Started by Ralph Turner, January 19, 2007, 02:51:19 PM

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It was great to see my hometown team Ithaca take down the Red Dragons pitching by committee. I know everyone is on the bandwagon about Cortland not being the same team as always, myself leading the way, but they are still a dangerous team. After looking more at the pitching depth of these teams it is time for me to stop kidding myself. Cortland has the arms, as much as I hate to say it they do. Oneonta is right there with a couple of guys that they can ride out through the tourney. Brockport I believe can still host but they will struggle if they fall into the losers bracket. Locke has not been good this year and Joy finally got a win against a sub par RIT team but who else do they have? I cant wait to see how everything plays out this weekend. If Cortland plays well then it will be the same old story as it is every year, Cortland hosting.


ive got a ton of respect for coach brown and his success and the success of the cortland program. sure hope it gets straightened out soon... again this cortland team has great potetial and talent but they are playing tighter then a drum..... one bad hop error,  swing thru a changeup or,walk a guy in a bad spot and your cannot play up to your potential with that monkey on your back,and its beginning to show.....this same  team went down to fla and ran the table..... they played loose and won...... give this team soom room for an occasional error, tough at bat, or bad outing without climbing on their back and you will see a diffrent think these players dont want to be sucessful.....think again..... this is an excellent team that needs to loosen up and start having fun again..... good luck this weekend cortland and coach brown.... just my 2 cents


i know its easy to discount cstate already but as most know,  its a marathon, not a sprint! cortland has to focus on improving daily to prepare for the sunyac playoffs. As you look at their record, in-region and overall the only way into the regional this yr is a win the sunyac, pool A bid. no way this team garners a pool c bid if they dont win the sunyac tournament, too many in-region losses to teams w similiar records.

Cortland has got alot of quality arms, more than any other of the sunyac teams!
The problem that I see is the defense, there are 3-4 inf that actually play fielding .850 and below! That is a mind blowing fielding % for college inf's on any team, let alone cortland! Just horrific and if it doesnt get fixed it will be the downfall of this team eventually despite the pitching depth and the # of guys that swing the sticks!
I could go get 10 35 yr old guys that I played at cortland with 15 yrs ago that could field .900.
If u are fielding under .900 after 26 games and u play college baseball u might want to hang up the spikes!
In sports it's not how you start, its how you finish!

Ruby Red Dawg

alot has been made on the board about Joe Brown and his coaching ability. What about the rest of the conference? What are the coaching capabilites of Palisin, Doorey, Paino, Griffiths, Beach and Ferchen?


Has anybody looked at what Coach Brown has accomplished since getting the job at Cortland? He has been doing a great job and will continue to. Just because his guys are having a tough time this year everybody is getting on him. If the guys playing aren't doing their job he can coach until his head comes off, it's not going to help. He's got a lot of new guys who need to get settled in. If they do, they'll be fine, if not, it won't be their year. Once their out on the field they have to play, he can't play for them.

The ability to relax and play the game is within the athlete whether the coach is a yeller or a sit back and watch guy.

Give coach Brown a break.

Big Louie

Yes we all know what Coach Brown has done who cares. Its a what have you done for me lately world. Coach Brown made his bed and now he can lay in it. I feel no remorse for Cortlands struggles. Yes they may very well be there at the end, but honestly I wouldnt mind seeing them lose every game out. I'm tired of seeing the same team win the SUNYACS every year. So when Corltand might not be there usual self its a good year in my book.


I think there is a possibility of someone else coming out of the SUNYACS especially if Cortland does not host. If they don't win the Pool A bid they probably won't get in this year anyway unless they almost win out.


Quote from: Smithers on April 16, 2009, 02:43:58 PM
Quote from: Cardinal Sin on April 15, 2009, 11:18:33 PM
Quote from: StarvinMarvin on April 15, 2009, 09:56:03 PM
Times like these is when the true ability of a coach is shown and I think that's why you're seeing Cortland struggle.  Not that it's any one person's fault but from what I know of the program Brown gets all the credit and should be equally willing to take responsibility.  Any coach can study the game and win with good players but not every coach has that "IT" factor going on or a presence about them.  The guy is too much of a rollercoaster when I watch their games, FAIRWEATHER would describe it best.  IMO, the best coaches show their true ability when things aren't going well or a program faces a setback.  When you have injuries or a lack of talent, you find ways to get the most out of your players mentally, emotionally and of course physically.  Brown chooses to place blame on his players more often than not it seems.  It's ok to do that when necessary but if you do it all the time, your players aren't going to want to run through a wall for you.  That working relationship is what allows a coach to get the most out of the talent he has to work with IMO.  Year by year teams are different and a coach needs to figure out his team's identity and by this time of year have things figured out.  A guy like Valesente is a prime example.  The guy lost a ton of talent but gets the most out of his players year in and year out through his coaching style/strategies.   

You would think Brown a disciple of the Coach V school of basebal would have learned some of this...

