MIAA pick 'em

Started by Pat Coleman, June 24, 2008, 10:27:49 AM

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Trine 4
Calvin 2
hope 1
Kzoo 3

Dutchmen 4 Life

Wednesday feb 1:

Trine 4
Kzoo 3
Hope 2
Albion 1


Wednesday, Feb. 1

4-Albion over Calvin
3-Trine over Alma
2-Kalamazoo over Olivet
1-Hope over Adrian
D2/D3 Fantasy Gymnastics Champion, 2022 & 2024


Hope at Adrian - 4
Calvin at Albion - 1
Olivet at Kalamazoo - 3
Trine at Alma - 2


I've been so bad that I'm going to have to point out that I was the only one to sweep wednesdays picks  :D
Be not afraid of greatness - Shakespeare

Happy Calvin Guy

Saturday February 4

Hope 4
Adrian 3
Alma 2
Calvin 1


Feb 4

Calvin at Kalamazoo - 1
Olivet at Alma - 2
Trine at Adrian - 3
Hope at Albion - 4


Calvin at Kalamazoo - 1
Olivet at Alma - 2
Trine at Adrian - 3
Hope at Albion - 4
Its a great day to be a Dutchman!


This has not been going well as of late.

Saturday, February 4:
Olivet at Alma - 4
Calvin at Kalamazoo - 3
Hope at Albion - 2
Trine at Adrian - 1


Saturday, February 4:
Olivet at Alma - 4
Calvin at Kalamazoo - 2
Hope at Albion - 3
Trine at Adrian - 1


Saturday, February 4:
Olivet at Alma - 3
Calvin at Kalamazoo - 2
Hope at Albion - 4
Trine at Adrian - 1


Saturday, February 4:
Olivet at Alma - 3
Calvin at Kalamazoo - 2
Hope at Albion - 4
Trine at Adrian - 1
Tribes of primitve hunters, with rhinestone codpieces rampant, should build pyramids of Chevy engines covered in butterscotch syrup to exalt the diastolic, ineffable, scintillated and cacophonous salamander of truth which slimes and distracts from each and every orifice of your holy refrigerator.


Hope over Albion - 4
Alma over Olivet - 3
Calvin over Kzoo - 2
Adrian over Trine - 1


sat feb 4

4 hope
3 alma
2 adrian
1 kzoo


Saturday, February 4, 2012:

Hope at Albion - 4

Calvin at Kalamazoo - 1

Olivet at Alma - 3

Trine at Adrian - 2