Started by Ralph Turner, January 19, 2007, 02:51:19 PM

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Yes Hicks was one of the best players from the Herkimer CC team that went to the JUCO World Series last spring.....I believe he originally was suppose to be at Bryant College a D2 school. With Will Groff being gone....he may be the best 2b in the sunyac this spring.

Bob Maxwell

Thanks for the update... I didn't know who he was.  In my all sunyac predictions, I put Russo down from Cortland thinking he may play there... one of the guys I guessed on. 

Looking at your names, I forgot about Jweid... but still think that Dennstedt will be a good one so I will stick by that.

Thanks again...

John McGraw

Joey "Whoa" Russo will probably be Cortland's starting second baseman.

Bob Maxwell


Any predictions on the All SUNYAC team?  Other then the coaches, you are one of the most knowlegable people on the conference...

Everyone else is still doing the homework that Dr. Baseball assisgned...

Bob Maxwell

Checking the basketball boxscores from last night, I went into the Oswego page to check if Nick Perioli played.  He did not, and was not in the statistics for the entire year... but was listed on the roster.

Does anyone know if he is or was hurt?  And if he will be playing baseball this season?  No roster for Oswego up yet, so can't check...


You're such a polific poster in many places. Have seen you on SUNYAC basketball board on occasion. Thought you were aware that Perioli blew  out a knee last summer and, yes, missed the entire hoop  season. May have (probably) cost Oswego title, though certainly would have been interesting vs. Bport. Lakers had pretty solid array anyways.

We have inquired several times about his baseball  fate. Was an all-star there as well as on the court as point guard.

Don't think Joe Brown's Cortlands can be unseated this spring. This would appear to be one of his best,  and he's had the goods in the past. Has plugged holes, and Coromato is HUGE pickup in replacing Mead. Dragons debut shortly in Virginia


Hey Bob, being that you are the assistant A.D. for facility operations at SUNY Buffalo, do you feel that it's professional for you to post blogs concerning college athletics?  Issues regarding facebook and my space are hot topics in the world of college athletics and wouldn't you agree that blogging of student-athletes as an administrator could be considered questionable in judgement, interesting....?  Not that your conversations are stimulating and interesting but you passing judgement on programs and athletes....your thoughts? 



Bob has every right to post and discuss anything he feels he needs to on this site. I dont care if he is an administrator. What does that have to do with anything.....hes just expressing his opinion on players hes seen play and i see nothing wrong with that.


Dr. Baseball, did I ask you?


Quote from: John McGraw on February 21, 2007, 01:08:51 AM
Joey "Whoa" Russo will probably be Cortland's starting second baseman.

Classic!!!!! I never get tired of Blossom references.
Baseball is not a game that builds character, it is a game that reveals it.

John McGraw

I predict that we will all bow down and worship at the throne of Nick DeVito at the end of the year.

LOL OK, well, maybe by the end of the next year.

I haven't checked out any baseball stuff in regards to the teams I don't really know well (Fredonia, SUNYIT, Oswego) since I'm kind of busy with the end of the basketball regular season and the start of playoffs in a week or so. Once I'm wrapped up down here, I'll glance over what those three have coming back. Since they only go to Cortland every other year, I never saw any of them at Wallace Field.

Quote from: BigPoppa on February 21, 2007, 11:44:05 AM
Quote from: John McGraw on February 21, 2007, 01:08:51 AM
Joey "Whoa" Russo will probably be Cortland's starting second baseman.

Classic!!!!! I never get tired of Blossom references.

I can't remember if I came up with that or not. I want to say that one of the student workers in the Cortland press box actually said it first. Of the Cortland nicknames over the last few years, there's been Will "The Thrill" Groff (coming soon to a APPY or NY-P park near you), "Mr. Speed" Andy Mead (coined by Gordon Mann when he was a freshman), Jimmy "Dy-NO-Mite" Basnight, Steve "Hello" Newman, "The Big Z" Mike Zaccardo, "The Z Man" Mike Zgorzelski, and "The Liverpool Express" Jimmy Dougher. I think that's it, I'll have to ask Gordon if he remembers only others from the earlier teams in 2003 and 2004.

Bob Maxwell


Very good question... and I have no problem answering it.

If I was posting about anything that I do at work, or that impacts anyone that we play against, or that could influecne anything that I deal with at work... then I would agree with you that it is not something that I would be doing.

However, posting as an interested party (both as a fan and parent) there is not any conflict of interest at all.  Nothing that is on this board could even remotely be considered to fall into anything that I deal with or would have any influence over with my position.

Also, I don't think I've passed judgement on any individuals or programs.  I have voiced my opinions and given my viewpoints on topics that we've all discussed.  Perhaps with a knowlege of the NCAA rules that some posters may not have... but I don't believe anything that I've posted on here can be considered as malicious or derogatory towards any individual or program.  To the contrary, I believe that I've always balanced anything that could be even remotely considered as a possibly "politically incorrect" by any poster (including myself)... with the comments that we don't know all the information so we should not be passing judgement on or questioning anyone's personal integrity (be it a studnet athlete or a professional staff).

I respect your right to post here... and to provide your opinions and viewpoints... and in fact welcome the insights and views of anyone willing to offer them.  

I won't make an issue of it, as it is your right to post... but you're reference to my position and asking if I feel I've crossed some unethical line is far closer to crossing that same line then anything in my postings.  It seems as if your suggesting that I've in some way acted unethically...  

Obviously, by you searching my information out and the tone of your comment to Dr. Baseball, something I've said has hit a nerve and is bothering you... if that is the case, please contact me and we can get it straightened out.  But this is not the forum for that discussion.  You must have my contact information...

I stand by what I've said... and I am posting as a fan and parent.  I feel as if I've balanced what I've said... and done so with restraint and integrity.  If you want to discuss anything further, I am more then willing to do so.  As I don't want to let anything that may grow hostile continue... especially on a public message board.

Dr. Baseball, thanks for the support... but I feel that I've addressed the question to Cyle's satisfaction.

Bob Maxwell


We all look forward to your predictions...

And some of your nicknames and calls of those nicknames, for the cortland players have been very entertaining in the last 3 years since I've been involved in SUNYAC baseball.  They will be missed if your not back at Cortland this year...

Bob Maxwell


I was not aware of the injury to Nick... my primary interest on this message board is baseball, specifically SUNYAC baseball... I started reading the basketball board as the season neared its end because both Brockport teams were in the race... I picked up on the injury reading on that board.

Hate to see anyone injured, especially a bad one... I only hope that he is able to come back next year to complete his eligigility in both basketball and baseball.  I don't know if he will play baseball this year, as the Oswego roster is not up.

Cortland will be a tough nut to crack (again), but as you can read on this board, we have not fans from Brockport, Plattsburgh, Oneonta and New Paltz... who all feel our teams have a shot at beating them.

That is why we play the games....
Just to have the shot to win!


Bob, very well put and I respect your response.  In regards to my tone with Dr. Baseball, it was merely due to his response to a question that was not posed to him that's all.  There is no hostility on my part in regards to you personally, I just just differ with you on the role of an Assistant A.D.