FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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It's my feeling that as much as Manny screwed up the Red Sox did not handle the situation well, and they should be thanking him, as all red sox fans should be, instead of kicking him... I mean look at what a motivated Manny, can do... I almost hope that the dodgers get to the WS, so manny can give the sox the big fu
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.

Jonny Utah

Quote from: superman57 on August 04, 2008, 01:11:35 AM
It's my feeling that as much as Manny screwed up the Red Sox did not handle the situation well, and they should be thanking him, as all red sox fans should be, instead of kicking him... I mean look at what a motivated Manny, can do... I almost hope that the dodgers get to the WS, so manny can give the sox the big fu

Thank him for what?  Beating up his boss?  Faking injuires?  Not holding up his end of the contract?  Being unprofessional about everything? 

It took a "motivated Manny" to do what hes doing?  The 20 Million dollars wasnt enough?

Come on Supe.  The redsox have insulted our intelligence enough by putting up with this garbage for so long.  Now we have to thank him?

He can hit a ball thrown at him with a piece of wood better than anyone in the last 100 years.  Thats about it.


see this is what drives me nuts... Manny was the red sox... Manny was the attitude the crazy attitutde that brought Boston it's first WS title since 1918... now it wasn't just manny, but Manny was the red sox for so long, and now that he is no longer on the sox the "Nation" has turned on him because the management has told you too... Manny is manny, you all let him do what he did, so thank him for hitting for the sox, and helping bring two world series titles to Boston all while NEVER being mentioned in steriods scandells, their are very few Home Run hitters nowadays that have not been some what tainted by steroids, Manny is one of them... So what if he is an azz, lots of players are azzes,  You think I like A-Rod, no I hate him...but I appreciate his ability to play...
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.

Jonny Utah

Quote from: superman57 on August 04, 2008, 02:19:53 AM
see this is what drives me nuts... Manny was the red sox... Manny was the attitude the crazy attitutde that brought Boston it's first WS title since 1918... now it wasn't just manny, but Manny was the red sox for so long, and now that he is no longer on the sox the "Nation" has turned on him because the management has told you too... Manny is manny, you all let him do what he did, so thank him for hitting for the sox, and helping bring two world series titles to Boston all while NEVER being mentioned in steriods scandells, their are very few Home Run hitters nowadays that have not been some what tainted by steroids, Manny is one of them... So what if he is an azz, lots of players are azzes,  You think I like A-Rod, no I hate him...but I appreciate his ability to play...


A-Rod, Barry Bonds, Roger clemens, Jose Canseco, and Shoeless Joe Jackson never went up to the manager and asked not to play as part of a contract negotion ploy.  These guys also never were questioned about not swinging at pitches during a game because of their attitude.  Theres the difference between manny and the rest of these great players.

And lets get something straight here.  There is a big difference between how manny was acting in June and July of 2008, and how he was acting from 2000-2007.  The stupid things he did before were tame compared to what he was pulling now, or more importantly, what he could potentially pull in the future.  Sure, he always missed a few games during the year, and he quit during the rest of the 2006 season when the sox were out of the playoffs, but like I said before, Manny at 90% is better than every other player in the leagues 110%.  So Management decided that Mannys 90% and distractions were still better for the team than if he were not there.  And people dealt with it, and they won world series.

There is no question that Manny Ramirez is one of the best hitters in the history of baseball.  The Red Sox would not have won those world series if he was not on the team.  And there would have been people in Boston that would have loved him if he had been arrested for beating his wife, driving drunk, fighting the cops or any other criminal act.  What he did is nothing that serious in the grand scheme of things.  But the whole "manny being manny" thing means something.  It means that manny could always do things that other players on the team could not get away with.


all this beisbol talk makes gro dry heave at his desk (aak!, aaaaaak!, aaaaak! <spits in garbage can>, aaaaaaaaaaak!)

changing the conversation, anyone see dark knight? pretty good eh?


Do you think the Dodgers carry Manny sized baseball pants or do they have to special make the 38X46 baggy fits?

Touchdown Tommy

Quote from: Regulator on August 04, 2008, 08:19:03 AM
Do you think the Dodgers carry Manny sized baseball pants or do they have to special make the 38X46 baggy fits?

Ahh Mr. Regulator that is like asking if the Dodgers have shirts in the Pro Shop to fit Jose Lima's wife...

Chasing MILFs since '82...


pbr likes the initimacy of d3 football but there is something to be said if you have ever been on 1 of these stadiums for a huge game and how electric it is ....


Jonny Utah

Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on August 04, 2008, 11:48:21 AM
pbr likes the initimacy of d3 football but there is something to be said if you have ever been on 1 of these stadiums for a huge game and how electric it is ....


