120th Monon Bell Classic

Started by Wabash Hokie, October 01, 2013, 10:15:38 PM

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Quote from: Schwami on November 13, 2013, 04:39:35 PM
What's the status of Nikko Sansone?  Is he hurt?

Matt Hunt could be an OK player if he had a better name --- say, Turnip or Rutabaga.  I kind of miss Spud Dick (now that we are all getting nostalgic about the good old days of competitive Bell Games).

Speaking of nostalgia, check out these old cartoons found in the Depauw Archives.

DePauw Never Quits

"This happens every year. It's the mere stupidity of supposedly mature college kids acting like a bunch of horse's dicks." - Officer Keller, The Crawfordsville Police Department


Check out these articles. Once again, all found in the Depauw Archives.

DePauw Never Quits

"This happens every year. It's the mere stupidity of supposedly mature college kids acting like a bunch of horse's dicks." - Officer Keller, The Crawfordsville Police Department


Check out this article. Once again, found in the Depauw Archives.

What I lack in size, I make up for with my lack of speed.


The board has been so quiet this week. It's depressing. Heard good things about last night's Stag! Can't wait to be back in Greencastle tonight...the clock on this wall just keeps getting slower, and slower, and slow.....
"Then once again ye Wabash Men, three cheers for Alma Mater. What'er befall, revered by all may she unequaled stand."


About to hop on my flight back to the middle east for this weekends festivities. Can't wait. As always, come by our tailgate and say hello.

Depauw Never Quits, and I still hate Dabash.
DePauw Never Quits

"This happens every year. It's the mere stupidity of supposedly mature college kids acting like a bunch of horse's dicks." - Officer Keller, The Crawfordsville Police Department

Joe Wally

Quote from: Breckenridgebear on November 14, 2013, 06:07:47 PM
About to hop on my flight back to the middle east for this weekends festivities. Can't wait. As always, come by our tailgate and say hello.

Depauw Never Quits, and I still hate Dabash.

Yeah, we hate you too.  Have a safe flight.



Those are actually pretty funny!  I've never heard butt-darts...


Pinkie House

Wabash Hokie

Article from today's "The DePauw":

The tailgating venue for Monon Bell Classic will look a lot different to those who remember it from 2011, the last time DePauw hosted the match up between the Tigers and the Wabash College Little Giants.

Changes to DePauw's campus due to construction have led to changes in how tailgating before the 1 PM game will be arranged.

One change is that instead of side-by-side tailgating between DePauw and Wabash fans as in past years, the fan bases of the opposing teams will be separated.

While DePauw students, faculty, alumnae and fans have been designated the Blackstock parking lot, Wabash supporters will have tailgating space in the parking lot of the Intramural fields.

"When we went to Wabash last year they had designated a field for us, so that's what we're doing for them here," Athletic Director Stevie Baker-Watson said. "I remember going to a meeting last year at Wabash and being told, '[DePauw has] this lot, just south of the fine arts center, that's where [DePauw will] tailgate. All that parking that's over there by the stadium, don't go over there.'"
Though Baker-Watson admitted the Intramural fields are not as closely situated to Blackstock Stadium as would be ideal, she feels the overall tailgating experience will be better for the change.

"We intentionally separate [Wabash and DePauw fans] from a game perspective," she said. "So seating is separate, concession stands are separate, and now the tailgating will be separate."

However, there will still be opportunities for game attendees with a foot in both camps to intermingle.

"We actually have a combo DePauw and Wabash family gathering in the Olin Lot," Baker-Watson said. That will allow Wabash and DePauw fans to meet without crossing into each other's space."

Another change was to have parking presold. Those who purchased tickets online were sent emails alerting them that parking was being sold at 10 dollars per space, with up to two spaces being sold per transaction.

"The Blackstock lot is actually already sold out as of last Tuesday the fifth," Director of Public Safety Angie Nally said.

This choice to move to presale parking was made to help things run smoothly on the day of Monon itself.

"That way, the morning of I don't have someone standing there with a wad of cash in their pocket and I don't have people waiting in line thinking they're going to get in only to get turned away when they're that last car," Baker-Watson said.

Those who purchased parking were given hangtags for their mirrors and will be allowed into the parking lot at staggered times after 9 a.m. on Saturday morning.

