The Big Dance

Started by Falconer, November 05, 2018, 03:06:33 PM

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"Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring."

"Playing football is very simple, but playing simple football is the hardest thing there is."


The previous points by Saint of Old and EB2319 are completely valid!  I love quality football, but I also love the Premier League much more than La Liga or Serie A.  What drives me as a former college athlete (D1 Nordic skier) and as a fan of many sports is competitiveness.  I'm most inspired and compelled by individual athletes and teams who compete hard and leave it all out there.  Thus I'd take an ugly highly competitive football team over a pretty playing but less competitive team.  I realize those are not mutually exclusive, but I love hard competition, and you don't always see it when a team is playing it out of the back and focused on linking passes to build the attack, but aren't necessarily challenging all the 50/50s or defending from front to back.  Just my personal preference...and I realize other folks have other preferences...


Not trying to be a yes man but I think truenorth is bang on — I was a Nordic skier and runner in high school and to me there is nothing more satisfying than edging a close battle based on toughness and grit. I would also profess to be more of a PL fan for its competitiveness.

All things equal, I'd rather watch Barcelona than Stoke City/WBA/Amherst/etc. Moreover, I admire teams that have the ambition to keep the ball on the ground. At the end of the day, though, results are what matters. I think a team that strives to play pretty has to have some steel to be successful. You can't tiki taka the ball in every time.

Therefore, to me, the teams most impressive are those that can win while playing nice stuff. As Saint of Old said, nothing beats Total Football and other possession-based styles — but few can pull them off successfully. Those that do not only withstand the test of time but will be admired that much more.


Interesting side topic. I've posted a bunch about how frustrating Hopkins can be, because they almost refuse to play Route 1 football, no matter what the situation dictates. I'm all for possession, and that's how I've coached many teams. But as others have mentioned, sometimes you need to mix that up either because the other team is bunkering, or it's late in a game and you simply don't have time to make 18 passes to break down a team. 

The other thing that drives me a little nuts about possession to a fault teams: It's very difficult to pass the ball into the goal, regardless of what the other team is doing. SHOOT THE BALL. Lots of teams fall into this trap. If you're 25-18 yards out and you have a window, shoot the ball.


"you can't score if you don't shoot"


Quote from: EB2319 on November 21, 2018, 10:56:09 AM
"you can't score if you don't shoot"
"When you take a shot, nothing bad can happen."




Quote from: EB2319 on November 21, 2018, 02:25:57 PM
Quote from: Falconer on November 21, 2018, 02:08:00 PM
"When you take a shot, nothing bad can happen."

False ;-) ...

This was the exact moment I became a true and proper football fan.
True story.
This is the video I saw first.
"...very keen to go to ground" ...


That is one of the most amazing turn of events in a football match I've ever seen...thanks for sharing!


Have I lost my touch, or is there really no video for the Final Four?!


Quote from: Jump4Joy on November 23, 2018, 12:44:50 PM
Have I lost my touch, or is there really no video for the Final Four?!

Check again on the 30th - when the game is schedule  ;D


Ha! So the answer is yes. And no. Thanks, EB.


A week before the big matches, anyone have predictions? As a Calvin fan I think this is the year they take the crown. They play beautiful soccer with tremendous skill. The game with Chicago should be a great game. I think Tufts will get the better of Rochester setting up a Tufts v. Calvin final. A rematch of 2016. Anyone else have thoughts?


Quote from: Knight_Fan4L on November 23, 2018, 02:41:57 PM
A week before the big matches, anyone have predictions? As a Calvin fan I think this is the year they take the crown. They play beautiful soccer with tremendous skill. The game with Chicago should be a great game. I think Tufts will get the better of Rochester setting up a Tufts v. Calvin final. A rematch of 2016. Anyone else have thoughts?

I did not see the game v Chicago at Calvin in September, but the stats offered in the box score certainly provide encouragement for a different result next week.  Calvin outshot Chicago 19 (9) to 9 (5) and had 6 corners to Chicago's 1.  Even more startling was the foul total, with Chicago being whistled for 13 to Calvin's 2 (!).  Calvin is certainly due for a championship, but the stars seem equally well-aligned for the Maroons.

Buck O.

Quote from: Knight_Fan4L on November 23, 2018, 02:41:57 PM
A week before the big matches, anyone have predictions? As a Calvin fan I think this is the year they take the crown. They play beautiful soccer with tremendous skill. The game with Chicago should be a great game. I think Tufts will get the better of Rochester setting up a Tufts v. Calvin final. A rematch of 2016. Anyone else have thoughts?

Personally, I see an all-UAA final, with Chicago taking the crown, due to the fact that as the higher seed, they won't have to wear their hideous maroon-and-gray road unis.  Wearing those uniforms should be a felony.