Mid-Atlantic Region

Started by Mid-Atlantic Fan, August 29, 2017, 02:44:32 PM

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Word on the street is that he got a D1 track scholarship....


Quote from: 4231CenterBack on August 16, 2022, 11:22:11 AM
Word on the street is that he got a D1 track scholarship....
You're right—he isn't on the roster, which has a different player from New England (Harrison Keator) who wasn't part of that post introducing the newcomers. I had missed that, simply assumed that list was still accurate.

Bummer. I was really looking forward to seeing him get some PT, though (honestly) his soccer profile doesn't match his track profile, so maybe he wouldn't play much especially his first year.


Quote from: Falconer on August 15, 2022, 04:17:48 PM
Here's the incoming Falcons:


Seems to have some very talented players, perhaps more than the last 2-3 classes. I'm sure COVID had something to do with that.

Has anyone seen any of these guys play? As a track fan, I know that the local player, Samuel de la Riva, has serious speed--he ran 1:54 for his conference title, also won the district title at 800 meters (https://www.pennlive.com/galleries/PTDIMAW6FBGYNE7EOXJB6ZAIIE/), and ran a sub-50 second leg on the 4 x 400. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1KVMMKzXog.

I hadn't realized he was a Falcon soccer recruit. Those HS times are comparable to another soccer-track phenom from recent Falcon history--Nick West--but I would be nuts to push the comparison any further.

I am excited to see Eastern and Messiah play to see if that Eastern keeper can repeat those saves and to see if Messiah can make an incredible comeback.


Scranton scrimmaged Alvernia, not sure of result and has Union on Saturday

Misercordia defeated Eastern 4-0
A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.
Vince Lombardi


That does not bode well for Eastern. 
Alvernia should be tough again.


Drew ties Montclair 3-3
Washington College smokes Stockton 4-0


I think Christian Tyson at Drew could have a very good year!


Quote from: camosfan on August 28, 2022, 08:40:33 AM
I think Christian Tyson at Drew could have a very good year!
Agreed.  And combined with Kevin Kiernan who had a fantastic freshman campaign with 8 goals, I expect Drew will be one of the Landmark favorites. 

And speaking of Landmark, is there any other conference in the country that can boast of two coaches with 300+ wins? Armuth has 376 and Roderick has 557.


Elizabethtown will struggle this year, they were beaten by Rutgers-Camden 3-0 Tuesday! Did not watch but report does not paint a bright picture.


PSU-Harrisburg beat Messiah in a scrimmage this preseason.  I'd hesitate to draw too many conclusions from preseason results


Yeah I notice some social media reports scores others don't.
A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.
Vince Lombardi


Anyone interested in participating in the D3soccer Fan poll this season?

If you are interested in participating, I will run the poll again if we get enough pollsters. My only caveat is that if you agree to participate you try your best to do it every week so that things are consistent. Also, you try to be on time because it's no fun for anyone if I have to track you down every week and pester you to get your votes in.

Unless someone has a better idea, I'll run it the same as last year with the same deadlines, so the poll will include games that start before Sunday at midnight EST and will be due to me before Tuesday EST at midnight and I will try to post on Wednesday.

I will not do a preseason poll. I hate them. They set up a ton of positional bias and, especially with 400+ teams in D3, there simply is no way to do a good one. The first poll will be based on games played prior to 9/11 and will be due to me on 9/13. That gives us roughly 2 weeks of games to start making judgements.

If you are interested, and I realize we about 2 weeks out, please send me a PM. I hope we get our pollsters back from last year, as they did an excellent job, but if you want to join in, I'm always open to more!



Interesting. I feel like Dickinson is a bit under-rated, and I feel like Washington is going to be an extremely difficult out. That coach really impressed me in the Simple Coach interview.


Dickinson had a very tough year last season, ranking seems justified?


I see that Adrian Zimmerman, who set a scoring record for the tournament last fall (including goals vs. Messiah and U Conn), is not listed on the W & L roster this year. He was a SO last year. Can anyone fill in the blanks?