BB: Regionals (West) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

Started by DIIIBASEBALLFAN, April 30, 2008, 11:22:38 AM

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Well about logging innings on arms, Yacko wanted to go in every time he appeared. There was no one put in that didn't want to go in. Kitchens was aching to go in during the championship game. There are only a few chances in a lifetime where you get to play for the national championship. Yacko and Kitchens are gamers and will do whatever needed to get Chapman to the world series. And if you weren't there, Oates was warming up in the bullpen during the championship game. Im sure the Trinity coach wants to win and so does Chapman's coach. So when you have guys that can return on short rest, the better position the team will be in.


Quote from: Ralph Turner on May 19, 2008, 12:35:05 AM
Okay, how about this...

Quote from: utilitycat17 on May 19, 2008, 12:11:29 AM
That's pretty bold to suggest that a team would go from no regional wins to at least two simply by changing the venue.  I can't imagine what would have made that big a difference.  I suppose the likes of Yacko, Kitchens, Drag, Klovstad, and others could not possibly have had any success anywhere but at home.  That seems like a reasonable suggestion.

Chapman had one extra inning walk-off game and three one-run wins.

Was Chapman less powerful on their home field in Orange in

Or 2006?

Or 2005?

Just trying to talk this one out! ;)

Here is a quick rundown of Chapman's regional appearances since 2000.
2000 at Southwestern Texas
3-0 (Won)
2001 at Chapman
4-1 (Won)
2002 N/A
2003 at Chapman
4-1 (Won)
2004 at Chapman
1-2 (Lost)
2005 at Chapman
4-1 (Won)
2006 at Chapman
4-1 (Won)
2007 at Chapman
5-1 (Won)
2008 At McMurry
4-0 (Won)

It would seem as though playing Chapman at home would be your best shot at beating them.  Chapman has not once gone undefeated at home in a regional, but they also haven't lost a road regional game since 2000.  This does not follow with "conventional wisdom."

Quote from: Ralph Turner on May 19, 2008, 06:56:33 PM
You seem to have a chip on the shoulder.  Most posts here were deferential in respect  to Chapman, in how they have been the premier program, and how much it means to play your "A" game versus the Panthers.  I took the "protecting the arms" comment to be "local" in nature, because every arm that Coach Scannell can take away from an ASC teams is one more arm that he doesn't have to face.  The comment on putting innings on the arms, especially of Yacko, was getting to where he couldn't relieve effectively in a later game, with little concern about an "arm abuse" allegation by Coach Tereshuck.

That may only be true when looking at the very recent past.  However, there has long been implications on the boards that some coaches are looking out for their players better than others.  There may in fact be some truth to that on some level.  However, when it comes at the expense of the overall success of the program I don't necessarily think it is in the best interest of the team or the players.  Each one of these coaches knows what is best for their players and they take that into consideration when they make their decisions.  However, some coaches differ on their views of how much they can use a pitcher.  There is no science to it.  If a guy says he can go, and you need him, that isn't a tough decision. 


Wow  Are we on the same page canpikit, Post after post by the Texas faithfuls lead me to belive that they HATE to see Chapman beat them Year after Year.  Quite whining and making excuses.  Play some Defence (TT) (MM).  If you have three of the top pitchers on the same team WIN your league (TTY).  If you have two Pichers that can beat Chapman THROW them (TT).  If your going to come from NAIA play some COMPETITION (TTY).  Win a REGIONAL  (TEXAS).  There is not any other board that shows the bias that the Texas faithfuls express. Sure makes it obvious there are some sourgrapes, envey, and flat out hatred that they get no chance to go to Appleton Year after Year.  Cry on some other topic you can call it       I HATE CHAPMAN  then iI wont have to read it.


Seems the talk of venues raises the ire of some more than others.  I have been to Hart Park and while it is a nice facility and certainly appears adequate, I think most would have a difficult time identifying it as a premiere facility.  I was amazed when I heard the NCAA hosted regional tournaments there.  I maintain the NCAA has an obligation to provide the players a 'field of dreams' to play on, and it should be at a neutral site.

I do not know the Chapman coaching staff, I am sure they must be very good.  I can say without hesitation that Scannel is very good and is player oriented.  If one can read meanings into a statement that is that simple and uncomplicated and it makes them sick, then so be it. While Infield Dad may be very loyal to Trinity and the SCAC, I have found his insight to the game, its players, and its coaches to be precise.  I have never known of him being unkind, but then I certainly would not want to provoke him either.

