Northern Athletics Conference Women's Soccer

Started by WLCALUM83, August 06, 2006, 07:14:21 PM

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The last goal was in the 90th minute when WLC was probably all pushed up. Dom continued to squeak out victories because of Mayra and their keeper.


9/30 NAC Women's picks:

Rockford over Alverno  ??? (on paper this is the closest the Regent women get to a win, it's at home).
Concordia- WI over Benedictine
Aurora over Concordia- Chicago
Edgewood over Dominican
Lakeland over Marian
Maranatha over WLC.


Final:  WLC 1, Maranatha 0. (I'm eating my crow on this one with a smile.)  :D




10-06 Final:

Wheaton IL 5, Aurora 0.

10-07 Picks:

Concordia-WI over WLC
Maranatha over Marian
Edgewood over Lakeland
Benedictine over Concordia-Chicago
Dominican all over Rockford (even Alverno got 14 goals on Rockford--and the Inferno were on the road yet! ??? ??? ???) Guess I really ended up eating crow on that one!


10-07 finals:

Concorida WI 4, WLC 0.
Edgewood 1, Lakeland 0.
Maranatha Baptist 2, Marian 1.


Belated 10/14 finals:

Dominican 9, Alverno 0.
Edgewood 7, Maranatha 0.
Lakeland 9, Rockford 0.
WLC 2, Concordia-Chicago 1. (The Warriors are still in the neighborhood, but they're going to need a lot of help to crack the top 6.)


10/17 NAC finals:

Aurora 1, Lakeland 0.
Dominican 2, Benedictine 0.
Maranatha 3, Concordia-Chicago 2
Concordia-WI 4, Alverno 0
Edgewood 7, Marian 1
WLC 9, Rockford 1. (Believe it or not, the Warriors are still in contention, but I'm not expecting it to last, their last 2 NAC matches are against tough teams and the teams they're battling with have easier NAC matches yet. Still, given this was supposed to be a re-building year for the women anyway, I'm not complaining much.)

Jim Matson

The first NCAA regional rankings are out and posted in the Central Region Rankings area.  This poll is the only one to use when wondering about Pool B and Pool C candidates.
Managing Editor,


WLC still has a great chance for the NAC tourney. Ben has to lose to or tie Alverno, though. . .


10/20-21  Finals:

Concordia-Chicago 2, Marian 0.
Edgewood 2, CUW 1
Benedictine 2, Alverno 1 OT (ouch!)
Lakeland 2, Dominican 1 (2 OT)
Maranatha 17, Rockford 1


NathCon All-Name Women's Team (Soccer & Volleyball).


Katherine Craze-Alverno (speaks for itself).
Emily Storm-Alverno (did she have her best game vs. Rockford, per chance?)
Juliane Finn-Alverno (would have been a natural for Lakeland-"Muskies")
Megan Crowe-DF--CUW (speaks for itself).
Angela Pane-FD--CUW (how much of a "pain" is she to opposing defenses?)
Jennifer Harley-DF--MBBC (a natural if she intends to own a motorcycle one day)
Lauren Spurr-DF--Aurora (perfect if she's the inspirational leader).
Amy Enter-DF--WLC--(extremely apt this season--she's "entered" the penalty area often enough to be second on the Warrior women's team in goals).


Kim Bond-OH MBBC  Bond, Kim Bond!
Jill Smart-OH Aurora -- May Don Adams rest in peace.
Kim Linger-MH Lakeland (likes to hang out near the net and move in for a volleyball kill. Leads the Muskie squad in avg kills  at just less than 2.5)
Meghan Carson-Alverno  (if this kid's into doing monologues, with Ed McMahon unavailable, have the Inferno mascot take his place.)
Jacklyn Sack-L WLC (speaks for itself).
Jessica Judge-S  Benedictine, IL (just been doing that type of thing on a different "court").

Ba dumm bumm.