2021 Game Notes

Started by SimpleCoach, September 03, 2021, 06:33:10 AM

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Quote from: PaulNewman on November 07, 2021, 10:15:38 AM
SC, I at least quickly scan through your notes and I know I'm biased and far more interested in this one, but your review of Denison-Kenyon imo is one of your best.  I'm sure you saw last night that a layperson like myself underscored the job Denison did on Muther (#15), and then you described how they did it in detail.  It's like Bianco came into the locker room and said "OK, guys, this is how we're gonna do it..."  #21 for Denison is one of their most talented offensive players and most talented, period, and Bianco basically said "son, you're probably not gonna score today but you're gonna do this."  Got to the point where Muther was making mistakes he usually doesn't make and you're correct that Kenyon was very close to gifting Denison a second goal off a terribly self-inflicted giveaway. 

Secondly, the point about getting frustrated and trying to compensate by just "trying even harder."  The just do what you do with more force solution that is not really a solution at all.  That's maybe true if you really come out flat, and one can create that narrative easily.  Kenyon was expecting OWU, feels thankful to Denison for taking care of OWU (in a VERY similar fashion I might add), and after wbipping Wabash 8-0 comes out to a huge home crowd with tons of momentum, and observers finally turning the corner on Kenyon and seeing them as a real contender, etc, etc, and assumes they're gonna steamroll Denison.  I certainly bought into that and even when Denison scored I was more annoyed and thought OK, the Lords will win this one 3-1, especially with so much time left.  But besides doing the usual let's go with three in the back and add an attacker with 20 minutes left Kenyon did little different strategically.  What Denison did to Muther was my biggest takeaway, but they also really limited #8 and #10.  #3, another talented Kenyon player, did more of the playmaking and cut through Denison defenders multiple times only to make the wrong choice in the end by repeatedly firing 25 yard shots that only wasted another 30-40 secs for another goal kick.  How many times can you kick the ball 15 yards high AND wide and not do something different???

But here's the most valuable lesson.  It's so easy to feel hurt and aggrieved and do what I usually do when I see games like this and/or see the stats where one team has a huge advantage stats-wise but loses.  The instinct is to credit the other team but underscore how lucky they were or how unlucky your team was.  And of course you always have to have a little luck, but this was methodical. This was a game plan carried out to near-perfection.  I tell my team we're going to get 4-5 very good chances for the whole game and we'll score on at least one or two of them...while the other team puts up 25-30 shots, with half or more of those having no chance and the rest only quarter-chances to half-chances.  Part of the strategy is to actually let the other team think they are dominating possession and just minutes away from the floodgates opening...we'll just wait them out to make some lazy, critical mistakes, we'll score, and then the opponent will go right back to what they were doing and maybe we'll get another one.  I actually feel better thinking about it this way.  We weren't screwed or unlucky or anything...but rather a team had a plan and came in and executed it...so yes, a fully deserved win....and the loser has to learn the right lessons or else they will repeat their stubborn efforts again.  Outplayed and outcoached.  Full stop.

I found myself a little miffed when I read Bianco's quote in their recap, with not a word about the opponent or any good fortune, but instead highlighting the day as one of the best days a coach ever gets.  Exactly what he should say.  It was a fantastic day for Denison soccer, and not saying that Messiah or Tufts or some other excellent team couldn't beat OWU and Kenyon on the road back to back but it's a short list, and Denison did it.  Brilliant coaching and credit to the Denison team for doing it on the field.  And truth be told, I won't care a single lick, nor will a fan of any other team, if my team wins a title and does it in less than an attractive way.  It's the scoreboard that counts.  Period.  End of story.  Not lucky, but rather intentional and very, very smart.

Last thought.....arrogance is the other team's best friend...better than getting to play with two extra CBs.

@Paul Newman.  Again, thanks for the kind words.  There was a lot to say about how well Denison played.  They basically shut down the middle of the park.  Kenyon had no chance going down Kenyon#15 side, had no chance going down the middle, and were forced to play down their left.  That to me was the best strategic move Denison could have made.  Aside from saying to Kenyon, if you are that good, you are still going to beat, so beat us in the way we decide you will beat us.... and Kenyon couldn't.

I've worked with a lot of coaches who watch tape of their opponents for 30 minutes, see some of the basic patterns and then move on.  I've been a proponent of watching the two previous games of a team they are going to play, and then watching a loss to watch the team that beat the opponent.  That will give you a flavor of what you want to do, how it will likely fair, and at least determine where they are weak.  I could go on but ... back to Denison.

Especially after they scored, I was expecting some type of adjustment, like move Kenyon#15 more central, get #10 out wide, push the another back higher, instead, like a hammer, hit harder is all I got.  There was a play after Denison scored that it dawned on me that Kenyon was helpless.  #7 I think finally finds #15 on the right with 20 yards of space and no one around and full steam forward.  He gives him the ball and Denison#21 literally dropped back ten yards and to the outside.  He was still 10 yards from 15.  The center forward made a run and the back didn't track his man, instead the outside back picked him up tight.  #15 stopped the ball, and turned it back to one of the defenders.  Seriously, not a big play, wasn't a play on goal, but I could see the chalk board in my mind with a coach's diagram of how they would defend a scenario like that.  That's when I thought if Kenyon doesn't figure something out, they are done.  Then the second half started and I was surprised that it all looked the same.

