WBB: Landmark Conference

Started by Dave 'd-mac' McHugh, February 20, 2007, 07:24:46 PM

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Quote from: Augie2020 on July 05, 2022, 02:40:01 AM
Well if I am reading in between the lines I think the next Head Coach for the Lady Royals will be Meredith Mesaris.Looked up Dartmouth no longer assistant on that team.I noticed ex assistant Sheila Cook said on June 24th it was nice catching up with former player Meredith Mesaris but called her Coach.So maybe I'm reading into to much but I think she will be next Head Coach at Scranton!It is only a guess but sometimes you read between the lines!

There's a tweet today from Dartmouth women's basketball that the coaches are on the road these days for AAU tourneys(among them, Meredith is in Louisville). I'm remembering that Meredith wasn't hired as an official coach but some other position(unpaid assistant?), so she may not have ever been listed as a coach to this point. Doesn't mean she won't apply and/or get hired by Scranton.


Yes but go back to 2021-22 Meredith is an assistant and her picture is on the coaching staff,Go to 2022-23-Meredith is no longer up as assistant Coach! I can be wrong  about her becoming Head Coach but I was just putting that and Meredith Former assistant coach convo on Twitter.Because I still follow her as an eye opener.But tomorrow the Job closes .So soon we will Hear who it is!!


Also Shible just hired 3 coaches on June 29 2022 only one that stayed was Sarah Assante!Jamie Insel played at Tufts,Victoria Lux and Colleen Corcora


Meredith may certainly apply, as will 100 others.
What doesn't add up is that both she & another asst. coach both disappear off the radar at Dartmouth shortly after the season concludes.
You don't quit your day job for another when there is no promise of the position, you wait until the offer is made.
In addition, since Dartmouth is now announcing their new coaches for 2022/23 means those positions were posted at least back to early June to give candidates the time to apply & then interview.
Personally, I'm hoping their next coach has previous head coaching experience so we don't have another Dipillo situation.
He came in as Mr. WNBA, used all of Trevor's recruits to win, added a star in Abby this past year after her playing 3 years of D-1 ball & rolls out of town without bringing in even 1 impact player in his 3 years.
He may have some serious talent on the roster, he just never played anyone beyond his standard 7/8 kids to ever know.
His loss is no big deal, the fact he did a poor job restocking the cupboard is.


That second Dartmouth assistant who disappeared may be Megan Phelps who's the new head coach at Bowdoin.


Could be, but I was looking at Lydia Caputi (also a Bowdoin alum).


Ronk is this the busiest part of recruiting the month of July?Coaches not picked yet will be behind the 8 ball.


 It's the busiest viewing month of the year, at least as far as D1 schools are concerned. They have restricted viewing periods the remainder of the year. Hence, all the tweets from the coaching staffs about which tourneys they'll be attending this month, if only to remind the prospects that they're offering that they're interested and will be watching their play. Many offers will be made by the end of July and then August is used by prospects to visit campuses before their senior year starts in September. Maybe, AD Dave Martin will hire Abby Anderson as a grad assistant to conduct the campus visits by prospects recruited by  DiPillo previously and the other ones that are self-interested by the Scranton program's reputation.
  Hopefully, the new Scranton hire can bring their prospect contacts with them from their previous school, especially if it's a Patriot or Ivy League assistant coach, for example. If one is looking for impact players, that would be the level of competition for Scranton. There will still be that gap where Scranton will not have any attention showered on prospects until the the new hire.


And, let's remember, these "prospects" are all juniors & soph's.
The senior class of 2022 have already made their choice...although extenuating circumstances like coaching changes can always lead to Plan B.


Royal researchers a busy in the basement of the computer lab on Campus scouring social media for any news. Also look for white smoke from the hill section to signal a decision has been made.
A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.
Vince Lombardi


Watching run 4 the roses out of Kentucky 1019 coaches are there d1,d2,d3,Juco,Naia.Then it will be from Chicago .I wonder if anyone from Scranton is in the house?



 Catholic tweeted that they were there; didn't guess their budget would support that. i may check with Coach Donahue later in the month.


So the last game put Phee elite against Griffin elite well the coach at Griffin is the head coach at Webster and they talked about how she was 25-1 at d3 Webster her daughter plays on that team but they only had 7 players and played tough.So espn 2(209) will have it from Chicago also they dont show all games but they show championship games.So maybe Martin is there recruiting since no coach yet.Also Abby Anderson is giving basketball lessons to all ages in the area at riverfront.