Those are some cool pics.  Too bad they couldnt get a gameday shot of Michigan stadium..

Reno Hightower

Quote from: Hugh Likbols on August 03, 2008, 09:33:32 PM
Cant help myself.  Manny couldnt pass a GED!!!!!!   What makes him a great person?  I used to be able to hit a 88 fastball, now?  Manny is an "Anal Sphincter" sit back and think about it.  You think hes tha......      my answer is .........HAHAHAHAH.  Time heals all wounds........

So because he is not an intelligent person that makes him a bad human being?

Reno Hightower

Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 04, 2008, 12:27:52 AM
Quote from: superman57 on August 04, 2008, 12:22:33 AM
what about Damon, Lowe, Pedro... they notoriusly throw guys under the bus when they leave

How did they throw any of these guys under the bus?  I mean, Damon said he would never play for the yankees, and then he did, so I can see booing him.

Pedro is still loved in Boston and would he have produced WS numbers at this point in his career?  The sox didnt want to sign him to big money and long years because of the injury thing.  And what do ya know, here is is hurt all the time again.  And from what I recall, the mets were going to outbid the sox up to a point anyway.

Lowe Im not so sure of.  I cant rememeber how much money he wanted.  But I think a lot of that stuff came down to the team having a lot of A+ players at the end of their contracts.  You cant give everyone what they want right?

Pedro is still loved by the fans but when he signed with the Mets a large number of fans wanted an explanation and the owners/gm went on record as saying they didnt like his prima donna attitude about how he handled himself. He would leave games when he was taken out, wouldnt come til game time on days that were his rest days. He had his own routine that he used to prepare himself to pitch and they didnt like it. Now the fans that still love him didnt care how he prepared himself as long as he performed (and lets face it, to pitch the way he did IN THE ERA he did it in is nothing short of amazing!).

Lowe they stated character concerns (later learned it was an affair [wow a mlb player cheats on his wife!]) and that he wasnt a big game guy (all he did was become the 1st pitcher in mlb history to get the decision in 3 straight series in 04).

Damon they threw his "never play for the Yankees" right in his face the second he signed.

You didnt mention Nomar but they were slandering him before the bus even picked him up to take him to Chicago. Calling him soft, a bad teammate. That kind of thing.

Now, as you mentioned, EVERY one of these decisions has proven to be the right move. Which proves that they are knowledgable baseball fans. So if you are good and you know it, why spit on a mans grave? Say you appreciate everything they did while they were in your city but that you feel it is in the best interest of the organization to go seperate ways with said players. Then let the time that you mentioned heal the wound, because with winning that 2nd WS you proved that you know how to put a ball club together!

Manny noticed these things, sensed that he wasnt going to be brought back in 09' and became paranoid about what the fans were going to think of him, thus his comments towards the owners. Kind of hard to not say the guy has a point. Now, is the contract most of it? Absolutely, but the guy didnt want to be slandered.

His 1st quote on joining the Dodgers:

"I want to say something from the bottom of my heart. Thank you to all the fans in Boston, this had nothing to do with you, you were all great and I loved playing for you"

or something to that extent.

The Sox owners/management have been amazing and Reno wants to be carfeful about criticizing the people who brought a WS title to Boston in his lifetime......but just try to be a little more classy!


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on August 04, 2008, 10:52:45 AM
Ahh Mr. Regulator that is like asking if the Dodgers have shirts in the Pro Shop to fit Jose Lima's wife...

He looks like Hootie, and she's smuggling the blowfish.  HEY-OHH!


Hey gro,

Isn't the league draft tomorrow?


Quote from: JT on August 04, 2008, 01:10:37 PM
Hey gro,

Isn't the league draft tomorrow?

No it's set for 9pm wednesday 8/20 unless I get some feedback otherwise.  Regulator and one other person from last year hasn't signed up, but I'm too lazy to figure out who that one person is.


Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 04, 2008, 12:17:11 PM
Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on August 04, 2008, 11:48:21 AM
pbr likes the initimacy of d3 football but there is something to be said if you have ever been on 1 of these stadiums for a huge game and how electric it is ....


Those are some cool pics.  Too bad they couldnt get a gameday shot of Michigan stadium..

the bighouse a.k.a outhouse isnt bad...pbr thought it would be alot louder was actually pretty quiet. disapponting in the under part of the stadium is a dump...water pipes leaking everywhere and just nasty ish everywhere. plus michigan allows only 8 inches per butt size for a seat so dont every expect to sit down. impossible if everyone tries to sit down. the shoe in columbus is a crazy and fun time just dont  advertise if your rooting for the opposing team you wont make it out alive guaranteed....pbr is headed to the georgia/florida game w/ coworkers who go every year sometime in the future as well as a game at baton rouge is a must on a sat. night at some point in pbr's life.