Look, might not get the press or acknowledgement but Denison took on the most difficult stretch is D3 soccer and won both games.  And that after losing to both teams 2-0.  Last I will say is that I watched the season opener game of Mount Union v Denison.  Mount Union won, and I thought Denison looked pedestrian.  Same long ball garbage, really no structure.  The Denison I watched against OWU and Kenyon are two completely different teams.  Might as well been a different year.

How they go forward and how they do, not sure.  Once you start hitting rarified air, experience matters a lot.  But will say, if this is his first season with Denison, this year already has to be a success.


Yup...will just add one more thing.  Really helps to score 1st goal, which was I think you agree a gift, or maintain at least 0-0.  If down 1-0 it's not easy to stick to that strategy. 


Quote from: PaulNewman on November 07, 2021, 05:46:09 PM
Yup...will just add one more thing.  Really helps to score 1st goal, which was I think you agree a gift, or maintain at least 0-0.  If down 1-0 it's not easy to stick to that strategy.

Complete gift.  But a heads up play to hit the ball on frame.

And yes, having a goal helps immensely and am sure filled them with total confidence.


Gettysburg v Washington
Centennial Conference Tournament Final
Johns Hopkins
Link – 1980's Turf Bowl Championship for the Centennial Conference
Prediction – Gettysburg 1, Washington 0
Actual - Gettysburg 0, Washington 2

   Washington has slowly started to assert themselves on the game.  After the initial energy of Gettysburg, Washington started to get control of the rock.
   Thanks to moving the ball quickly, Washington managed to get the ball to Washington#26 on the left side, to the right of the Gettysburg coach.  This is the picture perfect coaching example of when to take a guy on.  Washington#26 is isolated with the next nearest defender 12 yards away.  He takes a couple touches to bait the Gettysburg#19, and goes down the line and drives a ball across the box.  Ball is not cleared and lands at the feet of a Washington forward who is by himself.  Washington #10 gets the ball and one times it into the back of the net.  Gettysburg 0, Washington 1. 
   Even the runs by the three forwards were really good.  Near post run to clear the front defender. The center forward stepped forward and then dropped back but the defender hadn't adjusted and stepped out.  And Washington#10 was making a run but then stopped at the 8 and didn't over commit on his run. 
   Gettysburg is shaken right now.  Washington is feeling the hype.
   Washington could be 2-0 had a forward not mi**** the ball from 4 yards out.
   I like Gettysburg.  Think they are a good team, but something is missing, and I can't pin it.  Never felt convinced by them.  Keep waiting for this dominating team that never comes.
   I think Washington is a very well coached team.  Organized and disciplined.  Really well balanced on the field and never really look out of position or not connected front to back.
   Gettysburg#19 keeps getting burned on the run by the left wing.  Washington could have had a couple of goals already coming from that side.
   Washington has definitely had the better of the ball.  Would argue they have been much more dangerous and have been able to get to goal.  Gettysburg starts to struggle once they cross midfield.
   Gettysburg best chances come from set pieces ... when they get them.
   And halftime.  Think Washington is deservedly ahead in this one.  Gettysburg needs to figure out how to attack as a team.
   Again, Gettysburg answer is to go harder. 
   Gettysburg best chance came from a through ball where the Washington Keeper was coming out for the ball, but the GBurg forward got his head on the ball and was going in until a Washington defender cleared it out to the upper rows of the stands.
   34 left.
   Gettysburg is in better possession this half, but not amounting to much ... except for the previous opportunity I mentioned.  Washington is content in absorbing what is coming, locking down the middle and forcing Gettysburg out wide.
   Seriously, why Gettysburg#19 hasn't been subbed yet is beyond me.
   And like that, on the GBurg left side.  Gettysburg#19 advances with the ball and sends it 15 yards that Washington cuts off.  Bounces around and Washington wins it.  Gettysburg#19 had stepped up, Washington#10 slipped behind him.  It looks like Washington#11 heads the ball as a pass to Washington#10, springing him from midfield.  Takes a touch past a defender, the center back closes and he takes another touch past him.  And like that, he hits it over the Gettysburg Keeper and into the back of the net.  Game set match with 16 minutes left. 
   On soccer terms along, not sure how Gettysburg gets a goal, let alone levels.
   I've watched the game out.  Full time.
   Washington is the Centennial Conference Tournament Champion.

Buck O.

Quote from: SimpleCoach on November 07, 2021, 06:13:59 PM
Gettysburg v Washington
Centennial Conference Tournament Final
Johns Hopkins
Link – 1980's Turf Bowl Championship for the Centennial Conference
Prediction – Gettysburg 1, Washington 0
Actual - Gettysburg 0, Washington 2

