WBB: Empire 8

Started by Eliazabeth Brown, October 31, 2004, 08:10:14 PM

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jakhogan..The interview was by the radio broadcasting the game coverage.As to Donahue, he was good at times but im more interested in moving forward.Next level was right about former assistant DeSanty...note to athletic advisor,find her see if she is interested in head coach job. They would be better for it.


I'd have to agree with jakhogan (to a certain extent) and even more so with TheNextLevel...I feel that Matt Donahue was a fine coach and an excellent person; In contrast, I feel that Erika DeSanty was an excellent coach and a fine person.  The combination of both of them made for a good coaching staff for EC.  Either, or both, of them offered more to the EC program than Howley has or ever will.  As I mentioned before, season win-loss records are not all that important to me...To me, it's much more important that the coaching staff have not only an understanding of "The Game," but also a through understanding of, and a certain bond with, their players.  After the past two seasons, it's evident to me that Howley possesses neither of those qualities.  Furthermore, EC's current practice of constantly rotating in a Grad Student Assistant Coach every two years is a joke in itself.  How could any coach build a program around that ?  As sotier put it, I am also more concerned with "moving forward," as are (obviously) the fans and parents in the stands.               

Quote from: sotier on January 13, 2010, 02:30:36 PM
...note to athletic advisor,find her see if she is interested in head coach job. They would be better for it.

Sotier...Hmmm...Perhaps that wouldn't be a bad thing for Director of Athletics to be made aware of, huh ?               


With a yearly tuition and fees cost of $45,600.00 per student and a total enrollment of students around 1,200 (almost $55 million on that alone), I can't quite understand how Elmira can't afford to search for and hire decent coaches!  Up til lately, my daughter considered Elmira as an option.  She is an excellent student and even a better athlete who won't be going to Elmira.   


jakhogan.... That is the very response that worries me most.Though college athletics are only part of the equation in selecting a place for the next years of a student life,it is definately an important (for many) part. To get that response from a prospective student athletes parent should get the attention of any athletic director,and indeed any college administrator. It takes time to build a programs reputation, and a season or in this case two to destroy it. I am past the age of having a college student to worry about, but if I were asked by a prospective student athlete my opinion on playing ball for EC, I do not think I could currently recommend it. For any good athlete wants not only to play their sport, but they wish to improve their play.The current staff is doing nothing to help these players get better, and in many cases just the opposite.When a player makes a mistake and is taken out of a game there is no conversation on the bench.No instruction,no teaching, just bench time.My experience as a player and avid hoops observer is that often the best lessons are taught in only a few second time explaining an error on the bench,then get em back in the game.The current head coach is not just a bad basketball coach, she has shown by all accounts to be a bad teacher. For isn't that what a coach is , a basketball TEACHER. Any college is only as good as its teachers, and this teacher is failing her students.


By the way EC-FAN and others, Erica DeSanty is currently working as head womens golf coach at Williams college in Mass.  She led her team to  nationally ranked 7th place in adjusted stroke average. She is simply a quality individual, and I hope she knows that her quality was recognized here by EC fans.


Bombers hold off Stevens 62-59. Amazingly, Stevens goes 0-5 from the line in the 2nd half and just 5-13 for the game. Stevens' men and women went a combined 14-33 from the free throw line in their losses today. Absolutely staggering.

Fuller's 17-7 lead Stevens. Klie has 12-9 and three block for the Bombers.

Ithaca is now 7-0 in conference and has the inside track to the top seed in the E8 tournament.


Bombers and Tigers play an abysmal first half of basketball, marred by turnovers, missed shots, and just overall sloppy play.

In the first half, Ithaca has six field goals. RIT has eight. The Bombers lead 9-2 with 15:13 to go in the half, and score four points over the next 14 minutes. Amazingly, RIT only leads by five at that point.

The second half was relatively normal and the Bombers wound up with a respectable 61 points, once they started being aggressive and attacking the hoop. It turned out to be an ok game, but that first half was borderline unwatchable.

At the end, Katherine Bixby took over with 19 points and 8 rebounds. Klie nearly posts a triple double with 14 points, 9 steals and 7 assists.. Ithaca now 8-0 in conference, and is still looking good for the one seed in the tourney


Bombers take out SJF with ease, now 9-0 in conference....


