Mid-Atlantic Region

Started by Mid-Atlantic Fan, August 29, 2017, 02:44:32 PM

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My wife is out of town and I'm bored, so you guys are going to be subjected to some nonsense. With zero research, here is my "WTF Scale of CC Mascots"

From "This annoys me-->Doesn't really annoy me"

Haverford - ... Um...  I guess, officially, your mascot is the Black Squirrels. Which, you know... Squirrels are literally just rats with puffier tales and tend to slant more nut than trash, but... Meh. When I knew you, it was... The Fords. And again... Jesus Christ guys. The lack of imagination speaks probably more to why the 80s and early 90s were an aberration of your schools giving a sh*t about sports. The Squirrels? The Fords. -1

Swarthmore -- Little Garnets... Or is it just Garnets? I dunno. C'mon man, this is pretty clearly one of the weakest CC mascots. Are you a birthstone? Are you, like... even a gem? WTF!!! Sorry. It's not that big of a deal. I get worked up.

McDaniel -- In a schtick most of you guys have no idea what I'm even blathering about, this used to be Western Maryland. (How I knew them back in the day.) Due to my daughter playing travel softball and traveling all over the MD/PA region for games, I've come to know Westminster and McDaniel from a proximity basis and really like the area. With that said... the Green Terror is a VERY VERY VERY stupid mascot. You and Tulane go sit in the corner.

Gettysburg - Bullets. I mean, I could really do a long riff on this as an amateur stand up, but... Short version. C'mon man. Gross. I feel similar to Carolina Hurricane, Chicago Fire, SJ Earthquake... You are defining your team by it's worst regional/historical moment. Why? What was going on when these folks made that decision. I know team names/mascots are tricky. You're trying to be fierce. But, like.... No.

Dickinson - Red Devils. In terms of ranking these guys, I'm actually VERY torn. In fact, typing that, I'm gonna move them once I'm done typing. Your boys are in Carlisle. They are dead-fing'-center in Amish country. I can not stress enough how many horse drawn stuff is happening in this part of the country. So, to come out with RED DEVILS in the midst of the barn-raising, butter churning, weird-meat-at-market corner of PA is absolutely bonkers. So.. Go.. Red Devils?? (I'm not against the Amish, mind you... Um, not that they should see this, right?)

Johns Hopkins - The Blue Jays. I mean... They are kind of asshole birds and a bit arrogant/territorial.

Story time !!!! My childhood cat once broke her leg/hip and had to be in a cast for a couple of weeks. A blue jay, who knew she couldn't move, would sit 4 feet from her and taunt her. I watched this for a solid week. My cat finally got the cast off and then proceeded to limp out to her spot on the back deck like she was still impaired. Blue jay landed and squawked. My cat (Mary, if you're looking for the box score) pounced and blue and grey feathers flew up... No more Blue Jay. So... Blue Jay is fine... But they play around too much!

Muhlenberg. Muhles. 'nuff said. And it's such a great descriptor... I have a lot of respect, so please understand the spirit. They come to play, they put in the work, they don't quit. (This is the only school where I didn't look up their actual mascot. I don't care. Muhles is perfect (again, please see the positive light I'm saying this.)

Ursinus -- The Bears. Say it like the SNL skit, but add a Philly lilt if your really want to slam it home.. I know this program has struggled a bit. They've also pipped JHU twice at home in as many chances. But the name... Couldn't be better, IMO.

Wash. College - The Shoremen. It might be their swag, it might be that I've been to Chestertown and feel the Eastern Shore of it all. I just absolutely love this local nod to a beautiful school and campus. (I played my last game on that field in 1992 and I think we tied, but I remember thinking that it was a really nice place to "hang it up.") 

F&M - Diplomats. Sublime. Rivalry or whatever, you tip your cap to what works. I also love when a name lends itself to that one syllable shout out. (Which is partially why some teams got ranked lower. Whey our nickname/mascot sucks, it makes it harder.)


Sorry not sorry for the typos. I've had some wine and this sites formatting and editing... Ok, that's not the issue. I'm just lazy.


Hop, this is the type of content we're here for.  I'm dying  :D


Quote from: stlawus on October 04, 2023, 10:17:19 PM
Hop, this is the type of content we're here for.  I'm dying  :D

We gotta find a dude to do each conference.

I pulled so much of this out of my keister, I really hope other CC fans will chile in!


I caught a little bit of the Muhlenberg-Haverford game where the student commentators were criticizing the lack of creativity in the nicknames.  Mules just became the school has it in the name.  Fords because it has it in the name.  Fortunately, not every school in the conference followed that naming convention or it could be a little awkward.


