114th Annual Monon Bell Game

Started by gobash, November 03, 2007, 04:56:27 PM

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Who will win the 114th Monon Bell Game?

Wabash College
42 (68.9%)
19 (31.1%)

Total Members Voted: 56


Another fun fact about that game was that on DPU's final drive with a chance to tie or win, Knez got a huge sack on 3rd and 10.  Forced DPU's final timeout and put them out of reasonable conversion range.  One year later Knez made the sack on Spud to seal up that game as well.  Knez came to play on Bell days. 
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire

old wabash


i am not sure we are giving dpu a fair shot...
after all,  they have never lost a playoff game!!!


Quote from: wally_wabash on November 06, 2007, 10:49:47 PM
Yeah, CC still had the stones to call an option on 4th and goal right after that play.  Oggie scored.  I think what made that particular play so hypercritical is that scoring was at a premium on that blustery day and had that ball been ruled live, DPU was taking it to the house.  Points from a defense would have been the difference in that game. 

You've worded my point considerably less clumsily.  +1. 

I wasn't bringing the call itself into question.  I've still got the audio of that play where I said it was the right call when I saw it.  But, that's the game's key play that goes Wabash's way.  If it goes the other way, the game may go the other way.  Just like so many other plays in the recent history of this series. 

There are lots of other reasons that DPU lost that game.  0-fer-the century on 3rd down.  Getting it shoved back in their face on the ground for three quarters against a VERY stout Hard Hat rush defense before Rogers finally had the epiphany to open up the playbook.  The 'falling on a shanked Wabash punt at the 25 yard line and whiffing' play.  But, yet, they were still just that one key play from that game going the other way.  Wabash got it and DePauw didn't.


It's been a very civil board for the most part this year.  Aside from some initial juvenile name calling I was guilty of (only to increase awareness of this thread in our modern Springer-centric society), there's been a lot of great revisiting of Bell games of the past and good insight into this weekend's action.

For whatever reason, I'm considerably more jacked for this year's game than most of them in recent memory.  Does anyone else experience this?  Are you guys really gung-ho crazy for it some years and other years just ready to watch a Bell game?  I mean I'm always excited for it, but some years more than others...

In any case, best of luck to both teams, this weekend.  Preferably, the good luck to Wabash, and the bad aimed down south :)


Quote from: gobash on November 07, 2007, 12:11:20 AM
It's been a very civil board for the most part this year.  Aside from some initial juvenile name calling I was guilty of (only to increase awareness of this thread in our modern Springer-centric society), there's been a lot of great revisiting of Bell games of the past and good insight into this weekend's action.

For whatever reason, I'm considerably more jacked for this year's game than most of them in recent memory.  Does anyone else experience this?  Are you guys really gung-ho crazy for it some years and other years just ready to watch a Bell game?  I mean I'm always excited for it, but some years more than others...

In any case, best of luck to both teams, this weekend.  Preferably, the good luck to Wabash, and the bad aimed down south :)

I'm totally pumped for Saturday's game.  At about 1:30 p.m. on Monday it really hit me that this is Bell Week and I pretty much mentally checked out at work.  This phenomenon happens every year, but this year it happened about 24 hours sooner than it usually does.  I'm pumped up for Saturday for a lot of reasons;

- I think it's going to be a really good game.  Two good teams, one great rivalry game.  That's what we're going to get on Saturday. 

- Bell is usually a homecoming of sorts when I get to see a lot of people that I only see once a year...fellow classmates, other friendly alumni, etc. etc.  This year has the added bonus of LG making the trip up which is going to be a lot of fun. 

- Saturday's tailgate is shaping up to be a monster (I'll share details with you Thursday night).  Probably not as epic as last year's tailgate given the time restriction, but we're set to cram most of that fun from last year into a tighter window. 

It's more than a game, it's an event and I can't wait to get started. 
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire

Li'l Giant

Quote from: gobash on November 07, 2007, 12:11:20 AMFor whatever reason, I'm considerably more jacked for this year's game than most of them in recent memory.  Does anyone else experience this?

Well, I'm super stoked. Mostly because it's the first time in 7 years I'll see the game live. And it's an excuse to get out of the office for a couple of days to travel. :)

But also, like Wally said, seeing guys we don't usually see. I'm fairly certain I'll run into guys I haven't seen since graduation.

Plus, knowing that this is a playoff bound team, the opportunity to end the season with a perfect record, and the chance to see great college football during the day, on grass, in cool fall weather the way it was meant to be.
"I believe in God and I believe I'm gonna go to Heaven, but if something goes wrong and I end up in Hell, I know it's gonna be me and a bunch of D3 officials."---Erik Raeburn

Quote from: sigma one on October 11, 2015, 10:46:46 AMI don't drink with the enemy, and I don't drink lattes at all, with anyone.


"For whatever reason, I'm considerably more jacked for this year's game than most of them in recent memory.  Does anyone else experience this?  Are you guys really gung-ho crazy for it some years and other years just ready to watch a Bell game?  I mean I'm always excited for it, but some years more than others..."

