Started by LaPaz, September 11, 2011, 05:54:52 PM

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Great breakdowns Mr. Right. One other factor is that the field at Conn is probably tied with Bates for worst surfaces in the NESCAC. Going to be interesting to see how the two turf teams Tufts and Midd adjust. By Sunday the field is just going to be a giant mudpit, so the finals is not going to be a match suited to the neutral observer checking out the NESCAC for the first time.

Mr.Right problem

Colby really going all out with these Weekly Mule Recaps...pretty good stuff


Quick Recap for Colby as they are the one team out of the four that is finished for the 2021 season. I would have re-watched the game but NSN / Conn would not allow it. #scared. Teams should want people to watch their games especially recruits.

Colby----Looked like a fantastic atmosphere yesterday at Conn. Usually their Homecoming game is the game where their alums and students provide the best crowd but yesterday shattered all that. The crowd did not witness anything resembling pure futbol but they were ok with that as long as their team Won. It was an entertaining game because both teams left it all on the field. Colby's organization and athleticism were a real struggle for Conn to break down. If you can not break down organized defenses your journey will not be going far in the D3 NCAA Championship opening rounds. #17 Jake Creus snuck in the winner with under a minute remaining on a beautiful strike to beat Colby's GK #1 Jackson. In the 1st Half and for most of the season he has been playing out wide. However, late in the 2nd Half he was tasked to provide some punch in central midfield as Colby had been thwarting everything Conn had to offer up to that point.

Colby HC Seabrook stayed with the exact same lineup he used at Amherst. He started his best pure athletes and decided to bunker down and counter when possible. Even though Colby lost the match and it was cruel being the last minute the strategy and lineup was a success for an Away Nescac Semi against a top opponent. If the game were at Colby they might have played straight up but on the Road there was a chance Conn would get a couple of goals that Colby would be unable to come back from. Colby left it all out on the field. Every player. They had excellent organization defensively, solid GK'ing, size and athleticism plus a couple players that could break on the counter. Seabrook wanted the game to look like it did. Bend but do not break. Unfortunately they just happened to break. Colby's backline was led by Senior #14 Graham Pugh who was causing the most heartache for Conn. Like at Amherst he played a smart conservative game and really stifled Conn's final pass and their striker. LB #20 Jared Wood had to have had his best game of the year. His size and athleticism proved too much for Conn's right wingers as he effectively shut down anything Conn did out wide. He won any 50/50 ball just on pure intimidation as Conn's right flank had no interest in challenging him. Tufts should take note of that. A ruthless challenge by Conn's #16 Lobo took out one of Colby's more dangerous attacking players #21 Josh Rubin only 10 minutes in. He should have been booked as he was looking for body more than ball. When he did that at Bowdoin taking out their best defender Dylan Reid Bowdoin came for him with some reckless challenges but it worked as his head was up the rest of the game and almost looked to unnerve him. I thought Colby's #26 Aidan O'Brien really battled and had a fantastic game. His late slide tackle broke up a dangerous Conn chance in the 1st Half as well as a header on the back post that he wanted more than #14 Djerdjaj. He is a good player and will be back for one more season and IMO should be a Captain for 2022. Colby used their bench much more than the Amherst match probably because of the possible back to back and for needed fresh legs. Everyone was used everywhere. The usual wingbacks #3 Franklin and #4 Seaman were used as a winger and CB respectively. #5 Traore at first was used as a target up front but then moved back to his usual CB. His brother #12 Arkan Traore was used in central midfield. #28 Lauer was used out wide which is where he normally plays. He has the speed to be a real threat on the flank next year he just needs to work on his 1v1 and touch. #11 Hawkins and #25 Simoes played in their usual positions of winger and striker. #7 Sam Wilson got a run at striker as did #31 Sam Lunder. Lunder had probably one of Colby's best chances to score. #22 Franco had a dangerous run beating a defender skillfully to get to the goaline and sent a beauty of a cross to the back post where Lunder looked to have a great chance at a free header on goal but it was not to be. That was amazingly only his 2nd game of the season so maybe had that been a more experienced #9 Fabricant or #25 Simoes they would have buried it. Tough to know and maybe the chance looked better on the stream than in person. Colby will lose a big Senior class but they have enough in the pipeline combined with a new class coming in to get even better. If they really focus in the offseason and make sure to keep working individually on the ball plus come back super fit and ready this team can contend for a Top 4 in 2022. Like most teams they play better on their Home field and might want to boost the schedule as it is becoming more clear that beating teams that will never be ranked and with poor records actually hurt your resume. If you schedule 5 tough non conference opponents you might get a Win or Draw in say 2 or 3 of the 5 and give yourself a better SOS, OWP and a ranked result. Of course travel would go up but gotta play the best to be the best. A congrats to Colby and their Seniors on a good year as I was impressed with the organization, discipline and battle that this team showed especially late in the year.


