that they paid for their illegal drugs with a check.  If you make that much money you should be able to keep a couple of grand around in cash for you drugs.  STOOPIT

Agreed, even small time bookies don't take checks to pay debts....but we in LLPP, Inc. already knew all this because........



Quote from: JoseQViper on December 14, 2007, 11:54:29 AM
Quote from: Jonny Utah on December 14, 2007, 11:31:50 AM
And what does this report accomplish?

I think the report accomplishes a few things.

First, it opens the door for MLB to take further punitive action.  The defense all along has been, we aren't going to punish anyone over speculation.  Now that they have something of an independent analysis pointing the finger, they can take the next step and start re-writing history.  Selig is a moron though, so nothing may come of this.

Second, it insulates MLB from accusations that they just looked the other way. 

Third, it erases any grounds the Union has to argue against more testing.  Donald Fehr is a moron but even he knows he can't go to the mattresses over that issue now and come out a winner.

KS, I think you are seeing a lot of Yankees on the list because the Yankees were signing those players when they hit the backside of their careers.  The more old stars you sign, the more likely you are to hit on a steroid user.

Max, you are way out of line.  Scuffing the ball and juicing are totally different things.

Re-writing history? Can you please tell me how they would go about doing that? Take everyone on the list's numbers off the books? That is BS because we don't know when they were juicing, unless you're proposing taking ALL of their numbers off the books. Give them asterisks? Again, doing that just singles out the ballplayers who were actually good to begin with, and I don't see why they should be the scapegoats. The way to re-write history is to admit it was a mistake, get better testing in place and MOVE ON.

Also, apart from the fact that juicing the ball is bad for your body and gives kids a bad example, how are they different things?


"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Quote from: Union89 on December 14, 2007, 12:23:27 PM
Quote from: JoseQViper on December 14, 2007, 11:54:29 AM
Quote from: Jonny Utah on December 14, 2007, 11:31:50 AM
And what does this report accomplish?

I think the report accomplishes a few things.

First, it opens the door for MLB to take further punitive action.  The defense all along has been, we aren't going to punish anyone over speculation.  Now that they have something of an independent analysis pointing the finger, they can take the next step and start re-writing history.  Selig is a moron though, so nothing may come of this.

Second, it insulates MLB from accusations that they just looked the other way. 

Third, it erases any grounds the Union has to argue against more testing.  Donald Fehr is a moron but even he knows he can't go to the mattresses over that issue now and come out a winner.

KS, I think you are seeing a lot of Yankees on the list because the Yankees were signing those players when they hit the backside of their careers.  The more old stars you sign, the more likely you are to hit on a steroid user.

Max, you are way out of line.  Scuffing the ball and juicing are totally different things.

U89 scratches his balls all the time.....is that wrong??

And if you could lick 'em, you'd never leave the house.


The karma snipers are out today, KS only loses K when he posts on the OAC board.  Must be because KS doesn't hate KC Keeler.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


TGP has a question for the LLPP:

A couple of weeks ago a buddy of TGP's indicated he had a solid lead on Rose Bowl tix.  TGP, also being a SC alum, was psyched at a chance to go to the RB on NYD.

Lo and behold today, TGP receives the following from said buddy:

My friend emailed me and said that he would call me when he received his tickets.  This means that he will probably give them to me.  However, I sent (TGP's buddy's GF) an email telling her that I was most likely getting tickets for the Rose Bowl.  I told her so she would know that I had plans that day (after spending the night at her place on New Year's Eve).  However, when I wrote that she got really excited and asked if the other ticket was for her.   I didn't have the heart to tell her that I already had it earmarked for someone else.  So I tried to talk her out of it but she has never been to a football game before so she was kind of excited.  She did say that her cousins are going to be here so they might want to hang with her all day and she might not be able to go.  I am pushing her to hang with them and not be a bad cousin.  I think this could happen - probably more than likely.   Hang with me for a few days and I will see what I can "convince" her to do. 

Should TGP:

a) Be pissed at his buddy for not sacking up and being straight with his GF
b) Wait it out and see what happens
c) Wait it out, but still give his buddy some s***
d) none of the above
e) a+c


Some A but an extra heavy dose of C.  In fact you can use option C forever.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Quote from: Knightstalker on December 14, 2007, 02:19:37 PM
Some A but an extra heavy dose of C.  In fact you can use option C forever.

Yeah right?  TGP is pretty easy going for the most part, and the fact that it's Illinois and not UGA or a better team makes it a little bit easier to deal with, but still found this as a borderline d-move.

Jonny Utah

Quote from: TGP on December 14, 2007, 02:09:52 PM
TGP has a question for the LLPP:

A couple of weeks ago a buddy of TGP's indicated he had a solid lead on Rose Bowl tix.  TGP, also being a SC alum, was psyched at a chance to go to the RB on NYD.

Lo and behold today, TGP receives the following from said buddy:

My friend emailed me and said that he would call me when he received his tickets.  This means that he will probably give them to me.  However, I sent (TGP's buddy's GF) an email telling her that I was most likely getting tickets for the Rose Bowl.  I told her so she would know that I had plans that day (after spending the night at her place on New Year's Eve).  However, when I wrote that she got really excited and asked if the other ticket was for her.   I didn't have the heart to tell her that I already had it earmarked for someone else.  So I tried to talk her out of it but she has never been to a football game before so she was kind of excited.  She did say that her cousins are going to be here so they might want to hang with her all day and she might not be able to go.  I am pushing her to hang with them and not be a bad cousin.  I think this could happen - probably more than likely.   Hang with me for a few days and I will see what I can "convince" her to do. 

