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Quote from: Jonny Utah on July 21, 2008, 02:05:31 PM
JU has a few thing to vent about today....

1) New Hampshire toll booth on I-95 north.

Now, if no body knows about this thing, let me tell you that it is the most frustrating, pointless, pain in the arse thing a driver could ever deal with.  Heres the deal.....People from south of Maine, (Mass, RI, NY, Conn, etc...) that like to travel to the Pine tree State on I-95 north, must go through about 5 minutes of New Hampshire on the same road.  Now, there no bridge or anything, but this dam state has decided to put a $1.50 toll within that 5 minute stretch of road.  I am not kidding that I had to wait almost an hour because this stupid "tool booth" was backed up to the MA border.  It was the first time that I almost wrote my US rep and ask him if the airforce could practice some airstrikes on these toll booths.  I mean....$1.50?  I wasted AT LEAST $5.00 in gas sitting for that hour in traffic.  Man I was pissed.

2) Parking around the world trade center in Boston

Now this area of Boston is a semi-busy one, and during the week probably has about 9,750 cars parked in about 10,000 spots.  Its a commuter parking lot for the city and is accessed by the major routes/tunnels into Boston.  It costs a generally fair $18 to park all day during the day.  Now this Sat night, I went down to the 'Barking Crab' restaurant (U89 Im sure knows it well).  Now the same area has the same 10,000 parking spots, but probably less than 500 cars there (people only park there to go to a few selcect spots in the area).  But what do ya know?  Still $18 to park when there are 9,499 empty parking spots.  I packed it up and found a street spot downtown for free. 


1)Massachusetts should set up a $5 toll booth on the state line every weekday morning comming into the state, and then charge $5 on the way back in the evening (except fridays in the summer).  This will show those "live free or die" loonbirds to smarten up and destroy that stupid toll booth. 

2) There should be no profit parking lots in any city in the country.  Parking in every US city should be free or at least reasonable.

I sometimes forget what it is like to live in one of the Soviet Socialist States of America.  Here in FreeVille we don't have any toll roads, although The Politburo is considering it.

But this is only because we have space available still, and the freeways have been constructed such that it would be impossible to charge a toll on the three main drags that go through Phoenix.

Of course, someday there will be chips embedded in our cars and the streets will have readers and we will be sent a monthly invoice, but that one won't happen for a while.  And if you think the government has messed up "the Big Dig" just imagine what will happen when it tries to start charging people users fees.  It's the Fourth Sign of the Apocalpyse.

On a brighter note, summer camp is just a couple weeks away!

Jonny Utah

Quote from: stimulator on July 21, 2008, 05:18:21 PM

Just got back from ME this weekend.  As I live near the MA/NH border and travel to ME often, the toll booth situation is one of my major pet peeves.

By the time I get to the toll booth my BP is through the roof.  What's worse is the reality the f'in state won't pass a sales tax and says f*y* to everyone heading north while they add to the state coffers.

They feel they can inconvenience tens of thousands of people every weekend in the summer.  They even resisted EZ Pass till the 11th hour... then stuck them right in the middle of 8 lanes to increase the confusion and add another level of complexity to an already bad situation.

Last time we had any action on this at all is when the Governor of NH was stuck for over an hour in the same mess...  miraculously he found it was plausible to make it a one way toll... which unfortunately didn't last long. 

Now that you mention it, an air strike doesn't sound like a bad idea.  I was thinking perhaps on Concord..

I just dont get tolls in situations where they back up traffic.  In Massachusetts we pay $45 every two years for a car registration.  I would be 100% in favor to raise that price up $20 and just eliminate all tolls.  Hell, Id be in favor for a gas tax increase if the cost went towards actual bridge or road work, and not to people collecting tolls.

And although I would never want a chip in my car, the Rev is right.  If the dam toolbooths can read a license plate anyway, and the government has already determined that I have to put a plate on my car to use public roadways, just send me a bill in the mail.


enginegrodamus predicts one day there will be a "speed tax" where the speed limit is 70, but you can drive up to 85... for a price.



Quote from: 'gro on July 22, 2008, 08:23:59 AM
enginegrodamus predicts one day there will be a "speed tax" where the speed limit is 70, but you can drive up to 85... for a price.

Any other perks you are predicting Gro?  Reg would appreciate a lane that if someone is driving under the speed limit, that you can bump draft them until they either move over or speed up.

Any help would be appreciated


Quote from: Regulator on July 22, 2008, 08:58:19 AM
Quote from: 'gro on July 22, 2008, 08:23:59 AM
enginegrodamus predicts one day there will be a "speed tax" where the speed limit is 70, but you can drive up to 85... for a price.

