116th Monon Bell Classic

Started by Breckenridgebear, July 23, 2009, 01:21:45 PM

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Li'l Giant

Quote from: wally_wabash on November 05, 2009, 12:49:49 PMIf I had to guess, I'd guess that they go to Fort Worth for Utah @ TCU.  

It appears you are correct according to Game Day's own SITE.
"I believe in God and I believe I'm gonna go to Heaven, but if something goes wrong and I end up in Hell, I know it's gonna be me and a bunch of D3 officials."---Erik Raeburn

Quote from: sigma one on October 11, 2015, 10:46:46 AMI don't drink with the enemy, and I don't drink lattes at all, with anyone.


My heart gives no damn about pacing.

From Hudson's Blog:

Can't believe it's here

I have waited 51 weeks for this very week.  There is not one day that has gone by in the past year that I haven't envisioned this week.  There isn't one minute spent in the weight room all offseason in which our players aren't thinking about this week.  Truthfully, there isn't anyone who has probably thought about this week more than my mom, and she's not even involved in the game.  But keep in mind, she is emotionally invested in the results of her baby boy's games, particularly this one.  I don't need to clear anything up, but I will anyway - it's Bell Week.  I seriously cannot believe that it is here.  There probably isn't any week throughout the course of the year that means more to this college than this week.  There isn't anything quite like hearing that bell ringing from the steps of the chapel into the late hours of the night - but that sound won't be heard this week.  Just like that sound wasn't heard last year.  And I can assure everyone, that has not been lost on anyone on this football team, or anyone within the Wabash community.  Every event that I've been to over the past year, the one question that resonates the most, and seems to be the most popular: "Are we going to get the bell back?"  Quite frankly, I'm tired of answering the freaking question.  So just a friendly heads up - if you ask me that this week, you may not even get a reply.  You may just get a blank stare that seemingly begs the question, "What do you want me to say? 'No?'"  Truthfully, there's a good chance that I'll be on edge all week.  Honestly, the past couple of years, when we had already had a playoff spot wrapped up, and hadn't even been challenged in the weeks prior to playing DePauw, I think we got soft.  I think that we lost our focus, didn't concentrate on getting better, and almost let the Bell Game become irrelevant to our future games, because the playoffs were guaranteed.  I never once heard anyone say that the Bell Game wasn't important because we already had the playoffs locked up, don't get me wrong.  But I don't ever recalling anyone say that it was a "must-win" game either.  I have a feeling that cliche will be tossed around like a football this week. 

And to me, there's far more riding on this game than just the bell.  This is the culmination of my college career, of all of the seniors' careers.  There's been all this talk about possibly beating DePauw and then getting into the playoffs with a record of 9-1.  Forget that.  The way I see it, we're in the playoffs at 8-1 right now.  If we win, we keep playing.  If we lose, then everyone have a great week off at Thanksgiving.  And truthfully, that's not something that I want.  If I were at home over Thanksgiving break (thankfully, I haven't had that luxury over the past two years), I would be embarrassed.  I don't like the idea of looking at people from my hometown in the eye and having to answer the question, "Shouldn't you guys still be playing football?" 

But most of all, I don't want to be Peyton Manning versus Florida.  I really don't want that "can't win the big one" stigma attached to my name.  I would much rather have the "Peyton Manning versus the Patriots" career path (as most of you know, he's beat them a few times since they owned him early in his career).  Sure, 25-1 against "the other guys" as a starter sounds great... 0-3 against the team from down South does not sound so great.  And I'm pretty sure that those other victories would be overlooked if my win column against DePauw had a "0" in it.  And just to let everyone know ahead of time, there is absolutely nothing that hasn't been done in the past year, nothing that hasn't been done this season, and nothing that will not be done this week, to assure that we hear ringing into the late hours of the night from November 7th to November 12th next year.


Dear Mr. Hudson,


That's not "Peyton Manning against Florida". That's "Jake Delhomme in a playoff game." Get over yourself.


