RIP Jackie, Chief Dog Officer, the Ben Herbstreit of D3 Soccer

Started by Hopkins92, November 16, 2024, 05:42:36 PM

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Simple Coach with a tough announcement to share. Send him some good thoughts (and prayers if that's your thing.)

Most of us have gone through losing a pet and the pain is real and tough to shake. But the memories eventually fill the hole in ones heart.

Here's to Jackie (sorry if I spelled it wrong) who is certainly running the beaches and fields in the Great Beyond, channeling the energy of the opening weekend of November Madness.

A life well led, indeed.


I'm so sorry SC. She was clearly one of your best CDOs and one of my favorite parts of your video content. RIP sweet Jackie.

Another Mom

I am so sorry! I have had many pets, and each one takes a piece of your heart. She was a Good Dog. I will be keeping you in my thoughts @simplecoach.



Sorry for your loss. Been there and had to do the same thing, terrible day. Prayers.


Simple Coach,

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family for your loss.


Little Giant 89

Comfort peace and strength to Jackie and her family. 

You may not realize it when they trundle into your home for the first time, but they're going to be with you forever.
"Bringing you up to speed is like explaining Norway to a dog."
Jackson Lamb, Slow Horses



Thanks all.  Do appreciate this.  Kind of at a loss these days.  Never would I thought a dog could have such an impact on me.  Amazed at how much I miss her.


Another Mom

One of my doctors once told me he was more upset when his dog died than when his mother did. You certainly are not alone in feeling this way. Be gentle with yourself.