Started by LaPaz, September 11, 2011, 05:54:52 PM

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Quote from: Mr.Right on November 05, 2014, 08:45:59 PM
Quote from: Mr. Not Right on November 05, 2014, 05:46:56 PM
All NESCAC thoughts:

This is obviously MENSNESCACFAN. Your constant hard on for Bates, Colby and Odualte gave you away. NICE TRY

Can the same moderator who outed you as LaPaz please confirm via IP address that this is not in fact me?  Would be appreciated.  I am fine with giving my opinions, no need to cloak myself as you did, not ashamed of any of my opinions.


Interesting slant though, the guy said Colby had limited players and put one defender on the 2nd team.  Given they finished regular season with 4 straight shutouts hardly absurd is it?

I have requested the moderator confirm it is not me, then you may have to get your head around the fact at least two people (gasp) think Odulate is a good player.


I think Odulate is a good athlete not a 1st team Nescac soccer player. There is a difference


I am well aware there is a difference, I just disagree with you and rate the boy highly as a player.  What is sad is that if somebody else says the same thing (moderator will out me if I am pulling a LaPaz here) you automatically think it must be me, as two people could not possibly have an opinion different to yours?

Pretty insane train of thought to be honest.  I also put no Bates or Colby players on my All-NESCAC team, so the "hard on" I have may be overblown in your mind.  I just thought you were wrong calling Bates an embarrassment to the league who would go 0-10, time proved I was correct on that one.


You and this "other" you both voted Merchant as ROY..That is a major stretch...Cowie-Haskell will win hands down. Also, I do not care that people have different opinions in fact I welcome it, Just because the IP addresses are different would prove nothing. Either way I really do not care I just found it humorous.


You and this "other" you also wanted Seabrook COY. That is alos a major stretch as no coach with an under .500 record would ever get it.


Merchant scored 4 goals in 10 games from midfield and may have been Bates' best player.  Only freshman in top 10 for points per game and goals per game.  You may not agree, but nothing funny about it.

Again you cannot conceive this other person exists.  You have to realize how funny that is to me if you imagine for a second there is no other.  IP addresses did prove you were LaPaz after trying to deny it so they are not totally useless.


I believe you will see more than one "other" agree with Seabrook, one of whom has been around a while and definitely not me.

It was a unique scenario.  Colby were awful and lost the better player son that awful team, what Seabrook did with that group was fantastic, and the best example in the league of getting the most out of your personnel.  He may not win it, but he will get votes.  Certainly deserves it more than some of the coaches who were over .500 so that cannot be the measuring stick.

I tipped Shapiro all year, but sadly that was a shaky ending that could impact the voting.


Cowie-Haskell had 4 goals against Nescac competition. Merchant had 2. We are not counting goals against Maine Maritime(oh wait they did not score against them) or Newbury..SORRY


One played center forward and one played midfield, so hardly a fantastic measure to go solely with 4 goals to 2.  That yardstick would make Jozy Altidore a better player than Michael Bradley every time.

Bates lost to Maine Maritime, not sure how that sways a rookie of the year award. 

Cowie-Haskell certainly in the running, and it is a two horse race form what I saw.  No other real contenders.


We also need to pay attention to rookies who may not have scored as many goals.  Yes Cowie Haskell had 4 goals in nescac competition, but I have seen him play in multiple games where he has not been involved at all.  Such an inconsistent player does not deserve to win ROY.  POY has to go to NPL of Amherst.


Most frosh are inconsistent. A striker usually wins these awards because of goals or a GK because of GA. Maybe a stand out defender but it is rare. ROY is a different animal.


Who are you suggesting for ROY then Soccer69?

I would go with Grady for POY.


I realize Cowie-Haskell is not a great striker but he had some big GW goals for Wesleyan and to me there is no one else in the running for this so he will win.


I've been traveling and just got home to find these awesome arguments. I love this board.

MENESCAFAN, you've been outed!  Ha. Reminds me of when LaPaz was convinced my son was turned away by Willliams and is on the Kenyon roster. Yeah, that's why I spend practically all my posting time on the NESCAC board.

I agree that Seabrook probably deserves the award but agree with Mr. Right that he won't win due to a sub .500 record.

Pascual-Leone is my pick for POY.

I don't have a strong view on ROY. No one really jumped out for me and I didn't get a chance to watch Merchant closely during the Bates games I was able to watch. I do know that Flahertys recruits are way better than his predecessors.

I'm looking forward to the NCAAs.