118th Monon Bell Classic

Started by Breckenridgebear, September 02, 2011, 12:44:05 PM

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So I took a few minutes to take a look at Depauw's defensive numbers from last season vs. this year and do see some improvement. Although,  didn't care to take the time to take the reduction in games played and playing a different schedule of opponents in to account.

So let's just say it is a better Depauw defense.   Your offense has been, putting it nicely, not nearly good.   Thus, the concern is a Dannie defense that is on the field ALL DAY...... against the best offense you will see this year. 

Most years, one can hang on to the "Anything can happen" or "Look how close series record is"  I just don't see this year being that year....

As has been mentioned on this board,  Depauw needs this to be a ugly game for 4 quarters.....  hang around and hope to have a shot late.    Wabash has been putting teams out of the misery in the 1st half this year......  Scoring 56% of their 295 points this year in the 1st half......  while giving up 38% of their 93 points allowed in the first 30 minutes.

This is going to be a long week.
Why should you go for it on 4th down?

"To overcome the disappointment of not making it on third down." -- Washington State Coach Mike Leach


Quote from: Wes Anderson on November 06, 2011, 10:21:35 PM
From Part 2 of your video BRB...

"In this ancient battle between the Cavemen and the Tigers, it is survival of the fittest and a man can redeem his whole career, indeed, his whole life by slaying the dragon in a Monon game."

These videos get you pumped up. Makes you want to strap it on again. Let us hope the Men of Depauw are watching this stuff all week.
DePauw Never Quits

"This happens every year. It's the mere stupidity of supposedly mature college kids acting like a bunch of horse's dicks." - Officer Keller, The Crawfordsville Police Department


2010 .... 47 to 0 .... Monkey Stomp.

2011 .... 47 to 0 .... Baby Elephant Walk



Quote from: bashbrother on November 06, 2011, 10:36:07 PM

This is going to be a long week.

a lot of newcomers in the past couple of days.  obviously, not referring to you debashbrother.  'throw out the records' 'underdogs can win' 'strength of schedule' 'depauw's defense is good'

blah, blah, blah.....many of the same points we've been arguing for weeks and months......is it saturday yet?


Quote from: Breckenridgebear on November 06, 2011, 10:41:16 PM
Quote from: Wes Anderson on November 06, 2011, 10:21:35 PM
From Part 2 of your video BRB...

"In this ancient battle between the Cavemen and the Tigers, it is survival of the fittest and a man can redeem his whole career, indeed, his whole life by slaying the dragon in a Monon game."

These videos get you pumped up. Makes you want to strap it on again. Let us hope the Men of Depauw are watching this stuff all week.

Bear - well done....let's play....man oh man those are good videos


Quote from: DPUIrish1 on November 07, 2011, 09:45:33 AM
Quote from: Breckenridgebear on November 06, 2011, 10:41:16 PM
Quote from: Wes Anderson on November 06, 2011, 10:21:35 PM
From Part 2 of your video BRB...

"In this ancient battle between the Cavemen and the Tigers, it is survival of the fittest and a man can redeem his whole career, indeed, his whole life by slaying the dragon in a Monon game."

These videos get you pumped up. Makes you want to strap it on again. Let us hope the Men of Depauw are watching this stuff all week.

Bear - well done....let's play....man oh man those are good videos

But nothing gets you as pumped as this video:

Quote from: DPUIrish1 on November 01, 2011, 08:44:11 PM
Quote from: Breckenridgebear on November 01, 2011, 06:59:42 PM
DPUIrish1 - Have I ever told you how glad I am that you ended up in Greencastle?  Another reason why I enjoyed the "The Hand Grenade" so much.

is this what you were referring to Bear??  Enjoy.

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/31460010?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
DePauw Never Quits

"This happens every year. It's the mere stupidity of supposedly mature college kids acting like a bunch of horse's dicks." - Officer Keller, The Crawfordsville Police Department

Danny Boy

Quote from: wabco on November 07, 2011, 08:18:35 AM
2010 .... 47 to 0 .... Monkey Stomp.

