NCAA concerned about D3 athletes' academic performance ....

Started by Warren Thompson, December 15, 2009, 11:19:12 AM

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Warren Thompson

Today's New York Times sports section, under "Sports Briefing," has a squib from the Associated Press saying that research "showing a lag in the academic performance of Division III athletes has caught the N.C.A.A.'s attention." A review (by the College Sports Project) of the first-year academic records of 88 of D3's "most selective" universities shows that male athletes on average had worse grades than the overall student body.

The NCAA will consider possible action at its forthcoming annual meeting next month in Atlanta.

Ron Boerger

Warren Thompson

Quote from: Ron Boerger on December 15, 2009, 12:50:38 PM
Dang it, WT, you beat me to it.  Here's a link to a similar LA Times story:,0,5001999.story

Thanks, Ron. The Los Angeles Times account is more detailed than the short piece in the New York Times.

Now a question: if Bowen sounded the alarm on this issue "earlier this decade," why is the NCAA just now taking notice? (Or is to ask this question also to answer it?  ;))


 I'd like to know the grades and actual classes taken  by  student athletes at DI schools? I would bet money that they aren't close to what DIII athletes take on.
Football !!! The ultimate team sport. Anyone who plays DIII football is a winner...

Warren Thompson

Quote from: PA_wesleyfan on December 15, 2009, 04:11:20 PM
I'd like to know the grades and actual classes taken  by  student athletes at DI schools? I would bet money that they aren't close to what DIII athletes take on.

Maybe [likely] not, but these two articles deal with D3, and D3 is, one presumes, thought to be vastly better, academically, than D1. At least that's how we've been separating ourselves from the semi-professionals in the "lower" divisions. (Should we not be that much better, then we in D3 have a lot of academic work to begin and finish and surely no reason to pat ourselves on the back.)


 If a comparison of a students GPA coming in from high school were taken. That might give us a better idea if indeed there is a difference. If the students grades are different coimg in they more than likely will remain that way.   
Football !!! The ultimate team sport. Anyone who plays DIII football is a winner...