I really don't know what else to say other than I am ecstatic to see that the EC women hung in there and got their first conference WIN over R.I.T. this weekend !!!  After the Nazareth game on the Friday before that, I was beginning to wonder if the wins would ever come to fruition.  The Lady Soaring Eagles played with purpose and all-out desire for the first half of the Naz game until going into the locker room with a 15 point lead.  Everything seemed to be "clicking" for EC until they re-emerged from the locker room for the second half.  It just leaves me wondering, WHAT IN THE HECK was discussed over that half-time break ???  It sure as heck was not game strategy that was discussed, since within a mere five minutes, that lead was cut down to 3 points (a 12-0 opening run by Nazareth).  I just cannot fathom the thought of what could have caused a "Team-on-fire" to just come out and give up like that.  Nazareth obviously went into the break with the sole purpose of making the necessary adjustments to turn the game around and they did just that !  In that regard, I tip my hat to Coach Gotham of Nazareth !  Why did it take the first five EC possessions under a full-court-press to make ANY adjustment to that press whatsoever ?  For God's sake, in the very least, an EC time-out would have been the very least that should have been done to re-gather your team before that commanding lead was squandered away to nothing !!!  How is it even possible to accept that it took those five possessions to make the decision to put in a legitimate and capable ball-handler to even begin an effort to combat that press ???  THIS GAME SHOULD HAVE BEEN A WIN FOR EC, BUT WAS THROWN AWAY !!!  Even within the closing 10-15 seconds of the game (when the win was still accessible), why would any coach willfully pi$$ away a dreadfully important 7 seconds on the clock when EC was only a single 3-pointer away from tying up the game in the closing seconds of the game ???  In that case, it actually took an observant benched senior to actually call that necessary time-out in order to even give EC a shot at saving face.  I am far from one who knows all there is to know about the game of basketball, but I do know that there is far too much talent on this team that is not being used wisely.  My only wish is that these very fine AND VERY TALENTED young ladies somehow put aside their differences and come together with the coaching staff and accomplish what is easily within their grasp !!!  It will take a concerted effort BY ALL involved to again make the game enjoyable and fun for all !!!  It truly turns my stomach to see what may be in store for the EC 2010-11 season if and when some of those talented key players decide not to return to the court.  Once again, CONGRATULATIONS to the EC Women on their win over R.I.T.  We, the fans, see the true potential in our EC Athletes, but only those athletes and their Coaches can exploit those talents and desires to turn this program around into a WINNING situation for all those involved.  In closing, wins vs. losses mean nothing to me...A Winning Program merely means that everyone involved is on the same page and is in search of THE SAME GOAL !!!           


EC-FAN...very well said !!  These are a group of talented players.When properly placed,on both ends,can play with anyone. Should have FAR more wins than currently posted. The Naz loss is a killer!!  There is much parity,or mediocraty, in the E8, and a 4th place E8 was not out of reach. To squander a 15 point half time lead, at this point of the season is unacceptable.That was the game to turn this team and season around. That was the game to say, "We are a team you must play your best to beat".But how can we expect the team to focus,when the coach is so busy  complaining to officials, stomping feet,that a crucial time out is nearly not called.But the real sad part is that it should not have reached that  critical point.Abandoning what got you that lead defensively,and not preparing your team to handle a press offensively,determined that games final result before the halftime lead was lost.


A quick comment concerning the viewpoints on Elmira Women's Basketball.

The few true things stated are that this group is not succeeding as well as they should. They have lost games they should have won. The combinations are not what I, as a fan or as a program supporter, would like to see. And perhaps the coach bears some responsibility in these areas.

However, how dedicated are these athletes? How hard do they commit to greatness beyond the alotted practice time? How do they motivate one another? Are they a jealous group? Do they gossip about their teammates and bring down their team by doing so? Are the critics of the program, who appear to be parents, genuinely challenging their daughters to go above and beyond or do they allow the minimum effort and blame the rest on the coach? After all, Elmira is an expensive school that requires a lot from the students academically...

To me, it sounds like nonsense. If I had a daughter looking for a great place to play and learn, I would place her there in a heartbeat. I would have no second thoughts about it. but then again, I do have a daughter there and any lackluster performance from her, on or off the court, is primarily her responsibility.

I do not regret the decision to go with Elmira even though our daughter had many other choices coming out of high school. I am not wondering if she had only gone to that other school...

And I am not going to go on this site and discourage incoming freshman from commiting to this school or this program. We have talent, but there is some question as to the "heart"  of these athletes. To that I agree.

Where is their heart? Where is there absolute commitment to being the best athlete they can be?

I think that left the moment they could complain to their parents and their parents did not tell them to suck it up and play hard. (Perhaps they told them to suck it up and play hard BUT>>>, but also allowed the player to know that the parents really had no faith in the coach).

A player should embrace their role. Make your teammates better. Drag them to the gym on the off-day and practice weaknesses. If your shot isn't going in the hole, go shoot. If you keep passing the ball to a player with a different jersey, you should practice the plays with your teammates. Learn their quircks and tendencies. I have told my daughter that until she is willing to commit to this, her team will not be very good. PERIOD.

Be an athlete. A college athlete where maturity matters and mommy and daddy get out of the way.

Talent without effort, work ethic or heart, is like a smart guy who is lazy and has no common sense.