Oh my god. I totally laughed out loud at that. That's funny.

I hate you.



He's probably got a point about his legacy, though.  He may not be remembered too favorably if he lays another egg on Saturday.  Here's his two efforts:

2007: 21-33 353 1TD 1INT - 149.5 rating
2008: 25-43 262 0TD 4INT - 90.7 rating

His counterpart, who has appeared in 3 Bell games, has this:

2006: 17-25 177 1TD 2INT - 124.67 rating
2007: 28-35 300 3TD 1INT - 174.57 rating
2008: 24-29 227 2TD 0INT - 171.27 rating

Think about those last two lines for minute.  52-64 527 5TD 1INT.  Hudson counters that with 46-76 615 1TD 5INT.  Awfully telling stuff about why there's a two game winning streak here.


DePauw Never Quits

"This happens every year. It's the mere stupidity of supposedly mature college kids acting like a bunch of horse's dicks." - Officer Keller, The Crawfordsville Police Department



Wow. Another Monon is coming upon on us. Although Monon Week do officially started Saturday November 7, 2009, I would like to remind you all of the importance of this game. As you know only one game counts every year. In preparation for the week, I would like you all to remember a few things.   

Let us remember this game is for those great classes who have played on the sacred field at Blackstock. Such as the Depauw team of 1973 who rushed against Wabash for 80 plays to win the game 28-21; or, the team who played from 1997-2000, winning 4 Monon Bells, including a 42-7 stomping in 1998; or, that team, who on November, 22, 1890 started the Monon tradition with an ass-kicking against Wabash, by beating the Wally's 34-5 in Crawfordsville; or, the 1914 team who in the middle of a snowstorm, wins 3-0, with a dropkick by the fullback; and let us never forget the class of 1933 who under Gaumey Neal went on to a 7-0 record having not lost, tied, or been scored upon during the whole season.

Let us remember this game for its historic players who have had so much success wearing the Black and Gold.  Players like Bart Simpson, who from 1971-1974 rushed for 2941 yards; or, Spud Dick, who will go down as one of DePauw's most prolific passers, a living legend; or Dan Ryan, who had three receptions for touchdowns in 4 different games between 2001-2002; or what about, Alan Hill with four interceptions for 159 yards against St Norbert on September 5, 1981; or, Jordan Havercamp, a backup kicker, who had missed his only other kick of the season, nailing a 47 yarder for the win in 2007, becoming a legend; or who can forget, Tyler Kelley, who only had 71 receptions during his career from 1996-1999, but looked damn sexy while he was doing it. These men had hatred for those cavemen from Crawfordsville.  These are the men who the game is played for today.  These men are those who we should remember.   

Let us remember the shame that has fallen upon those classes who have lost to an all male college, those teams who have not shown their faces since losing to the cavemen. Personally, I would off myself if I ever lost to Dabash.

Dabash. A College of only men governed by the "Gentleman's Rule". An all male (i.e. Boys) college where a student's only interaction with a female, during four years of college, is when they hug their mother (or, motherly figure in their father's partnership), see their sister during a break from college, or when they speak to the clerk at the local Kroger. Remember these boys of Dabash are not men (we all know when you become a man, these boys never get to experience that in college), they are weak humans scared of the fairer sex. This segregation from women does not make these "men" better, but puts them at a disadvantage. Not only are they socially awkward, but they grow up wondering why they have problems conceiving children, what a date is, and why they can not apply for employment benefits for their spouse (Mass., and Cal. Excluded). You must ask yourself, "What kind of world would we live in if Dabash was the norm?". I will tell you it is not a world I want to live in.   

