FB: Liberty League

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Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 07, 2008, 12:50:39 PM
Allright enough of this silly football talk. 

So JU is walking down a busy main street in Boston today and he sees this guy zipping down the bikelane and onto the sidewalk on a unicycle.  Now, Ive seen a unicycle or two in the past but I just thought for the first time, there can only be one reason why this guy is on a unicycle:  He wants people to see him ride on the unicycle.  I dont care how good you are, that thing is 10000X harder to ride than a bike.  Unless he is training for the circus or something (possiblity) JU is implementing an LLPP rule.

LLPP rule proposal.....
-Any LLPP member that sees a man riding a unicycle in public, can (and will), punch that unicycler in the face, or kick the wheel of said unicycle.

Paint ball gun or supersoaker would probably drop said uni rider too.


JT wonders how many Obama supporters will actually over inflate their tires.


From the what goes around comes around department:

Remember when Bush the Elder was in office?  He made the same 'inflate your tires properly" proposal.  The other party dumped all over him.

Not trying to start a political talk, just saying.

Garnet is also bummed because he can no longer ride his Uni to work. Thanks LLPP.


Quote from: Garnet on August 07, 2008, 02:02:44 PM
From the what goes around comes around department:

Remember when Bush the Elder was in office?  He made the same 'inflate your tires properly" proposal.  The other party dumped all over him.

Not trying to start a political talk, just saying.

Garnet is also bummed because he can no longer ride his Uni to work. Thanks LLPP.

Garnet, remember how Stack used to say the FIJI's rode their bicycles?  There is an RPI joke buried somewhere in there........


Quote from: JT on August 07, 2008, 01:51:14 PM
Quote from: Pat Coleman on August 07, 2008, 12:29:02 PM
Quote from: JT on August 07, 2008, 09:19:23 AM
Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on August 06, 2008, 02:26:38 PM
gotta luv paris...famous for nothing and she hits mccain/obama w/ a right and left hook....


EDIT: NOTE this is NOT to start another political thread by any stretch


At least she has a real energy policy, unlike the Messiah.  Don't forget to inflate those tires.  And tuneups for cars that don't require tuneups anymore.

I think inflating tires is now endorsed by both candidates.

Not quite:


"And could I mention that Sen. Obama a couple of days ago said that we ought to all inflate our tires, and I don't disagree with that," he said on the call. "The American Automobile Association strongly recommends it. But I also don't think that that's a way to become energy independent."

McCain has a blanket energy policy drill for more oil and natural gas, oil shale, nuclear, solar and wind etc.  Our natural resources.


'There are things that you can do individually though to save energy; making sure your tires are properly inflated, simple thing, but we could save all the oil that they're talking about getting off drilling, if everybody was just inflating their tires and getting regular tune-ups. You could actually save just as much.'  3 to 4%.

To JT that isn't an energy policy.  And it presumes that everyone has under-inflated tires for that 3 to 4% savings.  And it still doesn't get us what America needs... more energy sources.

We cannot conserve our way out of this.  Too many industries will suffer greatly.  And prices will skyrocket.  Travel and trucking are already suffering big time.  Trickle down and less food is being donated to pantries and shelters.  More pets are being abandoned to shelters.

And 10 years to more oil is a lie.  We'll get some in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.   Obama will just bring $10 per gallon or more gasoline if he becomes President.

so is 1-2 years we will have oil.... dad pbr worked w/ the oil industry for years and still consults for them now regularly travels up to the tar sand pits in alberta canada , etc... not to mention the millions of acres they have permits already in hand for, but thats food for another day. truth is it lies in the middle some short term drilling and ramp up alternative energy. pbr is  putting his money w/  boone pickens. the man knows business and is a great visionary. he is dumping 100s of millions into wind energy that and solar is where the future is especially w/ the 1 of the biggest scientific break thrus ever in solar energy the other day.


pbr tried riding a uni intoxicated 1 night and rode right into the side of a parked car and launched himself over the hood...pbr's friends couldnt stop laughing for hours


Unicycles are awesome.

JU, you live in Boston? Isn't there a guy at Quincy Market every night on a huge unicycle, telling jokes? Are you gonna punch that guy in the face every day? How you gonna get up that high?

Everybody shut up about McCain and Obama, PARIS IN 08!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've got three DWIs in the White House right now, next we need a Prez with an online sex tape!

Jonny Utah

Quote from: maxpower on August 07, 2008, 03:12:11 PM
Unicycles are awesome.

JU, you live in Boston? Isn't there a guy at Quincy Market every night on a huge unicycle, telling jokes? Are you gonna punch that guy in the face every day? How you gonna get up that high?

Everybody shut up about McCain and Obama, PARIS IN 08!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've got three DWIs in the White House right now, next we need a Prez with an online sex tape!

