Little East Pick 'em League

Started by 7express, November 01, 2014, 06:03:10 PM

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Quote from: amh63 on February 07, 2016, 09:49:02 AM
You are correct 7express!  Thanks....sorry Imade your job harder.  Go with Keene the home school.   Did they win?

I have no idea!  I don't look at the results until I do the results for the week  ;D.  So I'll validate your post since I don't know the final anyways.


Quote from: 7express on February 05, 2016, 11:58:47 PM
Quote from: 7express on February 03, 2016, 03:57:26 PM
Quote from: 7express on February 02, 2016, 07:47:04 PM
Tuesday, February 2:
RI College (4-15) @ Amherst (16-3) 7 PM
UMass-Dartmouth (11-8) @ Tufts (15-4) 7 PM
Middlebury (11-8) @ Keene State (12-7) 7:30 PM
Colby (12-7) @ Southern Maine (12-7) 7:30 PM

Wednesday, February 3:
Conn College (12-8) @ Western Connecticut (12-7) 7:30 PM

Saturday, February 6:
Western Connecticut (13-7, 6-3) @ UMass-Dartmouth (11-9 4-5) 3 PM
Plymouth State (13-7, 4-5) @ Eastern Connecticut (13-7, 7-2) 3 PM
Southern Maine (12-8, 6-3) @ Keene State (12-8, 5-4) 3 PM
RI College (4-16, 3-6) @ UMass-Boston (5-14, 1-8) 3 PM

Bonus number 1 (locks at 3 PM Saturday): How many teams will be .500 in conference after play Saturday?  1 team vs. any other number.  There can only be a total of 3 teams that can reach .500 after Saturday: Plymouth & Dartmouth (currently 4-5) and Keene (currently 5-4)

Bonus number 2 (locks at 6:30 PM Sunday): Which team will WIN the Super Bowl?  Carolina Panthers (17-1 including playoffs) vs. Denver Broncos (14-4 including playoffs).
Bonus number 3 (locks at 7:15 PM Sunday): Which QUATER will have more TOTAL POINTS scored?  The 2nd quarter or same number of points vs. the 4th quarter.
Bonus number 4 (locks at 6:30 PM Sunday): What will happen FIRST in the Super Bowl?  A missed extra point/field goal OR a special teams/defensive touchdown is scored.  Note: For this bonus a defensive touchdown scored on an extra point/two point conversion WILL COUNT towards the defensive/special teams touchdown.  Another note: As long as you pick this bonus, but neither happen in the game, everyone will get 1 point.


Week 10 results:

RI College 51 @ Amherst 88
UMass-Dartmouth 82 @ Tufts 101
Middlebury 83 @ Keene State 74
Colby 71 @ Southern Maine 70
Conn College 86 @ Western Connecticut 89
Western Connecticut 75 @ UMass-Dartmouth 85
Plymouth State 57 @ Eastern Connecticut 88
Southern Maine 70 @ Keene State 73
RI College 63 @ UMass-Boston 64
Bonus 1: Dartmouth 5-5, Plymouth 4-6, Keene 6-4.  1 team 1 Any Other Number 0
Bonus 2: Carolina 10 Denver 24. This is OT but I'd like to nominate Carolina for the worst 15-1 team ever.  Their out of division opponents were the NFC East (awful) and the AFC South (horrendous) and their division (NFC South) wasn't very good either.
Bonus 3: Second quarter 10 points 4th quarter 11 points.  Damn that useless and garbage 2 point conversion!  Like Carolina was really going to get the ball back again with less than 3 minutes to play!
Bonus 4: Defensive touchdown scored in 2nd quarter, missed field goal in 3rd quarter.

Weekly results:
Allstar 8-2 (+1 bonus; bonus 3) (80%)
amh63* 8-1 (88.9%)
FCGrizzliesGrad 8-3 (+2 bonus; bonus 1, bonus 2) (72.7%)
magicman 8-3 (+2 bonus;  bonus 2, bonus 3) (72.7%)
WPI89 7-3 (+1 bonus; bonus 1) (70%)
7express 5-4 (55.6%)
booyakasha$ 5-4 (55.6%)
Warriorcat 5-4 (55.6%)

Season results:
Allstar^ 91-38 (70.54%)
FCGrizzliesGrad^ 93-39 (70.45%)
magicman^ 89-40 (69.0%)
Warriorcat 84-40 (67.7%)
amh63^ 83-40 (67.5%)
WPI89^ 83-43 (65.9%)
7express 81-46 (63.8%)
booyakasha^ 78-45 (63.4%)

* our dear DMV friend posted these 2 messages regarding Saturday selections this week:
Quote from: amh63 on February 01, 2016, 10:28:49 AM
Now for the rest of the week picks.
For Tuesday....ALL the NESAC teams to win!
For Wednesday, Conn College.
For Sat......all the home teams in the crazy LEC. :)
No bonus....too complicated for my limited mind.