2011 .... 47 to 0 .... Baby Elephant Walk


Heard the phrase "Monkey Stomp" tossed around a few times.  Figured it was redneck vernacular for a beatdown.  Then I saw "Baby Elephant Walk" and resorted to urban dictionary.  Here's what I found:

"Monkey Stomp" - One of the worst forms of beating another human being. Usually leaves the victim in the ER getting their ear sewn back on.  After last year's performance, I have to agree this sounds correct.

"Baby Elephant Walk" - a dance a male stripper preforms.  Not sure what exactly happens during wally pledge activities, but this sounds up their alley. 

Here's one nobody has mentioned this season: "Bo Gash" - A wally mascot.  You can often hear wallies screaming his name.

Happy Monon Week.
Depauw Never Quits


I know I have posted a similar Monon week speech in the past, and they never get old, so here is version 2011:

Depauw Gentlemen Fans, Alumni, and Friends,

Long before the cannonball travelled through her towns, the state of Indiana owned the jewel of the crown, the train, they called the Monon, the stories they still tell, the Cavemen and the Tigers playing for her bell.

Wow. Although Monon Week did officially started Saturday November 5, 2011, it is time to take note of the importance of this week and the importance of this game.

It rode like a masthead on engine ninety-nine
Crawfordsville to Greencastle, then further down the line
The Cavemen came from Wabash, the Tigers from DePauw
Since eighteen-ninety they have played the last game ev'ry fall

As you know, no matter what the records, only one game counts every year. In preparation for the week, I would like you all to remember a few things. Remember this game is for those great teams who have played on the sacred field at Blackstock and have battled the Boyzz of Dabash at Hollett. Such as that legendary Depauw team, who on November, 22, 1890 started the Monon tradition with an ass-kicking of Wabash, beating the Wally's 34-5 in Crawfordsville; that team in 1892 who slapped Dabash with a 42-4 shellacking; or that 1973 team who rushed against Wabash for 80 plays to win the game 28-21; or, the team who played from 1997-2000, winning 4 Monon Bells, outscoring Dabash 104-38 over the stretch, including a 42-7 stomping in 1998; or, the 1914 team who in the middle of a snowstorm, wins 3-0, with a dropkick by the fullback; or when in 1920 when DePauw quarterback "Galloping" Galloway booted a 52-yard drop kick with three minutes left to give DePauw a 3-0 win at Indianapolis' Washington Park; those teams from 1955 through 1964 who did not lose to the Cavemen; let us never forget that class of 1933 who under legendary Raymond "Gaumey" Neal went on to a 7-0 record having not lost, tied, or been scored upon during the whole season, a feat which can never be replicated; and let us never forget Coach Nick, because without him we would all be Otis Elevators going up and down, because Ugottawanna BABY.   

Many years they played for pride, oh the stories they could tell
Then in thirty-two the Monon train gave up her precious bell
They said, "Here take this symbol of smoke and fire and grit
And give it to the winner, a symbol not to quit."

Let us remember this game for its historic players who have had so much success wearing the Black and Gold.  Players like Bart Simpson, who from 1971-1974 rushed for 2941 yards; or, Spud Dick, who passed for 9312 yards from 2006 through 2009; or Dan Ryan, who had three receptions for touchdowns in 4 different games between 2001-2002; or what about, Alan Hill with four interceptions for 159 yards against St. Norbert on September 5, 1981; or, when trailing 21-13, the Tigers tied the contest with 3:37 left on a touchdown and two-point conversion before backup kicker Jordan Havercamp won the game with a 47-yard field goal as time expired, the field goal was his first attempt of the season, cementing him a living legend; Jeremiah Marks, who between 2004 and 2007 rushed for 3869 yards, including a 2007 Monon Bell game in which he attempted 45 carries, and a game in which he scored 5 touchdowns against Colorado College; Dustin Hertel, who totaled 37 sacks during his career; Jamie Cunha who in 1996 against Dabash had 3 Touchdown receptions; Ryan McGuffey who after scoring against Dabash in 1999 gave all of Dabash the finger; or who can forget, Tyler Kelley, who only had 71 receptions during his career from 1996-1999, but looked damn sexy while he was doing it. Let us never forget those graduating classes of 1893, 1963, 1964, 1990, 1999, and 2000 which NEVER lost a Bell game to dabash. These men had hatred for those caveboyzz from Crawfordsville.  These are the men who the game is played for today.   