As for arms, I cannot imagine any twenty something year old telling a coach that he could not or would not take the field for his team in any competition, much less a game that leads to a title.  As I posted before, Oates would have taken the mound without a moment's hesitation if Scannel would have allowed it.  Oates is a great kid, is intensely loyal and most probably considered it worth the risk to throw on short notice in order to carry his team to a title.  The important thing is the coach did not call on him to take the risk even though he knows Oates prepares extensively and was probably ready for the challenge.  Whether Oates ever plays for pay or not (and I understand he might), he will still have to live with his arm for the rest of his life.   While I am versed in risk/reward processes I do not understand anyone that claims the risk to the long term health and well being of an amateur player is worth the reward of living vicariously through them to enjoy a victory from the stands.

By the way, whatever happened to Scott Hyde?

Good Luck to Chapman, I hope they win it all!


Same thing that happens to other Pitchers that throw the ball for eight years.  They finish School play as long as they can ,  get a job,  get married,  have a family. Oh I forgot .01% of all Players with arm problems kept them from Pitchings in the bigs. You will never win a Ring unless you let your throw.


Quote from: HALLEBASEBALL on May 20, 2008, 12:34:11 AM
Same thing that happens to other Pitchers that throw the ball for eight years.  They finish School play as long as they can ,  get a job,  get married,  have a family. Oh I forgot .01% of all Players with arm problems kept them from Pitchings in the bigs. You will never win a Ring unless you let your throw.

How about throwing batting practice to your kid, being able to reach above your head to take something off the top shelf, going to bed without having to take NSAIDs ...  I can go on, and so can others that threw too much for glory and the hope of earning a ring that are now above 40 something.  Its one thing to be a great athlete and quite another to be a stupid athlete, but then it goes back to risk/reward and what is important short term and long term...just an opinion.


Quote from: AGMAN on May 20, 2008, 12:09:41 AM

As for arms, I cannot imagine any twenty something year old telling a coach that he could not or would not take the field for his team in any competition, much less a game that leads to a title.  As I posted before, Oates would have taken the mound without a moment's hesitation if Scannel would have allowed it.  Oates is a great kid, is intensely loyal and most probably considered it worth the risk to throw on short notice in order to carry his team to a title.  The important thing is the coach did not call on him to take the risk even though he knows Oates prepares extensively and was probably ready for the challenge.  Whether Oates ever plays for pay or not (and I understand he might), he will still have to live with his arm for the rest of his life.   While I am versed in risk/reward processes I do not understand anyone that claims the risk to the long term health and well being of an amateur player is worth the reward of living vicariously through them to enjoy a victory from the stands.......

The coach is the one in charge - they know from experience what the long-term effects are by having them throwing too many innings too fast.  

McMurry has a beautiful stadium -and so does Linfield College in Oregon  //

Both of these are stadium style fields - and from I hear Chapman might be upgrading their field also.
So  move it around to make everyone happy - just give a FEW months notice so the families can make hotel reservations.  WHICH IS A NIGHTMARE on short notice (current problem in Appleton - no rooms available ANYWHERE in town).  

Ralph Turner

You Linfield guys are just proud of your baseball stadium because it is adjacent to the Catdome!   :D


Quote from: bbnag101 on May 20, 2008, 12:51:12 AM


The coach is the one in charge - they know from experience what the long-term effects are by having them throwing too many innings too fast.  

Absolute agreement, the coach is indeed in charge.  Experienced coaches know the cause and potential effect that can result from over-throwing – Good coaches care about the cause and effect that can result from over-throwing.  Experienced coaches will let their athletes play based on feelings at the heat of the moment – Good coaches will prepare their athletes to play and know they are ready when the heat of the moment arises.  Good coaches use but don't abuse their athletes.  Can an experienced coach be a good coach, you bet they can ... just an opinion.


Really did not mean to quote myself in an origial post;  :-[  sorry about that!  ;D


ag....get off the make it sound like these guys are little leaguers and we should now demand pitch counts...canpick hits the nail right on the head when he talks about players who would love to have another crack at a diii title because for 99.999%, this will be their last chance at any kind of title...i dont enjoy seeing my kids arm sore on occasion, but he is a young man that is aloud to make his own decisions and we have had a talk about the long term effects that overthrowing may have on his body and it is up to him as to what he does, as im sure most fathers have had with their sons whether he is a pitcher, infielder or outfielder.  it is okay to allow a fielder to go out and play with a sore arm,leg, foot, or whatever though?....and even though mcmurry put on a great tourney and the people were extremely kind, i would like to see the tourneys in a location that is more economically accessible such as dallas, portland, so cal., no cal, etc, it is hard and pricey to get to some of these locations on such short notice but be it as it may the texas folks really rolled out the red carpets for us in abilene...also ag, chapman has a very nice facility, maybe not the best, but one of them...these are just a few opinions


Where the games are played is irrelevant. The teams that play the best baseball with the fewest mistakes are the teams that advance to the next round.