You were sticking with the nicknames for the write up but I'll provide some visual references for the mascots
F&M's mascots are Ben and John  .   
Washington College has Gus the Goose
Gettysburg College had Billy the Bullet
McDaniel Green Terror   older versions lol
Haverford Black Squirrel
Dickinson Red Devil
Muhlenberg Marti Mule
Hopkins Blue Jay
Ursinus Bear
Swarthmore Phoenix


OMG I'm dying at some of these.  Gettyburg looks more like a turd than it does a bullet.  McDaniel's is terrorizing, at least the older ones.    Swarthmore can call that a phoenix but it looks more like a chicken/scarecrow hybrid.

Gus the goose is my favorite of the bunch.


I'm getting error messages from trying to plus those


sorry paclassic, I guess I can't give you more karma.

THAT is fanTAStic.'

Trying to do jersey/W PA accent there.


So my wife and son are out of town and I too am a couple of glasses of wine deep so imagine when I stumble on this.  This beats watching the second half of Meg 2 (first half put me to sleep) HANDS DOWN!  Some of those mascot pics should be an inspiration to Steven King.

Not to kill the buzz, but I previously tried to upload (a pic of the Cortland dragon I think?) on a post with no success so figured the feature is preempted to save server space.  Oh well I thought.  Seeing this opens up a whole new world of creativity!

Edit: just zoomed in on "Billy the Turd" and noticed he is the "unofficial mascot."  I'm dying.

Edit 2:  Growing up in Columbia, I had a friend who's father was some faculty position at Western MD and would take us there on occasion.  Fast forward to today and I'm like who is this McDaniel?


Quote from: stlawus on October 04, 2023, 10:17:19 PM
Hop, this is the type of content we're here for.  I'm dying  :D

Amazing post, 10 out of 10, Hop. I definitely like Blue Jays from the days when they dominated college lacrosse.

As to the Cent. Conf. mascots I can agree the Gettysburg's actually costume is the worst. However, I loved the craziness of the NBA Washington Bullets (formerly Balt. Bullets).

I actually think F&M's mascots costumes are pretty creepy sort of like the dead version of the old guys from Sesame Street https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statler_and_Waldorf.

However, "Go Dips!" is pretty cool to say out loud.  One of dads is huge guy and I hear his voice every time I think of that. I also have no problem with "Dips are just going to Dip"


Hopkins92 and paclassic89:  THANK YOU for the CC summaries!!

Mid-Atlantic Fan

BlueJay95...Abused? I don't know if I would take it to that extreme but so be it. If you noticed in some of my other posts, I have the Muhles ranked in the region and they will most likely move up pending results this weekend. Yes, I poked in good fun after their loss to Scranton, freshly after you touted them the region's best. But abused? Interesting...here's my latest assessment for reference. I have them tied for 5th because I think they are probably better than Scranton BUT they lost to them so figured a T5 was fair at the time. Like I said, I can see them moving up when I review next week.

Region 5
1. Messiah
2. F&M
3. JHU
4. Widener
T5. Scranton
T5. Muhles
7. Wash Coll

Quote from: Hopkins92 on October 03, 2023, 09:27:24 PM
Quote from: BlueJay95 on October 03, 2023, 09:20:52 PM
Mules homer back for some more after getting abused in first week of season by a supposed Mid-Atlantic expert. Haverford announcers (aka the Beavis and Butthead of the D3 booth) are hilarious and worth the listen in the old centennialconference.tv archive.

Kind of a weird vibe here.

Mid-Atlantic Fan

WARNING: Abusive language below!!  :o

Quote from: Mid-Atlantic Fan on September 02, 2023, 10:42:43 AM
Scranton 1
Muhles 0

I'll keep watching  ;)

Quote from: BlueJay95 on September 01, 2023, 06:57:02 AM
Don't sleep on the Mules MAF...a bit banged up coming out of preseason, but pretty much everyone back with a few strong recruits and a returning redshirt CB...very deep.

Mid-Atlantic Fan

Hang in there BlueJay95. You'll be okay  :)

Quote from: Mid-Atlantic Fan on September 05, 2023, 09:50:49 AM
Quote from: BlueJay95 on September 02, 2023, 02:20:46 PM
MAF - guess you watched the game? Let's troll on a message board. And everyone else in your esteemed ranking won right?

All in good fun. I see you're new to the boards...I will try and catch more Muhles games this season. Lots of parity in these regions as always!