FB: Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference

Started by Adam Sayer, December 24, 2006, 10:01:33 PM

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Adam Sayer

HCAC represented in the preseason All American poll.
Nick Cass, Sr., Defiance

So if I was to take a vacation next year in San Diego, where would I want to be? A buddy of mine  and his brother live there, but I'm lazy and currently do not have a phone near.
I'm a man, but sometimes I want to smell like a different smelling man!


"Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina."-Ron Burgundy
Also the the gaslamp district in San Diego is always a good spot for eating, drinking, & entertainment.  Go to gaslamp.org to get more info.  It gives you a whole list of things to do & tells you what is close by too. 
"If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."
Will Rogers
"If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have given us arms."
Mike Ditka



Take some time in SD to patronize an OSU alum's business as well - Stone Brewery.
Some awfully tasty concoctions come out of those vats, like Arrogant B*st*rd and their IPA.

Viva suds with an attitude!  ;D


"Old Guardian"
"Forever more as in days of yore Their deeds be noble and grand"



whatever you do in San Diego, DO NOT go to TJ (Tijuana)....people dont' come back from there.

Don't take a vacation there....move there.  You'd be happy with your decision.  Perfect weather, and lots of stuff to do.....am I missing something?  Oh yeah....hot and crazy chicks. 
AMC Champs: 1991-1992-1993-1994-1995
HCAC Champs: 2000, 2001
PAC Champs:  2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Bridge Bowl Champs:  1990-1991-1992-1993-1994-1995-2002-2003-2006-2008-2009-2010-2011-2012-2013 (SERIES OVER)
Undefeated: 1991, 1995, 2001, 2009, 2010, 2015
Instances where MSJ quit the Bridge Bowl:  2


are there a lot of great whites off the coast? or is that up by san fran? jaws has ruined the ocean for me, but i like to watch the water.


Probably not ALOT, but there's a chance you'd see some in the waters off San Diego. 

They do like tropical climates more...which means South of San Diego along Baja California.

I am late for my interview with discovery channel....
AMC Champs: 1991-1992-1993-1994-1995
HCAC Champs: 2000, 2001
PAC Champs:  2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Bridge Bowl Champs:  1990-1991-1992-1993-1994-1995-2002-2003-2006-2008-2009-2010-2011-2012-2013 (SERIES OVER)
Undefeated: 1991, 1995, 2001, 2009, 2010, 2015
Instances where MSJ quit the Bridge Bowl:  2


it is shark week, i can probably get this info by watching discovery 24 hours a day.


Once was surfing in Malibu & there was all sorts of activity w/ the coast guard & lifeguards & everyone thought it was a drowning.  Turned out there were two baby great whites that were swimming around.  It was also nice to know the "pups" were 6 feet long.  Not bad for babies!
"If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."
Will Rogers
"If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have given us arms."
Mike Ditka


i just saw a special on the sharks. turns out most great white attacks on people are because they assume they are sea lions and come from underneath to investigate. the only way to find out is to bite into them since they have no hands. usually that means you lose a limb or die. oh, and the great whites aren't very agile but are one of the fastest sharks. been timed up 37mph in the water.

also, the bulls sharks are responsible for the most deaths and can live in fresh water for up to 4 years. it was the shark scare in 1916 along the new york/new jersey where the bull sharks forced people off the beaches and into the inlets and rivers only to find 3 people being killed in one day miles up the river. apparently they have super rediculous livers that can process both types of water and get their oxygen. the one guy estimated hundreds of bull sharks in a river 90 miles inland in one small area. puts things in perspective a little bit. even more so when you consider a bull shark was taken from the mighty mississipp in st. louis!!!!!

mako (sp?) is the most aggessive. they are smaller off the coast of california but grow to 12-14 feet in the gulf. they have also been timed going 40 mph in the water, the only good thing is that their horrifying set of teeth and their non picky diet stay out in much deeper waters and stay away from most coasts.  very aggressive animals.

my last notation on the sharks took place on mythbusters (sorry, i really got into shark week yesterday) and they tested the great white myths from jaws.

1.) great white can crash through a cage and eat somebody. True. at 500+ lbs and traveling over 30 mph, the shark can destroy a cage and you. and it's nose is made of very hard cartillage that makes it a battering ram.
2.) GW can destroy a boat by crashing into it. True. at 500+ lbs and hitting a wooden bottom boat, you may not be in for a good day fishing.
3.) roy scheider can blow a GW up by shooting the oxygen tank. False. The bullet from the Italian bolt action style rifle just blow a hole straight through it and turns it into a torpedo. It could probably scare the fish off though.
4.) GW can take the buoys down below water and hold them there. False. can take them down, but not for long.

it was 2-2 for mythbusters and jaws when i fell asleep. i didn't see the last one. either way, they are some dangerous animals. sorry for the long drawn out post on sharks, but it is shark week.