Not only is DePauw's maintaining the Bell at stake (37-34-6 Depauw lead), or the series record (53-53-9, Wabash lead), but the way of life for all men at co-ed Universities. A win for Depauw is a win for all men in the world, for those who enjoy fraternity parties with women and beer in abundance, not just a Saturday night with the guys playing tummy-sticks. A win for Depauw is a win for all man who has hooked up with two, three, or even more women in one night/weekend. A win for Depauw is a win for every man who has told a woman he loves her so that he could get a little nookie. A win for Depauw is a win for ever man who has not worn a condom, because without a condom, it feels better.

For some of you, I do not need to explain the importance of Monon Week.  This is that time of year when you are allowed to eat only bloody, read meat for three meals a day and wash it down with ice cold domestic beer. This is the week where you get to fight random strangers for "bad eyeing" you, or merely for the fact that you didn't like the Crimson and Red in their tie, or that they drive a red car.  This is the week where showering with soap is purely optional. This is the week where any conversations with others must either concern, 1) discussions about football, beer, women, meat, or fighting; 2) a comparison of Spud Dick, Bernie Haskins, and Jason Lee; or 3) your hatred for the color red. This is the week where human life becomes cheap, and only those who deserve it, are allowed to survive.

Gentlemen, this is Monon Week. Welcome. Ding Mother-F#@king Dong.

In the words of a great man, UGOTTAWANNA

I can't wait to see you all.

DePauw Never Quits

"This happens every year. It's the mere stupidity of supposedly mature college kids acting like a bunch of horse's dicks." - Officer Keller, The Crawfordsville Police Department


DePauw Never Quits

"This happens every year. It's the mere stupidity of supposedly mature college kids acting like a bunch of horse's dicks." - Officer Keller, The Crawfordsville Police Department


Quote from: Breckenridgebear on November 09, 2009, 11:08:16 AM
A win for Depauw is a win for all man who has hooked up with two, three, or even more women in one night/weekend. A win for Depauw is a win for every man who has told a woman he loves her so that he could get a little nookie. A win for Depauw is a win for ever man who has not worn a condom, because without a condom, it feels better.

Wait-- Really? Which of us has issues?


Never mind that you just republished last year's post:





At least he updated the series records...even if he doesn't know who leads a tied series.  :)
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire

Ron Boerger

Quote from: wally_wabash on November 09, 2009, 11:37:11 AM
At least he updated the series records...even if he doesn't know who leads a tied series.  :)

If not for the evidence that he plagarized himself, he could claim that "Wabash is so bad they have to consider a tie a win", or some tripe like that.   LOL and +1 for exposing the fraud, BashDad. 

Danny Boy

Quote from: BashDad on November 09, 2009, 11:30:04 AM
Quote from: Breckenridgebear on November 09, 2009, 11:08:16 AM
... or the series record (53-53-9, Wabash lead)...


I'm thinking he forgot to remove "Wabash lead" when he updated the series record from last year's post.  That's okay, Bear.  Passion for the game sometimes results in such errors.  Leave the editing for the Wallies ... it is, afterall, a job best suited for assistant-types.

Bear and I will hit campus this Friday.  Any other DPU guys (besides Fripp and his band of 71) making the pilgrimage to Blackstock this year?

This is it.  Be sure the ballad is the first sound you hear every morning.  Gas up the RVs and dust off the flak jackets.  BTW, Dabash RV parking is directly behind Fiji, next to the dumpsters.  Porta-johns with "glory holes" will also be provided for the crimson creepsters.

We have all waited another year so have a blessed Monon Week.  "Welcome to Thunderdome, B!t@h!"  What have you done to beat Wabash today?
Depauw Never Quits


Wally-dabash, dabashdad, and Ron daBoerger, thank you for proofing my re-post from last year.

Once again you have shown how well Dabash boys work as assistants, secretaries, and copy readers. The should rename it DaBash Secretarial School.

Danny Boy . . . can't wait to see you.

DePauw Never Quits

"This happens every year. It's the mere stupidity of supposedly mature college kids acting like a bunch of horse's dicks." - Officer Keller, The Crawfordsville Police Department