116th Monon Bell Classic

Started by Breckenridgebear, July 23, 2009, 01:21:45 PM

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Nothing like the sound of the Bell echoing across campus at 3 am.....

Why should you go for it on 4th down?

"To overcome the disappointment of not making it on third down." -- Washington State Coach Mike Leach


C.J. Gum reminded me of Adi Pynenberg today.  Great job Hard Hats!

Interesting to note that Hampden-Sydney held the ball for only 17 minutes today in their huge win over Randolph-Macon.  Wabash could have matched that feat had they not embarked on a 7 minute danny-esque drive in the 4th quarter.  Kill 'em fast or kill 'em slow, but today I was quite pleased with the water torture that was administered in the fourth quarter  ;D

Best DePauw team in recent history?  Certainly the 2005 team has to be in the discussion, but they didn't win the Bell either.

Ring the Bell for Wabash!!!  (damn, can't get that tune out of my head, oh well  ::))
Long shall we sing thy praises, Old Wabash


Quote from: wab64 on November 14, 2009, 11:47:46 PM

   Da Bear seems to be conspicuous by his absence. Suck it up, Bear!!!! ;D

Bear traveled and is likely in the process of using copious amounts of ethanol to dull the pain before he heads back from whence he came.  He will travel back to his den at which point one of three things will happen:

- he mans up and owns the beatdown
- he keeps spewing b.s. stereotypical trash, choosing to ignore the scoreboard and the humility that should come with it
- we won't hear from him again for 10-12 months

Any bets on which path he chooses?  
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire


This is the FOURTH consecutive time that Wabash has regained the Bell in Greencastle.  ('91, '01, '05, and '09).

And wasn't it great to see Matt Hudson cry on national TV?


Quote from: Hawks88 on November 14, 2009, 01:53:35 PM
Do they always ring the bell for the entire game? That's a tad annoying trying to watch on TV.

If they're doing it right they do.  DPU tends to quit ringing the Bell every so often, which I take as a sign of disrespect.  Having the sweet siren sound of the Monon Bell ringing in the backdrop during the game is just something that adds to the ambiance of the game.  As if anybody needs a reminder what they're playing for...it's always audible during the game. 

Annoying?  Hardly.  I'd go to sleep to the sweet sound of the Monon Bell clanging away next to me every night if I could.   :)
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire


What is the protocol now for the exchange of the Bell?  I noticed that DPU was still in possession of it midway through the 4th quarter when it was moved, and the Sphinx Club retrieved the Bell at about the 3:00 mark or so.  While Wabash repossessed the Bell before the game was "officially" over, I did not notice any ringing of the Bell before the game was final.
Long shall we sing thy praises, Old Wabash


It seemed like the protocol today was for the first ring to be from a Wabash player.

J-Mo.... did the honors!  Actually a great moment on the highlight video.
Why should you go for it on 4th down?

"To overcome the disappointment of not making it on third down." -- Washington State Coach Mike Leach


Quote from: Schwami on November 15, 2009, 12:49:22 AM
What is the protocol now for the exchange of the Bell?  I noticed that DPU was still in possession of it midway through the 4th quarter when it was moved, and the Sphinx Club retrieved the Bell at about the 3:00 mark or so.  While Wabash repossessed the Bell before the game was "officially" over, I did not notice any ringing of the Bell before the game was final.

I was looking for it in a neutral area during the 4th quarter, but never was able to find it until after the game when I heard it in the corner of the field where I went and got some great photos of the Club ringing the Bell and of the team coming to reclaim it after postgame handshakes.  If they let the Clubbers actually have the Bell before the game was final, that is completely awesome.  Right up there with DPU's band having to play "Old Wabash" before the game started which I couldn't believe they 1) agreed to in principle and 2) actually did.  
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire


So is this for real?  Not a single Dannie (a couple of whom shot their mouths for months) has stopped by to offer even perfunctory congrats?


Typical Dannies.



...and not unexpected.  Perhaps they're huddled up trying to figure out how the "time of possession" strategy failed them!  Note:  The only stat that EVER matters is SCOREBOARD!  (and perhaps INT's... ;D).


And while I'm piling on...how sweet was this season me re:  Depauw?  I'm a Centre grad and the parent of a Wabash player! 


Quote from: zed07 on November 15, 2009, 09:25:48 AM
And while I'm piling on...

Without fear of a personal foul flag...

24 more "offensive" plays
An extra quarter (well almost - 14:56) of possession (except for the Bell  ;))
20 more completions - not including those to the white jerseys
10 more first downs
32 more yards - returns not included (hmmm, that comes off the bottom line everywhere else...)

Efficiency and execution trumps gaudy statistics - Burma Shave for BrokenBear

BTW, congrats to the LG ruggers as the "pitch eaters" buried the Dannies at Mud Hollow in Friday night's "Monon Keg" match - again  ;D
"Forever more as in days of yore Their deeds be noble and grand"


Late in coming as we stayed in Greencastle last night...congratulations to Wabash on a job well done. Impressive win...good luck to you in the playoffs...


Wabash, and Hudson in particular, deserve props for their performance, especially for coming back from the near-dead with that huge :57 drive at the end of the first half.  DePauw had 'em on the ropes and the way Hudson was playing early (very shaky with lots of overthrows and underthrows), a 14-0 halftime lead may well have been huge. 

That bad snap ranks up there with the Harbaugh non-fumble call by the refs in 2005 as two of the biggest game changing plays I've seen in this series.

That half-ending march was quite impressive as was Hudson's insistence that Raeburn let him sneak on 4th and 1 from the W 18.  Gutsy.  And gutsy wins these games.