Has Been - if i remember correctly there are some Pics and Videos of you in the Gas Lamp District durign Madi Gras when we were running around there with beads looking like Mr. T

i am sure your soon to be Wife would love a copy of those.


Ah memories!  I especially remember leaving w/ an empty neck of beads after that evening. ;D  I'm also sure my fiance has better documented pics & vids of me ;)
"If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."
Will Rogers
"If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have given us arms."
Mike Ditka


actually she posted those online.  go to sublimedirectory.com and search "gay"

Sayer if you are looking to drop a dime go to LaJolla for dinner there are a lot of great restaurants...pricey but unbelievable.  Marine Room sits on the beach at the cove crowd is a little "old" but the waves crash against the dining room window with dolphins swiming in the wild.  Ricks on the Cove is also great.  you can easily immpress the Puntang taking them out there.  drop me a line when it gets closer we are always hosting clients out there and i can find some spots for you.

if you just want to get sick to your stomach go north out of mission beach oon the side streets and it will take your through the neighborhoods around LaJolla every house has either a Ferrari or Lambo in the driveway. 


What a bunch of tee wah tees! Sharks! Omigod! Come on, you wimps!

Any self respecting surfer ain't gonna let the guys in the gray suits keep him out of the water any more than any self respecting football player ain't gonna let the prospects of a concussion or fractured neck keep them off the football field. I got a coupla fingers munched two weeks ago trying to retrieve a fish hook from a hammerhead's mouth. Not an extremely large hammerhead but he made my hand bleed pretty nice. I've been followed to the beach by the landlord so many times I can't even begin to count the number of times. Two buddies and mine and one of their wive's were doing a dawn patrol together down here a few years back. We'd been surfing about thirty minutes when Kathy says, "Uh, guys, there are sharks over here." Her husband looks over at her and laughs and says, "Well, babe, paddle your ass over here with us. We ain't seen one yet." There were six big ones near her - the biggest about nine feet long and the smallest about three and half feet. A little bastard nipped me on top of my left foot about fifteen years ago. If the waves are really cranking, I'm paddling out. If I see sharks, I count myself lucky. It's the ones you don't see that nail you anyway and there ain't squat you can do to totally avoid it but stay out of the water. Not an option if you like to surf as much as I do. I will say that bullies make my ass pucker. They're mean and aggressive and they don't give up. They like to shove you before laying into you. That's the really scary ass part. If one shoves you, you're fixin' to get bitten and the best you can hope for is that it's not big enough to do you much damage. A bull bit one of my elderly neighbors in half a few years back. He jumped into the canal for his afternoon swim and landed in a school of bullies feeding on stingrays. A ten footer chomped him across the middle and literally bit him in two. He bled out and died right there while his wife and son stood on the dock and watched.

Anyone wanna go surfing with me? I've got extra boards and extra rooms and sweet spots galore.

Congrats to Nick Cass! You da Man!

Sayer, while in San Diego, go to the Zoo. It rocks. The Gas Lamp District is cool. Rent a car and drive up PCH all the way to Huntington Beach. Beautiful Drive. Especially around La Jolla and Torrey Pines and that area.

Surfing's good in Mission Beach. Beware of sea lions. They can be aggressive. La Jolla surfers are pretty territorial. San Diego surfers are laid back for the most part, as are those up around Oceanside. The guys at Trestles can be real nazis toward outsiders.


i really don't want to get bit in half. holy crap that's frightening!

it's funny hearing a surfer's point of view as compared to mine. i watch shark week and know that surfers like to go early in the morning for the waves, like when sharks go to start eating. the two don't mix for me. yet, you say it's a great time. and seem to show very little fear over it. or maybe the right amount of fear to keep you alive.

i would compare that with a broken neck and i think it was a fair comparison. most people won't play football with a broken neck, well, unless you are LT in ANY GIVEN SUNDAY and you play for the Sharks.

"that's football gentlemen...."



thats quite a story....what a terrible way to go....imagine the screams..
AMC Champs: 1991-1992-1993-1994-1995
HCAC Champs: 2000, 2001
PAC Champs:  2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Bridge Bowl Champs:  1990-1991-1992-1993-1994-1995-2002-2003-2006-2008-2009-2010-2011-2012-2013 (SERIES OVER)
Undefeated: 1991, 1995, 2001, 2009, 2010, 2015
Instances where MSJ quit the Bridge Bowl:  2