"Athletics has really taken the lead on reserving tailgates and trying to make it less of a parking lot and more of an event space," Nally said.

Aside from the Wabash and DePauw tailgating separation, the presale of tickets and what is sure to be an "influx" of people, according to Nally, this tailgate is not very different from those earlier in the year. All tailgating rules will still be in place and the DePauw tailgating community will remain in the Blackstock Lot.

"For anybody whose come to any of the games thus far it will probably look similar to that from a DePauw standpoint," Baker-Watson said.

She also added that though she hopes the tailgate goes well, it is not the focal point of the weekend.

"I always like to remind people that we're here for a football game. I really hope that parking lot is fun, but I really hope they come in the game."

See the BOLD above.  I know that Wabash had designated the Fine Arts Center parking lot for DePauw parking but they were not limited to that space only.  Fans should be able to tailgate wherever they want to as long as they either  pay or find the space.  Ms. Hyphenated Name soujnds like a victim here - "since they did this to me, I will do this to them".  What a load of crap.  As usual, Administrators cannot let common sense prevail.  I don't know any other school with any other rivalry that does this.  I know the Bell rivalry is unique but this is stupid.  I cannot fathom that further segregation of the participants is good for the long-term health of this rivalry. 

sigma one

A pox on DPU for this.  Indeed, for many years Wabash has Held (caps and emphasis) a parking lot for DPU tailgaiters.  That has been so that DePauw fans were Assured spaces in a crowded situation.   But to my knowledge no one ever told the DePauw fans that this was the Only (caps and emphasis) place they could set up camp.  There has always been an intermingling of fans before the game, with people wandering around to find friends and be with family (many of whom had backgrounds with both schools). 
     First, it was charging for entry into a common tailgate lot for those who wanted to be close to the stadium and setting a time when the lot would be open.  Now, it's charging for the spaces, and don't come back with the idea that this will make things easier for fans because they know they can find a spot.  The DePauw AD, what's her name, and the administration decide to further ostrasize Wabash fans.  By the way, when she says that Wabash designated a "field" for DPU tailgating, she's wrong.  The parking lot south of the Fine Arts Center is paved.  And about 100 or so yards from Little Giant Stadium.  One more thing:  DPU student-buses are unloaded near the Fine Arts Center and students can congregate there or near there and walk the short distance to the stadium.  Wabash students are unloaded directly outside a Blackstock stadium gate and herded into the stadium at that point by security, denying them the chance to find their family and friends who may be tailgating.     
     She was an assistant AD (maybe an associate) at North Central two years ago when the Cardinals came south to C'ville for a playoff game (29-28, Stevie).  She was a royal pain in the Butkus, who apparently could not understand why the mighty CCIW Cards were shipped out to the hinterlands to play. Do they have motels in Montgomery County?  Attitude.  Attitude--here reflected in a tone I believe I hear in her remarks. 
     All thinking about whatever is happening  with construction aside, another mistake on the part of a tone-deaf DPU, practically guaranteed to increase hard feelings in an era when the schools have often worked to make this game a better experience for everyone who attends.  Pre-sale of parking spots for anyone who purchased game tickets on line--did this apply to both Wabash and DPU?  I've not heard that this is so from anyone I know.  Many Wabash folks don't purchase their tickets on line--and what a way to advantage a certain segment of buyers.
     I'm eager to see how the grandstands are arranged this time around.  (I'm also positively eager to see the new surface in Blackstock.)  We're coming, Stevie.  We're coming. 
     After many years of trying to understand, I am now officially just p---ed.   


So I assume that since the two sides are separated Satruday morning (and not just by some barricades  but by a non-negligible amount of Earth...literally not even within shouting distance) that I won't have Greencastle's finest wandering through my tailgate every 3 minutes to keep the peace?  No?  Yeah, I didn't think so either. 

Lot of thoughts on this...almost none exist within the site's Terms of Service so I have to end it here. 
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire


Power trip.....   The Emperor of Greendingle has Spoken!

Why should you go for it on 4th down?

"To overcome the disappointment of not making it on third down." -- Washington State Coach Mike Leach


I'm not a big fan of this at all.  As someone who has friends on both sides of the aisle, this is stupid. Am I even allowed in to the Wabash tailgate to visit friends or do I have to stay on my own side of the tracks?

"Hey, come meet me in the demilitarized zone which is half a freaking mile from both of us."