   Washington has slowly started to assert themselves on the game.  After the initial energy of Gettysburg, Washington started to get control of the rock.
   Thanks to moving the ball quickly, Washington managed to get the ball to Washington#26 on the left side, to the right of the Gettysburg coach.  This is the picture perfect coaching example of when to take a guy on.  Washington#26 is isolated with the next nearest defender 12 yards away.  He takes a couple touches to bait the Gettysburg#19, and goes down the line and drives a ball across the box.  Ball is not cleared and lands at the feet of a Washington forward who is by himself.  Washington #10 gets the ball and one times it into the back of the net.  Gettysburg 0, Washington 1. 
   Even the runs by the three forwards were really good.  Near post run to clear the front defender. The center forward stepped forward and then dropped back but the defender hadn't adjusted and stepped out.  And Washington#10 was making a run but then stopped at the 8 and didn't over commit on his run. 
   Gettysburg is shaken right now.  Washington is feeling the hype.
   Washington could be 2-0 had a forward not mi**** the ball from 4 yards out.
   I like Gettysburg.  Think they are a good team, but something is missing, and I can't pin it.  Never felt convinced by them.  Keep waiting for this dominating team that never comes.
   I think Washington is a very well coached team.  Organized and disciplined.  Really well balanced on the field and never really look out of position or not connected front to back.
   Gettysburg#19 keeps getting burned on the run by the left wing.  Washington could have had a couple of goals already coming from that side.
   Washington has definitely had the better of the ball.  Would argue they have been much more dangerous and have been able to get to goal.  Gettysburg starts to struggle once they cross midfield.
   Gettysburg best chances come from set pieces ... when they get them.
   And halftime.  Think Washington is deservedly ahead in this one.  Gettysburg needs to figure out how to attack as a team.
   Again, Gettysburg answer is to go harder. 
   Gettysburg best chance came from a through ball where the Washington Keeper was coming out for the ball, but the GBurg forward got his head on the ball and was going in until a Washington defender cleared it out to the upper rows of the stands.
   34 left.
   Gettysburg is in better possession this half, but not amounting to much ... except for the previous opportunity I mentioned.  Washington is content in absorbing what is coming, locking down the middle and forcing Gettysburg out wide.
   Seriously, why Gettysburg#19 hasn't been subbed yet is beyond me.
   And like that, on the GBurg left side.  Gettysburg#19 advances with the ball and sends it 15 yards that Washington cuts off.  Bounces around and Washington wins it.  Gettysburg#19 had stepped up, Washington#10 slipped behind him.  It looks like Washington#11 heads the ball as a pass to Washington#10, springing him from midfield.  Takes a touch past a defender, the center back closes and he takes another touch past him.  And like that, he hits it over the Gettysburg Keeper and into the back of the net.  Game set match with 16 minutes left. 
   On soccer terms along, not sure how Gettysburg gets a goal, let alone levels.
   I've watched the game out.  Full time.
   Washington is the Centennial Conference Tournament Champion.

A good weekend for Washingtons.


Baruch v Washington & Lee
NCAA First Round Game
Washington & Lee Alston Parker Watt Field
Link – Baruch v W&L NCAA First Round

   Haven't seen Baruch and so really don't know anything about them.
   Looks like a great day for a game. 
   Baruch really packs it in tight.  Defending with 5 in the back and 3 midfielders and stay concentrated in the middle.  Not a lot of space to operate in.
   And like that Baruch gets on the board 4 minutes into the half.  Corner kick to the near post and on the ground that W&L#12 misses on the clearance and lands at the feet of Baruch#21 who hits it far post on the ground beating the W&L Keeper to his right.  Baruch 1, Washington & Lee 0
   Was a simple error by W&L#12.  Baruch had the corner, but outside of that, they really haven't had much possession on the ball.  W&L has had the possession.
   Now Baruch is defending with 9.  W&L needs to be patient and stretch the field. 
   W&L completely owns the ball.  And owning the ball is the first step to scoring.
   A lo' and behold, Washington& Lee evens it up.  Ball gets out wide to W&L#21(?), beats his man and takes it to the end line, where he passes it on the ground to W&L#36 who puts it in the back of the net.  Baruch 1, Washington & Lee 1. 
   37 minutes left in the half.
   Baruch defending is woeful.  From the defending out wide by Baruch#3 to the lack of marking on the goal, Baruch really looks like a fine defensive bloc of Swiss cheese.
   I am confident that I will have at least one correct guess in the bracket pool...
   Baruch can't even get a hold of the ball for stretches of time.  Washington & Lee just wins the ball back. 
   W&L having a lot of success when their center forward checks back into the midfield.
   And Washington & Lee just scores the go-ahead goal.  A perfectly weighted through ball by W&L#15 between the left center mid, and the outside back Baruch#20.  W&L#36 makes a run from behind the center back who lost sight of him.  The Baruch Keepers comes out to challenge but W&L#36 chips the ball and scores.  Baruch 1, Washington & Lee 2.
   This is W&L#36 second goal so far.  I think he will score more.
   Washington & Lee pretty much just has the two center backs at midfield.  Everyone else is forcing Baruch back into their box defending haphazardly and desperately.
   And no surprise.  W&L gets its third.  Throw-in to W&L#10 who controls the ball and goes at the center backs.  He draws in the one center back, is chased by the other leaving a gaping hole to his left.  Just as they close in he slots a ball between them to W&L#6 who hits the ball past the onrushing Baruch Keeper slotting it away for a goal.  Baruch 1, Washington & Lee 3.
   31 minutes left in the half.
   Again, just real poor defending by Baruch, or should I just say lack of defending.  W&L#10 is unmarked when he receives the ball on the throw and is given way to much space to play into.  The one defender is late in getting to him and trails the play, the center back is late to challenge for the ball, and the far outside back doesn't even shift to fill the space that is left open for W&L#6 to basically walk through ... who was also unmarked.
   And Washington & Lee doesn't even let me finish typing my last bullet before they score again.
   Corner on a save by Baruch Keeper.  They look to play short but Baruch, give them credit where credit is due, get two guys out wide to prevent the short corner.  As a result, ball is swung near post at the six and W&L#36 who goes up and heads the ball in. Baruch 1, Washington & Lee 4. 
   He was unmarked after having come from the back stick and behind the keeper.  And not like he was in an all-out sprint, he was jogging to the point where he scored.  When you don't know how to defend, this is how you allow 4 goals, and more to come I would wager.
   24 minutes left.
   Washington & Lee just dominant against a team that is outmatched man for man.
   And W&L#36 is having a banner day with scoring his fourth goal.  I mean is his name Lewandowski?  No, its Zimmerman!  Thanks Play by Play dudes. 
   Anyhow, ball is played through that is turned out wide on the line by W&L#23.  There are 8 Baruch defenders marking four players ... W&L#36 makes a run into the 18 and W&L# drops the ball back who takes a touch, dusts a defender and shoots low and near post catching the Baruch Keeper.  The ball powers through the attempted save and goes in.  Baruch 1, Washington & Lee 5. 
   Ok.  I had committed to watching the whole game, but am uncommitting now.  There is nothing that Baruch is doing that makes me think they can evenly make this competitive.
   Washington & Lee is now busy in possession.  They are creating opportunities but being more methodical.  Almost had their sixth goal but was ruled off side.
   Looks like Washington & Lee subbed out their Keeper.
   Ok.  Halftime.  Sorry Baruch fans.  With a whole other half left, this one is done and dusted.


