East Region Fan Poll

Started by pg04, July 05, 2007, 09:44:54 PM

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Some big changes on the horizon around R1 and R2. Saw many teams make a statement this past weekend and some others that have to self-reflect. However, it's was only week 2 and we have many weeks ahead and a lot of football left.

ITH radio

Agree, my updated R1&2 Top 10 would probably be:

1. SAL
2. MUH
3. DVU
4. HOP
5. UNI
7. SUS
8. HOB
9. RPI
10. WNE
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Here is the 1st R1R2 Fan Poll for week 2. Thank You to all the voters. Again, if you would like to participate, please let me know, send me a dm.

Rank      Team             Previous    Points   
1)     Muhlenberg (5)        2          68
2)     Delaware Valley       3          58
3)     Union                 4          47
4)     Johns Hopkins (1)     5          46
5)     Salisbury (1)         1          45
6)     Ithaca                9          33
7)     Hobart                8          30
8)     Cortland              10         23
9)     Susquehanna           7          16
10)    RPI                   6          31

Dropped Out: Brockport

RV) Brockport (5), WNE (5), Ursinus (1)

Key Game(s):
Hobart (#7) v. SJF (NR) , Union (#3) vs. Springfield (NR), Muhlenberg (#1) v. Ursinus (RV), WNE (RV) v. Utica (NR)

Voters: FANOFD3, Massey, D3Football.com, ITH, Oline89, Bartman, Mole


What a weekend for R1/R2, some great games. For the most part last week key games lived up to the billing. We saw Ursinus upset Muhlenberg, I believe Massey ratings, was their only vote last week. Union vs. Springfield went down to the last possession (although some key players weren't present), still a very interesting game with some key 4th down stop(s) and turnovers. WNE vs. Utica was back and forth. Utica even with multiple penalties and an ejection earlier, was able to make key plays defensively in a shootout where we saw both teams put up over 400 yards of offense. Then there was the Hobart vs. SJF, where Hobart continues to be very good defensively, while running the ball and controlling line of scrimmage. Hobart was able to hold SJF to 4 of 13 and 0 for 2 on 3rd and 4th downs, respectively and less than 180 yards total offense.

Remember to get your ballots in, we have 5 of 7 thus far. Appears the LL, E8, and Centennial Conference have showed themselves well in out of conference games and are setting themselves up to vie for 1 of 5 at large bids. 

ITH radio

I like the following 10 in 1 & 2 (aka the "East")

1. SAL
2. DVU
3. HOP
4. UNI
5. IC
7. HOB
8. RPI
9. WIL
10. URS
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Here is the R1R2 Fan Poll for week 3. Thank You to all the voters.  Still have a few weeks before we see who the who's who are in R1/R2. Going to be interesting to see RR later this year.
Rank      Team             Previous    Points   
1)     Delaware Valley (2)   2          63
2)     Johns Hopkins (3)     4          59
3)     Union (1)             3          50
4t)     Salisbury (1)         5          39
4t)     Ithaca                6          39
6)     Cortland              8          30
7)     Hobart                7          29
8)     Muhlenberg            1          26
9)     Susquehanna           7          20
10)     Ursinus               NR         16

Dropped Out: RPI

RV) RPI (5), Williams(2), Dickinson (1), Utica (1)

Key Game(s):
Union (#3) v. Utica (RV) , Susquehanna (#9) vs. Dickinson (RV), RPI (RV) v. SJF (NR), WNE (NR) v. Salisbury (4t)

Voters: FANOFD3, Massey, D3Football.com, ITH, Oline89, Bartman, Mole

ITH radio

DVU is on a bye week. Lyco plays Stevenson this wkd.
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Quote from: ITH radio on September 22, 2021, 10:36:41 AM
DVU is on a bye week. Lyco plays Stevenson this wkd.

Thanks updated!


Undefeated teams in Region 1 and Region 2:
Johns Hopkins (4-0) - Key Wins - Ursinus (3-1) and Stevenson (0-4)
Widener (4-0) - Key Wins - Lebanon Valley (2-2) and Hampden-Sydney (2-2)
Delaware Valley (3-0) - Key Wins - Montclair State (1-3)
Wilkes (3-0) - Key Wins - Misericordia (1-2)
Salve Regina (4-0) - Key Wins - MIT (2-1), Montclair State (1-3)
Merchant Marine (3-0) - Key Wins - FDU-Florham (2-1)
Cortland (3-0) - Key Wins - Wittenberg (1-2)
RPI (4-0) - Key Wins - SJF (2-2) and Montclair State (1-3)
Union (4-0) - Key Wins - Utica (3-1) and Springfield (1-3)
Hobart (4-0) - Key Wins - SJF (2-2) and Morrisville State (1-3)
Ithaca (3-0) Key Wins - Brockport (2-1) and Bridgewater State (2-2)

ITH radio

Missing Hop. I'd still say they'd be my de facto #1 based on play to date. Outscoring opponents 233-45 regardless of quality (and one of those wins, over Ursinus is a quality one IMO).