Ring the Bell for Wabash, ring for old DePauw
Ring the bell for victory in the last game ev'ry fall
Ring the Bell for Wabash, ring for old DePauw
Ring the bell for victory in the last game ev'ry fall

Let us remember the shame that has fallen upon those classes who have lost to an all boy technical college, those teams who have not shown their faces since losing to the caveboyzz. Personally, I don't know how I would feel if I ever lost to Dabash.

Suddenly the boys of autumn had fire in their eyes
Blood and spit, but never quit, fighting for the prize
The medal to the victor, the symbol to the school
Wabash and DePauw became a yearly duel

Dabash. A College of only men governed by the "Gentleman's Rule".  A Rule scrutinized for it lack of control over the heathens of Dabash.  A rule that has caused more problems in our society of rule and law, than it has done in raising boyzzz.  An all male (i.e. Boyzz) technical college, where a student's only interaction with a female (during four years of college) is when they hug their mother, see their sister during a break from college, or when they speak to the clerk at the local Kroger or Carl Jr's. Remember these boyzz of Dabash are not men (we all know what it was like to be a man in college, these boyzz never get to experience that in college), they are weak humans scared of the fairer sex. This segregation from women does not make these "boyzzz" better, but puts them at a disadvantage. Not only are they socially awkward, but they grow up wondering why they have problems speaking to women, what a date is and how to go on a date, and how to treat a women with respect that they deserve.  You must ask yourself, "What kind of world would we live in if Dabash was the norm?". I will tell you it is not a world I want to live in.   

Ring the Bell for Wabash, ring for old DePauw
Ring the bell for victory in the last game ev'ry fall
Ring the Bell for Wabash, ring for old DePauw
Ring the bell for victory in the last game ev'ry fall

Not only is DePauw's winning necessary to redeem this season, but a win for Depauw is a win for the way of life for all men at co-ed Universities around the world. A win for Depauw is a win for all men, not boyzz, in the world. A win for Depauw is a win for those who enjoy fraternity parties with women and beer in abundance, not just a Saturday night with the guys playing pick-up-sticks, naked steamrolling, and tummy-sticks. A win for Depauw is a win for all man who has hooked up with two, three, or even more women in one night/weekend. A win for Depauw is a win for every man who has told a woman he loves her just so he could get a little nookie.

Now history has recorded the players and their games
And to this day they still play for the Bell in Monon's name
Those who've gone before return each November day
Swapping stories and the legends for those who did not play

For some of you, I do not need to explain the importance of Monon Week. Since many of us can no longer participate in the sport of football, it is our time to shine off the field.  This is that time of year when you are allowed to eat only bloody, red meat for three meals a day and wash it down with ice cold domestic beer. This is the week where you get to fight random strangers for "bad eyeing" you, or merely for the fact that you didn't like the Crimson, Red, or Pink in their tie, or that they drive a red car.  This is the week where showering with soap is purely optional. This is the week where any conversations with others must either concern, 1) discussions about football, beer, women, meat, or fighting; 2) a comparison of Michael Engle, Spud Dick, Bernie Haskins, and Jason Lee; or 3) your hatred for the color red/pink. This is the week where human life becomes cheap, and only those who deserve it are allowed to survive.

Ring the Bell for Wabash, ring for old DePauw
Ring the bell for victory in the last game ev'ry fall
Ring the Bell for Wabash, ring for old DePauw
Ring the bell for victory in the last game ev'ry fall

Ding MotherF**king Dong!!

Welcome to Monon week!!!

I will see you this weekend. Come by V.O.L., I will buy you a drink. 
DePauw Never Quits

"This happens every year. It's the mere stupidity of supposedly mature college kids acting like a bunch of horse's dicks." - Officer Keller, The Crawfordsville Police Department


Quote from: Breckenridgebear on November 07, 2011, 12:07:43 PM
This is the week where any conversations with others must either concern.... 2) a comparison of Michael Engle, Spud Dick, Bernie Haskins, and Jason Lee....

You guys really have this conversation?