Any other perks you are predicting Gro?  Reg would appreciate a lane that if someone is driving under the speed limit, that you can bump draft them until they either move over or speed up.

Any help would be appreciated

EngiNegroDamus takes over the DOT

let's see...

1. for any car that is in motion, if your blinker is on for more than 20 seconds your vehicle will be destroyed by lasers mounted on various DOT satellites. These lasers will also be available (for a fee) to call in air strikes against a-hole drivers, anyone from conneticut, and little kids who give you the finger from the backseat when their parents aren't looking.

2. New York & Mass (and all other offending states) will finally number their exits signs by the mile marker, not sequentially.  Oh exit 17 great we're almost there, where's exit 18?... 23 miles away, F***!

3. Highway patrols will no longer use K9 units to detect drugs and other contraband.  All states will now use trained police bears.  You get pulled over by a cop with a bear, you aren't gonna start sheeeit.   <--- insert hilarious comedy sketch of buddy cop/bear movie.


"2. New York & Mass (and all other offending states) will finally number their exits signs by the mile marker, not sequentially."

bigdvs hates states that number by mile, it just makes it seem longer, distance is the same between exits regardless of whether bigdvs knows it or not

'gro can bigdvs get airstrikes for jackasses that pass on the right only to have to sit behind a slow car while all the people they just past pass them back??

(zomg the LLPP lurker posts again the season must be starting soon)
The only true currency in this bankrupt world... is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Jonny Utah

Quote from: 'gro on July 22, 2008, 09:55:28 AM
Quote from: Regulator on July 22, 2008, 08:58:19 AM
Quote from: 'gro on July 22, 2008, 08:23:59 AM
enginegrodamus predicts one day there will be a "speed tax" where the speed limit is 70, but you can drive up to 85... for a price.

Any other perks you are predicting Gro?  Reg would appreciate a lane that if someone is driving under the speed limit, that you can bump draft them until they either move over or speed up.

Any help would be appreciated

EngiNegroDamus takes over the DOT

let's see...

1. for any car that is in motion, if your blinker is on for more than 20 seconds your vehicle will be destroyed by lasers mounted on various DOT satellites. These lasers will also be available (for a fee) to call in air strikes against a-hole drivers, anyone from conneticut, and little kids who give you the finger from the backseat when their parents aren't looking.

2. New York & Mass (and all other offending states) will finally number their exits signs by the mile marker, not sequentially.  Oh exit 17 great we're almost there, where's exit 18?... 23 miles away, F***!

3. Highway patrols will no longer use K9 units to detect drugs and other contraband.  All states will now use trained police bears.  You get pulled over by a cop with a bear, you aren't gonna start sheeeit.   <--- insert hilarious comedy sketch of buddy cop/bear movie.

4. Napalm strike against anyone traveling in the far left lane that is not going over the speed limit....


Quote from: Jonny Utah on July 22, 2008, 01:18:15 PM
Quote from: 'gro on July 22, 2008, 09:55:28 AM
Quote from: Regulator on July 22, 2008, 08:58:19 AM
Quote from: 'gro on July 22, 2008, 08:23:59 AM
enginegrodamus predicts one day there will be a "speed tax" where the speed limit is 70, but you can drive up to 85... for a price.

Any other perks you are predicting Gro?  Reg would appreciate a lane that if someone is driving under the speed limit, that you can bump draft them until they either move over or speed up.

Any help would be appreciated

EngiNegroDamus takes over the DOT

let's see...

1. for any car that is in motion, if your blinker is on for more than 20 seconds your vehicle will be destroyed by lasers mounted on various DOT satellites. These lasers will also be available (for a fee) to call in air strikes against a-hole drivers, anyone from conneticut, and little kids who give you the finger from the backseat when their parents aren't looking.

2. New York & Mass (and all other offending states) will finally number their exits signs by the mile marker, not sequentially.  Oh exit 17 great we're almost there, where's exit 18?... 23 miles away, F***!

3. Highway patrols will no longer use K9 units to detect drugs and other contraband.  All states will now use trained police bears.  You get pulled over by a cop with a bear, you aren't gonna start sheeeit.   <--- insert hilarious comedy sketch of buddy cop/bear movie.

4. Napalm strike against anyone traveling in the far left lane that is not going over the speed limit....

5. A friend of JT once thought of a self policing move.  Ever car has a laser tag type set up.  People get 50 laser shots (and can buy more from the govt for like $5 each).  If you are driving and you see somebody do something stupid, you can fire a shot at him.  When the stupid driver gets 20 hits it emits a signal to the police, who pull him over for a ticket for like $75-$100.  All money goes to the removal of tolls and for infrastructure improvements, and deficit reduction.