Quote from: amh63 on February 06, 2016, 10:29:13 AM
How can I go wrong in the latest picks?
Will go with both the high particular FC who picked WCSU over Conn last Wed....Therefore, take whatever Magic1 and FCGrizz are having ;D.
Luckily for him I go with the first thing he posted, so he gets the Dartmouth win instead of the loss, though if Dartmouth had lost, he'd also get the loss there.  Maybe our friend thought Western was the home team  ???.  Also since he said in his original he wasn't taking any bonuses and Magic & Grizz differed in their bonus answers I couldn't give him any bonus points.
$ booyakasha failed to select picks for Saturday's games.  The lowest score on Saturday was 1-3, so that's what I gave them
^ Extra point added for the bonus 3 screwup from last week.  Since 7express and Warriorcat won the bonus, they got that point last week, everyone else picked it up this week.

As usual, check your totals!


Week 11:

Wednesday, February 10:
UMass-Boston (6-14, 2-8) @ Southern Maine  (12-9, 6-4) 7:30 PM
Eastern Connecticut (14-7, 8-2) @ Western Connecticut (13-8, 6-4) 7:30 PM
Keene State (13-8, 6-4) @ Plymouth State (13-8, 4-6) 7:30 PM
RI College (4-17, 3-7) @ UMass-Dartmouth (12-9, 5-5) 7:30 PM

Saturday, February 13:
UMass-Dartmouth (13-9, 6-5) @ Eastern Connecticut (15-7, 9-2) 3 PM
Keene State (13-9, 6-5) @ Western Connecticut (13-9, 6-5) 3 PM
UMass-Boston (6-15, 2-9) @ Plymouth State (14-8, 5-6) 3 PM
RI College (4-18, 3-8) @ Southern Maine (13-9, 7-4) 3 PM

Bonus points (worth 1 point):
Bonus 1 (locks at 7:30 PM Wednesday): Which day will the ROAD TEAMS score more points: Wednesday vs. Saturday?
Bonus 2 (locks at 7:30 PM Wednesday): What will be a higher total after Saturday: More teams at or above .500 in conference play or more teams below .500 in conference play?
Bonus 3 (locks at 8 PM Sunday): Total amount of points in the NBA All Star game: 290 points or more vs. 289 points or fewer.


Week 11:

Wednesday, February 10:
UMass-Boston (6-14, 2-8) @ Southern Maine  (12-9, 6-4) 7:30 PM
Eastern Connecticut (14-7, 8-2) @ Western Connecticut (13-8, 6-4) 7:30 PM
Keene State (13-8, 6-4) @ Plymouth State (13-8, 4-6) 7:30 PM
RI College (4-17, 3-7) @ UMass-Dartmouth (12-9, 5-5) 7:30 PM

Saturday, February 13:
UMass-Dartmouth () @ Eastern Connecticut () 3 PM
Keene State () @ Western Connecticut () 3 PM
UMass-Boston () @ Plymouth State () 3 PM
RI College () @ Southern Maine () 3 PM

Bonus points (worth 1 point):
Bonus 1 (locks at 7:30 PM Wednesday): Which day will the ROAD TEAMS score more points: Wednesday vs. Saturday?
Bonus 2 (locks at 7:30 PM Wednesday): What will be a higher total after Saturday: More teams at or above .500 in conference play or more teams below .500 in conference play?
Bonus 3 (locks at 8 PM Sunday): Total amount of points in the NBA All Star game: 290 points or more vs. 289 points or fewer.


Wednesday, February 10:
UMass-Boston (6-14, 2-8) @ Southern Maine  (12-9, 6-4) 7:30 PM
Eastern Connecticut (14-7, 8-2) @ Western Connecticut (13-8, 6-4) 7:30 PM
Keene State (13-8, 6-4) @ Plymouth State (13-8, 4-6) 7:30 PM
RI College (4-17, 3-7) @ UMass-Dartmouth (12-9, 5-5) 7:30 PM

Saturday, February 13:
UMass-Dartmouth () @ Eastern Connecticut () 3 PM
Keene State () @ Western Connecticut () 3 PM
UMass-Boston () @ Plymouth State () 3 PM
RI College () @ Southern Maine () 3 PM

Bonus points (worth 1 point):
Bonus 1 (locks at 7:30 PM Wednesday): Which day will the ROAD TEAMS score more points: Wednesday vs. Saturday?
Bonus 2 (locks at 7:30 PM Wednesday): What will be a higher total after Saturday: More teams at or above .500 in conference play or more teams below .500 in conference play?
Bonus 3 (locks at 8 PM Sunday): Total amount of points in the NBA All Star game: 290 points or more vs. 289 points or fewer.


