Eastern Collegiate Football Conference

Started by ccd494, August 24, 2009, 09:37:04 PM

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Kind of surprised SUNY M only posted 23 pts on hopeless Becker.  Any insights into this game?



Looking for Pollsters for a "soon to be unveiled" D3 TOP 25 FAN POLL.

Publishing site: www.uwwfootball.blogspot.com


1. Commit to submit a ballot ranking the D3 Teams 1-25 by stated deadline. I'm thinking that will be midnight on Mondays.
2. Research the teams and try to be as unbiased as possible in ranking them.
3. Think through your own philosophy as to how much to weigh previous ranking, won/loss record, your sense as to who would win head to head, national performances in recent years, quality wins, and whatever reasonable criteria you care to choose.   
4. Submit a ballot EVERY WEEK by the deadline. Missing a deadline will be cause to forfeit your spot. Create and submit your ballot BEFORE viewing the D3football.com poll. You can look at previous weeks polls to get you started if you are having a hard time filling out the last few slots.


This poll is to promote meaningful and fun discussion on d3boards.com.  It is simply something that will be fun to contrast with D3football.com's poll. D3football.com's poll is the one legitimate poll we have in D3 football in my opinion.  This poll is not even intended to become #2. I just think it would be an interesting point of comparison and discussion. 


Send me a private message. In your message indicate:
1. you are applying to be a pollster.
2. What team/conference you follow.
3. Whether you can submit a poll as early as this Thursday. (That is not mandatory, if everyone can we may do one this week).


The first 25 respondents will be our initial group of pollsters.  This group will remain the D3 FOOTBALL FAN POLL TOP 25 pollsters unless they resign their position or miss a deadline.  Pollsters, I will never post your names on the boards.  If you choose to, that is fine. If you are beyond the first 25 responses, your name will be placed on a "waiting list".  If there are fewer than 25 respondents by midnight on Wednesday, we will go with what we have and continue to have "open" slots to be filled.



Nice piece on NBC's Today Show this AM re SUNY M's head coach....


Norwich rolled over Western New England earlier in the season 35-7 but gets little respect in the New England Poll.  Hopefully the Cadets will get a chance in the post season to meet one of the teams. like Maine Maritime or Plymouth.


Another good story on SUNY-Maritime on CBS Sports Inside College Football last night.


I think Norwich takes down SUNY M today...



I think you are wrong.  SUNY-Maritime 20-2 over Norwich.  Congrations Maritime on winning the ECFC.  One more to complete the perfect regular season.


If suny maritime wins next week how high of a seed do you.think they could get with.all other east powers having one loss? Maybe a home game even?


Quote from: skratch29 on October 30, 2010, 06:13:30 PM
If suny maritime wins next week how high of a seed do you.think they could get with.all other east powers having one loss? Maybe a home game even?

I am guessing maybe a 4 seed and a home game would be the best SUNY M could do but very well deserved given how they've played all season.


That would be great.  I may have to make the trip from Florida.


Quote from: tdmflaw on October 30, 2010, 05:16:37 PM

I think you are wrong.  SUNY-Maritime 20-2 over Norwich.  Congrations Maritime on winning the ECFC.  One more to complete the perfect regular season.

Figures the one time I post on here.


It's ok max, I have eaten predictions before.


The castleton vs. Norwich game should be a big game for second place in the conference and could.show.how.far castleton has come or maybe just how.far.they.still have to go. Any big injuries on either team that could change the.game?


had lots of rain here the past two days, field will be muddy and slow.  Temperatures forecasted to be in the 30's.  I will be the Castleton air attack against the Cadets ground game.  Both are very good.

Frank Rossi

Here are the ECAC Bowl-eligible teams (declared, will not play 11 games prior to the ECAC game and can finish at or above .500 in either overall or conference record):

Cortland State 8-1 (8-1)
Maine Maritime 8-1 (6-1)
Western New England 8-2 (6-1)
Framingham State 8-2 (6-1)
Norwich 8-2 (5-2)
St. John Fisher 8-2 (3-2)
Springfield 7-2 (3-2)
Mount Ida 6-3 (5-2) *
RPI 5-3 (3-2)
Hobart 5-3 (3-2)
Curry 6-4 (4-3)
Plymouth State 6-4 (4-3)
Salve Regina 6-4 (5-2)
Utica 5-4 (0-4)
Castleton State 5-4 (5-2)

* - Cannot Host

This is by far the most eligible ECAC Bowl teams we've seen declared and still alive this late in many years.