Knox v Ohio Wesleyan
NCAA First Round Game
Ohio Wesleyan Jay Martin Soccer Complex.
Link – Knox v OWU NCAA First Round

   I know nothing about Knox, nor have I had an opportunity to watch them play.  Honestly, I didn't even know Knox was a thing except for a particular fort.
   Ok, my first observation coming into the match with already 10 minutes down, but I have only watched a minute of it.  Knox looks like they can possess the ball and OWU is sitting back waiting to counter.
   I don't know if this is coincidental, and this is how OWU normally play. 
   The field is going to be an 80's classic by the second half.  Ball is already bouncing around and players are slipping.
   Am not listening to the PBP because OWU has this real annoying hum in the background. Maybe an electrical box or something.
   Knox also seems disciplined on defense, really staying balanced and not giving a lot of space.
   OWU is starting to assert itself in the game.  Playing poised, and moving the ball well.  They love going down the right with OWU#7 and are finding success there.  Have a number of chances and just a pass or two short of getting a goal.
   Knox is starting to defend deeper and deeper with their forwards coming into their half to try and get the ball.
   OWU is just hunting for the go ahead goal right now.  Knox is defending with a bit of desperation because OWU is getting into the 18 a bit too easily.
   If I were the Knox coach, I would try to play the ball short and aim to keep some easy possession and bleed the clock a little.  It's about the only defensive strategy that may stop OWU.
   Think OWU needs to show a little more patience when they get inside the 35.  They seem to be rushing the ball which is leading to errors.
   Is it me, or does OWU always look susceptible to giving up a goal on a counter?
   I know this may be sacrilege but find OWU #7 and OWU #10 take far too many touches around the box.  When it works they looks great but most times it doesn't and stalls the attack.
   Knox#19 looks like he is a handful in the dribble
   This is the thing about OWU.  Every time I think they are good, they let teams hang around.  They should have a goal by now.  At least I would expect that of a Top 10 team.
   Knox is growing in confidence it seems, getting deeper into OWU territory.
   The longer Knox can keep this 0-0, the pressure on OWU mounts.
   Knox loves the left side with Knox#19 there.  If they score a goal, it will come from there.
   30 minutes left in the half
   And OWU just missed an open goal.  Should be 1-0.  Starting to get closer to goal now.
   Seriously Knox#19 is a player.  Has speed and excellent ball handling on the dribble.  Just drew a foul for getting around the same defender ... twice.... Who ended up fouling him.
   If Knox could figure out a way to win the ball when OWU is attacking, and instead of launching it up top, play the ball to a midfielder who can go at the OWU back three with pace, OWU would be in serious trouble. 
   That to me is the key to any game against them.  How can you counter on OWU before the midfielders have a chance to get behind the ball.
   16 minutes left.
   OWU #10, given the option to make a pass to someone who is at the 18 and unmarked who has a clean look on goal, or take a shot on goal from an impossible angle through traffic... he will choose the latter.
   OWU can be wasteful with the ball in attack. 
   Been critical of OWU but I do think they are the better team.  Just don't understand why they end up being so wasteful with the ball, especially with the talent they have.
   Looks like a chilly Ohio evening...
   Appreciating the PBP dude. 
   5 minutes left in the second half.
   Knox hasn't had much of the play these last 15 minutes or so.   OWU dominating the ball.
   Think OWUs center back or CDM, can't tell his number is real good.
   Totally think OWU can lose this game in PKs.  Would not be surprised.
   1:49 left and OWU#10 with a free kick from 19 out of the box.  Funny.  They run a play and gets fouled except now the location is even more dangerous than the last.  And Oh My Stars...
   Set play, OWU#10 fakes a run.  Ball gets tapped and settled for OW#10 to rip a shot upper corner to the right of the Knox Keeper.  This was the side he was covering, not the wall.  What a shot. What a goal.  Knox 0, Ohio Wesleyan 1.
   1:45 left on the clock.
   Knox just looks crushed by the goal.
   All it takes is one to move on and OWU got it.  Would think it was a little too tight for comfort.
   Think OWU tried to hold the ball in the corner to kill the clock and the think something happened like a fight or something. Can't see it cause the camera view is blocked ... and then the video crashed on me.
   That's it as far as I am concerned.  OWU marches on.


