Best teams from the past

Started by firstplaceloser, November 15, 2015, 10:21:45 PM

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Shooter McGavin

Quote from: KICKIN95 on November 17, 2015, 10:51:20 AM
Quote from: firstplaceloser on November 16, 2015, 11:24:56 PM
losing a national championship game in double OT to go undefeated.. hey I would have went straight to the bar. and do not act like loras players were angels they tried to fight the camden players in the hotel the night they lost after they were supposed to go home. . the Camden kids knew that was their only chance of ever going to the final four or winning a national championship so they enjoyed it while it lasted.
So it's justified for R-C players to get drunk and out of line because they lost the Final in OT, but you chastise Loras for drinking after losing in OT on a fluke 55yd kick with 30-40 mph wind after being down 1-0 to taking the lead 2-1 and then having a goal awarded to R-C to tie it up that was later proved by video to have never crossed the line. That would be cause for bellying up to the bar.
I would love to know who witnessed Loras players "trying to get in fights" with R-C players, from my personal observation that night it would have been the opposite.   
   I don't recall saying they were angels, I actually said "Not saying the Loras guys weren't drinking and having fun, but they weren't going nuts and causing a scene."

That Camden team along with most NJAC schools are classless and are typical in stereotypes. Classic Jersey teams that talk trash all game, swear at the refs, cheap shot you on top of the borderline dirty/physical play, then dont give a crap after they lose because it doesn't mean anything to them anyways. I know nothing about Loras and their antics off the field but from some people I know who were in San Antonio for the final 4 that year to watch Messiah...Camden players were hammered after losing. And honestly they should have been. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity for most kids so might as well go get smashed after the great and historic season they had. No problems with that(as long as they are of legal drinking age of course  ;)) but their antics on the field as players is shameful. No one really should deny this either. I think I have seen Camden play twice and you can hear them swearing through the video feed for the entire game. That was a very good Camden team though and Loras just got unlucky.


Quote from: Shooter McGavin on November 17, 2015, 11:43:05 AM
Quote from: KICKIN95 on November 17, 2015, 10:51:20 AM
Quote from: firstplaceloser on November 16, 2015, 11:24:56 PM
losing a national championship game in double OT to go undefeated.. hey I would have went straight to the bar. and do not act like loras players were angels they tried to fight the camden players in the hotel the night they lost after they were supposed to go home. . the Camden kids knew that was their only chance of ever going to the final four or winning a national championship so they enjoyed it while it lasted.
So it's justified for R-C players to get drunk and out of line because they lost the Final in OT, but you chastise Loras for drinking after losing in OT on a fluke 55yd kick with 30-40 mph wind after being down 1-0 to taking the lead 2-1 and then having a goal awarded to R-C to tie it up that was later proved by video to have never crossed the line. That would be cause for bellying up to the bar.
I would love to know who witnessed Loras players "trying to get in fights" with R-C players, from my personal observation that night it would have been the opposite.   
   I don't recall saying they were angels, I actually said "Not saying the Loras guys weren't drinking and having fun, but they weren't going nuts and causing a scene."

That Camden team along with most NJAC schools are classless and are typical in stereotypes. Classic Jersey teams that talk trash all game, swear at the refs, cheap shot you on top of the borderline dirty/physical play, then dont give a crap after they lose because it doesn't mean anything to them anyways. I know nothing about Loras and their antics off the field but from some people I know who were in San Antonio for the final 4 that year to watch Messiah...Camden players were hammered after losing. And honestly they should have been. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity for most kids so might as well go get smashed after the great and historic season they had. No problems with that(as long as they are of legal drinking age of course  ;)) but their antics on the field as players is shameful. No one really should deny this either. I think I have seen Camden play twice and you can hear them swearing through the video feed for the entire game. That was a very good Camden team though and Loras just got unlucky.

there is no possible way you can say that they lose and do not care after. they wanted to drink after because they were upset about losing. no bars were included just some drinks at dinner after the game. yeah the Camden team may have some things to say but never were they classless and hacked players from other teams. everyone took shots at Camden after that final four saying they were classless. but hey they are from Camden NJ what do you expect... that's a joke btw.


