FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Jonny Utah

Quote from: Reno Hightower on August 04, 2008, 10:52:40 PM
Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 04, 2008, 02:31:45 PM
Quote from: Reno Hightower on August 04, 2008, 12:54:23 PM
Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 04, 2008, 12:27:52 AM
Quote from: superman57 on August 04, 2008, 12:22:33 AM
what about Damon, Lowe, Pedro... they notoriusly throw guys under the bus when they leave

How did they throw any of these guys under the bus?  I mean, Damon said he would never play for the yankees, and then he did, so I can see booing him.

Pedro is still loved in Boston and would he have produced WS numbers at this point in his career?  The sox didnt want to sign him to big money and long years because of the injury thing.  And what do ya know, here is is hurt all the time again.  And from what I recall, the mets were going to outbid the sox up to a point anyway.

Lowe Im not so sure of.  I cant rememeber how much money he wanted.  But I think a lot of that stuff came down to the team having a lot of A+ players at the end of their contracts.  You cant give everyone what they want right?

Pedro is still loved by the fans but when he signed with the Mets a large number of fans wanted an explanation and the owners/gm went on record as saying they didnt like his prima donna attitude about how he handled himself. He would leave games when he was taken out, wouldnt come til game time on days that were his rest days. He had his own routine that he used to prepare himself to pitch and they didnt like it. Now the fans that still love him didnt care how he prepared himself as long as he performed (and lets face it, to pitch the way he did IN THE ERA he did it in is nothing short of amazing!).

Lowe they stated character concerns (later learned it was an affair [wow a mlb player cheats on his wife!]) and that he wasnt a big game guy (all he did was become the 1st pitcher in mlb history to get the decision in 3 straight series in 04).

Damon they threw his "never play for the Yankees" right in his face the second he signed.

You didnt mention Nomar but they were slandering him before the bus even picked him up to take him to Chicago. Calling him soft, a bad teammate. That kind of thing.

Now, as you mentioned, EVERY one of these decisions has proven to be the right move. Which proves that they are knowledgable baseball fans. So if you are good and you know it, why spit on a mans grave? Say you appreciate everything they did while they were in your city but that you feel it is in the best interest of the organization to go seperate ways with said players. Then let the time that you mentioned heal the wound, because with winning that 2nd WS you proved that you know how to put a ball club together!

Manny noticed these things, sensed that he wasnt going to be brought back in 09' and became paranoid about what the fans were going to think of him, thus his comments towards the owners. Kind of hard to not say the guy has a point. Now, is the contract most of it? Absolutely, but the guy didnt want to be slandered.

His 1st quote on joining the Dodgers:

"I want to say something from the bottom of my heart. Thank you to all the fans in Boston, this had nothing to do with you, you were all great and I loved playing for you"

or something to that extent.

The Sox owners/management have been amazing and Reno wants to be carfeful about criticizing the people who brought a WS title to Boston in his lifetime......but just try to be a little more classy!

Reno all these things you say are true, but did the red sox acutally do any of this stuff, or was it just the papers leaking a lot of it?  

And I think there was a 99% chance (barring an injury) that the sox would have at least picked up the one option for one year.  I can understand how Manny didnt want that, so he pulled these latest tactics to get out of here.

I think the Lowe stuff was his drinking more than the affairs (that stuff happened after he went to LA I think).

And badmouth them or not, dont you think the fans have a right to know some things about why these players werent signed?  What if we never know that Manny threw an old man to the plate, or if the sox covered for manny when he refused to play.  I think we have a right to know the truth about these players and make our decisions on those truths

They actually said the things, in defense of their trades/letting the players walk in FA.

Thats an interesting way of looking at it that I never thought of. In the end, I do not know if we have the right to be honest with you. It is our decision whether we decide to purchase tickets to the game and merchandise. If I dont like that they let those players go and dont understand why they did it, and I dont want to do those things, I dont have to. Bottom line-I love the Sox and Im going no matter what! I would guess that 99.99999% of Sox fans are the same way. So with that being the case, why not just run the organization in a classy way? Add classy to the fact that they clearly make great baseball decisions (as someone mentions later in the posts, none of these players they have let go/trashed has been missed.....baseball playing wise) and  you have the perfect storm. If you know you are right in what you did, you do not owe anything to anybody and your correctness with show itself in the future (as it has with many of these players the Sox let go) and the fans will give you carte blanche. A perfect example of this is Manny....I LOVE Manny, probably my all-time favorite Red Sox but when they made the trade I didnt get mad or upset with the organization at all. Do I wish it had worked out and the guy could have retired a Sox? Of course, I think we all do. Do I notice that they traded a 36 year old declining player for a 29 year old player who could improve greatly in the Sox lineup and at Fenway, I sure do!

