BB: General New England Discussion

Started by Paul Heering, February 14, 2007, 06:14:24 PM

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Boys, boys, boys....  I know of your great LEC teams. EConn last year in Appleton, 2 and BBG, year before think they beat NCW to go 1-2, though not the winners of the NE regional. All I was saying was the LEC is   loaded with teams that can hit, but they are not loaded with pitching or teams that play great defense. Sorry that bothers you so much. Am I that far off? And I do live in New England, so I might write again.


363dp if you really do live in new england come start blogging with the big boys, we are like a family over on the lec board.  We will bash the crap out of each other but as soon as someone outside the blogging family starts in we will jump to the rescue for each other.  so if you are feeling frisky come on in to the lec page cause like my fellow bloggers said you will find an LEC team in appleton this year and that my friend is the facts jack


Quote from: 363dp on April 16, 2008, 10:17:17 PM
Boys, boys, boys....  I know of your great LEC teams. EConn last year in Appleton, 2 and BBG, year before think they beat NCW to go 1-2, though not the winners of the NE regional. All I was saying was the LEC is   loaded with teams that can hit, but they are not loaded with pitching or teams that play great defense. Sorry that bothers you so much. Am I that far off? And I do live in New England, so I might write again.

OK 363pd, I admit that defense is very important, ( I always complain about ECSU defense), next to good piching and hitting, especially if you want the D-III National Championship trophy.
But the likes of Ryan DiPietro, (Royals), Joey Serfass, (Mets), Tip Fairchild, and a few others I most likely missed, illustrate some reasonably good pitching talent in NE, especially since we cannot play baseball in this region 365 days a year like other Conference teams.  And as the wordsmithmyster previously stated, 7 D-III CWS Championships/17 yrs are not bad, with LEC teams in the CES many more, so there has been a pretty good balance of the 3 diciplines those years. In fact I would say the 1998 ECSU D-III CWS championship team, may have been one of the best D-III teams ever, and could have kicked a lot of D-I and D-II teams rear-ends.

I seem to remember only WIAC and maybe OAC or NJIAC have more D-III CWS Championships, UW Oshkosh, Marietta College, and College of NJ being a cases in point.

Please come join the fun at the LEC website


OK New England D-III fans: Where are the 5 Star Match-ups this weekend. What games are you excited about? Weather looks solid, let's play 2.

My 5 Star Games:

TEE vs. Quahogs (EConn vs RIC)
SwampRats vs Chowdas (KSC vs UMB)

3 men I admire the Most vs daBrains (Trinity vs Tufts)
Wheaton vs Brandeis (Dah!)

Wheaton vs So. Maniacs

How about your list?


I like your choices. Eastern needs to win to maintain respectability, RIC has to win to prove they are for real, a split is useless to both. (other than standings, i mean in the ubermensch).
A win for USM over Wheaton is important because it will diminish KSC's win later over Wheaton and may impact the At-large bid.
Keene needs to sweep this weekend to verify they are a NATIONAL power, capable of dispatching lowly neighbors. Unfortunately good weather is forecast for Keene so the swamp should not be a factor.


I know you guys like to talk about the past, all the WS titles, so could you tell me the last time USM beat  "the Wheaties" ? I think there has only been 2 close games in the past 5 years. Starting to think 2 NEWMAC teams (Babson and Wheaton) might be better than any 2 LEC teams.


Quote from: 363dp on April 17, 2008, 10:02:31 PM
I know you guys like to talk about the past, all the WS titles, so could you tell me the last time USM beat  "the Wheaties" ? I think there has only been 2 close games in the past 5 years. Starting to think 2 NEWMAC teams (Babson and Wheaton) might be better than any 2 LEC teams.

OK let's talk about the Wheaties vs Keene State and vs TEE over the past 2-3 years. I believe that coupled with the USM record tells a more accurate story.  :o :o :D

And one other think about the Wheaties--> how did ol'ErictheRed let Bryan "Dup" get away?


Old Spartan


please explain your characterization of the Trinity/Tufts game as the Most vs daBrain.

I think I understand the first reference, but no the Chicago oriented cooment on Tufts.

Do you think the Jumbos are coached by Ditka?

Not smart enough to understand you, but wishing I was in Boston this weekend.


