Started by Ralph Turner, January 19, 2007, 02:51:19 PM

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John McGraw

Quote from: Hot Rod Runnin on March 11, 2010, 10:23:29 AM

it seems to me that you make some of the most generic statements about these games. statements that anyone could say without having even been to the games, and find out just by reading the boxscores.

Oneonta off to a hot start as usual with there less stellar florida trip.

I think we should make an effort to start posting about other teams on here...this is the SUNYAc board, not bash the best team in the Northeast board

Anyone heard from Bob Maxwell?


Gimmie a break, criticism comes with the territory!  Why don't we just discuss world peace and eat some granola while we're at it so no one's feelings get hurt, God forbid!

Hot Rod Runnin


Did Coach B cut you?


Unfortunately I'm a disgruntled former player, you got me Rod.  You ask about the game, Whitey answers you and you knock his response. Why ask if that's the case? 


Just a little somethin' for everyone to ponder: It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory or defeat.

From Teddy Roosevelt's speech at the Sorbonne, ...words some of the posters on here could take to heart on occasion.


Thank you for the laugh and for providing me with the inspiration to be a more sensitive poster when it comes to my fellow man!  Go Rough Riders!


sorry hot rod   next time i'll just post the box score....... just hoping for a little parity in sunyac,   not the cortland show ... if you know what i mean....... speaking about jb cutting guys...... maybe he should have the nuts to tell the guys who show interest that they probably wont see the field , instead of blowing smoke up their butts telling them the position is yours next year......maybe he dosen,t know talent as well as he thinks....maybe there is a motive here ...  just look at cortlands rosters over the last 10 years ....guys with 20 at bats over 2 years and cut. most of these players cut just quit baseball cause jb cut them. and  Most of these players cut would start at any other sunyac program.....maybe there is a motive here to keep sunyac weak....iI don't know.......look every body wants to play for a winner...but tell the guys who won't see the field that they won't be a good fit.....and let them move on to another program...... maybe then we will see some parity in the sunyac programs......just my 2 cents


Point well taken Whitey and although I share many of the same views regarding the Cortland program and their coach, I'm not sure I totally agree with your last point but I do respect it.  A DIII coach has the luxury of being wrong when projecting a recruit without feeling the impact of that mistake for four years until that player frees up a scholly. That being said, bringing in as many talented players as possible only creates positive competition     at virtually every position which makes kids better.  Most kids who end up at programs like Cortland are well aware of the challenge and are willing to take that chance to be a part of something special.  No player should ever feel comfortable with their spot on the team regardless of what a coach may promise them and again that's where depth and competition prevent complacency. We live in a society where kids learn at an early age a sense of entitlement instead of work ethic and the reality of things not always going your way in sports or life in general.  I cannot knock the Cortland coach for his recruiting efforts because he's taking advantage of a resource that few schools have and exploiting it for the benefit of the program.  Kids tend to recruit Cortland as opposed to the other way around which is rare.  I stand by my previous criticism of the program and the person running it but I also have no problem calling a spade a spade or giving credit when it's due.         


well said marvin....  and i see your point .... thanks


My point in sharing the quote from Roosevelt wasn't a plea for was just a quote to give people who don't coach at the level as Coach Brown does, the opportunity to understand that until they've done something remotely close to what he has, they really don't deserve to lash out like that. Of course, and absolutely, everyone should be able to post their opinion...100% agreed ...however, it irks the heck out of me when that opinion is sooooo wrong and uninformed...yeah, people on his roster that don't play could start for any other SUNYAC team?!? Like who? And based on what performance? What are you even talking about? Did you see someone play in high school 3 years ago? Most kids who go to Cortland and fail, do so because of their own shortcomings, usually in school or socially...usually not because of failure on the field or because of the coach. Count 'em up and get back to me, you all-knowing guru of the SUNYAC..all the kids who left the program because of the tyrant coach who has the kids all wound so tight that they just can't possibly's kind of funny that you make the comments about sensitivity...a little hypocritical, no? I guarantee that JB could care less what anyone on here thinks of him or his coaching philosophy. And I also guarantee that he will continue to do things his way...because he does it right,wins, kids graduate and succeed in many other programs can match the numbers? It'd be pretty interesting to see accurate comparisons between the SUNYAC schools. I think most AD's would love to have a guy like him coaching any of their athletic teams. He strictly adheres to the rules, monitors grades and academic progress of all his players and they usually end up graduating..oh, or playing professionally and then coming back to school to get their degrees. Enough said.


Pretty heady stuff in here for State U. grads (so am I).  My two cents on Cortland.  30 plus wins and three or four 40 win seasons in there every year minus 2004 (29-16).  Although Coach Owens is the architect, Coach Brown still has kept up the level of play.  He has been putting players into the draft with similar regularity and the program is widely considered a top 5-10 program nationally year in year out.  He kind of reminds me of Boeheim some, until Jimmy B won it all every one regarded him a bit less then they do now.  Personally, I could care less if they win it.  It would not change my opinion of arguably the most consistent program possibly in the whole region across the board for men's sports.  Plattsburgh & Oswego hockey, Cortland lacrosse, etc.   That program has to be in the mix.  Remember too, they get everyone's ace every weekend.  That is tough to face.  Imagine what would happen if the SUNYAC went to a four game series like the E8 and Liberty Leagues??  Can you picture the day two scores of Cortland vs. Fredonia or New Paltz?  Whether players like his techniques, or whatever, he has the wins to back it up.  Now, I know people will argue that anyone could coach there, facilities, admissions, phys. ed, etc...  Easy to say that, and not all the teams at Dragon land are regular NCAA teams.  Lot to be proud of in that program.


The standard to measure the success of a coach is not always wins and losses but the way in which he or she runs all aspects their program in my book.  I cannot dispute wins or individual players success.  However, I cannot praise a coach who compromises integrity at the cost of winning as applies to the coach in question.  If were gonna point out all the good then we also need to be aware of the bad.  Allowing suspended players to play in big games?  Contacting players who are already enrolled and playing in another program? Practicing outside the time alloted by the NCAA?  The list goes on and on...I care not to debate this topic any further but those are the facts.  In my book, there's a guy right down the road from Cortland St. named George Valesente who does it the right way.  That's a coach who deserves praise!


without going into specifics..... which i can do but won't on a public forum..... JB would play OJ if he would help him win...... you see its all about joe....not the players, not the program.....just w's and l's  just my 2 cents


Congratulations to Donny Coolidge from Plattsburgh State for being awarded the SUNYAC player of the week honor.  Donny's work ethic is hard to match as far as being physically and mentally prepared to play.  He is an "old man" by college baseball standards, but he returns after a couple years off in top shape. 

Donny has been a member of the Marine Corps. for almost 5 years, and spent the 2007 baseball season balancing his duty to our country with college baseball; not an easy task.  He has been deployed twice (Africa and Iraq) which is one reason why he has not been in the SUNYAC picture since 2007.  Donny's character and dedication are both things that every college athlete should strive for.  Donny is "always faithful" (Semper Fidelus) to his teammates and will take on a leadership role this year for a young Cardinals team.         


congrats donny.....