Dont worry Max,  JU has the mayor on his side.......


and if those pansies continue to roam the streets,  JU may have to take matters into his own hands.....


Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on August 07, 2008, 02:47:16 PM
Quote from: JT on August 07, 2008, 01:51:14 PM
Quote from: Pat Coleman on August 07, 2008, 12:29:02 PM
Quote from: JT on August 07, 2008, 09:19:23 AM
Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on August 06, 2008, 02:26:38 PM
gotta luv paris...famous for nothing and she hits mccain/obama w/ a right and left hook....


EDIT: NOTE this is NOT to start another political thread by any stretch


At least she has a real energy policy, unlike the Messiah.  Don't forget to inflate those tires.  And tuneups for cars that don't require tuneups anymore.

I think inflating tires is now endorsed by both candidates.

Not quite:


"And could I mention that Sen. Obama a couple of days ago said that we ought to all inflate our tires, and I don't disagree with that," he said on the call. "The American Automobile Association strongly recommends it. But I also don't think that that's a way to become energy independent."

McCain has a blanket energy policy drill for more oil and natural gas, oil shale, nuclear, solar and wind etc.  Our natural resources.


'There are things that you can do individually though to save energy; making sure your tires are properly inflated, simple thing, but we could save all the oil that they're talking about getting off drilling, if everybody was just inflating their tires and getting regular tune-ups. You could actually save just as much.'  3 to 4%.

To JT that isn't an energy policy.  And it presumes that everyone has under-inflated tires for that 3 to 4% savings.  And it still doesn't get us what America needs... more energy sources.

We cannot conserve our way out of this.  Too many industries will suffer greatly.  And prices will skyrocket.  Travel and trucking are already suffering big time.  Trickle down and less food is being donated to pantries and shelters.  More pets are being abandoned to shelters.

And 10 years to more oil is a lie.  We'll get some in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.   Obama will just bring $10 per gallon or more gasoline if he becomes President.

so is 1-2 years we will have oil.... dad pbr worked w/ the oil industry for years and still consults for them now regularly travels up to the tar sand pits in alberta canada , etc... not to mention the millions of acres they have permits already in hand for, but thats food for another day. truth is it lies in the middle some short term drilling and ramp up alternative energy. pbr is  putting his money w/  boone pickens. the man knows business and is a great visionary. he is dumping 100s of millions into wind energy that and solar is where the future is especially w/ the 1 of the biggest scientific break thrus ever in solar energy the other day.


pbr tried riding a uni intoxicated 1 night and rode right into the side of a parked car and launched himself over the hood...pbr's friends couldnt stop laughing for hours

JT knows oil people too.

JT is down with Boone.  Boone's plan includes more drilling.  He thinks that most cars should run on natural gas, which requires more drilling.  The conversion to natural gas or a natural gas option is not difficult. Airplanes will still run on oil for the foreseeable future can't just make jet fuel out of anything.  Also don't forget how many things are made out of oil.  We need to become energy independent.  Period.

Keep in mind that we as a country are already investing in solar, wind, ocean waves, jet stream etc.,

What is funny is that the liberal media has slammed Boone because he's invested in natural gas and wind.  Boone stands to make a lot of money.  But so what, if his plan works, it works.

Meanwhile that fat carbon footprint Gore is making millions off the phony global warming scam. And he gets a pass.  If I ever have to buy a carbon credit from this jerkwad, I'm gonna go postal.


Where's the guru when we need him.... let's "cut it out".....


Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 07, 2008, 03:23:00 PM
Quote from: maxpower on August 07, 2008, 03:12:11 PM
Unicycles are awesome.

JU, you live in Boston? Isn't there a guy at Quincy Market every night on a huge unicycle, telling jokes? Are you gonna punch that guy in the face every day? How you gonna get up that high?

Everybody shut up about McCain and Obama, PARIS IN 08!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've got three DWIs in the White House right now, next we need a Prez with an online sex tape!

Dont worry Max,  JU has the mayor on his side.......


and if those pansies continue to roam the streets,  JU may have to take matters into his own hands.....

JU...u ever throw some coin at  one of those doods?

Jonny Utah

Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on August 07, 2008, 03:53:10 PM
Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 07, 2008, 03:23:00 PM
Quote from: maxpower on August 07, 2008, 03:12:11 PM
Unicycles are awesome.

JU, you live in Boston? Isn't there a guy at Quincy Market every night on a huge unicycle, telling jokes? Are you gonna punch that guy in the face every day? How you gonna get up that high?

Everybody shut up about McCain and Obama, PARIS IN 08!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've got three DWIs in the White House right now, next we need a Prez with an online sex tape!

Dont worry Max,  JU has the mayor on his side.......


and if those pansies continue to roam the streets,  JU may have to take matters into his own hands.....

