FB: Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference

Started by Adam Sayer, December 24, 2006, 10:01:33 PM

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M and L

when i played we had 2 overnight road trips, but it never affected our play or bothered us.  It was just business as usuall. 

TMC should have been allowed in the HCAC, but i don't think that the AD's and coaches would vote or allow them in because at the time TMC was so competitive and give those schools a run for their money.  Think about, TMC could have joined the conference and won the HCAC championship their first year and went to the playoffs.  I don't think that would look to good concerning other schools in the conference.


M & L and vbell:

There are many people who would agree with you that TMC should be in the HCAC.  However, unfortunately, there is much more to that situation with regards to some political disagreements, controversies and other aspects on both sides and some "behind the scenes" issues that were at the center of that consideration in recent years.  This has been discussed and debated by many on this board quite extensively in past years and is a rather sensative subject.  As such, I would say that most people would prefer not to bring this up again here for legit reasons.  However, if you sincerely want to know some of the history of these past issues regarding this, may I suggest you contact SaintsFAN "off-line" (and also some of the other HCAC veteran posters) and he/they could provide you with some insight into all of this.  While I know some aspects because of someone close to me who had been involved in a "tangential" way with TMC in the early '90's, I am/was basically an "outsider" to some of the other aspects invovled and as such, do not feel I am qualified to relate specifics, nor do I consider myself an expert on this topic (although I do have my own opinion based on what I know).  Anyway, I don't want to bring up a "sore point" with any of our colleagues here on this board, yet, anyone has the legit right to ask about such a situation, and especially for some of our younger colleagues here on the HCAC board who weren't around in those years when this debate/issue was going on.  Hope that helps albeit slightly.  ;) 

Anyway, in regards to the travel question; I think most of us "formers" would agree with you about the long road trips.  As a player, it was just part of the game and program and you did what you had to do i.e. played the game.  Didn't really affect most of us I believe; at least not for me personally.  Thanks for your input. 
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice

FCC Approved Bland Name


In one of your posts you asked for some spread playbooks.  I have a bunch that I can give you.  I can email you West Virginia 2005 since I have that on my computer.  It's a large file but it's really good.  What's a good email address to receive a large file?

I also have OSU 2002 if you want to get all O-HI-O with your team.

If your feeling confident in yourself, I'll give you the Patriots playbook from last year.  It is rediculous.  A play that we would have called "Right 51" they call "O out slot R 535 max base H left"

Adam Sayer

I don't know how large my hotmail limit is or my school's limit is, but I'll give you both. adam_sayer@hotmail.com and sayer_a@betheltate.org. I'll take any and everything. I need reading material and what better to read than an Ohio State, West Virginia, or New England's playbooks.

I think sticking with Right 51 was better than O out slot R 535 max base H left . That is why QB's have speakers in their helmets because some smart guy said "remembering all that while running 20 yards to the huddle is a pain in the a$$"
I'm a man, but sometimes I want to smell like a different smelling man!

Adam Sayer

I have all the parents in Bethel mad at me because I reamed our best kid for losing his finals match. His mom was damn near crying because I stood her son against the wall and screamed "you're better than that." Another parent was in my face telling me I shouldn't be yelling at the kids like that and I need to calm down. I replied that the kids need to win the matches they are supposed to win and not doing so is unacceptable. This was the same parent whose son won, and when I came up and said he did well, the parent replied "the kid was just weaker" and when his son walked by said "that wasn't nothing, go sit in the stands."

The worst part was I took him back next to the bleachers away from everyone so I wouldn't embarrass him yelling at him in front of everyone, but still happend to be in the way of the projection of the team scores on a 20ft x 20ft screen. So a 10ft shadow of Coach Sayer laying into this kid was showing up on the screen for everyone to see.
I'm a man, but sometimes I want to smell like a different smelling man!

frank uible

In the middle of games Paul Brown effectively used to say quietly but icily to future hall-of-famers, "you're killing us".

Adam Sayer

When you're at that level, "you're killing us" is all the motivation needed to do well.

In my opinion, HS kids, especially the ones who lay around with their girlfriends before matches, need a fire lit under their butts. The only way I know how is to be intense and use the "in your face" approach. I do make it a point to try to build them up after I tear the down, but kids need that. They need attitude and someone to get in their a$$ and chew it because in the real world, there is no sympathy for the "good guy" who tries hard, but still isn't good at his job. He's fired without a second thought. You don't make excuses, you just find a way to get the job done by any means necessary. This approach worked for me. I was more successful when a coach was yelling "I aint taking this sh!t from some 18 year old punk" because it pushed me to do better.

