FB: Southern Athletic Association

Started by Ron Boerger, October 25, 2011, 02:57:49 PM

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Quote from: jknezek on October 20, 2023, 08:41:40 AM
Quote from: crufootball on October 19, 2023, 10:56:53 PM
I don't know the parties of any of these politicians so I feel free to say this but this is why no one like, trust or believes in government anymore. If one dude was going to be given the power to pretty much decide the fate of the loan for BSC then that should have happened before the semester started.

Reminds me of the situation with the delayed FAFSA where I am sure there are good intentions but the execution is not going well. "The 2024–25 FAFSA will be delayed until December 2023 due to changes the US Department of Education is implementing to make the application more streamlined for students and families." Only in government could you say a delay in a process is so that it can be streamlined.

This is Alabama. If it is a statewide office, there is only one party it can be. As for the rest, it has been abundantly clear the Treasurer has been against this since the beginning and has done everything possible to shut it down. It's possible giving him the final approval was the legislature's plan all along to cover their own rear while not having to disburse the money.... It was never a popular proposal, but it passed because there was enough opposition to things like spending more money on the Montgomery Whitewater Waterpark that it looked ridiculous to deny an educational institution. This way they get to say they did their jobs and it's not their fault the loan was not approved.

That's the scenario that worries me.  We need spring semester, once that is complete I will still support BCS but will be doing it from a much more comfortable spot, personally. 

As far as FAFSA, I know here in Alabama they were going to make it mandatory for graduating high school seniors to fill out the FAFSA form to graduate.  Didn't matter if you were headed to college or not.  I don't like FAFSA, and to make it mandatory is ridiculous.

Jay Murry

Hello All,

While I will be following from afar WashU's efforts against North Central Saturday, it won't be idle following.

I will be in the midst of my Rett Gets Rocked 2023 24-hour ultramarathon at WashU to raise awareness of Rett syndrome and research funds to find a cure.  I'm starting around 8:00 Friday night (after I provide the call for the WashU-Saint Louis U. swimming and diving meet), and ending at 8:00 Saturday night. 

Rett syndrome is a neurological disorder caused by a gene mutation on the X chromosome.  It lays in the weeds until a child is between 6-18 months old, just when a child is learning to walk and talk.  Rett is like Lucy in the Peanuts comic strip when she pulls the ball away from Charlie Brown, as he tries to kick it.  Unlike Charlie Brown...when Rett pulls the ball away from children, they don't get a chance to get up and try again.  Children go into severe neurological regression; many end up in wheelchairs and most lose the ability to talk and to do sign language.  Those with Rett also are prone to seizures, extreme nerve pain, GI issues, breathing abnormalities, and eating difficulties that can all be life-threatening.

Researchers are relentless, providing hope on two fronts.  Back in March of this year, Daybue became the first FDA-approved drug to target the effects of Rett syndrome.  Daybue helps blunt some of the seizures and has helped improve some vocal and gross motor skills.  Gene replacement therapy clinical trials in two North American locations have helped one patient sit up independently for the first time in a decade, and to grasp objects for the first time since infancy.

It is this momentum of hope and progress that I am trying to assist and perpetuate.

If you would like to make a donation, click on this Rett Racers link:  https://rettracers.funraise.org/fundraiser/jaymurry

The families of children who have Rett and fight a tough fight every day, will be very grateful for your help.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and enjoy the games this weekend!


I know we always are quick to say something nefarious is afoot, and I have no personal knowledge of what is going on. But, is it possible that the Treasurer is doing his fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers and something came up in the actual loan application that made the loan much more risky? I saw mention of a ~16 million loan from a bank, obviously the bank didn't think it was responsible to loan the money.


Quote from: Etchglow on October 20, 2023, 02:40:50 PM
I know we always are quick to say something nefarious is afoot, and I have no personal knowledge of what is going on. But, is it possible that the Treasurer is doing his fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers and something came up in the actual loan application that made the loan much more risky? I saw mention of a ~16 million loan from a bank, obviously the bank didn't think it was responsible to loan the money.

It's entirely possible. But... given the Treasurer has been vocally disapproving of this deal since it was first kicked around, and the legislature crafted the program specifically to award it to B-SC first, it is more like Young Boozer (yes, the Treasurer's actual name) is simply following through on his lobbying against the legislation despite losing in the legislature. Is it nefarious? I suppose that depends on what side of the legislative vote you fall on.

Personally I think knowing that Boozer would obstruct it at all costs was probably how it was passed in the first place, since it was not particularly popular. I was kind of surprised the state Attorney General forced Boozer to continue the process at all late in the summer, when Boozer first tried to argue the legislation was illegal and then tried to stall the application process so long it would have been useless. Boozer failed at that, so this is his third or fourth attempt at killing the program.

Considering the only requirements set by legislature are: eligible colleges must have operated in the state for 50-plus years, be in financial distress that could force a closure and have assets available to use as collateral, it's hard to believe B-SC doesn't fit this criteria. It's possible they have already pledged the entirety of their assets to a different loan, but I doubt it. So B-SC should meet the requirements, and the Treasurer does not have any responsibility other than determining those three requirements. Of course, then the legislature got sneaky and gave him the final say-so outside those requirements, which is why I think B-SC might be toast.

