WBB: Landmark Conference

Started by Dave 'd-mac' McHugh, February 20, 2007, 07:24:46 PM

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The Landmark had more rumors floating around regarding their tie-break system than Tiger Woods had friends with special talents. Seems certain people that should have had a specific understanding were also unsure. Not a good thing.
As for Moravian...second game in a row vs. Scranton that they did exactly what they wanted with little resistance. Thus far, clearly the better team.
However, after years of always being the bridesmaid & rarely the bride...this better be their year with so many seniors. The Lady Royals are certainly down...just wouldn't write them off just yet.
As Ronk stated, let's hope it's just a "flesh wound" & the bleeding is stopped.


Since the last Regional rankings are coming out this Wed's. and they will carry some weight regarding who may be in & who may be out should an automatic not be earned...in my quest to help the sometimes uninformed members of the NCAA selection process, I'll offer to them the logical Mid Atlantic top 6.
1.Moravian. 2.LVC. 3.Messiah. 4.Scranton. 5.Gettysburg. 6.Muhlenberg.
These choices are based upon overall records, regional records, strength of schedules, head to head & common sense.
God bless us all!


  The committee accepts your rankings in total and adjourns til Sunday deliberations.


If it were only that easy! ;)
I can still recall a member of last year's selection committee being asked by DMac on Hoopsville why Moravian ended up as a host site when it appeared Muhlenberg had the edge in virtually all areas the NCAA claims it takes into account. The answer sounded more like a response from Jackie Gleason on the old Honeymooners show when caught by his wife doing something stupid and a member of Congress attempting to explain why he's against something.
Much verbage...little substance.


  The Lady Royals' offensive struggles continued tonight shooting 4-28(2-pt field goal attempts)in the 1st half on their way to a 57-41 defeat by Marymount. Marymount defensed the Royals well, limiting their open looks to single digits. Led by a player who doesn't know when to quit,Tara Eddy(she of the multiple knee surgeries) with 22 points, and inspired to play intensely for their coach who does know when to quit(he recently announced his retirement after a distinguished career),  Marymount built an early lead at 13- 7 and largely maintained it for the remainder of the game.
  The Lady Royals didn't have the season-long improvement this year that they had last year despite only losing one player from last year's team. Did get to commend Ryan Mooney afterwards for outstanding effort over her 4-yr career on the court and in the classroom. I put her in the top ten of Royal bballers(men and women) over this decade and she'll be missed.


Lady Royals' 1st round opponent in Gettysburg tournament revealed to be St. Mary's(CAC) as Gburg will play Randolph(ODAC, but not Randolph-Macon), setting up a possible 2nd round match between 2 of best players in region(Megan Kopecki and Gburg's Caitlin Moser). 



Any info on recruits for this year?
A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.
Vince Lombardi


  They were hoping for 2 from Jersey in April, but I don't know if they made it to campus.


  New players on Royals have been added to roster; 2 from Jersey that I alluded to previously, are among them, although their high schools are reversed(in errror); that is, Alison Sweeney is from St. Rose and Brianna Reigstad from Pope John.


The Lady Royals have also added the little sister of former Drew great, Courtney Cunningham.


  Looks like she can make 3s; hopefully, will be a good PG.


This morning's edition of the Express-Times has a nice article on the 10-11 Moravian team.  It talks about the changes necessary for the squad after graduating six seniors from last season, and the difficulty replacing 5,233 points.  E-mail sports@express-times.com


  Thanks for the article; should be an interesting year for Coach Spirk, similar to Mike Strong after the graduation of the Matt-Mellody, et all, team 3 years ago.


 Lady Royals' season opener is Tuesday; hoping that 2 of the newcomers(Katie C. and Alison) can take some of the scoring load from Megan and Jen and that Katie C. is capable of being the primary PG. With graduation of Ryan Mooney, they'll have to find a shutdown defender. While Megan is a good defender, especially at overplaying the passing lanes, one does not want jeopardize her offensive availability by picking up fouls on an opponent's best player.
  As usual, their non-conference schedule is a tester, especially if they play DeSales and Gettysburg in tournament championship games.
  Good luck to all the Lady Royals this season.


Catholic U has posted its roster and I am surprised to see that its all-conference player, Brianna Peterson, is not on the roster for her senior season. Anyone know what's up? Has she transferred?