I've said some crazy dumb stuff in my years, but it wasn't for lack of caring or lack of a will to win. I don't think any of my teamates will ever accuse me of not caring and I think they know that I worked to be the best and that was something I learned in HS because I wasn't cut any slack. I was getting my butt chewed for losing to state placers when I was a freshmen or missing a block when I started varsity my sophomore year. As a result, I've become a better person and was a decent college football player. The goal is to accomplish the same results with these kids using the same methods of coaching.
I'm a man, but sometimes I want to smell like a different smelling man!

M and L

Sayer I know the kind of athlete you were emotionally so bet some things didn't change much in your coaching being the very blunt out spoken person that you are.

I have had similiar experiences in my first year of coaching Taylor.  Basically, they fit the same mold as your guys, which is pampered.  Not with luxuries, but in terms of responsibility and toughness.  I see it alot in the upper classman in my school, and when i challenge them, regrarding in our off season workout just to be a leader, they simply crumble.  So since there not used to be pushed to strive and perform at a higher level they feel unconfortable.  They don't want to do the extra work.  They are used to settling for average, average effort.  So when I jump or there ass for having that kind of attitude or ride their ass for more.  They go home and complain to their parents "that coach Macke is a Big A$$ and hates me because he pushes me to hard and makes me do all these little things that are difficult."  Then we got to here from parents who have that same mentallity/ attitude as their son.

Sayer I had one parent who I ran into at my brothers wrestling meets who was still bent out of shape of last years play calling, and then preceeded to question "what are we going to do about" along with are off season workout and "What are the purpuses of doing little things like Dot Drills and jumping up and down on boxes"  I don't mind answering questions, but telling what we should or shouldn't do.  Well you can only imagine how i felt. 

The great thing is that it isn't all the kids.  Just a few of the older kids who aren't used to having a young coach with no outside life and who is so dedicated.  The younger guys seem like they are slowly getting the point and the ethusiaism is starting to rub off.

Sayer you just keeping coaching the Sayer way and don't change who you are.  At time I just had to find different methods of delivering my message.


maybe the parents should write you a letter of thank yous because you fired the kid up and kept him off the couch of losers. maybe if his own parents would quit breast feeding him, he would be more equipped to go out and wrestle some matches at a higher intensity level. maybe if the kid could stop feeling sorry for himself and rise up to the occasion and learn how to compete you wouldn't have to scream at him. you may be the last line of defense for this kid before he goes down a dark and lonely path of excuses and babying parents for the rest of life. sayer, i commend you.

FCC Approved Bland Name


I sent West Virginia (7mb) to bethel tate.  I sent BYU (Norm Chow passing) and Urban Meyer Utah 2004 to hotmail.

Let me know if you get them.


sayer or fcc you may have to forward those to my email. i love reading that stuff and seeing how it all operates.


Superfoot Wallace

Have the last three Norm Chow playbooks, but they have been integrated into a favored run game.  As such, have been sworn to secrecy.

However, would like to hear and share some thoughts as to how and why it works the way it does in general.

Some real innovation there with regards to the creation of passing windows via position designation, motion and obvious complementary run game as an addendum to slide protections.

The Detroit Lions were ahead of the curve decades ago (think: Scott Mitchell) with the nasty tight end split and offset fullback.  Think the University of Nevada pistol has some keen insights as well, but have as yet received only cutups with which to make a facsimile handwritten playbook.

Think its all very contrary to Spurriers famous dig system, though remember a bowl game against Butch Davis a few years back where the ole ball coach traded blows using the tight end from nasty, only to come up short as Butch was able to get other production from Shockey.  Would be willing to bet the Scotgun out of the MIAA uses the Norm Chow system but expect its from scratch and not a mix.

the AndOne mixed tape tour
See that, that spells Adidas


Adam Sayer

Eric Schnieder would be a great addition to the Mount as a D-line coach.

JPC, I got them. My hotmail limit is 1000 MB (whatever that means. I'm not computer lingo literate). Thanks a bunch. I've already printed out some stuff from WVA's to use for wrestling (expectations, psychological profile of a champion, etc.) just to show them how the world works at the next level. Most of my guys are football first, wrestling second and have considerations of playing college football, but don't want to beleive me (nor do their parents) what's expected, how they are spoken to, and the difference of coaching strageties even at a DIII school.

I admit, I cuss more than I should (and I was throwing out the F-bombs between the "you're better than thats"), but I make it a point to try to treat my guys like guys. Not kids. I try to treat them they they will if they go to college and play a sport because honestly, I think many good athletes come to college and can't take a coach screaming in their face when they screw up. Mental toughness is hard to find in today's youth.
I'm a man, but sometimes I want to smell like a different smelling man!