The 2 WS they put up makes me trust them. And if I didnt know that Pedro was a prima donna, Lowe an alcoholic, Nomar a winy baby and Manny well Manny I would be in the same spot.......Rooting for the best team in baseball this millenium!

Ok, but wouldn't a "class" organization not tolerate any of this garbage in the first place?  Does a "class" organization mean that everybody plays by the same rules?  Because it is clear that is not the case with the redsox.  Many players had their own set of rules.

And Ive still never heard the sox officially complain about the stuff manny, pedro, clemens, lowe, or nomar had done.  That stuff gets leaked out by everyone involved.


See JU, the Red Sox let Manny be Manny, they could of put their foot down 3, 4 years ago or in 2006 when he quit at the end of the year... but you all let him go and do what he did, so know that he is no longer there you all kick dirt on him... not cool, either always hate manny or never hate manny
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.

Jonny Utah

Quote from: superman57 on August 04, 2008, 11:14:39 PM
See JU, the Red Sox let Manny be Manny, they could of put their foot down 3, 4 years ago or in 2006 when he quit at the end of the year... but you all let him go and do what he did, so know that he is no longer there you all kick dirt on him... not cool, either always hate manny or never hate manny


again, what manny has done in the last few weeks is way over the top from what he has ever done.  And im not saying they should have put their foot down 3-4 years ago.  But if they were a "class" organization they would have.  And we arent kicking dirt on him because he left the team, we are doing this because of the way he left.  If he was an nfl player, he could be fined for that stuff.



tgp just watched the sox lose to the roYALs with cheese 4-3 bringing their road record to 24-33.

if these sox keep this up they will have bigger issues than whether or not they should have kept manny. 


Quote from: superman57 on August 04, 2008, 11:14:39 PM
See JU, the Red Sox let Manny be Manny, they could of put their foot down 3, 4 years ago or in 2006 when he quit at the end of the year... but you all let him go and do what he did, so know that he is no longer there you all kick dirt on him... not cool, either always hate manny or never hate manny

Dood, the Sox put him on waivers 4 years ago and no one wanted him for FREE!!  The Sox got hosed in this trade, but had to overpay simply to get Manny out of Boston.....Manny and Scott Boras can both touch each other in bad places for all U89 cares now.


Sometimes, Beisbol Good

and sometimes, like this conversation Beisbol Bad


Quote from: 'gro on August 04, 2008, 11:29:01 PM
Sometimes, Beisbol Good

and sometimes, like this conversation Beisbol Bad

U89 thought the four of them were watching "Two Girls, One Cup".


Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 04, 2008, 09:42:28 PM
Quote from: Union89 on August 04, 2008, 07:56:28 PM
Personally, U89 would suggest pooping prior to putting pants on, but the decision is yours.

Manny could hit the heck out of a baseball, but couldn't catch one and could give a rats behind about his teammates and the fans.....good ridance.


we are going to have to come up with a trophy name for the upcomning Ithaca/Union series.  And of course a wager is going to be a yearly event as well.

To quote the great Gary Coleman, "What 'chu talkin' 'bout, Utah??"


Ok, I will stop but I still am annoyed at fans who 2 weeks earlier praise Manny, and then when Manny still does what Manny does, at a tad bit larger way everyone jumps down his throat...
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.

Jonny Utah

Quote from: Union89 on August 04, 2008, 11:35:06 PM
Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 04, 2008, 09:42:28 PM
Quote from: Union89 on August 04, 2008, 07:56:28 PM
Personally, U89 would suggest pooping prior to putting pants on, but the decision is yours.

Manny could hit the heck out of a baseball, but couldn't catch one and could give a rats behind about his teammates and the fans.....good ridance.


we are going to have to come up with a trophy name for the upcomning Ithaca/Union series.  And of course a wager is going to be a yearly event as well.