Hell, in NJ JT would probably buy 1,000 shots a year.


+K for all involved in the DOT discussion ...made Bman's day.


Bman takes the Elkton Road bypass at leastr2x per week. (but thx!)  Also note that State Line Liquors (on Elkton Rd) carries over 1000 brands of beer...

Jonny Utah

Quote from: bman on July 22, 2008, 07:29:52 PM
+K for all involved in the DOT discussion ...made Bman's day.


Bman takes the Elkton Road bypass at leastr2x per week. (but thx!)  Also note that State Line Liquors (on Elkton Rd) carries over 1000 brands of beer...

Thanks for reminding me Bman......

Right before and after the NH tolls is the famous "state liquor store".  But what do you know?  It doesnt sell beer, only liquor.

That would be a fantastic law!  If you buy more than $20 of booze, you get to head through the state toll (and traffic) free!


Random Trip Update

Tags in enjoying Houston & his visit -- weather is 1,100 degrees and is relatively humid, but overall not too bad here.

Hurricane Dolly or whatever is going to nail the Southern tip of Texas just as FMTags arrives into Houston <--- could have picked slightly better timing since Tags is trying to convince FMTags that Houston is a decent place to live for a few years. That should be a really fun discussion.

Will probably accept the promotion & relocate down here, which brings me to a question:

Which navigational system is the best out there? Magellan, TomTom, Garmin, etc???

Please provide your critical LLPP, Inc. insight - thx.

Jonny Utah

Quote from: Tags on July 22, 2008, 08:44:30 PM
Random Trip Update

Tags in enjoying Houston & his visit -- weather is 1,100 degrees and is relatively humid, but overall not too bad here.

Hurricane Dolly or whatever is going to nail the Southern tip of Texas just as FMTags arrives into Houston <--- could have picked slightly better timing since Tags is trying to convince FMTags that Houston is a decent place to live for a few years. That should be a really fun discussion.

Will probably accept the promotion & relocate down here, which brings me to a question:

Which navigational system is the best out there? Magellan, TomTom, Garmin, etc???

Please provide your critical LLPP, Inc. insight - thx.

Tags I know the magellan have some good ones.  But each company now has their own range ($150, $300, $500, $750+)

Im going to say that Texas is probably one of the easiest places in the country to drive around.  I wouldnt go too crazy looking for one.  But I think $300 is the standard price you should pay for a decent one.  I of course could handle the $150 ones if it was just for personal use around a new area. 

I would also say these things would be tax deductable if you ever use them as a part of your job....


Quote from: 'gro on July 22, 2008, 08:23:59 AM
enginegrodamus predicts one day there will be a "speed tax" where the speed limit is 70, but you can drive up to 85... for a price.

Not bad.  If they enacted this in Arizona, nearly everybody would have to pay the tax because we drive like maniacs here.

The five major roads around Phoenix, the US60, I-10 and I-17, AZ 101 and AZ 202 have a posted speed limit of 65 mph.  If you aren't going at least 75, you belong in the slow lane.  The left lane is for those of us who find 80-90 comfortable.

The Rev drives the I-8 toward Phoenix at least once or twice a month.  Speed limit is 75; Rev sets cruise control at 83 and never gets bother by AZ DPS.  The other day The Rev was doing 80 in a 65 on his way out of Yuma, saw cop car start to pull out, The Rev slowed down a little bit, and he saw cop slam on breaks.  Rev thought, "That was close," and continued on.  Rev arrived at Boarder Patrol checkpoint and CBP officer snapped one off to the Rev.  Rev then added two plus two.  Rev had Coast Guard uniform hanging in back window, and was wearing his official DHS polo shirt.  Cop probably saw uniform and decided to let me go.  CBP officer probably thought I was friends with his boss (which may be true because I work with those guys every day).

Moral of the story: Be a Government stooge like The Rev and other government stooges will let your minor law-breaking slide.


Quote from: Rt Rev J.H. Hobart on July 23, 2008, 01:17:46 AM
Quote from: 'gro on July 22, 2008, 08:23:59 AM
enginegrodamus predicts one day there will be a "speed tax" where the speed limit is 70, but you can drive up to 85... for a price.

Rev had Coast Guard uniform hanging in back window, and was wearing his official DHS polo shirt.  Cop probably saw uniform and decided to let me go.  CBP officer probably thought I was friends with his boss (which may be true because I work with those guys every day).

Moral of the story: Be a Government stooge like The Rev and other government stooges will let your minor law-breaking slide.

So you mean that little $10 sticker you get by supporting the PD doesn't get you a 20MPH break?   
Hey Rev, can't you hook the LLPP up with a little coast guard SWAG to hang in our cars?