Quote from: firstplaceloser on November 17, 2015, 11:39:19 AM
Quote from: lastguyoffthebench on November 17, 2015, 11:33:28 AM

I don't think the Loras players approved of this...

hahahah yeah they were only a little mad after that...
I don't see a problem with that, just a little gamesmanship.  The celebration done by Loras was originally meant to be them acting like they were paddling down the river in San Antonio.

Camden was known for foul language and off the ball contact, but that's just their style.  They aren't the only team that drops colorful words on the field, I would say the majority of teams let some of that slip during the course of the match.
Master of all things "DuHawk"


If only Camden had video feeds...

2 of the goals vs York were phenomenal and the 2 vs MSU were equally impressive in the Sweet 16 and Elite, respectively.

I'm sure the players were very upset after the loss... A few minutes away from a shoot-out for a chance to win and become one of the greatest teams ever in D3 history.

In that final you could see Camden was absolutely gassed.  I think they only used 1 or 2 subs and the rest played the 103 or so odd minutes.  Couple that with playing a high pressure team and very talented Loras side the night before... the effort they were able to put on display was nothing short of spectacular.  The front 6 of Messiah DEFINITELY the best I have ever seen in my 15 years of watching D3 games.   The 4-2-3-1 / 4-1-2-3 / 4-3-3 was pretty much unstoppable.


Quote from: lastguyoffthebench on November 17, 2015, 12:36:49 PM

If only Camden had video feeds...

2 of the goals vs York were phenomenal and the 2 vs MSU were equally impressive in the Sweet 16 and Elite, respectively.

or the 4 they put on Lycoming before they could even put their cleats on...


I don't even know how you get kids to go to Camden... Just for the "Rutgers" name and degree?  Stockton campus and facilities are awesome.  MSU is nice too...  I also don't even think the staff are full-time, so considering they've reached the National map is impressive. 

How many coaches out there are only part-time at the college level?


Camden also had 4/5 starters hurt that still played or tried to play those games. #25 from Camden playing with a broken foot with a tape cast on(still kicked the ball 60+ yards the night before) Mike Ryan who was AA had a torn muscle in his knee all season still playing. and a few other key players banged up. it would've been interesting to see messiah actually play a good team in the semi where they couldn't rest their starters.

Shooter McGavin

Quote from: firstplaceloser on November 17, 2015, 12:50:03 PM
Camden also had 4/5 starters hurt that still played or tried to play those games. #25 from Camden playing with a broken foot with a tape cast on(still kicked the ball 60+ yards the night before) Mike Ryan who was AA had a torn muscle in his knee all season still playing. and a few other key players banged up. it would've been interesting to see messiah actually play a good team in the semi where they couldn't rest their starters.

Never said Camden wasn't a good team in my previous comments but people and teams have stereotypes for a reason...because they do the things that are said. Are they the only team that plays extra physical and borderline dirty? No way. Are they the only team that curses? No way! But are they cocky and aholes on the pitch? From what I have heard from NUMEROUS people is 100% yes. Fans, coaches and players don't just make that up just for fun. There is usually a reason behind it.

Also pretty much every team is banged up at that point in the long, treacherous season. It's sad that you are trying to use that as an excuse why they lost. Also that they had to play a good Loras team the night before...because Messiah didn't play the night before either right? Come on man this is just silly stuff you are saying. If they were hurt then they shouldn't have played and if they were tired then the coach should have subbed but seems like he had no depth or confidence in his bench like Messiah did/does. There's a reason why Messiah is so good and why they just continue to wear teams down game after game.

And if you want to go the route of making fun of the teams they beat along the way to get to the final then all power to you but one can also use your warped ideology and say that Lycoming was tired from having to play a first round game while Camden was fresh and on their home field...that's why Lycoming lost right?? they lost because Camden was the better team. Were they tired from the game a day or two before? Most likely? Not the reason they lost though. That Camden team deserved to be in the final and they proved why. They beat very good teams along the way and had great players. But that doesn't take away from the fact that their players are the way they are...and I am shocked that there wouldn't be one bar open at night in a city the size of San Antonio, Texas. 