Quote from: BashDad on November 07, 2011, 12:16:10 PM
Quote from: Breckenridgebear on November 07, 2011, 12:07:43 PM
This is the week where any conversations with others must either concern.... 2) a comparison of Michael Engle, Spud Dick, Bernie Haskins, and Jason Lee....

You guys really have this conversation?

DePauw Never Quits

"This happens every year. It's the mere stupidity of supposedly mature college kids acting like a bunch of horse's dicks." - Officer Keller, The Crawfordsville Police Department


DePauw Never Quits

"This happens every year. It's the mere stupidity of supposedly mature college kids acting like a bunch of horse's dicks." - Officer Keller, The Crawfordsville Police Department


Quote from: Breckenridgebear on November 07, 2011, 12:17:47 PM
Quote from: BashDad on November 07, 2011, 12:16:10 PM
Quote from: Breckenridgebear on November 07, 2011, 12:07:43 PM
This is the week where any conversations with others must either concern.... 2) a comparison of Michael Engle, Spud Dick, Bernie Haskins, and Jason Lee....

You guys really have this conversation?



That's... uh... that's-- what are the arguments like?

-"Spud Dick went to the playoffs!"
-"Yeah-- so did Engle. They both lost, okay? There's no tie-break there."
-"Tie-break?! Spud started FOUR YEARS, dude. FOUR."
-"Spud looked like an eighth grader. I have trouble with that. He just-- he looked like a fisher-price toy. Big head, small body, you know? Looked like he was always wearing a big-kids jersey. I don't know... Let's move on. Engle threw for 3,000 yards in a season. Spud never did that. Dude, what are you doing?"
-"I'm throwing up. You said Engle again and I started vomiting. I just-- hold on..."

-"Okay, I'm back. 3,000 yards? Jason Lee did that. Remember him?"
-"Jason Lee was a walking interception. I don't see how we can vote for him."
-"That guy won Bell games. Point for me."
-"Point for you? He lost arguably the most important bell game in the series. Look what's happened to us since that loss. Look what's happened to Wabash."
-"He scored with under a minute left to take the lead, I don't see how--"
-"Guys! GUYS! Enough. Okay? You're not considering the whole of legendary QBs at Depauw."
-"Who else?"

Everyone laughs, falling over each other.

Wiping away tears:
-"I'm just kidding. What about Andy Yoder?"
-"I think Bernie Haskins deserves serious consideration."
-"Oh, that's a good one! I agree! I don't remember what he was like on the football field, but he was flippin' amazing in HOOK. I say we just give it to him."
-"Smee! Smee! What about Smee?"
-"Smee's me! What about me?"
-"Yes! That's it!"
-"I love that movie."
-"Me too. By far Robin Williams greatest early nineties performance."
-"Uh, hello-- Mrs. Doubtfire? Jumangi? Flubber? Toys?"
-"Well, whatever. Arguing about the greatest contemporary Robin Williams movie is, well--- there just aren't that many GOOD ones, you know? Not too many to choose from."
-"Yeah, the mediocre performances really stand out and you want to call them great even though they're merely passable."
-"Yeah. Like the voice work in Alladin."
-"Or Goodwill Hunting."
-"Good point. That's a good point. I think we really DO overvalue his 'fine' movies because we just CRAVE a break from all the BAD ones."
-"Yeah. It's true."
-"So what were we talking about?"


No losing seasons since 1995 is going to be in some serious jeopardy on Saturday. I am concerned that DePauw's wins have some against some mediocre (at best) teams this season.  The only game I attended was against a motivated U of the South team that gamed and blitzed a frustrated DPU offense which chould not protect against it nor effectively move the ball because of it.  Wabash might be a little bit better than Sewanee :o, but stranger things have happened in this game.  I hope Coach Long has the game plan to end all game plans, scouting that would make 'Ace' Rothstein (Casino reference conicidentally released in 1995) look like a slacker, and the Tigers perfectly execute it on Satuday.  Make me sick to think that my daughter (born in February and will not attend Wabash) has to live in a world where the Bell is housed in Crawfordsville and the Packers are Super Bowl champs.
DePauw Never Quits!


Quote from: gil68 on November 07, 2011, 01:14:49 PM
I hope Coach Long has the game plan to end all game plans...

That's kind of like hoping an apple will taste like a hamburger.