MIAA pick 'em

Started by Pat Coleman, June 24, 2008, 10:27:49 AM

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wed  games
4  calvin
3  hope
2  adrian
1  olivet

sat games

4  hope
3 calvin
2 trine
1 albion
i love hope  sports all of them are really great to watch


wed feb 4th
4 Hope
3 Calvin
2 Olivet
1 Adrian

sat feb.7th
4 Hope
3 Calvin
2 Albion
1 Alma


Wednesday, February 4
Adrian at Kalamazoo, 3
Calvin at Alma, 4
Trine at Olivet, 2
Hope at Albion, 1


Wednesday, February 4
Adrian at Kalamazoo, 3
Calvin at Alma, 4
Trine at Olivet, 2
Hope at Albion, 1


For Wed 2/4

4. Calvin
3. Adrian
2. Olivet
1. Hope

Happy Calvin Guy

Wed 2/4

Calvin 4
Hope 3
Olivet 2
Kalamazoo 1



Calvin over Alma 4
Hope over Albion 1
Olivet over Trine 3
Adrian over Kalamazoo 2


Hope over Kalamazoo 4
Trine over Alma 1
Albion over Olivet 3
Calvin over Adrian 2


Wed. 2/4/09

Calvin over Alma - 4
Hope over Albion - 3
Trine over Olivet -2
Kalamazoo over Adrian - 1
Home of the 8 time MIAA Champions - 1911, 1924, 1925, 1933, 1934, 1941, 1942, 1978


Wed.  4th
Hope        4
Calvin       3
Olivet       2
Adrian       1

Sat. 7th
Hope      4
Calvin     3
Trine       2
Albion     1
"If you are catching flack it means you are over the target".  Brietbart.

Civic Minded

Wednesday, February 4

Adrian at Kalamazoo, 1
Calvin at Alma, 3
Trine at Olivet, 2
Hope at Albion, 4

This is not easy pickin's kids.  Just realized I'm going with all of the away teams...hmmm....  Also just realized I'm only one point behind Sac, so my self-esteem is not totally shot, for today at least.  :)
2014 MIAA Pick 'Em Champion  :)


4. Calvin
3. Adrian
2. Olivet
1. Albion


Kalamazoo over Adrian 3
Calvin over Alma 4
Trine over Olivet 1
Hope over Albion 2


 :D  MIAA Pick 'Em Trivia—Week #4 Edition (Ending 31-Jan-2009), or, Analyzing the Analysts   :D

Greetings once again, Pick'Em pickers.  You've seen the leader board posted by Commissioner FDF.  Here once again is "the story behind the story".  Interesting developments for Week #4, with the picking going sour yet again.   ::)

POTW--Picker of the Week:  Props to . . . drum roll, please . . . none other than our lovable Commissioner, Flying Dutch Fan for being top picker at 7-1, with 17 confidence points, a performance which vaulted FDF way up in the standings, all the way to 6th place.  ;)  Way to go, FDF!  8)

Just one win off FDF's torid pace, 6 contestants had 17 confidence points with 6 wins.  One of those was Happy Calvin Guy, who now stands alone atop the leader board at 64 points-23 wins.  HCG has held at least a share of the lead for three weeks straight now.  BogeyMan couldn't quite match HCG's showing, and drops out of his Week 3 first place tie to stand alone in 2nd place at 62-22.  Statguy also had a 17-6 score to move into 3rd place at 60-22.  Nice work, guys.

9 pickers in all had 6 wins, some with fewer confidence points.
20 pickers, including yours truly RR, had 5 wins or less.  :P

Attendance:  One new picker on the board for this week.  Welcome ACHOOPS-00, to this board and the main MIAA board!  We "hope" you enjoy the friendly competition.  Several no-shows this week.  Total pickers picking this week was 30 on Wednesday, and 30 on Saturday.

GPA (Group Pick Average) and GCPA (Group Confidence Point Average):
Wed. Jan 28:  Caught off-guard by the Olivet-over-Adrian surprise, and nearly evenly split trying to call the Albion-over-Alma outcome, 30 pickers got 81/120 picks correct for another unimpressive GPA of 67.5%, yet made the most of those few good picks by scoring 243/300 confidence points for a 81.0% GCPA.

Sat Jan 31:  Stunned by the Kalamazoo-over-Alma and Albion-over-Adrian outcomes, 30 active contestants got only 69/120 correct for another lackluster 57.5% GPA for the day, resulting in slightly improved, yet still sub-standard, 62.5% GPA for the week, and only 202/300 points, giving a 67.3% GCPA for the day, and a 74.2% GCPA for the week.  Picking remains downright weak, kinda like my mid-range jumper when I don't practice enough.  ;)

GMFPI (Games Most Frequently Picked Incorrectly) and PMFAI (Points Most Frequently Assigned Incorrectly):
Wed. Jan 28:  Olivet over Adrian missed by 25/30 pickers, but only 34 points were lost on Adrian, for an average of 1.36 points per incorrect pick.  Pickers were very uncertain.  Congrats to the Comets.  Upset of the day.
For Albion-over-Alma, 14/30 guessed wrong, losing only 20 points, or an average of 1.43 points per incorrect pick, on Alma.  Again, pickers were hedging in their uncertainty.  Bravo to the Britons.

Sat. Jan 31:  Herein lies yet another picking "blood-bath",
Kalamazoo over Alma, the shocker missed by 27/30 pickers.  62 points assigned incorrectly to Alma.  Upset of the day and week on this page.  Props to the Hornets.
Albion over Adrian, another stunner missed by 22/30 pickers.  29 points assigned incorrectly to Adrian.  Congrats to the Britons.  They sweep the week, and also remain a contender.  (This sounds strangely familiar, as this happened in Week #4 last year as well.  :o  )

Purely my opinion:
Bad picking form has been rampant lately on this board,  ???  and bad form in the sportsmanship and "deportment" department has been rampant on the main MIAA board as well.   :(  I hope they're not related.  Props to all posters calling for a return to "decorum", "civility", and "a spirit of bi-partisanship" on the main board.  I couldn't agree more.

We're now down to the traditional "Big Three" at the top of the standings (also similar to this week last year).  Could it remain this way for the rest of the season?  Time will tell.

Other comments, observations, and conclusions are always welcome.



Calvin - 4
Hope - 3
Olivet - 2
Adrian - 1


Wed., Feb. 4
  4 - Calvin
  3 - Olivet
  2 - Kalamazoo
  1 - Hope