2023 NCAA Tournament

Started by d4_Pace, November 06, 2023, 02:36:52 PM

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Quote from: Newenglander on November 19, 2023, 05:44:45 PM
Quote from: Bucket on November 19, 2023, 05:32:50 PM
Quote from: Another Mom on November 19, 2023, 05:22:48 PM
Northman, aww thanks for your kind words.

As for the Amherst stuff, the waving etc is hard for someone not there to be sure of. Conceivably there could be another explanation, whereas the crotch grabbing is black and whote. And if the clapping is as ypu say, it does totally lack class, but I don't think rises to the level of anyone being willing to censure Serpone. Of course, maybe I'm wrong.

I've been there enough times to know exactly what was going on. Amherst did eventually go celebrate with their fans—who were way over on the opposite end of the field. There was no mistaking where each fan base was located. (And it was another poster, who was at the game, who noted at halftime that Nuhu had used the same gesture toward the Middlebury fan section earlier in the contest.)

And, fwiw, in all my posts I never called for Serpone to be censored (though I recognize others have); I was merely pointing out the utterly classless behavior of the players.

At some point, I'd love an explanation for the three-to-four minute stoppage of play toward the end of the first half, that included the center official confronting the Amherst bench and then huddling with on-site administrators for an extended period.
if you've been there enough times then you most likely know the antics from the coaching staff that caused the stoppage.....

Oh, I totally have! But I've never seen such an extended discussion with on-site officials and, then, nothing—no cards, no explanation.


Quote from: stlawus on November 19, 2023, 05:27:59 PM
As one person who was at the game mentioned, Nuhu was making the same gesture in the first half.  As far as I could tell, none of the St. Thomas/TLU antics were off field/crowd related, yet both programs received a righteous amount of criticism for that game which also led to the dismissal of a head coach.  I'm not saying there needs to be a dismissal here, but this is in the broader context of the Serpone era.   I've seen SLU on the business end of very hostile crowds in losses, but I've never once seen a SLU player act that way after a game in response to fans even when it theoretically could have been justified.   This applies to most programs I've seen play.  What excuse does Amherst have?  And that's assuming anyone in the crowd did anything of equal measure.  Why is it through the hundreds of games I've watched for the past 13 years I've only ever seen one single team do this kind of stuff?  Again, this assumes anyone in the crowd did something equal, so why has no other program of note reacted to a crowd like that?

Yes to all of the above. 


Quote from: PaulNewman on November 19, 2023, 05:47:04 PM
Quote from: Hopkins92 on November 19, 2023, 05:26:20 PM
The guy grabbing his crotch should be, at a minimum, not allowed to travel to NC.

As others have said, there is something going on at Amherst that isn't "normal." Even if the opposing fans were giving the players the business, it's a very strange reaction after punching a ticket to the F4 to go over, as a team, to the opposing fans like that. It's definitely a culture thing. Us vs. Everybody, chip on your shoulder, constantly chippy in your style. That's all fine... Until you channel that into highly inappropriate and unsportsmanlike behavior.

With all of that said... I know folks feel strongly on here, especially those that have noted this culture and its problematic (at times) results. But I don't see a coach getting fired for that display. First off, there's another side to this in terms of what was going on with those fans. This wasn't done in a vacuum, I'm sure. There's no excuse for it, but I'd appreciate hearing what sparked that stuff.

Agreed.  I don't there is any chance Serpone gets fired or even "a stern talking to"....as though he doesn't absorb and dismiss the latter multiple times a game.

And you're also right that they likely were responding to some stick from the Midd crowd.. But the risk with that is each and every instance gets explained away.  There's always an apologist at the ready to compartmentalize anything negative as aberration and collude with a narrative that Amherst actually holds the rightful grievance as the ultimate victim of unfair targeting.  Rapal was cited for his behavior in the 1st round match.

400+ programs....and we're supposed to believe that it's a total coincidence or unfair targeting that we're yet again talking about Amherst coach and player behavior.
somebody had posted NCAA rules on straight reds for players abusing officials- not sure how this hasn't carried over to the sidelines

College Soccer Observer

The same rules are supposed to apply to coaches.


Quote from: Hopkins92 on November 19, 2023, 05:26:20 PM
The guy grabbing his crotch should be, at a minimum, not allowed to travel to NC.

As others have said, there is something going on at Amherst that isn't "normal." Even if the opposing fans were giving the players the business, it's a very strange reaction after punching a ticket to the F4 to go over, as a team, to the opposing fans like that. It's definitely a culture thing. Us vs. Everybody, chip on your shoulder, constantly chippy in your style. That's all fine... Until you channel that into highly inappropriate and unsportsmanlike behavior.

With all of that said... I know folks feel strongly on here, especially those that have noted this culture and its problematic (at times) results. But I don't see a coach getting fired for that display. First off, there's another side to this in terms of what was going on with those fans. This wasn't done in a vacuum, I'm sure. There's no excuse for it, but I'd appreciate hearing what sparked that stuff.


I don't know who wants to do the research, but iirc the discussion after last year's Midd-Amh Elite 8 game was very, very similar.

College Soccer Observer

After the last elite 8 game between the two teams in 2021, there was a brawl that was triggered by Hope Gund running at and taunting Saint-Louis, just as he had in the regular season game between the two.  Rapal then sprinted off the bench and punched Grady in the head.  I will echo the sentiments of others on the boards about Ada.  A thoroughly classy young man.  He and my son have enjoyed competing against each other and have nothing but respect for each other.  Nuhu was repeatedly engaged with the Midd fans throughout the game. 


I kept my trap shut at the time as to not wanting to bring up the discussion in a mid week game, but I saw extremely similar antics at the conclusion of the Amherst-Montclair State game.