Should TGP:

a) Be pissed at his buddy for not sacking up and being straight with his GF
b) Wait it out and see what happens
c) Wait it out, but still give his buddy some s***
d) none of the above
e) a+c

TGP the answer is C but its a very complicated situation.  I was on the other side of the situation though.

The exact same thing happend to me and my girlfriend when it came to World Series Tickets at Fenway in 2004.  My friend that works for the redsox gave me two free tickets.  Now I invited my friend and my girlfriend was pissed.  I looked at in a few different ways.  First off, my girlfreind isnt a redsox fan.  And I mean that in terms that she would never watch a sox game (or any baseball game) on TV.  She knows who Jason Varitek is and that is probably the extent of her knowledge for the team.  But I told her (lied) that the friend that I took also took me to a bunch of redsox games free of charge.  I told her that it would be a slap in his face if I never returned the favor.  Plus, he is a huge redsox fan and like all of us, never saw a world series game.

So he kind of deserved to go more than she did.  If she was a big redsox fan it would have been a completely different story.

Jonny Utah

Quote from: maxpower on December 14, 2007, 01:01:00 PM
Quote from: JoseQViper on December 14, 2007, 11:54:29 AM
Quote from: Jonny Utah on December 14, 2007, 11:31:50 AM
And what does this report accomplish?

I think the report accomplishes a few things.

First, it opens the door for MLB to take further punitive action.  The defense all along has been, we aren't going to punish anyone over speculation.  Now that they have something of an independent analysis pointing the finger, they can take the next step and start re-writing history.  Selig is a moron though, so nothing may come of this.

Second, it insulates MLB from accusations that they just looked the other way. 

Third, it erases any grounds the Union has to argue against more testing.  Donald Fehr is a moron but even he knows he can't go to the mattresses over that issue now and come out a winner.

KS, I think you are seeing a lot of Yankees on the list because the Yankees were signing those players when they hit the backside of their careers.  The more old stars you sign, the more likely you are to hit on a steroid user.

Max, you are way out of line.  Scuffing the ball and juicing are totally different things.

Re-writing history? Can you please tell me how they would go about doing that? Take everyone on the list's numbers off the books? That is BS because we don't know when they were juicing, unless you're proposing taking ALL of their numbers off the books. Give them asterisks? Again, doing that just singles out the ballplayers who were actually good to begin with, and I don't see why they should be the scapegoats. The way to re-write history is to admit it was a mistake, get better testing in place and MOVE ON.

Also, apart from the fact that juicing the ball is bad for your body and gives kids a bad example, how are they different things?

yea I dont think any rewriting of history is going to happen.


Quote from: JT on December 14, 2007, 01:13:56 PM
Quote from: Union89 on December 14, 2007, 12:23:27 PM
Quote from: JoseQViper on December 14, 2007, 11:54:29 AM
Quote from: Jonny Utah on December 14, 2007, 11:31:50 AM
And what does this report accomplish?

I think the report accomplishes a few things.

First, it opens the door for MLB to take further punitive action.  The defense all along has been, we aren't going to punish anyone over speculation.  Now that they have something of an independent analysis pointing the finger, they can take the next step and start re-writing history.  Selig is a moron though, so nothing may come of this.

Second, it insulates MLB from accusations that they just looked the other way. 

Third, it erases any grounds the Union has to argue against more testing.  Donald Fehr is a moron but even he knows he can't go to the mattresses over that issue now and come out a winner.

KS, I think you are seeing a lot of Yankees on the list because the Yankees were signing those players when they hit the backside of their careers.  The more old stars you sign, the more likely you are to hit on a steroid user.

Max, you are way out of line.  Scuffing the ball and juicing are totally different things.

U89 scratches his balls all the time.....is that wrong??

And if you could lick 'em, you'd never leave the house.

True....like the the old joke....Why does a dog lick his balls??


Quote from: TGP on December 14, 2007, 02:09:52 PM
TGP has a question for the LLPP:

A couple of weeks ago a buddy of TGP's indicated he had a solid lead on Rose Bowl tix.  TGP, also being a SC alum, was psyched at a chance to go to the RB on NYD.

Lo and behold today, TGP receives the following from said buddy:

My friend emailed me and said that he would call me when he received his tickets.  This means that he will probably give them to me.  However, I sent (TGP's buddy's GF) an email telling her that I was most likely getting tickets for the Rose Bowl.  I told her so she would know that I had plans that day (after spending the night at her place on New Year's Eve).  However, when I wrote that she got really excited and asked if the other ticket was for her.   I didn't have the heart to tell her that I already had it earmarked for someone else.  So I tried to talk her out of it but she has never been to a football game before so she was kind of excited.  She did say that her cousins are going to be here so they might want to hang with her all day and she might not be able to go.  I am pushing her to hang with them and not be a bad cousin.  I think this could happen - probably more than likely.   Hang with me for a few days and I will see what I can "convince" her to do. 

Should TGP:

a) Be pissed at his buddy for not sacking up and being straight with his GF
b) Wait it out and see what happens
c) Wait it out, but still give his buddy some s***
d) none of the above
e) a+c

U89 would dish out more 'A'.....the guy should have had a better initial approach and left no 'grey area' to begin with.

U89 is also surprised at Utah's lack of sack regarding the Red Sox, World Series game.....dood, your GF would have bought a pink 'B' hat and asked you who the big brotha batting 3rd for the Sox was!!

This could also be why U89 is still single......


In the interest of good health and prolonging life.
Dallas Mavericks Dancers

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).
