2023 NCAA Tournament

Started by d4_Pace, November 06, 2023, 02:36:52 PM

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Is there anyway around the NESCAC paywall to view the atrocities?


I am screen recording these moments now. Will post a YouTube link


Yea I haven't refreshed the page so I could still screen record.  I just don't know NSN's rebroadcast rules as there is no TOS on the website. 


It is now Monday morning in Sydney and the board awaits Enmore's take on things! :)


Quote from: coach analytics on November 19, 2023, 03:10:48 PM
Quote from: paclassic89 on November 19, 2023, 03:02:01 PM
Amherst wins and now the players are getting into it with the Middebury fans.   Classy program.  It starts at the top

Here at Hitchcock....I have to say what I have seen on the last 2 hours has been down right disgusting.

The Field is horrible, players slipping all over the place.

The Middlebury leaders completely lost their cool in the first half.  Both captains should have been red carded.  Madden with a card earning tackle middle of the first half when he was already on a card.  Then Grady-After making a game saving save on a PK (soft call) absolutely shove Amherst #7 in the back like a coward.  He completely lost his cool all first half.

Then the ref needs to stop the game for 2-3 minutes while Serpone is ranting and raving on the sideline in the refs face.  Give credit to Elias who seemed calm. Anyone on stream know what that was all about?

I thought the second half was actually quite good and credit the ref with changing the tone of the game because it was hard fought but little antics.

Then after the whistle, the Amherst players antics.  ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. Players should be suspended.  Sexual mimics to the opposing fans which I am sure include some parents.  DISGUSTING.

This is a great league but just went down is intolerable.

I did not watch this game, but Coach Analytics's take seems to be reasonably balanced and objective.

I am both disappointed and infuriated by the descriptions of the Amherst players' behavior.  This does reflect poorly on the coach and the institution overall.

I don't pretend to know Amherst well, but my son was recruited by Serpone in his first year there...and I know several alums (including my sister-in-law).  Amherst strikes me as a funny place.  It attracts topnotch academically minded students, and it has been a leader in finding and bringing in DEI students from all over the country and all over the world.  Yet there is a bro culture that still seems to persist there among some of the seemingly entitled students.

I vaguely recall that Amherst banned fraternities a number of years ago, yet there were one or two "unofficial" off campus fraternity houses that continued to be a thorn in the college's side.  I think some aspects of that culture still permeate the community to some degree.  It's long past time when D3 schools should be moving beyond that kind of dated crap (IMO)...


Given the multiple attestations of this latest (of many) instance of deplorable behavior by Amherst's soccer players I once again call for the college to fire Serpone. (Like you, stlawus, I've been commenting on this for years. You're actually not alone.)

If I knew him (I don't), I'd call President Elliott's office and ask him to do the right thing.

I actually applauded when Indiana (from which I have a degree) fired Bob Knight--but way too many years after he punched a policeman in Puerto Rico, and that wasn't the stated reason when they finally did it. This isn't quite at that level, but it's bad enough to warrant Serpone's immediate dismissal. He either owns this or doesn't have control over his team. I suspect the former more than the latter, but either is enough to haul his butt out of his office.

Tomorrow wouldn't be soon enough.


Quote from: kevdog on November 19, 2023, 03:56:14 PM
Didn't Amherst get into trouble a few years ago for their cross country team rating the freshman girls by their looks to see if they though they were easy to get? I thought I read an article that went national.  I mean the AD and President should do something becasue this not a good look for Amherst as whole.

Hey a coach just lost his job for how his guys acted.

Another Mom

Ha ha PaulNewman, no divided loyalties. I saw no evidence of the kind of behavior described when my son was being recruited. If what you all say is true, and I have no reason to doubt so many respected posters, then I too would find it deplorable. In fact were I an Amherst parent I would 100% be emailing the AD and College president,  saying the team's behavior is a discredit to the school.

Once there's a youtube compilation, I think all posters who are outraged should email the AD and president. The school needs to kopw that this behavior is unacceptable. So, guys, there is actually something each of you can do. (Not just complain anonymously on the board).

As for W&L, I was pretty sure they wouldn't make the Sweet 16, let alone advance. Colorado College played a good game, and their parents were a classy and friendly bunch.


Quote from: GKForverr1 on November 19, 2023, 04:22:25 PM
I am screen recording these moments now. Will post a YouTube link

Thank you!


congrats Another Mom, have a safe trip home!


It will be interesting see if Serpone survives this. Oberlin dismissed the women's lacrosse coach, simply for stating the obvious: that men who transition to women have an unfair athletic advantage. I mean, like, duh. There just isn't any evidence to the contrary. If that gets you fired these days, and Serpone's antics don't, then what's the point of intercollegiate athletics? Certainly it can't be teaching young adults to stand for truth or moral excellence. Of course, this is all just small potatoes, in the much bigger conversation going on right now about certain ideas and attitudes being taught at so many "elite" universities. But, I do see a continuum. When Oberlin and Amherst were founded (not to mention most of the other places in the news right now), they each embraced a very specific agenda of spiritual and moral education alongside the liberal arts--indeed, to be frank, that was the whole point of a liberal arts education as far as they were concerned. Most colleges gave that up long ago, either around the end of the 19th century (when the German idea of the research university really took off in America) or during the Cold War (when many small religious colleges essentially abandoned that crucial piece of their identity). Now, quite literally, anything goes. When there are no rules, there are no rules.


For those who did not see the "celebration" yet....quality will improve once youtube fully uploads the file.


Another Mom

Quote from: camosfan on November 19, 2023, 04:49:12 PM
congrats Another Mom, have a safe trip home!

Thank you. Tufts played hard and well. You must be very proud of your son.

Another Mom

I just saw one bad apple on that youtube video, but maybe my eyes aren't that good . . .


My refresh button is getting a workout today! Thanks for the quality posts and history lessons - keeping me entertained, engaged during a very long drive through middle of nowhere. More please and thank you!