Just saw the Tufts goal — great finish and run but the Conn LB (?) totally missed his tackle. Camels completely caught on the break. Still 1-0.


van Brewer puts a free kick from the edge of the D around the wall and into the far corner. Keeper got a hand to it but it was well-struck. 2-0.


Who is getting in from the NESCAC?


Conn Coll- Pool C

Amherst- Pool C

Midd- Maybe

Wes- Probably not


Nescac Final

Conn v Tufts notes----

Well I know I enjoyed the game. It was a typical Championship game that was at times what an average fan might call tedious. Fans need and want Chances and Goals. Once fans are given this med they will then make an amount of noise that transfers energy to the players which gives them that extra push to get them over the hump. Also the players fix of approval, need, want and even love cannot be discounted. Conn dominated the Soccer ball and Tufts was just fine with that as they watched Conn expend plenty of energy doing so. Even if Tufts crashed the party the supporters of Conn made that the most watched Nescac Final in maybe 20 years. It made for a fantastic atmosphere that athletes in any of these Nescac Sports would envy. There looked to be a lot of students and friends of the program there and they should all be thanked because Conn might need them again next weekend. 

Starting line-ups and Bench

Conn--- #00 Maidenberg in net with a back 4 of LB #6 Horvath Diano, LCB #24 Kelesoglu, RCB #5 Cerezo and RB #30 Doyle. Holding #16 Lobo with #18 Marvel and #8 Jaran rounding out central midfield. Wide right #10 Robles, wide left #25 Yeonas and #12 Gehron up top. #4 Mendo got a run at RB. The HC Burk used #17 Creus and #7 Zane on the right side. It was good to see #9 Tshuma up top and #14 Djerdjaj play in midfield again and both back on the field. Tshuma made a few great checks to the ball that remind you what is still there. He had the best ball of the weekend after checking back and getting a simple pass from his LB Horvath Diano. Tshuma took a quick touch and switched the field by dropping a perfect 20 yard ball over the head of the Tufts LB and into the stride and onto the toenail of his right wing Creus. Tufts LB Cook caught up to Creus and looked to have inadvertently tripped him in the box . Inadvertent or not it looked like a PK on the stream. These refs have been almost in fear of calling PK's because of all the diving. Refs in general do not like getting shown up so when they call a PK on what is later to be determined a deceptive dive they learn to call nothing. Anyway it was a great ball by Tshuma. Later on in the game he drove by a Tufts defender and made a great 30 yard run only to hit it 30 yards over. Djerdjaj did not look anywhere near 100% but at some point you just need to get back into a game and get a feel for what you are doing. Lastly, #28 Pinyochon replaced CB Cerezo with 10 minutes left in the 1st Half for a spell.

Tufts had #0 Lauta in goal with a back 4 of LB #4 Cook, CB's #16 Clivio and #16 Paoletta with #3 Daly at RB. Central midfield #5 Aroh, #6 Enge and #13 Van Brewer. They had #2 Gerken wide left and #19 Traynor wide right with #12 Mikey Brady up top. After the Van Brewer free kick goal, Brady went to celebrate with his teammates and then had the bright idea of trying to pet and celebrate with a strange 150lb dog sitting with its owner. The dog did not take kindly and the St.Albans striker slowly backed off. The bench for Tufts had #23 Feigin come on as a winger who scored the lone goal in the Midd game. In that Midd v Tufts game we had a great old school move when Midd's #6 Chae megged #8 Shin right in front of the benches. #8 Shin and #14 Ingersoll spelled Van Brewer and Enge in midfield. #21 Bhangdia played up top for Brady. After Tufts scored its 1st Goal Dezotell went 5-3-2 used #27 Denby on the backline and had his wingers defend as wingbacks as soon as Conn got the ball. Enge and Aroh were in front of the backs while attacking with only 3 maybe a 4th or 5th runner. Having to see the defending NCAA champs have to defend like that was a bit off-putting. Still Tufts seems almost more comfortable without the ball and perfectly happy shifting their defense behind the ball from left to right and back while Conn wasted all their energy possessing.

