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Messages - bearmo17


What is wrong with Manchester.... That school has turned out some great alumni and I think you know one of them!!!!!

Missed you in Greencastle today. Will you be coming down during the playoffs if Wabash wouild ever get a home game? I bet you could cover the DPU and Witewater game for us couldn't you...
I agree what a call, but that was the nail in the Tigers' Coffin. Congrats to Hudson for talking Coach to go for it. Can you think of any other game where they would have doen that> That's what makes Monon Bell games worth going to in person.
General football / Re: 116th Monon Bell Classic
November 14, 2009, 05:23:30 PM
What a gutsy call to go for it on 4-and-inches at your own 18  when you are leading in the game. As it turned out it was a great call - it's something you would only see in a Monon Bell game.
Here is some more pre-game reading. Too large ti post the direct link:
Check out:
General football / Re: 116th Monon Bell Classic
November 13, 2009, 11:49:37 PM
Here is some pre-game reading for anyone interested. It's just been posted. It's too large to post the direct link. Check it out at:
Hey former DePauw players and coaches i am still looking for replies to our annual Monon Bell section on what playing in the Monon Bell meant to you? Just how big was it? What is your favorite memory? What does it mean since you have graduated?

Alumni, same question? What does it mean to you? Do you get together every year? Do you have any rituals.

If you want to share send to and it just may appear. Please sign you name and year you graduated and where you live currently.
Hey former Wabash players and coaches i am still looking for replies to our annual Monon Bell section on what playing in the Monon Bell meant to you? Just how big was it? What is your favorite memory? What does it mean since you have graduated?

Alumni, same question? What does it mean to you? Do you get together every year? Do you have any rituals.

If you want to share send to and it just may appear. Please sign you name and year you graduated and where you live currently.
Found out last night that Hudson is likely out for more than just today.
The REAL question is will Hudson play Saturday? Can wabash win with a backup QB?
Hey wally_wabash....
It's not always easy to get a story when you are stonewalled. Newspapers can't print something without it being confirmed. We have plenty of bits and pieces, but we can't print that. It's amazing how many people want to know the story but won't go on record or "can't comment." sometimes the best stories re the ones that never get printed because of the lack confirmation. Believe me there are papers trying to break the real story.... it just may not happen for a while - but it won't be because of the lack of trying. Just wanted to let you know there are some of us who on on top of the situation and are close to having something to print.
Aren't you on the wrong site? I agree with you I have known the walker family forever and am still trying to find out what really happened.

I take it you must be doing better... If I remember right you took some time off didn't you?

Take care and will I see you around something this football season?
Just got back from the impressive Wabash win over Wooster. They appear headed to the playoffs and another conference title.

However, we at The Paper of Montgomery County is in need of you Wabash former players, alumni, coaches and fans.


We are putting together a special Monon Bell section (Yes, I know there are two games before that, but I have to get started now). We are looking for your best memories and/or best game and/or best experience and/or best play that you remember.  We also ask that you put your name on them and a contact number or email (Those will not be published, but we might have questions or need to verify something with you).

The edition will be available at the game so we are hoping for soem help. Also, if you have any old photos you would like to email us do so. Pass this message on to all the alumni and former players you know.

Send them to

We have already received some, but we would love to have a lot more. Pass this on and see if we can't get 20 to 30 comments. Thanks.
This is for all DePauw  fans and former players.


We are putting together a special Monon Bell section (Yes, I know there are three games before that, but I have to get started now). We are looking for your best memories and/or best game and/or best experience and/or best play that you remember.  We also ask that you put your name on them and a contact number or email (Those will not be published, but we might have questions or need to verify something with you).

The edition will be available at the game so we are hoping for soem help. Also, if you have any old photos you would like to email us do so. Pass this message on to all the alumni and former players you know.

Send them to

Thanks and see you at the game on Nov. 15.