Covenant v Denison
Washington & Lee Alston Parker Watt Field
Link – Covenant v Denison NCAA First Round

   Started to watch second half with Covenant beating Denison 1-0.
   Covenant looks like the best of the teams that I have watched for the first time.  Knox and Baruch being the others.
   Denison seems to struggle with the ball today.
   the field looks like it took a beating from the last game.
   Lots of bad passes on easy balls.  Think the field is having an impact.
   Covenant just very compact on defense always tight on their men.  Denison just can't find space.
   Denison needs to move the ball quicker and change the point of attack.  Attacking it too north and south and a bit predictable.
   Covenant#14 looks like a guy that needs to be tracked.  Intelligent ball player.
   Covenant looks like they will score a second before Denison can score it's first.
   28 minutes left.
   Bit chaotic right now, lots of hitting it long and a bit of keepy uppy going on.
   Denison is starting to play with pace although still a bit too predictable.  Covenant is just locked down defensively.
   Denison will need to score on a set piece.  Don't see it coming from the run of play.

Apologies for this terrible game review.  Only covers like 25 minutes of the second half.  Didn't catch the last 20... or the first half for that matter.


Calvin v Rochester
NCAA First Round Game
Ohio Wesleyan Jay Martin Soccer Complex.
Link – Calvin v Rochester NCAA First Round

   Calvin looks to do what Calvin does and gets forward as quickly as it can.  Rochester is trying to connect ... but unsuccessfully.
   Typical sloppy start to a game.
   Calvin is capable of going very quick on the break.  Probably the best I have seen all year.  Speed in transition is real good.
   Rochester needs to be tighter defensively and not get caught watching the ball.  Lots of space behind their mids if they are not careful.
   Love Calvin#3
   If I were the Rochester coach, I would be getting numbers on the left wing and going straight at Calvin#18.  His judgement on the ball is bad and the best at winning the ball.
   Calvin had the first real dangerous play where the Rochester Keeper had to get dirty.  Ball driven across the box caused a bit of an anxious moment for the Rochester defense.
   33 minutes left to play.
   And like that Calvin gets one.  Can't see the play because the camera did not keep up, but looks like a through ball between two defenders and a Calvin forward hit it past the on coming Rochester Keeper.  Calvin 1, Rochester 0.
   32 minutes left.
   Rochester has to respond this half.  Not sure I want to go into the locker room down by a goal against this Calvin team.  They can start by trying to get a hold of the ball and slowing the pace of  the game down, which isn't what Calvin wants to do.
   Calvin looks to connect up top with through balls to forwards running behind the backs, instead of shooting the ball, which the Rochester defense seems to be expecting.
   Not sure this is descriptive for someone, but this game looks like a battle of two teams.  One that has a plan to win, and the other that doesn't. And Calvin know what it wants to do to win.
   Calvin with a shot off the crossbar.  They are closer to scoring two more goals then Rochester is to getting dangerous.
   Rochester may want to wake up or else it will be a long night.  Defensively they always seem to be chasing back rather than keeping the ball in front of them.  Credit to Calvin for being so quick on the counter, but still.
   And this may now be out of reach for Rochester ... seriously.  Calvin gets a corner to the left of the Rochester Keeper; ball goes across and Calvin#3 gets his head on the ball and puts it into the back of the net.  Not the best camera work, but I think that's what happened.  Calvin 2, Rochester 0
   18 minutes left.
   Rochester has to figure out a way to get on the attack as a team.  They are trying to attack with 3 players at times and Calvin just swats that away like a fly because they are so disciplined in the back and defend with 7.
   5 minutes left.
   Halftime.  Calvin playing well.  Rochester not.  Score is showing it.  Let's see if the tables get turned.
   I will say, and I hadn't notice before, but Calvin has some solid skill on the ball.  They have some quality midfielders and forwards who give and get the ball, have wonderful first touches, and are not careless with it.  Even at the speed they are going.  No, not becoming a Calvin fan but they do play well.
   Calvin and OWU is going to be a cracker of a game.  Two very similar teams trying to break each other down.
   Great Ceasar's Ghost.  Calvin just stuck the knife in.  Poor clearance by Rochester comes outside the 18 and Calvin#23 strikes the ball first time and goes to the Rochester Keepers left about mid height.  He got a hand on it but it was a laser.  Calvin 3. Rochester 0.  Goodnight, Irene.
   30 minutes left to find at least a goal of honor.
   Calvin is now in the comfortable position of not having to press up high and able to wait for Rochester to come to them.
   I do think Calvin#23 is a heck of a midfielder.  Real engine with a great game.
   Ok.  Am done with this one.  Calvin got a fourth.  Moving  the ball back and forth, with no real pressure, ball finds its way into the 18, to the left of the Rochester Keeper.  Ball is dropped back to Calvin#23, who with all the time in the world, takes a touch and hits a peach of a ball upper corner to the left of the Rochester Keeper.  Calvin 4, Rochester 0. 
   Two great goals by Calvin#23.  Outstanding soccer player.
   And I am done with this one.


Will be watching some random games today.  Don't see that many that excite me, but will post notes of whatever I do watch.  Let me know if there are particular games you would want me to see.

As an aside, am working on my passing spreadsheet.  Once I finish, I'll send to whomever wants it.  Will figure out the best way to distribute.