I'm not to sure about this, but I do remember hearing a few comments at a couple alumni festivities that Coach Val and Coach Brown do not exactly see eye to eye. Does anyone else have any information on that?

From what I have heard, they cannot stand each other.....

Bob Maxwell

Alleycat brings up a good point... to read a little into his comments, players play (no matter what kind of coach they have) and teams win or lose. 

Let me talk in hypothetical's for a minute... and assume that the talent on all the teams is equal.

I've talked about match ups on here in the past... and the same type of thing can be said for where a player fits into a role on a team.  Some guys lead and some guys are supporting role guys.  The best players aren't always the leaders and the leaders aren't always the best players.  Sometimes as a program moves through the changes from year to year... a kid in a supporting role (#3 or 4 pitcher, #5 hitter, you pick the role) moves into another role he may not be comfortable in and the chemistry changes and that can impact far more then just that one individual.  A team can rise or slip based on how these changes happen...  someone is a winning pitcher or high average hitter in a role he is comfortable.  Change his role to something is isn't comfortable with and he may not be as successful and it impacts the team.

This isn't a comment about stats...  Its about the matchups they are put into, the chemistry on the team around them on the field/in the lineup and how the dynamics of the group that evolves during a season.  One year a kid can be a statistical leader in one role, the next he can be just average if he is put in a role he doesn't feel comfortable in (or vice versa).  Its how the roles on the team are defined and evolve.

The leader of a group isn't always the best player... but the best teams are those where the leaders are the best players.

It happens every year on every team... that is why some teams grow during the season and others don't live up to the "expectations".  Because players either do or don't feel comfortable in the role that they are given.

Back to reality... There are five teams who (at this point) have a legitimate shot to both host and win the SUNYAC's.  Yes, for some of them that percentage is higher then others... but all five still have a shot at it.  And it will all be decided on the field in the next 3 weeks.  The team that plays the best wins.   This is the first time that can be said in at least the last 6 or 7 years.

Very exciting!


Quote from: Ruby Red Dawg on April 16, 2009, 09:20:27 PM
alot has been made on the board about Joe Brown and his coaching ability. What about the rest of the conference? What are the coaching capabilites of Palisin, Doorey, Paino, Griffiths, Beach and Ferchen?


Seems to me like there aren't very many top level coaches in the conference. Just looking at them on an individual basis, know one has done much to make themselves standout.

Palisin--His program has come on as of late. They used to be considered the door mat of the conference, and you could usually ink them in as two conference wins on your schedule. Palisin who I believe is a pitcher by trade, has improved his team through that portion of the game. There ERA has gotten better each year over the past couple years (2007 and 08 ERA in the 6's, while this year they are in the low 3's). While also there D seems to be improving % in the low .900's to .965 now.

Doorey--Took over a fairly new program when he got there and has made some strides. But as stated earlier, he can make it to the dance, but can't seem to get any wins in there. He has had some pitching issues as far as depth. He has had some very talented ballplayers there over the years. Hoffman, Welch, Dahlin, Hughes and Kutolowski. Not to mention the fact that he has the luxury of recruitng to probably one of the nicest D3 facilities in the NE. He should be able to be bringing in much more talent. Doorey's teams are ones that will traditionally hit very well, but have trouble when its time to toe the slab.

Paino--Although I don't know much about him, I can only look at there statistics and there records. They really don't play as many games as most of the other teams. As far as I can tell they do not traditionally take a Spring trip (i see they did this year). It was an unfortunate thing that happend to him last spring, but it seems to me like his team was better off without him there. I am glad to see that he has made what seems to be a full rcovery. Again, like wiht most teams, pitching and defense seems to be there issue.

Beach--On paper his team is probably one of the most talented teams in the conference. Some very promising players, with loads of potential, who really have not panned out. Underachieving does not even begin to describe this team. ERA for most of the year in 6's and 7's and a very poor fielding average. Did a decent job with a young team last year, but has taken when seems to be steps backwards with this team.

Griffiths--Since he has taken over the helm, his team has been on a rollercoaster of a ride. Last years team was much improved and from the stats, looked like they had a true #1 in Zack Potter. This years team just seems to be struggling all over the place. An ERA in the 8's is not gonna win you many ball games, just ask the Brockport players. FRom what I undersstand this is a very difficult schol for academics, so perhaps that might be giving Coach Griffiths some problems when it comes to recruiting. I mean it beomes very easy to coach and to pile up victories when your team can roll the balls out and win on sheer talent alone, but what about when you have to develop players.

Ferchen--To me, Ferchen and Oneonta seem to be the biggest enigma of the SUNYAC over the past few years. Ferchen alwasy seems to have some great talent, but they just can't put anything together. A team that had 2 pitchers talented enough to play professional baseball and they couldn't win the tournament. This year seems like there best year and chance to take the SUNYAC tournament, anything less would be considered letdown IMO

Anyone have any additional insight on any of these coaches?


come on cortland ....... play loose and you'll do well this weekend.......keep your heads up and play ball....... just my 2 cents


Quote from: Smithers on April 17, 2009, 12:26:42 PM
Quote from: Ruby Red Dawg on April 16, 2009, 09:20:27 PM
alot has been made on the board about Joe Brown and his coaching ability. What about the rest of the conference? What are the coaching capabilites of Palisin, Doorey, Paino, Griffiths, Beach and Ferchen?

