Started by LaPaz, September 11, 2011, 05:54:52 PM

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Corazon, just one last note on Kenyon since you raised the issue.  The assistant you mentioned does appear to be doing a fantastic job but the full effects of his efforts won't be known for another year or two.  He really is only responsible for this year's frosh class.  A few of them are contributing but the core of this year's team is a large senior group that has been the foundation of the last two years bolstered by a very talented sophomore class and a very talented junior.  So the assistant came in after the core already was there.

As for Bates (and Colby too), one has to feel good for those kids who have suffered through some dismal and deflating times.  But let's not get ahead of ourselves.  An OT win over Conn may tell us just as much about Conn as it does about Bates.  Flaherty is not out of the woods yet by any stretch.  An important issue that no one has mentioned is how do his players respond to him and whether they enjoy playing for him.  I don't the answer to those questions personally.


Agreed on both points NCAC.


Speaking of Savonen, his older brother draws the foul against Case Western and finishes the PK for the Brandeis win.  He is well up the ladder on the all-time points list for Brandeis.  Excellent and clutch player.


Impressive, must have been some good standard back yard kick arounds in that house hold!  The D3 soccer Manning brothers?  ;-)




As big a lock as they come, if the NCAA allowed gambling, I would bet my house on this.  Bowdoin seems to be hitting a decent stride and have now won 4 of their last 5 games, registering three shutouts.

Last fall, USM were the worst college soccer team I had ever seen, and they do seem to have picked up a little this year.  That said, they are not at the standard to bother a NESCAC opponent in the slightest.

I expect the Bears to use some second stringers and still dish out a heavy beating.  Target man forward Connor Keefe to add to his sole goal on the year, and Andrew Jones to move into the outright lead for NESCAC assists.  Livewire freshman Nick Di Stefano has played every game without starting any, and I expect him to find his way onto the scoring sheet here.



First of all I am not a xenophobe. I am all for international players and the flair they bring the game. I do have a problem with these Brit imports that show up with a suitcase and an accent and they are hired by Colleges, Clubs, academy teams etc. They are everywhere and some not all do not have a clue but because they have an accent they get hired.


If you had met Flaherty and formed that opinion it could be taken seriously.  If you are outside looking in making those comments it is xenophobic.  "F*ck Brits" is xenophobic and uneducated.  Then again, you are the guy who wrote off Messiah as "right wing, Christian nut jobs" so maybe just stick to soccer on these boards, you have some interesting words there we can all agree and disagree on.

Some of your diatribe just makes yo seem bitter and twisted though, over D3 college soccer. 


hey MENESCACFAN stop preaching to me. Stick to regurgitating recaps of games as if any of us cannot read the recaps


Also, when American players or god forbid coaches try going to the UK to work or play they have to go thru HOOPS just to even MAYBE get a chance


I have praised Seabrook on this board may times for organizing Colby this year. He has rubbed people the wrong way by making "deals" with opposing coaches of non-league teams to not give scouting reports. To me that is shady. Flaherty went behind head coach Purgavie's back, thru him under the bus..rolled him over and got him fired. That is slime. I need to take ashower after even thinking about it


Stop being Xenophobic and bigoted, then you may not feel preached at.  I will continue to recap for some who enjoy it as you rightly point out anyone can.  You continue to voice your opinions as I hope you realize anyone can, it would just be nice if you could do so without personal attacks and small minded hate.  I am sorry if a deeper anger is behind it for you.

Flaherty threw Purgavie under the bus now?  Please explain?  My understanding is Flaherty was assistant for one fall (10 weeks) and Purgavie had been at Bates for three decades.  How much credibility can a guy build in a fall to overrun three decades and have his word get Purgavie fired?  Seems a strange concept no? 

Maybe Purgavie got fired because he was bad at his job?  To feel so strongly surely you have some evidence or facts?  To criticize a 2-5 coach and support an 0-10 coach is strange.  What gives?  Seems quite the soap opera that could make interesting reading.  It does at least explain your clear disdain for Bates.

Any evidence of Seabrook and those cloak and dagger "deals" or is this third person hearsay you label shady?

It is painfully clear you have an agenda against the British.  You say the USA guys have to go through "hoops."  They do, immigration laws.  Same coming the other way.  You talk about suitcases and accents, that has nothing to do with anything and just reveals a predisposed judgement against an English coach.  Your train of thought may have some truth in some cases, but how does that differ from any other nationality including Americans?


I have no disdain for Bates. The product on the field today for Bates is the worst I have ever seen it and I have been around for a while. Purgavie had a bad year and got thrown under the bus by Flaherty and parents that Flaherty had cozied up to. The AD having no clue about soccer heard this knuckleheads accent and hired him. Flaherty's opening speech to parents in 2013..."I do not want to hear from anyone about your kids or their playing time. Which is justified, but you do not say it that way. I just feel he's over his head and is not an improvemnet from the mess he created from being a lousy assistant. It is a fact about both of these knuckleheads not heresy.


I enjoy MENESCACFAN's recaps very much. Please keep it up. I also enjoy your soccer analysis, La Paz, but can you stop with the personal attacks and unfounded innuendos, please?  They only cheapen your message and undermines your credibility.


Purgavie had 2 winless years in 3.  Any mess created was from his 30 year reign.  Facts suggest right now the on-field product is slightly better, though it is certainly bottom end NESCAC.  As for a coach asking the parents to not complain about playing time, seriously, good on him, they should all say the same thing!

Let's let this go, getting way too personal and I don't care enough to linger on and fall out.  I disagree anything without evidence is hearsay, especially on internet message boards, and you feel strongly so it is what it is.

I do enjoy our back and forth's so let's move on to next week.  *extends hand*


Thanks Corazon

I shall continue, I find it cathartic escapism, and very enjoyable.  I envy these kids living these times through the ups and downs of college athletics.