Rosemont v Amherst
NCAA First Round
Link – Rosemont v Amherst NCAA First Round

   Haven't watched Rosemont and know nothing of them.  Looking at their record of 12-4-1, the lost handedly against Penn-State – Harrisburg, then had losses against Neumann, Goucher and Alvernia.  Seeing this, not sure this will even be remotely close to a competitive game.
   Am assuming Amherst will dispatch Rosemont with speed and oppressive pressure.
   Video quality is terrible for me for some reason.  Comes across as like 10 frames per second....
   I like Amherst#23, but doesn't seem to have much of a left foot.  And he does have a bit of a clumsy streak in him when he is on the dribble.  Like the Drunk Tiger Master from those Kung Fu Theater movies, I used to watch on Saturday afternoons.
   Seems in slow mow that Amherst has good control of the game and keeping Rosemont at bay.
   Seems like Rosemont is solid defensively and not afraid to mix it up.
   Not sure I can keep watching this as I think it will cause me to have an epileptic seizure ...
   Seriously, struggling to watch this.  And now the video has stopped.
   The Rosemont center back, Rosemont#3(?) is very good.
   Ok.  I am out of this one.  Not sure if it is me, or the Babson College Sports Network production.  I do like the enthusiasms of the PBP announcer.


Salem State v Connecticut College
NCAA First Round Game
Connecticut College cool field
Link – Salem v Conn in First Round NCAA Game

   Don't expect Salem having the capacity to hold Conn.  They lost 5-1 to Tufts so just extrapolating.
   Conn starting in possession just going back and forth forcing Salem to move.
   Think Salem State is trying to battle them in the midfield which I am not sure about .... They are defending with a 4-4-1-1.
   Salem State is really imprecise when they do have the ball.  Not able to connect to keep possession.  They need to connect if they are going to stand a chance.
   They are sitting deep and making it hard for Conn to get a clear chance on goal.  They did have one when they were able to switch the ball quickly to the right, but Conn#18(?) hit a field goal.
   Conn still liking that long ball to the left wing trying to get behind the outside back.
   31 minutes left.
   Think Salem State is happy to drags this game on as long as they can.  Just looking for that one counter to a lucky goal then then take every vehicle they find and put it in front of their goal.  Just don't see it happening that way though.
   Conn has to be more patient with the ball.  Keep giving it to Salem when they rush it forward.
   Conn has had a few opportunities taking advantage of Salem's left back Salem#19.  Their two best opportunities came from that side. 
   Getting a little chippy.
   Looks like a beautiful day in New London.  Sound windy.
   Conn can't seem to find a way.  Salem keeps keeping them away from goal.
   17 left.
   Conn owns the ball clearly but lack the ideas to break down Salem.  The best way to do it is to go at Salem#19's side.  If I were Coach Burke, I would put my best dribbler on the right wing, get him the ball, and tell him to go at Salem#19 and drive it across.  Every time.
   The Salem center back, Salem#21(?) has been a monster not letting anything get by him.  I wouldn't put the ball down the middle cause he is having a good game so far.
   Conn had like 3 minutes of possession trying to find some space through. Credit to Salem State that is organized defensively.  Don't have much of an attack, but hey, there is no score in this game.
   And halftime.  0-0.  Kind of surprised, but credit to Salem.
   Second half, with 15 down, same as the first.  Although Conn seems to be moving with a bit more urgency.  Salem still happy to bleed the clock where they can.
   Conn is surprisingly imprecise in their passing in the final third.  Wasting opportunities when they could create something dangerous.
   Looks like Salem's adjustment is to get two wingers closer to the center forward.  Maybe play for a miscue or some such.  They are not really doing much though.
   Think Conn is getting frustrated as the clock ticks away.
   You can see Salem players getting animated and expressing their enthusiasms for plays that go their way.
   Salem has 9 players defending 40 yards in.
   20 minutes left.  And Conn is starting to look for fouls on any challenge that may be close to the box.  Referee is not particularly astute, but he is not the reason why the game is tied.
   The PBP announcer keeps saying "Goalie Kick."  I appreciate the work he doing, and don't want to sound snooty, but is there a nice way to tell him that it should be a "Goal Kick?"
   Will say, Conn has had some opportunities but have to say that credit to Salem, they really haven't been dangerous in front of goal.  Lots of distance, bad angle shots, but nothing terribly clear.
   Took a quick shower after some yard work expecting something to happen, and no.  Still 0-0.
   3 minutes left and I think the best chance I have seen is when Salem#29 tried to turn a ball out for a corner and he almost score.
   Correction.  Salem Keeper just had a great save on a Conn header.
   Great crowd at this one.
   We are heading to OT.  Can't watch anymore unfortunately.  Must run some errands for the Missus.
   Conn dominated but could break Salem down.  Now it's anyone's game.


Mount Aloysius v Messiah
NCAA First Round Game
Messiah's  Shoemaker Field
Link – Mt. A v Messiah in First Round NCAA Game