Palisin--His program has come on as of late. They used to be considered the door mat of the conference, and you could usually ink them in as two conference wins on your schedule. Palisin who I believe is a pitcher by trade, has improved his team through that portion of the game. There ERA has gotten better each year over the past couple years (2007 and 08 ERA in the 6's, while this year they are in the low 3's). While also there D seems to be improving % in the low .900's to .965 now.

Doorey--Took over a fairly new program when he got there and has made some strides. But as stated earlier, he can make it to the dance, but can't seem to get any wins in there. He has had some pitching issues as far as depth. He has had some very talented ballplayers there over the years. Hoffman, Welch, Dahlin, Hughes and Kutolowski. Not to mention the fact that he has the luxury of recruitng to probably one of the nicest D3 facilities in the NE. He should be able to be bringing in much more talent. Doorey's teams are ones that will traditionally hit very well, but have trouble when its time to toe the slab.

Paino--Although I don't know much about him, I can only look at there statistics and there records. They really don't play as many games as most of the other teams. As far as I can tell they do not traditionally take a Spring trip (i see they did this year). It was an unfortunate thing that happend to him last spring, but it seems to me like his team was better off without him there. I am glad to see that he has made what seems to be a full rcovery. Again, like wiht most teams, pitching and defense seems to be there issue.

Beach--On paper his team is probably one of the most talented teams in the conference. Some very promising players, with loads of potential, who really have not panned out. Underachieving does not even begin to describe this team. ERA for most of the year in 6's and 7's and a very poor fielding average. Did a decent job with a young team last year, but has taken when seems to be steps backwards with this team.

Griffiths--Since he has taken over the helm, his team has been on a rollercoaster of a ride. Last years team was much improved and from the stats, looked like they had a true #1 in Zack Potter. This years team just seems to be struggling all over the place. An ERA in the 8's is not gonna win you many ball games, just ask the Brockport players. FRom what I undersstand this is a very difficult schol for academics, so perhaps that might be giving Coach Griffiths some problems when it comes to recruiting. I mean it beomes very easy to coach and to pile up victories when your team can roll the balls out and win on sheer talent alone, but what about when you have to develop players.

Ferchen--To me, Ferchen and Oneonta seem to be the biggest enigma of the SUNYAC over the past few years. Ferchen alwasy seems to have some great talent, but they just can't put anything together. A team that had 2 pitchers talented enough to play professional baseball and they couldn't win the tournament. This year seems like there best year and chance to take the SUNYAC tournament, anything less would be considered letdown IMO

Anyone have any additional insight on any of these coaches?

Palisin- Least of my knowledge, but I have saw him on the road twice. Each time made some risky moves that paid off. Definately has revamped the pitching staff of a team that always could hit. Heard many things about him as a recruiter and looks like all the effort has paid off this year. Never really thought he had the ability to take a team over the cusp of the .500 mark, I guess this year has proved me wrong. Very inexperienced in post season play, should they get there it is  uncharted territory.

Doorey- Definately has done a lot for the program and has established them as a solid team year in year out. Beautiful field lots of support and a decent guy helps bring good players in despite the unfavorable spring conditions there.

Paino- Cannot argue with success, but to me seems too much of a hands off coach. Only observed at games, does not seem to "coach" even in tight ballgames. Rarely gives signs to batters and overall doesnt offer much IMO.

Beach- A long way to go here. Young coach's inexperience showing through. I am still not sold on this Bport team regardless of the run they have had. I have seen some on the field antics that really are immature and have heard and even seen a tirade or two that never belongs on the field. I do believe that there is room for improvement and can establish himself and return the program back to where the golden eagles have been in the past.

Griffiths- Found a gem in Potter. Other than that from a good baseball area, hasn't had much to work with. Has taken IT's spot in the basement for now and a few years to come I can estimate. With that being said still no easy victory, ask Fredonia. If they are the worst in the conference I guess that says something for the SUNYAC.

Ferchen- Overall my pick for best coach in the conference. Year in year out consistent play, great pitching staff . Something must be said about developing Filak as a pitcher, surely it did not happen over night. Great facilities, lots of pride, terrific players make Ferch and his crew a highly respected team. IMO they are much more dangerous with depth and chemistry than the other Red Dragons.

Brown- well we all know by now...

Bob Maxwell

game one
brockport 11 plattsburgh 4
WP shannon
LP OLeary
HRs Curcio(P), T. Allen-grandslam (B) in the 7th


cortland 8-7 over oneonta game 1 of dh!
In sports it's not how you start, its how you finish!
