D3 soccer tryouys

Started by Cc7396, June 23, 2015, 12:59:33 PM

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I have been training the past month for tryouts at my new division III college this Fall. Can anyone enlighten me on what the tryouts will be like? I play right midfield and right forward. I have been running and playing soccer everyday to be as fit as possible for it. I would just like a summary from someone who has went through tryouts before.


A lot of it depends on where you will play.
My suggestion is to e-mail the coach and ask for the summer workout he has given to his players.
If you do the summer workout, you'll have a leg up on the guys who haven't done their fitness.
After fitness,  it will probably come down to how you scrimmage, so keep your skills up.
The level of competition will depend on how competitive your college is.

Good luck!

"We talk about it for 20 minutes and then we decide I was right" - Brian Clough