   Just settled in to watch the game, and Messiah goes ahead and scores.
   Ball out wide after a poor free kick to Messiah#13 at the corner flag.  Mt.A#(?) steps to, and jumps in.  Messiah#10 touches it around him and crosses the ball far post where Messiah#22 is waiting and heads the ball back across the Mt.A Keeper and the ball hits side netting.  Mount Aloysius 0, Messiah 1.  Nice play, nice cross, nice header.
   He was wide open.
   43 minutes left in the first half.
   Just being unlucky with video today as it blacked out on me.  And I am not drinking.
   Messiah doing what it does just controlling the ball and pushing Mt.A deeper and deeper.
   Mt.A seems to like physical play.
   Think the field is a little slipper and wet.  Feel free to inject your Bon Jovi reference.
   The longer a team can keep Messiah from scoring, but better off you are.  If you are already down, you are in some serious trouble.
   Most of the play in is the Mt.A half.  Think they are still feeling there way around the game.
   Mt.A#8 is the play maker ... when he can get the ball.
   Looks windy out there.
   Mt. A trying to get the ball to the lone forward by launching the ball up top, Mt.A#10, but quickly lose it allowing Messiah to do it's thing.
   The give and go by Messiah is obviously something they practice.  It is so natural and normal for them.
   Shout out to Messiah Keeper the Mullet who has touched the ball once in the first 25 minutes.
   Messiah has the possession and control of the game, but really only generated the one opportunity that led to the goal.
   The Messiah PBP Announcers are fantastic.  Depth of knowledge is outstanding.  If someone knows them, let them know SimpleCoach is truly impressed.
   Well, halftime.  Aloysius 0, Messiah 1.  Only thing for the second half is that Mt. A will now have the wind, while Messiah will be going against it.
   Mt.A trying to do something with the ball, just not much.
   Mt.A#10 is good on the dribble and looks like he would be a handful if he could get more of the ball.
   I said I thought Messiah only had the one real opportunity in the first half, and that was the goal.  And they just had the second real shot of the game, and this for a goal as well.
   Playing on their right side, Messiah does a good job in possession until they can spring Messiah#15 who can leave their defender and cross the ball.  They do just that and the ball is driven across and from six yards out, Messiah#23 one times the ball into the back of the net.  Mount Aloysius 0, Messiah 2.
   25 minutes left and Mt.A needs to figure out how to get forward.  If they can claw a goal maybe the excitement and nerves(?) of Messiah may make it a game.
   20 minutes left and Messiah firmly in control.  Think I may hang this one up.
   Don't want to miss anything, but don't think I will be missing anything from Mt. A.  They are defending but haven't gotten forward.
   Ok. 17 minutes left.  Am done.  If anything Messiah will get another goal before Mt. A crosses midfield with the ball.


Catholic v Kenyon
NCAA First Round Game
Messiah's  Shoemaker Field
Link – Catholic v Kenyon in First Round NCAA Game

   If Catholic cannot, at a minimum, control Kenyon#15, it will be a long afternoon for them.
   I suspect Kenyon are going to go straight at Catholic's backs with pace.  The right side will determine how successful they will be.
   Kenyon needs to get Catholic#7 and Catholic#12 under control from the outset.  And keep Catholic#18 limited on the ball.  Also need to keep Catholic from on the counter where they can be dangerous.
   Kenyon with the first real opportunity on a header.  Kenyon forward was unmarked.  Just went wide.
   Kenyon moving the ball well waiting for a run to break into the attack.
   So 7 minutes in and I think Kenyon learned from the loss against Denison and is not attacking down the right.  Catholic#12 is busy marking him and having to drop deeper to cover.  The Lords have been going down the left wing.
   Kenyon has had majority of the possession.  When they feel like they don't have space, they drop it back to Kenyon#19 and Kenyon#5(?) who are the center backs.
   Kenyon#8(?) is a heck of a midfielder.  Great vision and creativity.
   Catholic needs to get a hold of the ball, and be productive with it.  Be able to control the tempo.  When they do get it's more forcing a play and keeping pressure on Kenyon to prevent them from playing out.
   Between Kenyon #8 and Kenyon#10, Kenyon has the ability to control ball movement.  When they get on the ball and are patient with it, Kenyon controls the tempo of the game and keeps Catholic at bay.
   Catholic looking to create chaos with the ball so they can get a chance on goal.
   Catholic is getting higher up the field and pressing with some success.
   The wind is not helping Kenyon's looking to get a long ball behind the Catholic defense.  Catholic is defending well.
   Catholic defenders so over commit that they run past the player and if they don't win the ball they vacate a zone that Kenyon then exploits.
   Kenyon#19 with a long ball.
   Kenyon must be careful.  Catholic does counter quickly and can get to goal before the defense knows what the heck happened.
   12 minutes left.
   When Catholic can switch the ball quickly and get it outside to Catholic#3 or Catholic#6(?), they can get forward and take advantage of Kenyon's slow transition.
   Kenyon is so much more effective with the ball on the ground instead of trying to send it up to a forward.  Think this is where the wind in the second half will be helpful to their cause.
   Wait? What?  Catholic scored, then it was called back?  Not sure that call makes sense?  Asked for ten then take the shot early?  Not sure I am understanding this.
   And halftime tied at 0-0.  Think Kenyon has the better of the play, but Catholic is defending pretty well and is countering very well and have caught Kenyon a couple of times sleeping on defense.
   If Catholic advances, I think they could give Messiah a run for their money.  Sit back and counter with speed, not sure Messiah would handle that well.
   Think Kenyon came into this game underestimating their competition.  Not that I think they are not playing well, but they look a little lethargic to me.  Think they are little lazy in transition to defense and making it easy for Catholic playing a long ball too easily.
   For Catholic, they have grown into the match and have had moments where they took it to Kenyon.  Defensively they look as solid as I have seen them all year.
   Start of the second half.
   And 50 seconds in, Kenyon almost gets the go ahead goal.  Ball played through for a one on one, and instead of taking on the Catholic Keeper who was coming out for it, the Kenyon forward drops it back into the middle to Kenyon #4 who takes a touch and hits a shot that is cleared out for a corner.
   And then on the subsequent play, ball is inside the box, Kenyon#16 receives the ball, takes a touch toward the middle and hits a worm burner that goes in by the near post for the goal.  Catholic Keeper could do nothing but watch it since it came through traffic and he was going left and the ball was shot to his right.  It was a good goal and show's Kenyon came out to play the second half.  Catholic 0, Kenyon 1.
   Amazing thing is the play that started the sequence that led to the corner that led to the goal came from a ... throw in.  Also think a few Catholic defenders are guilty of over committing on the ball.
    Plenty of time for Catholic to get back into it.  But this is a different Kenyon team that started the second half.
   And like that, a dagger.  Kenyon#3 gets the ball and runs through the middle and decides to hit it from 20 yards out.  Another worm burner that slips into the same place as the first goal.  Keeper dove but not close to getting it.  Catholic 0, Kenyon 2.
   And in 4 minutes, Kenyon may have sent Catholic home.
   Ok, cameraman is starting to lose it a little bit.
   So far Kenyon is playing with purpose and speed.  Catholic looks a little shocked and trying to pick it up.
   Looks like a 50/50 collision between the Catholic Keeper and the forward has left the Kenyon#4r hurt.  Will say, I am wondering if this is a red card since it was the Catholic Keeper who came out of his box and arrived late on what would have been a DOGSO.
   Yup.  Catholic Keeper is shown a red.  Catholic now playing with 10.
   33 minutes left.
   Kenyon just knocking it around and making Catholic chase.
   And this is done.  Kenyon scores it's third.  Ball to the right of the Catholic Keeper.  Makes a save on a ball as it comes across and Kenyon #16 taps it in.  Catholic 0, Kenyon 3.
   Wow, and Catholic decides to fight this one out.  Ball sent in on a free kick, is headed around and lands at the feet of Catholic#13, who turns and passes below the onrushing Kenyon Keeper.   Catholic 1, Kenyon 3.
   Think that was the lazy defending I mentioned Kenyon seemed guilty of in the first half.
   Plenty of time 29 minutes left.  Its not out of the realm of possibility since they gave Washington quite the run some weeks ago.
   Will say, this is the best game I have watched today.  Kenyon underperformed, until the second half.  And Catholic outperformed.
   Catholic will get a second if Kenyon keeps screwing around and is careless with the jewel.
   You wouldn't know Kenyon is playing a man up.  Credit to Catholic to adjusting ... and for having a keeper who is coming up with some big saves.
   15 minutes left.
   And Kenyon gets then fourth.  Ball played into the box to Kenyon#21, who hits the ball far post to the Catholic Keeper's left.
   And that's it.  Am done.  Kenyon goes on to face Messiah tomorrow November 14th in a second round NCAA match up.
   Despite the score, think this was a good game.


