FB: Old Dominion Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:13:40 AM

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Ne'er a broadcast go by that I don't think of the W&J/BC comeback and the BC/Rowan games...I called play-by-play for both of them and they are some of the fondest broadcast memories I have. 


I will be headed for Bridgewater at 2:45 AM. My ETA at Bridgewater is 4:45 AM to catch the bus. If the weather gets worse with even more snow near Snowshoe then I may leave a little earlier.
  My Subaru is great in snow and I will be there.


I followed BC a little in 2000 after we beat McDaniel but when we lost to Emory & Henry on the Hail Mary I didn't follow them quite as closely.
  I will NEVER forget looking at the CBS ticker update and seeing BC 59,W&J 42 on the screen. I was thinking Bridgewater State who also played in the playoffs in 2000 I think.
  After watching so many BC games as a kid (I can barely remember the 1980 ODAC title team). That moment was awesome after the frustration of prior years.
  Rowan got a raw deal but BC/Rowan was one of the 10 best days of my life. I thought Cruz got across the goal line on 4th down but we later had to settle for a Safety.
   I remember the completion at the 1 yard line and saying,"Gee, 1 yard short."  I looked up and shouted 1 second left! Go go go!
   The Rowan sideline had emptied in celebration and the 1st down chain crew could not get down the field with the mass of humanity in their way. BC snapped the ball as soon as the clock restarted (finally) and they did not even put up the BC TD for 10 minutes.
   I will go to my grave with the belief that a few umbrella's must have blocked Mac's view of the clock and he could not see how much time was left. I was there, it is just something I have always thought.
   When Marcus got that TD catch vs the Purple Raiders in the Stagg Bowl I have rarely been that excited about a play.
    The Eagles did not think they would kick a FG with Rowe from like 43 yards and did not get on the field in time which caused a delay of game. Sean kicked one off the upright and without that penalty the game may have gone to OT.


Good luck to BC, lets go in and pull out that W. 

BC 35
wesley 21


Quote from: wrighthall220 on December 02, 2005, 01:29:13 PM
Dear God someone save "Mom".. the font keeps getting bigger and bigger.. could Saturday please get here soon.. I don't know if my PC can handle larger font!!!  ;) :D :P    Jokes aside I was one of O-Liners that had the opportunity to enjoy your baking Mom.. gotta love ya!

It's just my enthusiams for our big game tomorrow.  Hope we have a big crowd tomorrow full of cheers!!   Cheer too perhaps.  WrightHall 220, you have got to realize that when you are old as dirt, you just don't see as well as you used to, unless someone is trying to grab one of my tailbacks, QBs or fullbacks, hold my DLine, mess with my OLiners,  pass interfere on my receivers, touch my kickers, not throw some errant passes for Adrian, Deon, Drew, Earl and the gang to catch.  Then my Eagle eyes are back laser sharp--better than the guys in stripes, who never seem to get it right.  Now my message could end with another 50 line message but I won't, just in case your creaky machine couldn't stand the stretch! (tee hee!)  Thanks for the compliment about the brownies.  It gives me such happiness to bake for my guys!!

Brownies for Film Day--Now there's a Slogan I can live with!!!:)  Go EAGLES!


Quote from: PittTBCW on December 02, 2005, 02:03:37 PM
Good luck BC...safe travels....o line mom send me an e brownie please....I am at my planning period at school for student teaching and I just told my co-up about how good your brownies were and that I was craving one!!!

SORRY, BUT I WAS AT SCHOOL ALSO TEACHING WHEN YOU WROTE THIS.  bUT I'M SENDING YOU A DOZEN E-BROWNIES!!  All in caps just to emphasize that they are the Godiva Chocolate ones.  I should have been in bed hours ago as I have to get up at 3:30 to get on the bus to go to Delaware.  I have 3 alarm clocks set.  But I HAD to check d3football.com. ( PAT you are addicting.  I am going to have to find an d3f.c annonymous pretty soon!!  )    Hope all goes well tomorrow!  yOU KNOW IF YOU WERE TO COME TO dOVER TOMORROW YOU COULD HAVE A REAL LIVE BROWNIE????
Brownies for Film Day--Now there's a Slogan I can live with!!!:)  Go EAGLES!


Quote from: Cleveland Cartel on December 02, 2005, 03:08:43 PM
GOODLUCK THIS WEEK BC and safe driving BC faithful!!!

Oline mom, can you ship those next day air to Cleveland????

Take care and beat Wesley!!

with a snail-mail address all things are possible, even shipped brownies ;D
Brownies for Film Day--Now there's a Slogan I can live with!!!:)  Go EAGLES!


 It is amazing to witness. EMU (EMC) week was an event. The rivalry between BC and EMU goes back decades. But this year the game between the Men's Hoops Eagles and Royals has been overshadowed a bit on East College Street in Bridgewater, VA.
  The talk is mostly all about the gridiron for BC fans even though December 3 is a big day for Clark and Leatherman with BC going to Harrisonburg to face EMU tonight on the hardwood.
   December 3, 2005 is a big day for BC in both sports so lets go Eagles and give it your best shot. Both games will be very close and exciting. My picks are:

BC 27, Wesley 26

BC 73, EMU 71 OT.   (Hoops.)

   In football the more wind the better BC will do. BC has the better rushing attack while Wesley is a little better through the air.



Bill McCabe


i'm putting aside our big recruiting weekend and have locked myself in the office to listen to this game. BRIDGEWATER: GREAT JOB ON THE FREAKIN AUDIO LINK ONCE AGAIN!!!

nothing beats listening to bill phipps and scott lowe and thanks again for depriving me of that.

"99% ain't good enough"


just tuned into the game late...........WHAT IS GOING ON WITH OUR OFFENSE!!!!!!!!!

We've been in this situation before though so i'm not worried


In the words of Coach Colbert, "We are three big plays away from being back into the game."  Time to see the fireworks fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


turnovers. CANNOT turn the ball over this deep in the playoffs. throw it, catch it and hold onto it.
"99% ain't good enough"


we have to come out big in the second half and get that fire started