My daughter still has time left at Elmira. So please do me a favor. If you do not like the team, keep it to yourself. because before she is done, she will be wearing the Purple and Gold to the NCAA tournament. And Howley will be there to coach her. I am convinced we have the right coach, the right talent, but our mental make-up is not there.

Who do I see about that? If you say the coach, I would tend to disagree. Most of our girls were not recruited by Howley. So we created these kids not her. I say we ask our girls how often they get together to work out without the coach. How often do we shoot 100-200 shots in the gym after practice? How much extra effort are our daughters giving to the cause - and if the answer is little to none, I say we will then have the root of our problems identified.

Here is my last statement/prediction; This team is poised to play strong down the stretch. With some effort and a litte luck they can still get into the play-offs for the Elite 8. If we do that, watch out. Because we are the best 2 win team in America and stranger things have happened.

Believe! Work hard! Help each other! Do more than you are asked to do! Together Everyone Achieves More - TEAM.


hoopster12.....First off it is the Empire8..not the Elite 8.But I realize its hard to read with blinders on your eyes. All of the EC posters  want nothing more than for the program to succeed.We have the future of the EC program at heart.But lets face the truth here, a team of talented ..and I believe hard working players have underachieved. To ignore that... does not solve the problem,either now or in the future. You say...mommy and daddy should  tell them to "suck it up", that they should be mature adults,work at improving their game.Fair enough, but I am not sure but what that Is happenning. For even at 2-14 I still see effort.You say the players should be working on their own to improve weaknesses. I agree, But who tells them what their weaknesses are? The parents....they are supposed to stay out of it and let them be "mature college players".How about the coaching staff...since you have the inside info....tell me this....how many IN season conferences has your daughter had to evaluate her play and to help her focus on game weaknesses that need improvement? So what is the role of the coach...I guess not motivator....I guess not preparedness....I guess not to install togetherness...for according to you that is player responsibility. Listen, I hope coach Howley can lead this team back from the brink. And I agree, this team is poised to make a run at some wins.These players are hungry for wins , they are begging to be led in the right direction.You can see it in their faces.The only question is...who is going to lead them.If its coach Howley...I say good for her, And I will give her due credit.
  Very Good post hoopster12. For even though I disagree with much of your views I respect your right to make them. Just one thing though...not all posters are parents....some of us are long term fans who are concerned with the current situation at a program we have long supported !!


In response to hoopster12's post, let me say this...I do agree with many of the points you made in your post inclusive of the fact that the coach bears some of the responsibility in those areas in which our team is not succeeding.  I do also agree that the players themselves bear a share of that blame as well.  However, for those of us concerned about the direction of the program to be labelled by you as a "critic of the program" and, in your own opinion as the only "program supporter," only blaming the coach for its failures, you could not be more wrong.  Although there have been many recurring coaching faux pas pointed out in recent posts, there have also been inconsistencies and weaknessnesses (as well as strengths) of certain players brought to discussion in past posts.  In my prior post, I said this...

"We, the fans, see the true potential in our EC Athletes, but only those athletes and their Coaches can exploit those talents and desires to turn this program around into a WINNING situation for all those involved. In closing, wins vs. losses mean nothing to me...A Winning Program merely means that everyone involved is on the same page and is in search of THE SAME GOAL !!!" 

  I stand by that statement and will not hide behind any of the comments or posts that I have made to this point.  Conversely, I just wonder how a first-time poster on these forums is able to have an email address of "hidden."

Quote from: Pat Coleman on March 27, 2008, 10:05:41 PM
Welcome to the D3sports.com message board. Post up your opinions about Division III sports here...
...Here is what is permissible and what isn't.
1. ...Repeat offenders are subject to banning from the system. (That goes for any of the rules laid out on this page.) We also currently require your valid e-mail address in order to get a username and password, and said e-mail address must be displayed on your profile. This is written into the software. [added 02/01/02, modified 10/26/04]...
8. ...Here's a hint -- people will see your e-mail address...[added 10/26/04]

Regardless, I respect your views and opinions as just that.  I think we all are looking for the same thing in the end.  Keep on posting.   


...OOPS...Sorry, I hadn't been logged on when I checked hoopster12's profile and thus the email address was hidden...My mistake and I apologize !


Quickly and finally, I have no idea why my e mail address was hidden.

I did not think I said, nor do I endeavor to imply, that I am the ONLY fan or that you are soley a critic. We all want to see Elmira succeed. I know you are a fan with concerns, I just do not think this is an appropriate place to air such issues.

If our goal is to create a better environment and a winning program, I suggest we deal with such issues from within. Speak to our coach or the athletic director.

If you discover my e mail address, give me a shout and we can go have a beer.

Other than that, I am done. My time on this ridiculous site is finished. I will not be posting again.
