MBB: Centennial Conference

Started by swish, March 01, 2005, 04:51:33 PM

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Reserved Seat

Bias(last 10 years POY)
year             team of POY
10-11            F&M
9-10              F&M
8-9               Gettysburg
7-8               Ursinus
6-7               Ursinus
5-6               Ursinus
4-5               Ursinus
3-4               Ursinus
2-3               Ursinus
1-2               Muhlenberg


Thank you RS for the history... UC is just on another Bear hangover after the loss... he should just 'take two and call us next season' when the Bears will be and should be back in form...

Breslin is the real deal and will be one of the major factors in the CC playoffs this year... Liddic, Milligan and Breslin are the POY front-runners, obviously... Liddic just has too much youth around him this year (would be great to see the 'berg with Liddic and their frosh turned sophs next year... just not gonna happen...) Milligan is probably the front runner at the moment because of F&M's record and ranking - his away games at UC, 'Berg and JHU might be his biggest tests...his overall numbers are incredibly impressive and he is certainly making Salandra, Porter and Hayk better for the future... Breslin is a big time gamer and has no fear at the moment... he has covered Georgio for four years now and vice versa - they are like teammates they know each other so well by now... The road to he NCAAs is still through Mayser IMHO, and that will be a heck of a weekend of D3 hoops with F&M, WC and whomever can get on the next two week run...


First, please pardon me, the rest of you Centennial Conference fans, this is a very late response to CentFan and his rants about my posts, and motives of them. (reply #3640 Jan 4th,) It's very simple centfan, everyone on this site is in fact free and able to read the posts and history of anyone on here. I invite anyone to read mine.And, if you did in fact, as you say, read mine and had any kind of basic understanding of the english language your conclusions are puzzling, surely aren't factual, and seem to be simply stated to fit your silly, self indulgent response. Just one example is my comment on Mr. Liddic as a player which you decided to paraphrase. My complete statements on him you can find in a few posts, Oct 21st post,the Nov.8th post and the Jan.3rd post.  In your current response, again, you resort to, first, this amateur psycho analyzation of my motives and mindset when posting. Statements including, "Role playing", ridiculous, disrespectful". Then proceed to say I "place myself,(with no knowledge of who I am talking to), in a position of being both a superior player and having superior knowledge of the game",( your envious interpretation I guess) . Then you finish with this gem, speaking about me again, "It's unlikely he was a better player than I, (centfan), or is more knowledgeable about the game, regardless, those distinctions are unimportant". Unimportant!!! Obviously not to you or you would'nt have made this statement !!! Just who is it Centfan that I am talking to, since you brought it up? Someone with some major insecurities at the very least thats for sure. If anyone would read all my posts its pretty simple to figure out my issues with this site and some of those that contribute on it. In closing, if it would satisfy your curiosity and you would like to personally compare athletic careers, as it seems you'd like to, I'd be very happy to speak with you off this site as to not bore the rest of the masses here. As I said in a previous response to your posts, with no respose from you afterwards, name calling and personal attacks are usually the road one takes who has no legitimate response to something. Finally I am very pleased I bring laughter to your life, it's very therapuetic. Sounds like it would indeed be beneficial for you. Now to my main point. I agree with some of the posts speaking about Mr. Breslin as a part of the conversation as candidate for POY. Without him last night Washington does not win that game even with the Bears having 28 turnovers, (someone got that number wrong). The only positive for our Bears last night was with just under 2 minutes to go, and their 28 turnovers, it was still a one possession game. You hope they learn from this and knowing Coach Small they will. Last is to state my utter disgust and disappointment at the turnout at the Bears home court last night by the student body. Here you have a game in the middle of the week against the second place team in the conference whom you are right behind in the standings and you have a dozen or so students in the stands supporting these guys. Absolutely no excuse for this I feell! It's a real shame for the players who work their rear ends off while maintaining the all important academics. All I heard about Ursinus prior to starting to come to "home" games was this home court advantage the Bears have because of the student body support and how opposing teams dreaded coming here to play because of the "Helfferich Hooligans". Don't see that advantage at all and really not sure why this advantage seems to be lost. Don't know if it's because the powers that be are not promoting the games, the students just don't care or some of both. All I know is these guys and gals at Ursinus deserve to be better supported and someone with authority should take that personally. Enjoy the home stretch all, looks like fun for us basketball junkies.     


Reserved Seat

I agree about student support.  Ursinus was one of the worst crowds to play in front of.  Glad to hear they may not be there on the 1st.  F&M has traditional had poor student body support, but has a solid and loyal fan base of alumni and  community.  Washington usually has a vocal following.  Fortunately F&M played them during their break this year.  Gettysburg had a large following in past years, but it was dead this year. McDaniel had few fans and Hopkins seems to never have many fans.

r.w. mcnickels

Reserved, there is a lot of dislike within the Ursinus community for F&M. I'm sure the students will be there that night. Maybe it won't be like the 2003 title game (an amazing turnout by both schools) but I'm expecting a better atmosphere than your typical Wednesday night game.