Calvin v Ohio Wesleyan
NCAA Second Round
Ohio Wesleyan Jay Martin Soccer Complex
Link – Calvin v OWU in NCAA Second Round Game

   As is normal, OWU comes out with a stout defensive posture. 
   Calvin trying to find options in the attack, but OWU is just closing down the space.
   OWU reminds me of Kenyon.  Knock the ball around until they can find open winger to send it to with a long ball.  What Kenyon does.  This is not what Franklin & Marshall does.
   Calvin just had a ball cleared off the line.  Should have been 1-0 for the Praying Hands.
   33 minutes left.
   Calvin seems more intent of getting forward than OWU.
   Calvin gets forward very quickly on the counter, catching OWU in transition.
   Great save by the OWU Keeper on a save to his left.  Shot came from 20 and he got parallel to the ground to get to that ball.  And on the ensuing corner, Calvin had a chance to go ahead again.
   OWU is getting sloppy in the back.  Giving Calvin the opportunity to press forward.
   Think Calvin has had the better of the play, and with clear intent.
   Calvin is doing well to get behind the ball on defense.  Makes it difficult for OWU when they can't get forward on a counter.  If they have to build, Calvin is ready for it.
   If I were a betting man, Calvin will score in the run of play.  Or OWU will score on a set piece.
   Calvin#7 is such a talent.  So good with the ball at his feet.
   I don't know why they try to get OWU#10 the ball by launching it to him.  Why not just get it to his feet.
   Halftime.  Tied at 0-0.  Think Calvin had the better of the play and was a bit more dangerous on the attack.
   Second half.
   OWU looks to capitalize on an early Calvin mistake.  Missed header by inches and a shot into the side netting.
   This second half OWU seems to be a bit inspired.  Great play by OWU#10 who takes the ball end line then drops it back for a shot that the Calvin Keeper saves in two time.
   Terrible pass into the middle by OWU#10 that gets picked off by Calvin#14, who cuts it back on his defender giving him space for a beautiful give and go with the return ball chipped over the defender and Calvin#14 buries the ball to the left of the OWU Keeper.  Calvin 1, Ohio Wesleyan 0.
   37 minutes left in the half.
   Two big mistakes if you ask me.  First is the pass into the middle to no one.  The second is that as Calvin#14 is running into the box, his defender does not track back leaving him all on his own.  I would argue the pass is the biggest one because it went from OWU having forward momentum to go on the counter, to Calvin taking it and getting the goal.  And people think I am crazy because of my obsession with possession.
   Honestly, with 33 minutes left, I am not sure where OWU will get a goal.
   Of course, this is the second round of the NCAAs, and they wouldn't be here if they weren't good ... but I am wondering if OWU is that good.  Even last night they looked pedestrian.  Discuss.
   Think the announcer for the game is Pete Schweddy from NPR's "Delicious Dish"
   Calvin is closer to getting a second than OWU is to getting a shot on frame.
   2 minutes left.
   I think this is done.  OWI is throwing everything at it, but really is ineffectual on attack.
   Calvin was a worthy winner on this one.  Thought they were very organized defensively and were a persistent threat.  Calvin move's forward and OWU calls it a season.