363dp come on, if you are going to post on this board you better do your research.  Your all mighty wheaties have gotten smoked by the top two LEC teams (Eastern, and Keene) over the last couple of years.  Last year Keene blew  a ninth inning save against them and turn around and not only beat the all mighty wheaton once, but twice to send them and thier grossly overrated buts back to the NEMWAC conferance.  And that was Keene's first trip to the regionals.  Wheaton was suppoused to have the big game experiance from the year before when they lost in the National Championship game.  PLease dont try and tell the NE board that they are better cause they have had some success over Southern Maine.  I understand that two years ago they beat southern maine to go the world series, but against keene and eastern not so much.  Wheaton does not play the schedule that LEC teams do.  All sat dh's in the LEC feel like they are being played on the Cape in the Regionals.  You dont get that in the Nobody Even Might Want to Actaully Care about this conferance (I tried word, not the best smith but a try)

As for the big games this weekend i think that word hit it on the head.  RIC vs Eastern, and Southern Maine vs Wheaton should both be great games.


Quote from: 363dp on April 17, 2008, 10:02:31 PM
I know you guys like to talk about the past, all the WS titles, so could you tell me the last time USM beat  "the Wheaties" ? I think there has only been 2 close games in the past 5 years. Starting to think 2 NEWMAC teams (Babson and Wheaton) might be better than any 2 LEC teams.

363dp, I presume you are not one of these guys who takes the " don't confuse me with the facts" attitude.

Well, here are the facts re ECSU vs Babbleson and the Wheaties

                      ECSU       Babbleson              ECSU           Wheaties
2005                  7               3                          5                     3
2006                15               6                          8                     0
2007                  2               4                          6                     7  ( 11 innings)
2008                16               4                          to be determined

Now what was your comment re NEWMAC ( is this Mickey D's new dogmeat sandwich??) vs LEC????????????


Quote from: Old Spartan on April 18, 2008, 09:02:32 AM

please explain your characterization of the Trinity/Tufts game as the Most vs daBrain.

I think I understand the first reference, but no the Chicago oriented cooment on Tufts.

Do you think the Jumbos are coached by Ditka?

Not smart enough to understand you, but wishing I was in Boston this weekend.

I think you need an IQ of about 275 to get into Tufts. Thus daBrains


Quote from: KSCfan on April 18, 2008, 09:54:33 AM
363dp come on, if you are going to post on this board you better do your research.  Your all mighty wheaties have gotten smoked by the top two LEC teams (Eastern, and Keene) over the last couple of years.  Last year Keene blew  a ninth inning save against them and turn around and not only beat the all mighty wheaton once, but twice to send them and thier grossly overrated buts back to the NEMWAC conferance.  And that was Keene's first trip to the regionals.  Wheaton was suppoused to have the big game experiance from the year before when they lost in the National Championship game.  PLease dont try and tell the NE board that they are better cause they have had some success over Southern Maine.  I understand that two years ago they beat southern maine to go the world series, but against keene and eastern not so much.  Wheaton does not play the schedule that LEC teams do.  All sat dh's in the LEC feel like they are being played on the Cape in the Regionals.  You dont get that in the Nobody Even Might Want to Actaully Care about this conferance (I tried word, not the best smith but a try)

As for the big games this weekend i think that word hit it on the head.  RIC vs Eastern, and Southern Maine vs Wheaton should both be great games.

KSCFan and Word,

Cannot argue with your assessment.
Got to believe Coach Holywater will have Jags and Espo going.  KSCfan , your right, Eastern Cantmakethecut State is going to have to sweep RIC to gain the repsect and momnetum to win the LEC Tourney


I like your choices. Eastern needs to win to maintain respectability, RIC has to win to prove they are for real, a split is useless to both.

TEE will get some help this weekend with 3 of RIC'S key players being out to take a police exam in RI for the first game. It will show how tough this RIC squad really is. Idon't think a split will deminish anything RIC has done this year though. They still will be a tough team to contend with.


Quote from: santeezy06 on April 18, 2008, 03:37:26 PM
I like your choices. Eastern needs to win to maintain respectability, RIC has to win to prove they are for real, a split is useless to both.

TEE will get some help this weekend with 3 of RIC'S key players being out to take a police exam in RI for the first game. It will show how tough this RIC squad really is. Idon't think a split will deminish anything RIC has done this year though. They still will be a tough team to contend with.


That is too bad, you hope that TEE would see the full strength RIC team. Hope they pass the exam!!! :)

Good luck to the Anchormen, they are looking strong this year, and although I will be rooting for ECSU, we all will be rooting for RIC, USM, KSC, ECSU to go to the D-III CWS and show the Chapmans, Woosters, Cortland St's or Salisbury's and U Texas Tyler's a thing or two.


Suffolk vs. Johnson and Wales is a big matchup tomorrow. Suffolk needs a split with JWU to win the conference outright, and if they sweep, they'll be the first team to ever run the table in the GNAC. They're currently 12-0, Johnson and Wales is 11-1. This is a big matchu