To quote the great Gary Coleman, "What 'chu talkin' 'bout, Utah??"

Reno announced that an Ithaca/Union series is starting next year...

Jonny Utah

Quote from: superman57 on August 04, 2008, 11:48:08 PM
Ok, I will stop but I still am annoyed at fans who 2 weeks earlier praise Manny, and then when Manny still does what Manny does, at a tad bit larger way everyone jumps down his throat...


one last time....

manny was not doing what manny does.

this was new crap that would have gone over the top.


you say that, but Manny has always done crap like this... go back to 06 he quit for the last part of the season and the sox went down the tubes... the situation could of been prevented...
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.

Senor RedTackle

Quote from: LewDogg11 on August 04, 2008, 07:02:24 PM
Just a couple comments from all of this nonsense i'm reading:

1.  Gerry Callahan - I can't say I always have agreed with the man, and i can't say I even like the man.  He sometimes writes and says things for the sole purpose of controversy to make his talk show more entertaining and his goal in life is to piss people off so they call in and argue and people listen.  I think this is another example.  Possibly not completely off base, but a little bit exagerated.

2.  I will always love Manny.  I think most Sox fans will always love Manny.  I didn't love his lack of hustle at times.  i didn't love his bad attitude which showed up from time to time.  But as an athlete, i loved him.  But at this point, i agree, it was time for him to go.  And i'm glad to see him in LA and not in f'ing NY.  Atleast LA is a land for Red Sox rejects...

3.  Derek Lowe?  Why would the Red Sox re-sign Derek Lowe?  We loved him when he was here, but he could never be counted on, and he had 'The Derek Lowe' face.  Was sad to see him go, but it was sad to see Bronson Arroyo go too. 

4.  Pedro is one of my favorite players of all-time, but the Red Sox made the right move in not paying him a jillion dollars.  Let's face it, finally the Red Sox mgmt is being wise with their money.  A little out of the Patriots book me thinks...

5.  All of this racism talk is stupid.  Roger Clemens is a scumbag.  Barry Bonds is a scumbag.  Mark Maguire is a scumbag.  Race means nothing.  However, baseball is overwhelmingly saturated with foreign players so when a white guy gets into trouble it's expected, but when a Spanish player gets into trouble its racist.  Give me a f'ing break.  Everyone is on an even playing field...minus the extra muscle in the calf...

6.  Nomar...he was poison...There are no Red Sox players that were sad to see Nomar the teammate go...Nomar the ballplayer?  Sure...But not Nomar the teammate.  And i think this situation is very similar.

I don't even know what i just typed.  My head hurts.  Need to poop.  Need to put pants on.

RE: Derek Lowe.

RT is not part of Red Sox nation but has rooted for them for several years. RTs only real memory of Derek Lowe is in an Oakland divisional series 5 or 6 years ago where Lowe was brought in in relief and shut down the A's the rest of the game and Boston came back and won. Anyone remember that??

Senor RedTackle

RT drove by the new RPI stadium last night that's under construction...about 50% done. It is UNREAL. It looks like a damn D 1AA stadium...seriously. Could be one of nicest in D3 when done. Will be a comfy venue for the 375 fans against SLU in Nov in 45 degree rain.

If the Union/Ithaca series is a reality, per Reno, RT is depressed that RPI isn't doing the same. RT been asking for that for YEARS.....


Quote from: Senor RedTackle on August 05, 2008, 08:37:43 AM
RT drove by the new RPI stadium last night that's under construction...about 50% done. It is UNREAL. It looks like a damn D 1AA stadium...seriously. Could be one of nicest in D3 when done. Will be a comfy venue for the 375 fans against SLU in Nov in 45 degree rain.

If the Union/Ithaca series is a reality, per Reno, RT is depressed that RPI isn't doing the same. RT been asking for that for YEARS.....

Gro likes the "if you build it, they will come" initiative by RPI, but do they have a plan to put people in the seats?  Give Kevin Beattie (SID) some DI funds to spend on marketing the sports teams to the capital district.  Gro wouldn't mind a joint venture with Union to promote the Shoes game to a broader audience.

I just threw up in my mouth a little.