Yeah, I find myself that way this year as well. Not sure why...but I'm really pumped about this years game. Lots of reasons I suppose....the playoff year, an undefeated season on the line...but I think the thing that has me going more than anything...with Wabash going to the playoffs...I can't imagine what it would be like on Sunday the 11th...hearing about who and where we'll be playing...if we lose on Saturday at DPU. So Go Wabash, Destroy DePauw.

Though there are rumors...there's no way CC goes with Huff...too rusty, out of shape, no timing, etc. Hudson is the horse we need to ride in this race.


And this will be odd for me, since it will be my first Bell game at a viewing party.
Wabash Always Fights!


Quote from: gobash on November 07, 2007, 12:11:20 AM
It's been a very civil board for the most part this year.  Aside from some initial juvenile name calling I was guilty of (only to increase awareness of this thread in our modern Springer-centric society), there's been a lot of great revisiting of Bell games of the past and good insight into this weekend's action.

Why should you go for it on 4th down?

"To overcome the disappointment of not making it on third down." -- Washington State Coach Mike Leach


When DPU went with the gestapo and concertina wire, I quit going to DPU  and only attend the Game when at Wabash.  So ... Smed ... viewing works great .... especially if Wabash jumps out.  Dannies at the viewing event (at least at the ones I have attended) tend to just get quiet and sip theior Zimas.  Wabash fans remain intense and into it regardless of how the stomach is turning at the particular time.  You lose the "smell" of the event you get by being there but it is offset by instant replays and access to libations in a warm enviornment with buds you either know or should get to know from Wabash.  Plus, over time, I have even seen a greater tollerance of Wabash for Dannie fans and the reverse.   Something commented upon in this list serve in describing the greater civility of discourse.   Dannies are still pussies and wimps and unbrella carriers of course and everyone knows that ... however, it is taken as a constant condition and not necessary to bring up with the uncorking of each beer.

So, Smed ... do not jinx the process ... as this is your first.  Or else I will have to unjinx by going to the next Game at DPU  (perhaps the barb wire will have rusted by then and most of the DPU gestapo will have dental plans so that they have most of their teeth.


Oh, stop.  The security is just as bad at Wabash as it is at DePauw.  Give me a break.  It's ridiculous both places.  Don't make it sound like the macho menly men at Wabash let the fans have freedom to roam as they please, because that just isn't true.  It's not like this rivalry is going back to its roots when it's at Hollett and fans are being treated like kindergarteners at Blackstock.




Why should you go for it on 4th down?

"To overcome the disappointment of not making it on third down." -- Washington State Coach Mike Leach


The last time there was a free-for-all at the Bell game at Wabash, it was embarrassing for BOTH schools. While I think DPU may be a bit over-zealous in their security, that beats fights, arrests, and bloody drunken idiocy. I prefer my drunken idiocy to be non-violent and peaceful.

(Well, except for hockey...)
Wabash Always Fights!


Now...we don't want to make this personal...but...such a typical dannie reply...OH STOP....
Yes, the gestapo tactics is only one dannie practice that Wabash has adopted recently. It used to be there was a MARKED difference between playing at Blackstock and Hollett as far as security was concerned..but no more. Wabash has also put a limit on ticket sales...another dannie thing to do...though I don't think they've sold out since they put a limit on tickets. Also, moving the fans (students, alums, small kids) back from the field is another dannie move. Of course there are all sorts of reasons to adopt those policies...but...this is Wabash...not some exalted high school.
I was at Wabash for the 2004 game and there was a Wabash guy who was there with his wife and he had had too much TWR...and he was loud and rowdy. By the way...we were on the Wabash side on the sidelines. As far as I could see..all he was doing was yelling a lot and calling dannies all sorts of names ( a typical Wabash reaction)...and out of the blue, a swat team descends on the guy and tells him to be quiet. He says no....among other things..and the battle was on...he must have been an ex player as he was a big guy...and it took them three or four guys to wrestle him to the track. His wife was screaming for them to stop...but they manhandled him pretty well. It was totally uncalled for...and the gestapo tactics were revolting...we'll stop student violence by having security violence...good call.
By the way Wes...thanks for interacting on the board...you're a gamer for taking on all the Cavemen.


I am so glad this time of year is here.  I was getting board at work and I just caught up on all the action.

I have not been to any games for either team because of how far away I am from D3 football in New Orleans, but regardless, when I woke up Monday Morning...I knew it was Bell Week.

As far as the security goes, I was at the 1998 (let the sign stealing conversation begin) game at Wabash, because I was looking at going to Wabash..but decided not to for obvious reasons (mainly the sausage fest and old women on the Wally side, but honeslty not the real reason).  Not sure, but that might have been the last time you had the standing room option at Hollet.  After the game, i was one the thousands on the field to witness the scuffle that ensued.

2000 was my freshman year as a member of the team and it was night and day, it still had the same feel, but way more controlled.  I remember they had 2 layers of metal fencing with a 'kill zone' in between with police officers patrolling.

When we returned in 2002 for an a$$ whitpping I was a student coach.  We had to get a police escourt to and from the box...was it necessary no.  Did it make the trip to the press box easier..hell yes.  I have never been called those names before, but i returned the favor in 2005 doing the same to the Wabash coaches on they way in and out of the press box.

This is a great rivalry and I am so pissed i cant even watch the game in Hattiesburg, MS.  Best of luck to all and keep sharing the stories!!