And they definitely took "cheap" shots on players throughout the tournament...did you not watch any of the games?

Mid-Atlantic Fan

Camden was great that year. Rough and physical but also were underrated in their possession game which they were very good at as well. Great goal scorers and although they were a chippy team they used that to their advantage in the sense of mind games and taking other teams out of their realm. All part of the game as Camden is not the only team that plays this way. Not saying I support it but it's just their style. Messiah was the best team that year hands down. Camden and Loras were right behind.


I think Camden knew that year the only team that could beat them was messiah. I guess you can thank the upset from rose hulman over OWU which gave messiah an easier route. but it happens oh well. Mid Atlantic Fan is right they knew how to gust rate every team they played and by the end of each game the other team was arguing with each other and very frustrated.


QuoteThere's a reason why Messiah is so good and why they just continue to wear teams down game after game.

Yes, this is true.  The main reason they consistently make runs on top of being an excellent team, is the benefit of an easy conference.  The starters on Messiah average what, 60 minutes per game?  That is a HUGE advantage compared to NJAC/UAA/NESCAC teams that must play 75+ over the course of 15-20 games.  Less chance for injury, fresher legs, etc...

The way to beat Messiah is exactly how Tufts did it... Score early, defend well, and counter with excellent pace.

Shooter McGavin

Quote from: lastguyoffthebench on November 17, 2015, 01:32:49 PM

QuoteThere's a reason why Messiah is so good and why they just continue to wear teams down game after game.

Yes, this is true.  The main reason they consistently make runs on top of being an excellent team, is the benefit of an easy conference.  The starters on Messiah average what, 60 minutes per game?  That is a HUGE advantage compared to NJAC/UAA/NESCAC teams that must play 75+ over the course of 15-20 games.  Less chance for injury, fresher legs, etc...

The way to beat Messiah is exactly how Tufts did it... Score early, defend well, and counter with excellent pace.

Lycoming seems to have them figured out...taking over from the years where York use to be the only team to give Messiah a good run for their money. Since 2013 Lycoming is 3-3 against the Falcons...2-3-1 if you count the PK win as a tie. Either way that is better than anyone else over the past 3 seasons. New rivalry in the making? 


In 2013 Williams was by far the weakest of the 4 NCAA Semi-Finalists but they also were banged up with injuries. It also did not help that their Senior GK decided to turn in one of the worst performances of his college career. The 1st 10 minutes of that game which you can still bring up on really watch closely because Williams had 2 very good chances to score and they were playing nice possession futbol. Then Messiah scored on a horrific GK mistake and Williams never recovered. They were deflated and hung their heads. Hook line and sinker.

As far as Camden goes didn't they use a couple transfers from big boy Rutgers that year. I cannot say this enough that it is next to impossible to have continued success if any success being a part-time coach. You must have a real passion for what you are doing because it is basically your 2nd job and you certainly are getting no support from the school. How is a part-time coach supposed to recruit all spring and summer when it is his 2nd gig. You think Camden picks up his tabs? Now I have no idea but I am guessing he has a minimal budget if any for recruiting. That is why the sport is part-time to begin with, the school is basically saying HERE you students can have a program if you want but we are not putting resources into it and we also do not really care about it unless of course we are in the NCAA Final then the school President and AD can fly down to San Antonio and pretend they care.

I have been questioning for years why MIT is part-time. MIT with billions in resources could give 2 sh*ts about soccer and some of there other athletic programs. That is why they are running on their 5th coach in 8 years. Now the guy they have now I have no idea who he is but if you read his profile he looks to be retired from his other career. That might give him more time to put into it but it still doe snot take away the fact that the school could care less.


Camden had one transfer from New Brunswick and that was Connor Hurff, and then they landed Keegan Balle from Bradley/Syracuse. not sure why you even brought that up anyway. That's 2 players out of the 11 on the field. you did hit the nail on the head about the AD not caring about the program until they heard about how well they were doing. But no big boy transfers from Rutgers just a bunch of south jersey kids and one Midwestern chasing a ring that they were 6 minutes away from having a chance at getting.