UAA 2018

Started by WUPHF, June 09, 2018, 09:06:02 AM

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Flying Weasel


Brandeis v CWU about to get going...Big game for Deis and I see maybe 1 or 2 changes to the lineup with Gans starting.


Yikes Noel Cotterell is in the middle for the Deis/CWU match...He is a real nice guy but his prime years of reffing are history.


Sloppy giveaway by Brandeis CB #15 Alex Walter leads to a dangerous Case counter and they just miss wide.


Brandeis has been a bit sloppy to start but Case has not taken advantage. Brandeis is in a 4-2-3-1 with Irwin in net. I swear Margolis started #22 Skylah Dias as LB and then about 10 minutes in switched him to RB. Could be wrong though. He has Walter and Panarra at CB with Gans and Burch holding and I think Miskin attacking. The Frosh #2 Panson is wide right. I am having some trouble with numbers so I might have mixed that up but its close. I like this Frosh Panson as he is dangerous with the ball. He is going to be a real solid player for them in the next couple years. Warren is wide left and Nardizzi is up top.


Margolis subs #8 Breiter wide left for Warren and Andrew Allen wide right for Panson. 


Predictably, Brandeis stream has gone haywire. B4 the game you could hear I am guessing the SID or someone in charge yelling at someone about they have had since 7am to figure this sh*t out. It was funny at the time but I would trade that pregame chuckle for a solid stream. In what I have seen so far it is real apparent that this Brandeis side has lost 2 classes of serious talent and leadership. It might be a rebuilding year to an extent. Brandeis is still solid but not NCAA Final 4 solid. They are lacking a physical toughness in midfield that Hernandez and frankly a couple others have given them the past 4-5 years. They also are giving the ball away to much. The Brandeis of 2017 would string sometimes 6-7-8 passes together and build from the back but this year they are giving the ball away more frequently which in turn leaves them susceptible to the counter( i.e first 2 minutes of game CB Walter dribbling in the middle of field gets stripped and Case was off to the races and almost scored.)..All that being said, Brandeis can win this game as straight up they are every bit as solid as Case even in a somewhat rebuilding year.


Halftime Brandeis v Case 0-0...Both teams seem to be feeling it out and was a somewhat uneventful 1st half...This looks like it is going to be a whoever scores first game...First 15 minutes of 2nd half will be key.


Start of 2nd Half Margolis sacks 1st Half starters Panson and Dias and moves around some players but starts Andrew Allen and Evan Glass. Andrew Allen started the year off red hot scoring 3 Goals but has been in and out of the starting lineup since the beginning of the year. They need him to get back to scoring Goals as they are struggling finishing and his career stats of 65 Games Played, 13 Goals 6 Assists and 41 SOG will really be needed this year.


Since the Brandeis stream is awful... Rochester dominating play during the first 15 minutes. They are very dangerous coming down the flanks and whipping in crosses. UC came out slow and needs to pick things up.


Interesting moves for Margolis as he is trying to find some consistency in the back. He has Handler at LB, Walter and Burch at CB and Panarra at RB. Glass and Gans are holding with Miskin attacking. Warren wide right and Allen wide left, Nardizzi up top....Lots of moving parts here but Brandeis has not had many looks on net and have yet to register a SOG. Case is dominating the stats but have only had about 2 legit chances to score.


Margolis gives Senior Julian Tremblay a run 2nd Half. He has played a total of 7 Career Games in 4 years. I can honestly admit I have never heard of him but nice to see him getting a run and maybe has been doing well in practice.

Nardizzi has just had 2 good looks and Devan Casey just misses as he hits the crossbar. Judges looking to be coming on a bit here. They gotta have a Win somehow today


Brandeis looks MUCH better 2nd Half..They are really turning up the heat on Case. Case might be a bit tired from Wednesday Night game and travel but Brandeis is getting to 50/50 balls faster, they look much fitter than Case and are using their bench much more. They just need to finish a chance here and get a Win. About 6 minutes left still 0-0 and looks like we are heading to OT but Brandeis has all the momentum.


Brandeis misses a golden chance with about 5 minutes left...Case player heads a long ball from a Brandeis defender backwards right into I think it was Andre Allen wide left feet. He then sends a beauty of a cross into the middle which the Case GK has issues with and Brandeis #8 Breiter has a golden look but Case GK snags the ball just in time.


Brandeis v Case 0-0 end of regulation. Brandeis has been all over Case and look to be playing MUCH better all 2nd Half. Case looks gassed and have not had a sniff for about 25 minutes.