Some teams win regardless of where they play, just like some lose regardless of where they play.
Baseball is not a game that builds character, it is a game that reveals it.


Quote from: diviiibbjunkie on May 20, 2008, 10:33:13 AM
ag....get off the make it sound like these guys are little leaguers and we should now demand pitch counts...canpick hits the nail right on the head when he talks about players who would love to have another crack at a diii title because for 99.999%, this will be their last chance at any kind of title...i dont enjoy seeing my kids arm sore on occasion, but he is a young man that is aloud to make his own decisions and we have had a talk about the long term effects that overthrowing may have on his body and it is up to him as to what he does, as im sure most fathers have had with their sons whether he is a pitcher, infielder or outfielder.  it is okay to allow a fielder to go out and play with a sore arm,leg, foot, or whatever though?....and even though mcmurry put on a great tourney and the people were extremely kind, i would like to see the tourneys in a location that is more economically accessible such as dallas, portland, so cal., no cal, etc, it is hard and pricey to get to some of these locations on such short notice but be it as it may the texas folks really rolled out the red carpets for us in abilene...also ag, chapman has a very nice facility, maybe not the best, but one of them...these are just a few opinions

I guess my only question about letting the kids make the decisions is how many things do 18-22 yr olds do that when they turn 40, they might regret it.  I am sure that we all could think of one or two things we did as a college kid that we might do differently now.  Does Chapman throw the heck out of their top guys, you bet.  Is it wrong, who knows.  It would have been very interesting to see who would have pitched game two for Trinity, because I bet we would have seen both Oates and Bronson.  Both should have the opportunity to play for pay as well....

If Trinity played only weekend games like Chapman does, I have a feeling you would see similar numbers by the top 2-3 guys on Trinity's staff like you do on Chapman's.  Bottom line, no matter where the games were played, Chapman went 4-0 and deserve the west bid to the world series.  They are ranked #1 for a reason and showed it in Abilene.  Best of luck in the CWS....

Ralph Turner

Quote from: diviiibbjunkie on May 20, 2008, 10:33:13 AM
...and even though mcmurry put on a great tourney and the people were extremely kind, i would like to see the tourneys in a location that is more economically accessible such as dallas, portland, so cal., no cal, etc, it is hard and pricey to get to some of these locations on such short notice but be it as it may the texas folks really rolled out the red carpets for us in abilene...also ag, chapman has a very nice facility, maybe not the best, but one of them...these are just a few opinions

UT-Dallas doesn't have lights on their field.  University of Dallas has very small facilities.  If Concordia-Austin builds a very nice park, then you might see the tourney sponsored in Austin some year.

Austin College has upgraded their facilities in the last year, but are no where near the accommodations that you see at McMurry or UT-Tyler. 

You also have to remember the budgets that these tourneys run on.  Another concern is the volunteer and ancillary staff that you will need at a neutral site.  You just don't have college personnel to tap into at a moment's notice when at a neutral site.


Tiger fan- get off your high horse pal. Shouldn't everybody be throwing the heck out of their top guys? Its a 40-45 game season nobody's playing 162 game schedule bud!  Anybody remember the D-1 world series Oregon State 06 and 07?? Buck, Gunderson, Nickerson.... ring any bells??? FYI- for the record the two guys that have logged the most innings for chapman aren't even the guys you are referencing. Sigman (89 innings) and Clear (91 innings) are the ones doing the majority of the work! Yacko (54.2) and Kitchens (65 innings) obviously have better numbers but do your homework when your going to post because it looks like the innings are pretty well spread out. You said that if Trinity played the same schedule as Chapman that their top guys would have similar numbers...... Well they DON'T and the numbers don't lie... Do they?? Speculate all you want but don't hate on a team and knock decisions being made and say that with a different schedule outcomes are changed. Nobody wants the half hearted, "Good Luck at the series" if all you are going to do is bash how they got there!!