F&M season attendance stats -
  HOME....................               12       13448      1121
  AWAY....................                6        1598       266
  NEUTRAL.................               0           0           0
  TOTAL...................               18       15046      836

Home court advantage does help... WC and their crew traveled well and were very vocal at Mayser in their win...

I feel for you guys at UC...Free admission, great hoops, no fans... that's a shame... F&M new prez is from Georgetown and a big hoopster fan - it does help to get support from the campus leaders


dear coco,
thanks for the lengthy, thorough, and thoughtful response.
in the spirit of the joy of competition and love of the game, i propose that we hire an impartial ref and play. we can share the cost 50/50. without a ref, it makes it possible for too many fouls to be called. how about one on one fullcourt to 20 counting by one's? (i plan on pressing you baseline to baseline.) give me some possible dates and locations. maybe we can do it as a fundraiser for an agreed upon cause, sell t-shirts etc.!!
next couple of weeks should be the typical fight in the conference for 3rd,4th and 5th place in order to make the playoffs. good luck to everybody!!!
all best,


Folks -

Here are my predictions for tomorrow's (Saturday, January 28) "Pick-Ems Games":

Muhlenberg over Johns Hopkins (tough call just think that the Mules have more than the Jays)
Washington over McDaniel (Shoremen clearly the better team)
Gettysburg over Swarthmore
Franklin And Marshall over Haverford
Dickinson over Ursinus (home court edge)

Good luck to all! Enjoy the games. Regards,



Does anyone know when the NCAA's first regional rankings of the season will be released? I thought it was about this time last year when they first appeared. Thanks.



Folks -

The following is a listing of the Centennial Conference "Pick-Ems" games over the next two weeks through the middle of February:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012:

Franklin And Marshall @ Ursinus
Haverford @ Washington College
Johns Hopkins @ Gettysburg
Dickinson @ McDaniel
Swarthmore @ Muhlenberg

Saturday, February 4, 2012:

Gettysburg @ Ursinus
McDaniel @ haverford
Johns Hopkins @ Swarthmore
Dickinson @ Washington College
Franklin And Marshall @ Muhlenberg

Wednesday, February 8, 2012:

McDaniel @ Johns Hopkins
Muhlenberg @ Dickinson
Washington College @ Swarthmore
Gettysburg @ Franklin And Marshall
Haverford @ Ursinus

Saturday, February 11, 2012:

Dickinson @ Haverford
Washington College @ Gettysburg
Ursinus @ Johns Hopkins
McDaniel @ Muhlenberg
Swarthmore @ Franklin And Marshall

Please remember that all picks are due by tip-off time and the days of the respective games. Good Luck!

Enjoy the games. Regards to all.



O.K. Centfan, I'll come down to your level ONE last time! While you are at it with this juvenile response, how's this? How about we meet at the flag pole after school and settle this, or maybe pistols at 50 paces, at sun up,at the OK Corral. I'll stay with this juvenile mind set since its what you seem to grasp best, and lastly state this. My educated guess is the only sport you participated in was maybe dodge ball during gym class and I bet that nice big red rubber ball made a great THUD sound each time it bounced off your head, the easy target that you probably were! In closing, please don't spend all your time in Fantasyland, though I do understand reality can be a bitch for some. Enjoy the weekend slate all! Go Bears!!   


Fellow "Predictors" -

As promised, I am finally and at long last providing you with updated standings for our "Pick-Em Games" contest effort. They are as listed below:

NAME              RECENT   TO DATE       PERCENTAGE         

Gusthegoose   12 – 3     16 – 6         .727
centfan                 8 – 7     29 – 11         .725
Reserved Seat   11 – 6     31 – 15         .674
Diplomaniac1    9 – 8     30 – 17         .638
UCHooligan98    4 – 1     32 – 23         .582
D. B. Cooper    8 – 9     19 – 15         .559
Gabriel                 8 – 7     22 – 18         .550
oldends                 0 – 0       0 – 0         .000
Wild10                 0 – 0       0 – 0         .000

Standings through Friday, January 27, 2012. (Includes games of Wednesday, January 25).

There was a fair amount of movement up and down the standings chart this time around as the outcomes from last two weeks did not treat most of our picks very well. I received an updated record from UCHooligan98 so his stats to-date are now in the mix. Special kudos to Gusthegoose and Reserved Seat for their stellar predictions over the last two weeks! Especially, Gus who surged into the lead on the basis of his recent 12 - 3 record.

Please double check the above chart to make sure that I have not made any errors or omitted any predictions. If you find anything, let me know and I will make the appropriate changes.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the games! As always, my best to everyone.



Quote from: diplomaniac1 on January 27, 2012, 02:36:07 PM

Does anyone know when the NCAA's first regional rankings of the season will be released? I thought it was about this time last year when they first appeared. Thanks.


i was told early february.  oh it'd be hilarious if F&M wasnt even in top 5


I still have seen no response about his false comment about an F&M bias in POY awards. After having been shown once more to be wrong with his pro-Ursinus, anti-F&M agenda, he just ignores posts that prove him way off base.