According to the legislation, there is no fiduciary duty. Either the applicant meets the requirements or not. However, according to the legislation, there is no reason for the Treasurer to actually care either. It was either very shoddy legislation, or my guess about it's true purpose, a lot of CYA and no chance of award, is really what was done and Boozer is just playing the role given to him.


I mean it is pretty ironic that given the whole point of the legislation was to give money to a distressed institution that the state treasurer than refuses to give money because the institution is what too distressed?  I do believe it's in the state's best interest for the BSC campus to be viable liberal arts school and that is going to take some money.


Quote from: Etchglow on October 20, 2023, 02:40:50 PM
I know we always are quick to say something nefarious is afoot, and I have no personal knowledge of what is going on. But, is it possible that the Treasurer is doing his fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers and something came up in the actual loan application that made the loan much more risky? I saw mention of a ~16 million loan from a bank, obviously the bank didn't think it was responsible to loan the money.

That very well could be the case but all of this just feels like modern politics where things appear to be a game of chicken. I know things are not this simple but if BSC was not going to be approved for the loan and that is there only hope of staying in business that should have been said before the semester started and people could have made appropriate plans, now hundreds of people are in no mans land ....again.

Ralph Turner

I really wonder how much of the endowment is unencumbered. (Sorry if my glossary of terms is slightly imprecise.)

I know that trust wording and other similar monies that add to the college's "bottom line" are commonly re-directed to another not-for-profit in the event that the college or organization ceases to exist. That $16.5M bank loan about which I did not know may cut into the assets that the university can use.

The other question that has not been asked is how much entitlement did B-SC think it had with legislators who might be able to bail them out. That is another aspect that rubs against voters who have a world view that each person or entity should be a wise steward of his/her resources and not waste what has been given to them.


That's the questionable side of the treasurer that is not sitting well with us. He claimed it wasn't legal, so the AG had to get involved and tell him if it was passed into law, then it is legal. The treasurer is the me the bad the wording changed that ultimately gave him the authority to deny a loan, the original wording he had no authority to deny. If BSC has successfully completed the application and meets the requirement, he should be required to authorize, and that a what is in question now. The judge overseeing the case is trying to find out if he can refunds the treasurer to approve the loan or not.

Ron Boerger

More from AL.com on the BSC situation:

Quote"In response to the loan application submitted under the Alabama Distressed Institution of Higher Education Loan Program, this is to advise you that Birmingham-Southern College does not meet the minimum statutory qualifications for receiving credit from the program," Boozer wrote. "The loan request is denied."

"After a thorough review of the application and all supporting documents, it has been determined that Birmingham-Southern College cannot provide the State a first security interest in its collateral assets," Boozer wrote. "Additionally, the institution's financial restructuring plan does not adequately provide for repayment of the loan."

Lawyer representing Boozer "told Montgomery County Circuit Judge James Anderson that the state would file a motion to dismiss the case, claiming that Boozer has sovereign immunity."


Quote from: Ron Boerger on October 21, 2023, 08:20:34 AM
More from AL.com on the BSC situation:

Quote"In response to the loan application submitted under the Alabama Distressed Institution of Higher Education Loan Program, this is to advise you that Birmingham-Southern College does not meet the minimum statutory qualifications for receiving credit from the program," Boozer wrote. "The loan request is denied."

"After a thorough review of the application and all supporting documents, it has been determined that Birmingham-Southern College cannot provide the State a first security interest in its collateral assets," Boozer wrote. "Additionally, the institution's financial restructuring plan does not adequately provide for repayment of the loan."

Lawyer representing Boozer "told Montgomery County Circuit Judge James Anderson that the state would file a motion to dismiss the case, claiming that Boozer has sovereign immunity."

Well that doesn't sound good........  :'(


Looking back, its now so funny to me that Urban chose not to get Huetel out there to kick a 20 yarder for the win against St. John's, but now has absolute confidence in him to routinely trot him out there for 48-52 yarders.


Huettel seems to be going through an extended pre-kick routine this game.  Looks like he's overthinking things.


Trinity receivers have amazing hands.  Rare to see a drop even in coverage.  What a confidence booster for Tucker Horn (and the backups).


Wasn't the biggest fan of Trinity's wild-cat plays within the 5, but I appreciate Urban testing out some new play sets for the playoffs. Trinity's inside-the-ten offense has not been great this year, so at least coaching staff is trying to get creative.

Sloppy penalties from defense. Got to cut that junk out before playoffs.


Quote from: tigerguy on October 21, 2023, 03:07:08 PM
Wasn't the biggest fan of Trinity's wild-cat plays within the 5, but I appreciate Urban testing out some new play sets for the playoffs. Trinity's inside-the-ten offense has not been great this year, so at least coaching staff is trying to get creative.

Sloppy penalties from defense. Got to cut that junk out before playoffs.

Recommend taking a look at Collin Bishop's (TU QB #15) HUDL page from high school.  He was phenomenal running the wildcat.  Using him in this fashion reminds me of how Florida initially used Tim Tebow to give them that option in the red zone.
