IIAC 2014

Started by KICKIN95, August 20, 2014, 11:15:07 PM

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Kickin which starters were out other than rummelhart and bradley? And will they be back for the tourney? Also I saw that moore went down and did not come back in--do you know anything about that?

Puerco Espin

Rummelhart, Bradley, Paulino, and now Moore.

Not sure on the extent of the injuries to Paulino or Moore other than lower body. Hopefully with they're ready to go for Saturday.
NCAA Final Four: 2007, 2008, 2012, 2013, 2015
NCAA Sweet 16: 2005, 2009, 2010, 2014
NCAA Tournament: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
IIAC Champions: 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015


Rummelhart, Bradley, Paulino, Burgmeier (very limited due to knee), now Spencer Moore. 3 forwards and the main marking back and now Moore as one of 2 true possession players things are going to be interesting to say the least.  Jimmy Ralph, Tyler Cruikshank, and JoJo Schmidt are all coming off the bench after extended lengths missed due to injury.  Ralph did play a large number of minutes yesterday and his form is nearly back to 100%.  I know every team deals with injuries, but these were consistent impact starters.  You have to play with the hand you're dealt and I guess we will see how this team reacts to another teammate out (Moore).  Someone has to step up in a big way to try and fill his shoes.
Master of all things "DuHawk"


Funny you says people have been pointing this out for years when last year was the first year they even started playing anything resembling "kickball".  Before 2013 Loras was a possession team that played high pressure, I can direct you to plenty of links from past seasons matches that would more than validate this point.

Do you think it changed to kickball when we went to play 18, 19, 20, 21+ players per game?  Using a lot of subs creates no natural rhythm - natural start/stop/start/stop - no cohesiveness.  It allows players to come on for 10 minutes and just run around and work hard and then rest - tough to do when subs are limited.   Creates the dependence on set pieces, throw-ins, etc.

Having coaches against those the teams in 2008, 2009, and 2010 - they did play and possessed the ball well.  Not doubting those teams. 

Credit to both teams for the game on Saturday. 


I think subbing that many players does have something to do with it. I also believe Coach Rothert is changing to best utilize the talent he has.
Master of all things "DuHawk"


Certainly all the subbing can impact the continuity of play on the field.

It will be interesting to see how Loras sustains through all these injuries. Fewer available/capable players means less subbing.

Since most of the players are used to shorter spells on the field, will fitness be an issue for the DuHawks? Will they make a tactical adjustment and not pressure so high up the field, looking to save legs and utilize their athleticism to counter attack?

The DuHawks are definitely one of the most athletic group of players in D3, but may now have to settle in an play a bit more of the "beautiful game" and let their soccer skills do the talking. Admittedly, I've only seen a few games, but in those matches Loras' goals have come from scrappy plays in front of the goal, not really out of possession.

Will they even have to make any tactical changes at all? With so much depth (they do have a reserve squad) will the DuHawks just reload and keep rolling?


Quote from: Homegrown Harry on November 09, 2014, 08:37:59 AM
I watched the Loras/Wartburg game.
It was a great game with both teams having a chance to win in regulation.
Why does it seem to me that the the Duhawk faithful seem to make excuses why they lost as opposed to give Wartburg some credit for playing a great game. ??

Quote from: KICKIN95 on November 09, 2014, 09:18:58 AM
As far as making excuses, well it's hard not to when you know a teams capabilities when running on all cylinders.

Going off both of these quotes I have to agree with Kickin as to why we make excuses for this team. But watching that game live with another person we noticed that Wartburg did not have one single chance in the first OT and maybe one in the beginning of the second OT, so it's hard to justify a lose when watching that.

It was one of the more entertaining games I have watched Loras play this year so yes credit to both teams for playing well.

Side-note, was talking with a friend who watched the game yesterday and commented that he hadn't seen a team complain to the ref more than Wartburg did that game and I didn't have a reason as to why that was. Until now. I remember the head coach getting talked to a few times and eventually getting a card. Half the time, and when he got the card, we didn't understand what he was complaining about. I'm hoping if we see them again or for years to come that this was a one time thing due to the game being so emotional, if not then it's going to start getting annoying to sit through games with Wartburg.


Wartburg's coach can get a bit excited, but that can be said about many coaches.  He went ballistic about a few calls/no calls and I think the one that you are referring to specifically was about the placement of the ball after an offsides call on them.  Very puzzled as to why he picked that time to blow his top.  You could hear every word he was screaming and he didn't let up one bit after he was shown the card, I though for sure he was going to see the crimson.  The Wartburg team itself was contesting almost every call with yelling and whining.  I know all teams complain pretty much whenever a whistle is blown anymore, but this was above any beyond the normal wing flapping and head tossing that players are known to do.  This was a very emotionally charged game and I personally understand how you can get caught up in the heat of the moment, at that point it is the job of the coaches and the ref to set things straight.
Master of all things "DuHawk"

Homegrown Harry

Watched the Wartburg-Loras highlights agiain.
I must say the Wartburg keeper doesn't get enough credit.
I like his agreesion.

Cheesehead Henry

^^Somebody has got a father on here.... ;D

Homegrown Harry

No relation to the keeper.
As I said in the message, I've started watching Wartburg and IIAC about midway through.
I was injured at work and have been pretty limited in mobilty so I spend ALOT of time watching games online

Cheesehead Henry


Wartburg's keeper is aggressive, that is true. Probably to counter the fact that he's only 5'8''....to me he looked a bit too aggressive in Loras' game against them for the championship. Perhaps if he would have stayed on his line the second goal could have been avoided.

What did you see?

Homegrown Harry

I'll agree with you on that second goal, but you know, another second sooner and he makes that save.
A fine line between reacting too early and not soon enough.


Predictions for first round games?

Cheesehead Henry

Loras 4-0
Wartburg 2-1