1. Hop
2. DelVal
3. Union
4. SAL
6. IC
7. HOB
8. RPI
9. WID
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Here is the R1R2 Fan Poll for week 4. Thank You to all the voters.  It appears everyone is getting into conference play now. Playoff mode for a lot of teams from here on out.
Rank      Team             Previous    Points   
1)     Johns Hopkins (4)     2          61
2)     Delaware Valley (2)   1          59
3)     Union (1)             3          52
4)     Salisbury             4t         41
5)     Ithaca                4t         38
6)     Hobart                7          31
7)     Cortland              6          27
8)     Muhlenberg            8          23
9)     Susquehanna           9          18
10)     Ursinus               10         17

Dropped Out: N/A

RV) RPI (15), Widner (2), Salve Regina (.5), USMMA (.5)

Key Game(s):
Ithaca (#5) v. Hobart (#6) , Susquehanna (#9) v. Ursinus (#10), Salve Regina (RV) v. WNE (NR), Montclair State (NR) v. Salisbury (#4), Husson (NR) v. Endicott (NR), Delaware Valley (#2) v. Lycoming (NR), Widener (RV) v. FDU-Florham (NR)

Voters: FANOFD3, Massey, D3Football.com, ITH, Oline89, Bartman, Mole


Undefeated teams in Region 1 and Region 2:
Johns Hopkins (4-0) - Key Wins - Ursinus (3-2)
Susquehanna (4-0) - Key Wins - Ursinus (3-2), Lycoming (3-2)
Delaware Valley (4-0) - Key Wins - Lycoming (3-2)
Wilkes (4-0) - Key Wins - Misericordia (2-2)
Merchant Marine (4-0) - Key Wins - FDU-Florham (3-1)
Cortland (4-0) - Key Wins - Wittenberg (2-2)
RPI (5-0) - Key Wins - SJF (2-3)
Union (4-0) - Key Wins - Utica (4-1)
Ithaca (4-0) Key Wins - Brockport (2-1), Hobart (4-1) and Bridgewater State (3-2)
Gallaudet (2-0) Key Wins - Dean (1-4)

*Trinity, Wesleyan, & Williams all 3-0, competes in NESCAC


I thought I'd take a stab at regional rankings projection as of today for R1 and R2. So here is my early predictions for R1 (these are not my ranking of teams, just how I think committee will look at them today).
1. Delaware Valley (4-0) (1-0)
2. Merchant Marine (4-0) (1-0)
3. Wilkes (4-0) (0-0)
4. FDU-Florham (3-1) (0-1)
5. Western New England (3-2) (1-2)
6. Widener (4-1) (0-1)
7. Salve Regina (4-1) (0-1)
8. Catholic (3-2) (1-0)
9. Lycoming (3-2) (0-2)
10. Endicott (4-1) (0-0)

1. Ithaca (4-0) (2-0)
2. Union (4-0) (1-0)
3. Susquehanna (4-0) (1-0) 
4. Salisbury (3-1) (1-1)
5. Johns Hopkins  (4-0) (0-0)
6. Cortland (4-0) (0-0)
7. RPI (5-0) (0-0)
8. Utica (4-1) (1-1)
9. Hobart (4-1) (0-1)
10. Brockport (3-1) (0-1)


ITH radio

Regional rankings will be interesting this fall given the new "alphabetical order" approach the Committee is taking for whatever reason. Definitely a departure from the past and maybe it's a PR move of sorts. Will certainly lead to a lot of speculation once they first come out.
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Here is the R1R2 Fan Poll for week 5. Thank You to all the voters.  A little shakeup in the LL and MAC. CC has mid-season bye for all teams. 
Rank      Team             Previous    Points   
1)     Delaware Valley (2)   2          63 
2)     Johns Hopkins (4)     1          62
3)     Union (1)             3          46
4)     Ithaca                5          45
5)     Salisbury             4          42 
6)     Susquehanna           9          36
7)     Cortland              7          33
8)     Muhlenberg            8          24
9)     Hobart                6          16
10)    RPI                   NR         14

Dropped Out: Ursinus

RV) Ursinus (2), Wilkes (1), Trinity (1)

Key Game(s):
Cortland (#7) v. Brockport (NR) , Endicott (NR) v. Western NE (NR), Trinity (RV) v. Hamilton (NR), Salve Regina (NR) v. University of NE (NR)

Voters: FANOFD3, Massey, D3Football.com, ITH, Oline89, Bartman, Mole