1st Goal started from a fatal backpass from Conn's best defender #24 Kelesoglu. Just kind of a Frosh mistake as he might not have seen the Tufts speedster #19 Traynor or misjudged Traynor's speed. Traynor picked off the pass meant for #5 Cerezo and sprinted to goal with the ball at his feet. Kelesoglu did catch up with some noted speed but Traynor heard the footsteps and cut back right in time. He found himself in on goal but the ball closer to his left so he somehow got his right leg behind it and buried it. Traynor read the play well. 

2nd Goal was a Van Brewer set piece from just outside the box. Both Van Brewer and Daly were standing over the ball and I really do not think Conn knew who was going to take it. In that situation always add a player to the wall instead of shifting it as Van Brewer laced it right by #16 Lobo at the end of the wall to beat Maiden berg low and to his right. Maidenberg got a hand on it and but could not keep it out. Still that ball needs to be dealt with either with the wall or the GK. Did I mention the Tufts striker Brady and the dog and yes I did I def did.

I love the Conn possession and they are trying to play the right way but they have got to produce more chances from it. I saw to many passes from midfield going backwards. To many "would be" counters with numbers being choked to death by a player slowing it down and then going backwards. That plays right into Tufts hands and allows for Aroh, Enge and the defense to get back from their forays up in attack and set up defensively. Then all they have to do is shift from left to right and back. Conn tried some balls over the top but Tufts cleaned those up no problem. Conn have to be faster going forwards and keep making runs. You will have more giveaways but you will also be in more advanced positions without 5-6 Tufts players swarming you. Anytime Conn did get into real advanced position in Tufts end they were bottled up. Too late as everyone was back. Tufts was also near perfect in hunting the ball giving Conn a couple seconds on the ball in their attacking 3rd. With those type of numbers in attack you will find a goal or two. Tufts did. When Tufts got the ball they moved themselves into attack very quickly and in turn got a couple chances off it. Until they scored that is. Some was direct and some were a quick pass but they transitioned well into attack.

Paoletta had the tackle of the weekend with a goal saving slide tackle on Kelesoglu late in the 2nd Half. Both Tufts Pauletta and Clivio played well all weekend and both made some good tackles. Conn worked hard and battled to the end but Tufts looked fresher. Was that because they played the 1st game on Saturday? Who knows but Conn needs a rest. They need a couple days off to regroup. Yeonas who played back to back 90 minute games and ran hard needs a break. Thing is Conn is fit so maybe they are training too hard for November? Doubt it as most teams are practicing very light trying to get injured players back in these shorter days.

Conn does look to have a talented Frosh in #7 Dylan Zane. The kid played up top in the first matchup and was causing Tufts some problems and in this game was used out wide. He had one check back to the ball, was given the ball and had a quick skilled touch to play himself and turn in one motion but ripped it wide. Still the quickness of feet and skill are nice to see in your Frosh.


Mr.Right, not sure how long it takes you to put these together, but really, really good, with great nuance and extremely fair to both sides.  And thank you for the dog mention.  Dog references made the broadcast as well.


Does anybody know what/where the link to the selection show is?

I see the schedule at NCAA fall championships, but no link.


Quote from: PaulNewman on November 08, 2021, 10:35:07 AM
Mr.Right, not sure how long it takes you to put these together, but really, really good, with great nuance and extremely fair to both sides.  And thank you for the dog mention.  Dog references made the broadcast as well.

Haha thanks. Yea when I first started doing them it took a long time because I hadn't memorized every starter/bench player for each team but once I got all that in my head I just start randomly rambling on and on about what I see from the game. Boring to some and interesting to others it has become a fun exercise in my weekly routine.


I am a little biased but I really think Wesleyan deserved a bid. I became a passionate watcher of their games this season. I had seen them give Williams a real game 1-1 in Williamstown early on. I liked the passing, unselfishness, work rate, organization, use of width and improved team speed. I also think Coach Wheeler brought in some pretty good talent recruiting wise. Anyway from then on I tried to catch their games anytime Williams was not playing. Wesleyan could have slid into where Swat is and played Stevens at Tufts. It was not to be and their Seniors must be crushed.

I have to guess that the Last 4 teams off the board were Oneonta, Swat, Hopkins and Calvin. I also think St.Olaf was close to missing and sitting there for a long time before getting plucked. That said I caught their Conference Tournament game last week and was really impressed with the facilities. If they draw well it will be a fantastic venue and atmosphere. Also a shout out to Lynchburg who must have had about 2,000 fans at their Conference Tournament Final. Lastly, I have no idea why two Texas teams are traveling to Tacoma, Washington but other than Wesleyan missing out you cannot really complain about what the committee put together.


Here are the Tufts highlights for the Nescac Championship

and the Midd Semi


The save on the St. Louis free kick in the semi against Midd was pretty ridiculous.