Wednesday, February 10:
UMass-Boston (6-14, 2-8) @ Southern Maine  (12-9, 6-4) 7:30 PM
Eastern Connecticut (14-7, 8-2) @ Western Connecticut (13-8, 6-4) 7:30 PM
Keene State (13-8, 6-4) @ Plymouth State (13-8, 4-6) 7:30 PM
RI College (4-17, 3-7) @ UMass-Dartmouth (12-9, 5-5) 7:30 PM


Bonus points (worth 1 point):
Bonus 1 (locks at 7:30 PM Wednesday): Which day will the ROAD TEAMS score more points: Wednesday vs. Saturday?
Bonus 2 (locks at 7:30 PM Wednesday): What will be a higher total after Saturday: More teams at or above .500 in conference play or more teams below .500 in conference play?
Bonus 3 (locks at 8 PM Sunday): Total amount of points in the NBA All Star game: 290 points or more vs. 289 points or fewer.

amh63 are the Man!  Though I did not understand your explanation :).
My picks....
For Wednesday...10th of Feb....will take Southern Maine, ECSU, Keene, and UM-Dartmouth.  Join the crowd.
For Sat.....will go with all the home teams like WPI89.  I will support his bonus picks whatever they are.  Us posters whose school teams loss on Sat need a group hug/support.
Checking out the weather for this coming weekend!  Planning to see my first live games in NE if the weather is ok.  After that, going South for awhile...only live games are ACC semi finals in Greensboro.
Life is getting a little complicated in my BB world these first!


Really glad there isn't money riding on this pool. I kept up early on, but has become difficult in the later stages!



I think you missed the boat on Bonus #2. Unless I'm missing something.

Bonus #2 is a no brainer. There are presently 3 teams with a 6-4 record and 1 team with an 8-2 record. They can't possibly be worse than .500 even if they lose both games this week. So 4 or more is at least a tie and you can't possibly have more teams below .500. So why not just disregard it? If you give everybody a point it just helps the percentages for certain people. Best to just can it. ??? 


Bonus points (worth 1 point):
Bonus 1 (locks at 7:30 PM Wednesday): Which day will the ROAD TEAMS score more points: Wednesday vs. Saturday?
Bonus 2 (locks at 7:30 PM Wednesday): What will be a higher total after Saturday: More teams at or above .500 in conference play or more teams below .500 in conference play?
Bonus 3 (locks at 8 PM Sunday): Total amount of points in the NBA All Star game: 290 points or more vs. 289 points or fewer.
Modify message


Quote from: magicman on February 09, 2016, 05:48:09 AM

I think you missed the boat on Bonus #2. Unless I'm missing something.

Bonus #2 is a no brainer. There are presently 3 teams with a 6-4 record and 1 team with an 8-2 record. They can't possibly be worse than .500 even if they lose both games this week. So 4 or more is at least a tie and you can't possibly have more teams below .500. So why not just disregard it? If you give everybody a point it just helps the percentages for certain people. Best to just can it. ???

Late night math calculations aren't my friend.  oh well at least everyone gets a free point!


Quote from: 7express on February 10, 2016, 12:50:23 AM
Quote from: magicman on February 09, 2016, 05:48:09 AM

I think you missed the boat on Bonus #2. Unless I'm missing something.

Bonus #2 is a no brainer. There are presently 3 teams with a 6-4 record and 1 team with an 8-2 record. They can't possibly be worse than .500 even if they lose both games this week. So 4 or more is at least a tie and you can't possibly have more teams below .500. So why not just disregard it? If you give everybody a point it just helps the percentages for certain people. Best to just can it. ???

Late night math calculations aren't my friend.  oh well at least everyone gets a free point!

You miss my point. Rather than give everyone a free point, just eliminate it. A free point can be beneficial to some, even if everyone gets a free point, because your using percentages to determine your standings. The best thing to do since it's a useless bonus is to totally disregard it, like it never happened.


Southern Maine
Eastern Connecticut
Keene State

Bonus #1:  Wednesday
Bonus #2:  more teams at or above .500
Bonus #3:  290 points or more