Quote from: northman on November 19, 2023, 05:57:19 PM
Quote from: Hopkins92 on November 19, 2023, 05:26:20 PM
The guy grabbing his crotch should be, at a minimum, not allowed to travel to NC.

As others have said, there is something going on at Amherst that isn't "normal." Even if the opposing fans were giving the players the business, it's a very strange reaction after punching a ticket to the F4 to go over, as a team, to the opposing fans like that. It's definitely a culture thing. Us vs. Everybody, chip on your shoulder, constantly chippy in your style. That's all fine... Until you channel that into highly inappropriate and unsportsmanlike behavior.

With all of that said... I know folks feel strongly on here, especially those that have noted this culture and its problematic (at times) results. But I don't see a coach getting fired for that display. First off, there's another side to this in terms of what was going on with those fans. This wasn't done in a vacuum, I'm sure. There's no excuse for it, but I'd appreciate hearing what sparked that stuff.

Sorry, I guess I neglected to hit the send button.  My comment was that a head coach...and especially a head coach with 15+ years of experience...should be able to comport himself with some level of dignity and decorum.  It's OK to chat up the fourth official, and it's OK to express brief displays of frustration at on-field calls.  But to act out for multiple minutes and to allow your players to act out (if I'm to take the posts at face value) is above and beyond, and should be held to account in some way.


Quote from: College Soccer Observer on November 19, 2023, 06:04:42 PM
After the last elite 8 game between the two teams in 2021, there was a brawl that was triggered by Hope Gund running at and taunting Saint-Louis, just as he had in the regular season game between the two.  Rapal then sprinted off the bench and punched Grady in the head.  I will echo the sentiments of others on the boards about Ada.  A thoroughly classy young man.  He and my son have enjoyed competing against each other and have nothing but respect for each other.  Nuhu was repeatedly engaged with the Midd fans throughout the game.

Yes, sorry, 2021.


Quote from: stlawus on November 19, 2023, 06:04:58 PM
I kept my trap shut at the time as to not wanting to bring up the discussion in a mid week game, but I saw extremely similar antics at the conclusion of the Amherst-Montclair State game.



Quote from: Falconer on November 19, 2023, 04:33:53 PM
Given the multiple attestations of this latest (of many) instance of deplorable behavior by Amherst's soccer players I once again call for the college to fire Serpone. (Like you, stlawus, I've been commenting on this for years. You're actually not alone.)

If I knew him (I don't), I'd call President Elliott's office and ask him to do the right thing.

I actually applauded when Indiana (from which I have a degree) fired Bob Knight--but way too many years after he punched a policeman in Puerto Rico, and that wasn't the stated reason when they finally did it. This isn't quite at that level, but it's bad enough to warrant Serpone's immediate dismissal. He either owns this or doesn't have control over his team. I suspect the former more than the latter, but either is enough to haul his butt out of his office.

Tomorrow wouldn't be soon enough.
Agree with you about Bobby Knight that his antics towards his players and refs were out of line. On another note, his players graduated which is important. He once sat 2 of his starters for the entire game in the Sweet 16 of the NCAA tournament. When he was asked why during the after the game press conference, he simply said they skipped Chemistry class and they are student-athletes. Not the other way around. There have been numerous reports from players he coached that God help you if you don't go to class. Most of them said you will be running the stadium stairs until you puke.

On another note, I watched Messiah play against Ohio Northern and Messiah started to lose and lost the game, I did not see one player argue with the ref all game. Most of them shook the refs hand after the contest and was very gracious in defeat. This is a team that just lost their first game of the season and expectations just wiped out. That is classy bunch of kids and coaches. It is night and day compare to Amherst.


Last year Messiah lost in PKs against Williams, and it was actually astonishing seeing the way Messiah acted in defeat (in a positive sense).  All clapped for the Williams players and held their heads high despite an excruciating exit.

This may seem like a low bar, but given what we've seen it is to be commended.  Whenever I watch games I always make it a point to watch the handshake line.  You can learn a ton about a program's culture by observing something as simple as the handshake line and immediate post game interactions.   


I made the first post about the sexual gestures coming from Nuhu. This occurred in the first half during the 5-minute period when Serpone put the game on hold.. still not sure what he was so upset about. Nuhu makes the same gesture after the final whistle when he walks over to the Midd parents. I don't believe either of these instances were caught on the stream from what I've seen.  The gesture looked as if he was masterbating towards the Midd fans. This pains me to even type out, but I feel like people may be curious as the to specifics of the gesture.

Chirping and trash talk is a part of the game, but what I saw today at Amherst is simply unacceptable and needs to be reviewed by the NCAA or whoever can hold them accountable.

Amherst played a great game today against a strong Midd team and they're headed to the final 4 in the national tournament. Somehow though, I'm sitting here posting about an air jerk.

I'm gonna go pray for the moms, grandmas and sisters that came out to support Middlebury today.


This is all so self-defeating for Amherst, isn't it? Tragic in its own way. I know it's part of the self-created mystique, us vs. the world, but is that really best for these young men?

The Amherst defense today was exceptional. I can't recall one opportunity, not one, that Midd had to threaten the Mammoths. And coming in today, the Panthers were rolling offensively. Finding the back of the net once, twice, three times hadn't been an issue all tournament. But today, Amherst stifled any semblance of offensive threat by a very, very good Middlebury team.

Yet, all anyone is talking about—and rightfully so—is the classless and disgusting behavior of the winning team.

I will be cheering passionately for my alma mater, W&L, in two weeks time. But if Amherst were to win twice in Salem, will anyone remember that? Or will they remember bush-league, boorish behavior? A title may be gained, but at what cost?