JU...u ever throw some coin at  one of those doods?

Sometime if I have a few beers in me I might throw a few bucks to a guy thats good.  But here is the problem with Fanieul Hall.

When I was a kid (or even 5 years ago), the street performers around there were actually good.  The magicians were funny, the guys who beat buckets as drums sounded good, and the acrobats could really move.  Now though, everybody and their stepson wants to jump out there and perform.  And the truth is, they suck.  Within the past year there has been this group of city kids (about 10-20 rotating) who set up with a boom-box and some mats and start dancing on the mats.  Now, Im not joking when I say that these kids really can't dance.  I mean they arent even close to being entertaining.  Absoloutly horrible  Theyre just a bunch of kids who want stupid....no really stupid, turists to throw money at them.  Its really gotten out of hand and the city needed to do something.

In fact, thats a job JU can do.  Ill be the guy who goes around Fanieul Hall and decides whether these performers should be allowed to perform or not.


Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 07, 2008, 04:07:03 PM
Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on August 07, 2008, 03:53:10 PM
Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 07, 2008, 03:23:00 PM
Quote from: maxpower on August 07, 2008, 03:12:11 PM
Unicycles are awesome.

JU, you live in Boston? Isn't there a guy at Quincy Market every night on a huge unicycle, telling jokes? Are you gonna punch that guy in the face every day? How you gonna get up that high?

Everybody shut up about McCain and Obama, PARIS IN 08!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've got three DWIs in the White House right now, next we need a Prez with an online sex tape!

Dont worry Max,  JU has the mayor on his side.......


and if those pansies continue to roam the streets,  JU may have to take matters into his own hands.....

JU...u ever throw some coin at  one of those doods?

Sometime if I have a few beers in me I might throw a few bucks to a guy thats good.  But here is the problem with Fanieul Hall.

When I was a kid (or even 5 years ago), the street performers around there were actually good.  The magicians were funny, the guys who beat buckets as drums sounded good, and the acrobats could really move.  Now though, everybody and their stepson wants to jump out there and perform.  And the truth is, they suck.  Within the past year there has been this group of city kids (about 10-20 rotating) who set up with a boom-box and some mats and start dancing on the mats.  Now, Im not joking when I say that these kids really can't dance.  I mean they arent even close to being entertaining.  Absoloutly horrible  Theyre just a bunch of kids who want stupid....no really stupid, turists to throw money at them.  Its really gotten out of hand and the city needed to do something.

In fact, thats a job JU can do.  Ill be the guy who goes around Fanieul Hall and decides whether these performers should be allowed to perform or not.

I don't know JU, sounds like a job for a music major... Max might have to apply.


Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 07, 2008, 04:07:03 PM
Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on August 07, 2008, 03:53:10 PM
Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 07, 2008, 03:23:00 PM
Quote from: maxpower on August 07, 2008, 03:12:11 PM
Unicycles are awesome.

JU, you live in Boston? Isn't there a guy at Quincy Market every night on a huge unicycle, telling jokes? Are you gonna punch that guy in the face every day? How you gonna get up that high?

Everybody shut up about McCain and Obama, PARIS IN 08!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've got three DWIs in the White House right now, next we need a Prez with an online sex tape!

Dont worry Max,  JU has the mayor on his side.......


and if those pansies continue to roam the streets,  JU may have to take matters into his own hands.....

JU...u ever throw some coin at  one of those doods?

Sometime if I have a few beers in me I might throw a few bucks to a guy thats good.  But here is the problem with Fanieul Hall.

When I was a kid (or even 5 years ago), the street performers around there were actually good.  The magicians were funny, the guys who beat buckets as drums sounded good, and the acrobats could really move.  Now though, everybody and their stepson wants to jump out there and perform.  And the truth is, they suck.  Within the past year there has been this group of city kids (about 10-20 rotating) who set up with a boom-box and some mats and start dancing on the mats.  Now, Im not joking when I say that these kids really can't dance.  I mean they arent even close to being entertaining.  Absoloutly horrible  Theyre just a bunch of kids who want stupid....no really stupid, turists to throw money at them.  Its really gotten out of hand and the city needed to do something.

In fact, thats a job JU can do.  Ill be the guy who goes around Fanieul Hall and decides whether these performers should be allowed to perform or not.

JT has seen NYC cops tell those that suck to pack it up.  Many subway performers actually have permission to perform.


pbr knows the hall section well JU and has been there many a time....your just the LLPP'r to lay down the law and crack skulls...JU will become Judge Dredd


Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on August 07, 2008, 09:02:47 PM
pbr knows the hall section well JU and has been there many a time....your just the LLPP'r to lay down the law and crack skulls...JU will become Judge Dredd

Either Judge Dredd or Judge Judy....she may even be nastier than anyone!